
标题: 刘炳善《英国文学简史》(第3版)配套题库【章节题库(含名校考研真题)+模拟试题 [打印本页]

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标题: 刘炳善《英国文学简史》(第3版)配套题库【章节题库(含名校考研真题)+模拟试题
目录                                                                                        封面
第一部分 章节题库(含名校考研真题)
 第1章 早期和中世纪的英国文学
 第2章 英国文艺复兴
 第3章 英国资产阶级革命时期
 第4章 十八世纪的英国文学
 第5章 英国浪漫主义
 第6章 英国批判现实主义
 第7章 19世纪中后期的散文家和诗人
 第8章 二十世纪英国文学
 第9章 二战前后的诗人和小说家
第二部分 模拟试题
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第一部分 章节题库(含名校考研真题)
第1章 早期和中世纪的英国文学
1. Geoffrey Chaucer’s famous work _____ contains 20-odd stories unified by afictitious pilgrimage.(天津外国语2008研)
【答案】The CanterburyTales查看答案
2. _____is generally considered to be Chaucer’s masterpiece. (国际关系学院2007研)
【答案】The Canterbury Tales 查看答案
3. The English greatwriter Geoffrey Chaucer was born in 1343 and died in 1400. His most importantwork is _____, a long poem made up of a general introduction and 24 stories. (南开大学2007研)
【答案】The Canterbury Tales 查看答案
4. The mostmagnificent prose work of the 15th century is Le Morte D’ Arthur concerning with _____ legend.
5. Theonly important prose writer in the 15th century is Sir _____.
【答案】Thomas Malory查看答案
6. The fifteenth century has beentraditionally described as the barren age in English literature. But it is thespring tide of English _____.
7. _____ isChaucer’s longest complete poem (about 8, 000 lines) and his greatest artisticachievement.
【答案】Troilusand Criseyde查看答案
8. The CanterburyTales contains in fact a general prologue and only _____ tales, ofwhich two are left unfinished.
9. Critics tend to divide Chaucer’s literary career intothree periods: the _____ period, the _____ period and the _____ period.
【答案】French, Italian,English查看答案
10. Among the Middle English poets, three are thegreatest. One is the author of Sir Gawainand the Green Knight. The other two are _____ and _____.
【答案】William Langland,Geoffrey Chaucer查看答案
11. The Canterbury Tales contains the _____ and 24tales, two of which left unfinished.
【答案】General Prologue 查看答案
12. Chaucer employed the _____ couplet inwriting his greatest work The Canterbury Tales.
13. The framework in The Canterbury Talesis a _____.
【答案】pilgrimage 查看答案
14. When Chaucer died on the 25th ofOctober 1400, he was the first to be buried in _____.
【答案】Westminster Abbey查看答案
15. BesidesChaucer, King James I also wrote in verses of seven lines, so this kind ofverse came to be called the _____.
【答案】rhyme royal 查看答案
16. The _____ is an important stream of theBritish literature in the 15th century.
【答案】popular ballad 查看答案
17. The _____ century has traditionallybeen described as the barren age in English literature.
18. In the 14th century, the twomost important writers are _____ and Langland.
【答案】Geoffrey Chaucer查看答案
19. TodayChaucer is acclaimed not only as “the father of English poetry” but also as “thefather of English fiction”. His masterpiece is _____.
【答案】The Canterbury Tales查看答案
20. Thefifteenth century has been traditionally described as the barren age in Englishliterature. But it is the spring tide of English _____.
21. The _____provides a framework for the tales in The CanterburyTales, and it comprises a group of vivid pictures of various medieval figures.
22. The Canterbury Tales is Chaucer’s greatest workand the greater part of it was written in _____ couplets.
23. The pilgrims in TheCanterbury Tales are on their way to the shrine of St. Thomas a Becket at a place named _____.
24.Chaucer’s work _____ gives us a picture of the condition of English life of hisday, such as its work and play, its deeds and dreams, its fun and sympathy.
【答案】The Canterbury Tales查看答案
25. _____ is Chaucer’slongest complete poem (about 8, 000 lines) and his greatest artisticachievement.
【答案】Troilus and Criseyde查看答案
26. In TheCanterburyTales, from the character of _____, we may see a very vivid sketch of awoman of the middle class, and a colorfulpicture of the domestic life of that class in Chaucer’s own day.
【答案】the Wife of Bath查看答案
27. Theonly organic whole poem to come out of the Anglo-Saxons period is _____,an example of the mingling of nature myths and heroiclegends.(天津外国语2010研)
28. Beowulf is the national epicof the _____.(国际关系学院2007研)
29. Beowulf probably existed in its oralform as early as the _____ century and its hero and his adventures are placed in _____ and southern Swedenrather than in England.(国际关系学院2010研)
30. The _____ periodwitnessed a transition from tribal society to feudalism.
31.Angles, Saxons and _____ usually known as Anglo-Saxons are the first Englishmen.Language spoken by them is called _____, whichis the foundation of English language and literature.
【答案】Jutes;the Old English查看答案
32. The literature of theAnglo-Saxon period falls naturally into two divisions, _____ andChristian.
33. In the 8th century,Anglo-Saxon prose appeared. The famous prose writers of that period wereVenerable Bede and _____.
【答案】Alfredthe Great查看答案
34. The Old English poetry can be divided into two groups: the _____ poetry and the _____poetry.
【答案】secular,religious 查看答案
35. _____ is the most prevailing literaryform in the Middle Ages.
36. The history of English literaturebegins in the _____ century.
37. _____ is the oldestpoem in the English language, and also the oldest surviving epic in the Englishlanguage.
38. Theearly inhabitants on the island now we call England were _____, atribe of Celts. From the Britons the island got its name of Britain, the land of Britons.The Britons were a _____ people.
【答案】Britons, primitive查看答案
39. _____ conquered England onOctober 14, 1066. From then on began the medieval period. (南开大学2008研)
【答案】Duke of Normandy 查看答案
【解析】公元1066年,诺曼底公爵,或者叫William, the Conqueror(征服者威廉),占领英格兰,从此开始了中世纪时期。
40. In the year 1066, the Normans defeated theAnglo-Saxons at the battle of _____.
41. After the _____Conquest, feudal system was established in English society.
42. In the year 1066, the Normans defeated theAnglo-Saxons at the battle of _____.
43. By the time when England enteredinto feudal society, the society was divided into two classes: _____and _____.
【答案】landlords; peasants查看答案
1. _____,the “father of English poetry” and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London about 1340.
A. Geoffrey Chaucer
B. Sir Gawain
C. Francis Bacon 
D. John Dryden
2. Chaucer died on the 25thOctober 1400, and was buried in
D.Westminster Abbey
3. _____ was the firstto be buried in the Poet’s Comer of Westminster Abbey.
4. Chaucer’s earliest work of anylength is his _____, a translation of the French Roman de la Rose by Gaillaume de Lorrisand Jean de Meung, which was a love allegory enjoying widespread popularity inthe 13th and 14th centuries not only in Francebut throughout Europe.
A.The Romaunt of the Rose
B.A Red, Red Rose
C.Piers the Plowmand.
D.Troilus and Criseyde
5. The second period of Chaucer’sliterary career includes mainly the three longer poems written prior to TheCanterbury Tales. Among the following works which is NOT the correct one?
A.The House of Fame 
B.Troilus and Criseyde
C.The Legend of Good Women
D.The Book of the Duchess
6. _____ creative workvividly reflected the changes which had taken root in English culture of thesecond half of the 14th century.
7. Apart from originalpoems, Chaucer translated various works of French authors, among who is thefamous _____.
A.The CanterburyTales 
B.The Romaunt of the Rose
C.The Parliament of Fowls 
D.The House of Fame
8. Chaucer composes along narrative poem named _____ based on Boccaccio’s poem Filostrato.
A.The Legend of Good Women 
B.Troilus and Criseyde
C.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
9. Generally speaking, Chaucer’sworks fall into three main groups corresponding roughly to the three periods ofhis adult life. Which period is wrong? _____.
A.The period of French influence (1359-1372)
B.the period of Italian influence (1372-1386)
C.the period of English influence (1386-1400)
D.the period of American influence (1371-1382)
10. In 1066, _____,with his Norman army, succeeded in invading and defeating England.
A. William theConqueror 
B. Julius Caesar
C. Alfred theGreat 
D. Claudius
【答案】A 查看答案
11. The story of _____ isthe culmination of the Arthurian romances.
A. Sir Gawain and theGreen Knight
B. The story ofBeowulf
C. Piers the plowman
D. The Canterbury Tales
12. After the Norman Conquest,three languages existed in Englandat that time. The Normansspoke _____.
A. French
B. English
C. Latin 
D. Swedish
13.Generally speaking, it is in _____ that the English Literary history starts. (北二外2007研)
A. 6th. C. BC. 
B. 5th. C. BC
C. 6th. C. AD.
D. 5th. C. AD
【答案】D 查看答案
14. _____ isa pagan poem which portraits a panoramic picture of the tribal society inBritish Island.(北二外2008研)
A. The Legends of King Arthur
B. Beowulf
C. The Tall Tales   
D. The CanterburyTales
【答案】B 查看答案
15.The history of English literature begins in the _____ century. (北二外2009研)
A. 7th 
B. 6th
C. 5th 
D. 4th
【答案】C 查看答案
16.In English poetry, a quatrain is _____.(北二外2008研)
A. a four-linestanza   
B. a couplet
C. a fourteen-linestanza 
D. a terza rima
【答案】A 查看答案
【解析】quatrain即四行诗;a couplet是对句;a fourteen-line stanza是十四行诗,也就是sonnet;a terza rima是三韵句。
17. The Anglo-Saxons wereChristianized in the _____ century.
A. 5th
B. 6th 
C. 7th 
D. 8th
【答案】C 查看答案
18. Beowulf is a _____ poem, describing anall-round picture of the tribal society.
A. pagan 
B. Christian
C. romantic
D. lyric
【答案】A  查看答案
19. In Anglo-Saxon period,Beowulf represented the _____ poetry.
A. pagan
B. religious
C. romantic
D. sentimental
20. English literature began withthe _____ settlement in England. Of old English literature,Beowulf, the national epic of the English people, is an example of the minglingof nature myths and heroic legends.
A. Anglo-Saxon
B. Roman
C. Norman
D. Britain
21.Which tale is described by the following selection?(大连外国语2007研)
A. The Merchant’s
B. The Pardoner’s
C. The Miller’s
D. The Wife of Bath’s
Chaucer’s story describes threerogues who set out to find Death. An old man directs them to a pile of goldflorins over which they quarrel and kill one another, thus indeed findingdeath. However, the greatest irony of the story involves the pilgrim whorecounts it.
【答案】B 查看答案
22.Geoffrey Chaucer, regarded as the first famous English poet in the history ofEnglish literature, wrote the following except _____.(天津外国语2007研)
A. The Canterbury Tales
B. The House of Fame
C. The Parliament ofFowles 
D. Boethius
【答案】D 查看答案
【解析】选项D的作者是波伊提乌,罗马哲学家,被误判叛国罪处死。他在狱中写成以柏拉图思想为理论依据的名著The Consolation of Philosophy(《哲学的慰藉》)。其余选项都是乔叟的作品。
23. Beowulf, the oldest great long poem ever written in English, iscomposed in a form of _____. (天津外国语2009研)
A. epics
B. lyrics
C. folk songs
D. sagas
【答案】A 查看答案
24. Geoffrey Chaucer plannedoriginally to have each of the pilgrims tell _____ stories on the way to Canterbury and the same number ofstories on the way back in his famous TheCanterbury Tales. (天津外国语2009研)
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
【答案】B 查看答案
25. Which of the following does NOT belong to “the marriagegroup” in The Canterbury Tales?(大连外国语2008研)
A. The Wife of Bath’s Tale.
B. The Pardoner’sTale.
C. The OxfordClerk’s Tale.
D. The Franklin’sTale.
【答案】B 查看答案
26. Knights of the Round Table arecharacters serving _____ in legends, which depict chivalry in early literature.(北二外2007研)
A. Sir Lancelot
B. Sir Godwin
C. King Arthur
D. King Henry Ⅷ
【答案】C 查看答案
27. Romance was a type ofliterature that was very popular in the _____. (四川大学2008研)
A. Renaissance period
B. seventeenth century
C. Middle Ages
D. eighteenth century
【答案】C 查看答案
28. _____, the “father of English poetry” and oneof the greatest narrative poets of England,was born in Londonabout 1340.
A. Geoffrey Chaucer 
B. Sir Gawain
C. Francis Bacon
D. John Dryden
【答案】A 查看答案
29. Beowulf describes the exploits of a _____hero, Beowulf, in fighting against the monster Grendel, his revengeful mother,and a fire-breathing dragon.
A. Danish 
B. Scandinavian
C. English 
D. Norwegian
【答案】B 查看答案
30. In the 14th century, the importantwriters are the following EXCEPT _____
A. William Langland
B. John Cower
C. Thomas Malory 
D. Geoffrey Chaucer
【答案】C 查看答案
31. Chaucer wasonce influenced by Italian literature. His major work during this period is _____.
A. Troilus and Criseyde  
B. The Romaunt of the Rose
C. The Legend of Good Women
D. The Canterbury Tales
32. Chaucer’sactive career provided him not only with knowledge but also experiences, whichaccounted for the wide range of his writings. The followings are all his careerEXCEPT _____.
A. legislator and ambassador 
B. soldier and office-holder
C. businessman and churchman
D. justice and knight
33. Chaucer’s narrative poem _____is basedon Boccaccio’s poem “Filostrato”.
A. The Legend of Good Women
B. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
C. The Book of the Duchess
D. Troilus and Criseyde
34. In English poetry, a four-line stanzais called _____.
A. heroic couplet
B. quatrain
C. Spenserian stanza 
D. terza rima
【答案】B 查看答案
35. The workthat presented, for the first time in English literature, a comprehensiverealistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole galleryof vivid characters from all walks of life is most likely _____.
A. William Langland’s Piersthe Plowman
B. Geoffrey Chaucer’s TheCanterbury Tales
C. John Gower’s ConfessioAmantis
D. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
36. In the 14th century, the mostimportant writer (poet) is _____.
A. Langland
B. Wyclif
C. Gower 
D. Chaucer
37. William Langland’s _____ iswritten in the form of a dream vision.
A. Kubla Khan 
B. Piers the Plowman
C. The Dream of John Bull
D. Morte d’Arthur
38. Piers the Plowmandescribes a series of wonderful dreams the author dreamed, through which, wecan see a picture of the life in the _____ England.
A. primitive
B. feudal
C. bourgeois
D. modem
Key: Assonance: the repetition of identical or similar vowelsounds in the stressed syllables (and sometimes in the following unstressedsyllables) of neighboring words, especially in poetry. Assonance is often employed to please the ear oremphasize certain sounds. It is distinct from rhymein that the consonants differ although the vowels or diphthongs match: sweetdreams, hit or miss.As a substitute for rhyme at the ends of verse lines,assonance had a significant function in early Celtic, Spanish and FrenchVersification.
2.Ottava rima(人大2007研)
Key: Ottava rima is a rhyming stanza form of Italian origin, which inEnglish consists of eight iambic lines, usually iambic pentametersoriginally used for long poems on heroic themes, and itlater came to be popular in the writing of mock-heroic works.
Key: Folktale:A folktale is a story passed on by word of mouth rather than by writing, andthus partly modified by successive retellings before being written down orrecorded. The category includes legends, fables, jokes, fairy tales etc. Manyfolktales involve mythical creatures and magical transformations. A famousfolktale is Thousand and One Nights.
Key: Beowulf: Beowulf is an Old English heroic epic poem of unknown authorship,dating as recorded in the Nowell Codex manuscript from between the 8thand the early 11th century, set in Denmarkand Sweden.Commonly cited as one of the most important works of Anglo-Saxon literature, Beowulf has been the subject of muchscholarly study, theory, speculation, discourse, and, at 3182 lines, has beennoted for its length. In the poem, Beowulf, a hero of the Geats, battles threeantagonists: Grendel, Grendel’s mother; and an unnamed dragon. In the finalbattle, Beowulf is fatally wounded. After his death his retainers bury him in atumulus in Geatland.
5.epic (天津外国语学院2007研;厦门大学2008研)
Key: epic: It is, originally, an oral narrative poem, majestic both in themeand style. Epics deal with legendary or historical events of national oruniversal significance, involving actions of broad sweep and grandeur. Most epics dealwith the exploits of a single individual, thereby giving unity to thecomposition. Great epics include TheIliad and The Odyssey by Homer.
6.Alliteration (南开大学2010研)
Key: Alliteration: ①(also known as ‘head rhyme’ or ‘initialrhyme’), the repetition of the same sounds—usually initial consonants of wordsor of stressed syllables—in any sequence of neighboring words. ②Now an optional and incidental decorativeeffect in verse or prose, it was once a required element in the poetry ofGermanic languages (including Old English and Old Norse) and in Celtic verse. ③ Such poetry, in which alliteration rather thanrhyme is the chief principle of repetition, is known as alliteration verse; itsrules also allow a vowel sound to alliterate with any other vowel.
7. Old English period (the Anglo- Saxonperiod)
Key: Old English period (the Anglo-Saxon period): ①The Old English Period, extendedfrom the invasion of Celtic England by Germanic tribes (the Angles, Saxons, andJutes) in the first half of the fifth century to the conquest of England in1066 by the Norman French under the leadership of William the Conqueror. ②Only after they hadbeen converted to Christianity in the seventh century did the Anglo-Saxons, whoseearlier literature had been oral, begin to develop a written literature.
8.Romance(北外2011 研) 
Key: Romance: ①itrefers to a fictional story in verse or prose thatrelates improbable adventures of idealized characters in some remote orenchanted settings; or, more generally, a tendency in fiction opposite to thatof realism. ②The term now embraces many forms of fiction from the Gothic noveland the popular escapist love story to the scientific romances of H.G..Wells, but it usually refers to the tales of King Arthur’s knights written inthe late Middle Ages. ③Medieval romance is distinguished from epic by its concerning oncourtly love rather than warlike heroism. Later prose romances differ fromnovels in their preference for allegory and psychological exploration ratherthan realistic social observation, especially in American works like NathanielHawthorne’s The Blithedale Romance.
9.Freudianism (国际关系学院2007研)
Key: Freudianism:Freudianism derives from Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist who founded thepsychoanalytic school of psychology. Freudianism emphasizes the importance ofunconscious forces in determining the beliefs and actions of human beings. Thetheory also has great influence on literature in the 20th century. A lot ofmodern writers such as Woolf, Joyce and Lawrence are deeply influenced byFreudianism.
10.Arthurian legend
Key: Arthurianlegend: It is a group of tales (in severallanguages)that developed in the Middle Ages concerning Arthur, semi-historicalking of the Britons and his knights. The legend is a complex weaving of ancientCeltic mythology with later traditions around a core of possible historicalauthenticity.
11.heroic couplet (人大2006研;厦门大学2007研;北航2010研)
Key: Heroic couplet: A heroic couplet is a traditional form forEnglish poetry, commonly used for epic and narrative poetry; it refers to poemsconstructed from a sequence of rhyming pairs of iambic pentameter lines. Therhyme is always masculine. The use of the heroic couplet was firstpioneered by Geoffrey Chaucer in TheLegend of Good Women and TheCanterbury Tales.
Key: Prose: ①the form of a written language thatis not organized according to the formal patterns of verse; Although it willhave some sort of rhythm and some devices of repetition and balance, these arenot governed by a regularly sustained formal arrangement, the significant unitbeing the sentence rather than the line. ② Some uses of the term include spoken language as well, but it isusually more helpful to maintain a distinction at least between written proseand everyday speech, if not formal oratory. ③ Prose has as its minimum requirement some degree of continuouscoherence beyond that of a mere list.
13.Morality play
Key: Morality play: ① a kind of religious drama popularin England, Scotland, France, and elsewhere in Europe in the 15thand early 16th centuries. ②Morality plays are dramatizedallegories, in which personified virtues, vices, diseases, and temptationsstruggle for the soul of man as he travels from birth to death. ③ They instill a simple message of Christiansalvation, but often include comic scenes. The best-known is Everyman. They had a considerableinfluence on the development of Elizabethan drama.
14. Couplet  
Key: Couplet: ① A couplet is a pair of rhymedverse lines, usually of the same length; One of the most widely usedverse-forms in European poetry. ②Chaucer established the use ofcouplet in English, notably in the CanterburyTales, using rhymed iambic pentameters later known as heroic couplets, aform revived in the 17th century by Ben Jonson, Dryden and others.
15.Ballad (Popular ballad)(厦门大学2008研;国际关系学院2007研) 
Key: Ballad (Popularballad): ①a folk song or orally transmitted poems telling a direct dramaticmanner some popular story usually derived from a tragic incident in localhistory or legend. The story is told simply, impersonally, and often with vividdialogue. ②Ballads are normally composed in quatrains with vivid alternatingfore-stress and three-stress lines, the second and fourth lines rhyming;. Butsome ballads are in couplet form, and some others have six-line stanzas. ③Appearing inmany parts of Europe in the late Middle Ages, ballads flourished particularlystrongly in Scotland from the 15th century onward. Since the 18thcentury, educated poets outside the folk-song tradition – notably Coleridge andGoethe—have written imitations of the popular ballad’s form and style:Coleridge’s ‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ is a celebrated example.
1. Why is the Knightfirst in the General Prologue to tella tale in Canterbury Tales? (北航2009研)
Key: Accordingto Chaucer’s words before he introduces the pilgrims, he judges each one by whomthey are, what is their degree and their arriving sequence. At that time, theupper class or nobility is represented chiefly by the Knight and his Squire, which means that the Knight hasthe highest degree among the pilgrims. They are noble for their bravery in thebattles and their loyalty to the woman. The Knight tells his tragic love storywhich was treasured by people at that time. So the Knight is the first to tella tale. This shows the social class at that time. Secondly, according to Chaucer’sdescription, the Knight is in the front of the other entire persons.
2. What is Chaucer’s contributionto the English language?
Key: (1) Chaucer’s language is vivid and exact. His words are easy to understand.
(2) He introduced from France the “heroiccouplet” to English poetry.
(3) Though influenced by French, and Italian literature models, he is the first important poet towrite in the current English language. His production of so much excellentpoetry was an important factor in establishing English as the literary languageof the country.
3. What are the artistic featuresof Piers the Plowman?
Key: Artistic features of Piers the Plowman:
(1) Piers the Plowman is writtenin the form of a dream vision.
(2) The poem is an allegory whichrelates truth through symbolism.
(3) The poem is asatire on the corruption prevailing among the ruling classes, ecclesiasticaland secular.
(4) Alliteration is notablein this poem.
4. What is the function of thePrologue to The Canterbury Tales?
Key: (1) The Prologue is a splendidmasterpiece of realistic portrayal, it is usually regarded as the greatestportrait gallery in English literature.
(2) From the Prologue, we can seethat Chaucer is a talented portrait painter. The pilgrims presented vividly inthe Prologue are the representatives of various walks of life and socialgroups, with various interests, tastes and predilections. Each of the narratorsreveals his or her own views and character. Thus Chaucer created a strikingbrilliant and picturesque panorama of his time and his country.
(3) The prologue sets the tonefor the story-telling .
(4) There is also an intimateconnection between the tales and the Prologue, both complementing each other.The Prologue provides a framework for the tales.
5. What is Chaucer’s contributionto the English language?
Key: (1) Chaucer’s language is vivid and exact. His words areeasy to understand.
(2) He introduced from France the “heroiccouplet” to English poetry.
(3) Though influenced by French,and Italian literature models, he is the first important poet to write in thecurrent English language. His production of so much excellent poetry was animportant factor in establishing English as the literary language of thecountry.
6. What is the socialsignificance of The Canterbury Tales?
Key: (1) In his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer givesus a true-to-life picture of the society of his time.
(2) As a forerunner of humanism, he praisesman’s energy, intellect, quick wit and love of life. His tales expose and satirize the degeneration of the noble, theheartlessness of the judge, the corruption of the Church and so on.
7. What are the essentialfeatures of romance in the medieval English literature?
Key: The romance was the prevailing form of literature in the Middle Ages.It was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, used to singknightly adventures or other heroic deeds. Its essential features are:
(1) The centralcharacter of the romance is the knight, a man of noble birth skilled in the useof weapons. He is commonly described as riding forth to accomplish somemissions—to protect the church, to attackinfidelity, to rescue a maiden, to meet a challenge or to obey a knightlycommand.
(2) Romantic loveis an important part of the plot in the romance.
(3) It lacks generalresemblance to truth or reality.
(4) The structure is loose and episodic, andthe language is simple and straight forward.
8. What are the major subjects that theEnglish romance mainly deals with?
Key: ①The Englishromance mainly deals with three major subjects: the “Matter of France”, the “Matter ofRome”, and the “Matter of Britain”.
②The “Matter of France”means a collection of tales about Charlemagne, the mighty ruler of France and neighboring countries around 800 A.D.,and his peers and their wars against the Saracens.
③The “Matter of Rome” coverseverything from the ancient Romans and the Greeks. Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia and conqueror of Greece, Egypt, Indiaand Persian Empire is the favorite hero ofthis group. Besides this, Trojan War is also dealt with in this group.
The “Matter ofBritain” means the legendary history of Britain. It mainly deals with theexploits of King Arthur and his knights.
9. What is the influence of theNorman Conquest upon English language and literature?
Key: (1) During the period of the Norman Conquest, English andNorman-French existed side by side in England, together with Latin.French for quite a long time prevailed among the noble; Latin was at bigger schoolsand it also used in the churches and monasteries; and the lower ranks made useof English.
(2) In this period, Englishlanguage had experienced gradual but radical and extensive changes. Thousandsof words were borrowed from French and through Frenchfrom Latin and also Greek, but many English worlds disappeared at the sametime. The English language in this transitional stage from Old English toModern English has generally been known as Middle English.
(3) The literature was varied ininterest and extensive in range. The Normansbegan to write histories or chronicles. Most of them were written in Latinof French. The prevailing form of literature in the feudal England was theRomance.
10. What are the essentialfeatures of romance in the medieval English literature?
Key: The romance was the prevailing form of literature in theMiddle Ages. It was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, used to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds.Its essential features are:
(1) The central character of theromance is the knight, a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapons. Heis commonly described as riding forth to accomplishsome missions—to protect the church, to attack infidelity, to rescue a maiden,to meet a challenge or to obey a knightly command.
(2) Romantic love is an importantpart of the plot in the romance.
(3) It lacks general resemblanceto truth or reality.
(4) The structure is loose and episodic, and the language is simple and straight forward.
11. Make comments on the romanceSir Gawain and the Green Knight.
Key: (1) The story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight isthe culmination of the Arthurian romances. It was a long composition, sometimesin verse, sometimes in prose, used to sing knightly adventures or other heroicdeeds.
(2) This romance is aninteresting combination of French and Saxon element. It is written in anelaborate stanza combining meter and alliteration. At the end of each stanza,there is a rimed refrain.
(3) Its theme id a series oftests on faith, courage, purity and human weakness for self-preservation.
(4) Besides, the romance givesthe reader an engrossing tale well told, vested in beautiful poetry andcontaining many artistic merits. With a preference for irony,suggestion and implication, the author tries to make his romance the vehicle ofa wise morality in which the humorous grotesque merges with the morallyserious. Its language is simple and straightforward. That is why the poem hasshared great popularity over and above most other romances of the period.
12. Whatare the artistic features of Old English poetry?
Key: (1)Theuse of alliteration. Each full line has four stresses with a number ofunstressed syllables, three of which begin with the same sound or letter.
(2)The use of the strongstress and the predominance of consonants. Almost all this poetry is composedwithout rhyme. Each line is divided into two halves and each half has two heavystresses.
(3)The use of vivid poeticdiction and parallel expressions for a single idea, such as the sea is called“swan-road” or “whale-path”, a soldier is called “shield-bearer”, “battle-hero”or “spear-fighter”, etc.
13. What are the writing featuresof Beowulf?
Key: Writing features of the poem Beowulf:
(1) It is a pagan poem of all advancedpagan civilization, presenting a panoramic picture of the tribal society.
(2) The use of alliteration is anotable feature and makes the stresses more emphatic.
(3) The use of the strong stressand the predominance of consonants are also very notable in this poem.
(4) There are a lot of metaphorsand understatements in this poem.
14. What are the main incidentsin the poem Beowulf?
Key: The main incidents of the poem cover Beowulf’s fight withthe monster Grendel in Hrothgar’s Hall, Beowulf’s fight against Grendel’srevengeful mother, his return in glory to his uncle and his succession to thethrone, and his defeat over the fire dragon with his life as the cost.
15. What are the maincharacteristics of Anglo-Saxon literature?
Key: (1) Anglo-Saxon literature, is almost exclusively a verseliterature in oral form. It could be passed down by word of mouth fromgeneration to generation. It is given a written form long after itscomposition.
(2) English poetry in Anglo-Saxonperiod falls into two groups: pagan poetry and religious poetry. Beowulf is therepresentative of the pagan poetry. It is the oldest poem and the mostimportant specimen of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest survivingepic in the English language. Religious poetry is represented by the works ofCaedmon and Cynewuff.
1. Summarize Chaucer’s literarycareer.
Key: Chaucer’s literary career can be divided into threeperiods corresponding with those of his life. (1) The first period refers tothe period of French influence. In this period he wrote in the manner ofcontemporary French poets. Among his original poems in his early period, thebest known is The Book of the Duchess, an elegy written upon the death of thefirst wife of the poet’s patron John of Gaunt. The Romance of the Rose is atranslation of a 13th-century French poem.(2) The second periodrefers to the period of Italian influence, especially of Dante and Boccaccio.In this period, he chiefly used the “heroic” stanza of seven lines. His mainworks in this period are three longer poems: The House of Fame, Troilus andCriseyde, The Legend of Good Women.(3) The third period refers to the period ofhis maturity. In this period, he forms his own writing style. He has his ownchoice of subject and diction, his own grasp of plots and characters. Hismasterpiece The Canterbury Tales was produced in this period. He mainly usedthe “heroic couplet”.
2. How did Chaucer’s creative workreflect the changes of the English society in the second half of the 14thcentury? How much was Chaucer influenced by foreignauthors such as Dante or Boccaccio? What are some ofthe significances of such influences? (人大2007研)
Key: (1) At that time, the feudal system had already begun to crumble. Hiswork,for the first time in Englishliterature,created a comprehensive realisticpicture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vividcharacters from all walks of life. For example, his masterpiece The Canterbury Tales is a collection of storiestold by a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury which are from all walks of life.His characterization is very vivid and the true side of society at that time isrevealed.
(2) Dante and Boccaccio not only had directinfluence on Chaucer’s poem in form and content, but also had determinedeffects on his world value. Since then, his literary activities turned into anactive and creative phase which is marked by his two long poems, The House of Fame and Troilus and Criseyde. Chaucer mainlywrote three longer poems using the heroic stanza of seven lines. From theperspective of newly citizen class, he held positive attitude towards love andindividual happiness and rejected feudalism and religious abstinence.
(3) Chaucer’s poetry traces out a path to theliterature of English Renaissance. Chaucer’s poem marks a new step in theauthor’s progress to maturity and is distinguished for its profound delineationof characters and truthful description of human relations. Chaucer chose themetrical poetry which laid the foundation of the English tonico-syllabic verse.He did much in making the dialect of London.
3. Compare Chaucer’s The CanterburyTales with Old English poetry and the works of other Middle English poetsto illustrate that Chaucer is the firstrealistic writer in English literature.
Key: ①TheOld English poetry is specifically Christian, devoted to religious subjects.More importantly, it is almost all in the heroic mode due to the greatinfluence of the heroic ideal, i.e. Beowulfis the ideal of kingly behavior. The idealized hero figures predominantly inOld English literature. ②MiddleEnglish romance generally concerns the knight. It makes liberal use of theimprobable, often of the supernatural. ③Religiouswriting reflects the unchanging principles of medieval Christian doctrine,which looks to the world to come for the only answer to men’s troubles. WilliamLangland’s Piers the Plowman reflectsthe great religious and social issues of his day, yet it is written in the formof a dream vision. ④ It is Chaucer alone who,for the first time in English literature, presented to us a comprehensiverealistic picture of the English society of his time and created a wholegallery of vivid characters from all walks of life in his masterpiece The CanterburyTales.
4. State the social significance of WilliamLangland’s Piers the Plowman andcomment on the poem’s writing features.
Key: ① Piers the Plowman remains a classic in popular literature. It was very popular throughout thefourteenth and the fifteenth centuries. It praises the poor peasants, andcondemns and exposes the sins of the oppressors. It played an important part inarousing the revolutionary sentiment on the eve of the Rising of 1381 headed byWat Tyler and John Ball.
②It is a realistic picture ofmedieval England. But Piers is not a representative of the poor peasants. He isone of the well-to-do peasants. He has no intention of upsetting the feudalorder of society, and he accepts the existing social relations. This is thelimitation of the poem.
③ Writing features:
(1) Piers the Plowman iswritten in the form of a dream vision. The author tells his story under theguise of having dreamed of it.
(2) The poem isan allegory which relates truth through symbolism.
(3) The poetuses indignant satire in his description of social abuses caused by thecorruption prevailing among the ruling classes, ecclesiastical and secular.
(4) The poem iswritten in alliteration.
5. What is the function of the General Prologueto The Canterbury Tales?
Key: ①The General Prologue is usually regarded as the greatest portraitgallery in English literature. It is largely composed of a series of sketchesdiffering widely in length and method, and blending the individual and the typical invarying degrees. ②The purpose of the General Prologue is not only to present a vividcollection of character sketches, but also to reveal the author’s intention inbringing together a great variety of people and narrative materials to unitethe diversity of the tales by allotting them to a diversity of tellers engagedin a common endeavor, to set the tone for the story-telling—one of jollity which accords withthe tone of the whole work: that of grateful acceptance of life, to make clearthe plan for the tales, to motivate the telling of tales and to introduce thepilgrims and the time and occasion of the pilgrimage. ③On the otherhand, there is also an intimate connection between the tales and the Prologue,both complementing each other. The Prologue provides a framework for the tales.
6. What is the mostimportant department of English folk literature? And make comments on its mostfamous cycle: the Robin Hood Ballads.
Key: (1) The most important department of English folkliterature is the ballad. A ballad is a story told in song, usually inquatrains with alternating four-stress and three-stress lines, the second andfourth lines rhyming. When it was chanted by ball-assigners, the audiencejoined in a refrain which usually followed each stanza. They are mainly theliterature of the peasants, and in them one is able to understand the outlookof the English common people in feudal society.
The subject of ballads arevarious in kind, as the struggle of young lovers against their feudal-mindedfamilies, the conflict between love and wealth, the cruelty of jealousy, thecriticism of the civil war, and the matters of class struggle.
(2) The most famous cycle ofEnglish ballads centers on the stories about a legendary outlaw called RobinHood. Robin Hood, a legendary popular hero, is depicted in the ballads as avaliant outlaw, famous in archery, living under the greenwood tree with hismerry men, taking from the rich and giving to the poor, waging war againstbishops and archbishops, and constantly hunted by the sheriffs, whom he constantlyoutwits.
Clearly the historical origin ofRobin Hood and his band of outlaws is to be found in the perpetual struggles ofthe peasants against the landlords, against the local officials and against theking’s judges. Robin Hood is a partly historical and partly legendarycharacter.
The character of Robin Hood ismany-sided. Strong, brave and clever, he is at the same time tender-hearted andaffectionate. But the dominant key in his character is his hatred for the crueloppressors and his love for the poor and downtrodden. Robin Hood appears to bedevout and orthodox in religion. Another feature of Robin’s view is hisreverence for the king. The king appears in the ballads as an intermediarybetween the outlaws and his officials and judges, as the humorous andunderstanding guest in the greenwood, feasting on his own stolen deer. In spiteof this, the Robin Hood ballads show the fighting spirit, indomitable courageand revolutionary energy of the English peasantry.
(此题分两部分作答,第一部分主要分析什么是歌谣以及歌谣的写作主题;第二部分主要分析Robin Hood 的主要内容,主题和Robin Hood的形象。)
7. What are the three parts told in the story of Beowulf?. How isheroic ideal reflected in Beowulf?
Key: ①Structurally speaking, Beowulf is built around three fights.The first part deals with the fight between Beowulf and the monster Grendelthat has been attacking the great hall of Heorot, built by Hrothgar, the DanishKing. The second part involves a battle between Beowulf and Grendel’s mother, awater-monster, who takes revenge by carrying off one of the king’s noblemen.The last part is about the fight between Beowulf and a firedrake that ravagesBeowulf’s kingdom.
②Beowulf is a pagan poem concerned withthe heroic ideal of kings and kingship in North Europe. Battle is a way of life at that time.Strength and courage are basic virtues for both kings and his warriors. Theking should protect his people and show gentleness and generosity to hiswarriors. And in return, his warriors should show absolute obedience andloyalty to the king. By praising Beowulf s wisdom, strength and courage, and byglorifying his death for his people, the poem presents the heroic ideal of aking and his good relations to his warriors and people.
Passage 1 (南开大学2009研)
From The CanterburyTales
Speaking of his equipment, he (theknight) possessed
Fine horses, but he was not gailydressed.
He wore a fustian tunic stainedand dark
With smudges where hisarmor had left mark.
1.What does the fact that the knight owns fine horses indicate?
Key: The fact indicates that the knightrepresents a real knight and the ideal of a medieval Christian man-at-arms.
2.What does the clothes he wears indicate?
Key: The knight wears a fustian tunicstained and dark with smudges, which indicates that he has recently returnedfrom an expedition.
3.What does Geoffrey Chaucer want to show through these details?
Key: Through these details, Chaucerwants to show that the knight is brave, experienced, devout and prudent. TheKnight rides at the front of the procession described in the General Prologue,and his story is the first in the sequence. The Host clearly admires theKnight, as does the narrator.
Question 4 is based on the followingpassage of The Canterbury Tales.
From The Canterbury Tales
Nomorsel from her lips did she (the nun) let fall,
Nor dipped herfingers in the sauce too deep…
And she would wipe her upper lip so clean
That not atrace of grease was to be seen
Upon the cup when she had drunk.
4. What does thenarrator think of the nun? Why do you think so?
Key: The narrator does not admire the nun. The author describes the nun with irony. Thoughthe nun is well-educated and has good manners, she gives much importance tothose things that should not be important for a nun. For example, the author issarcastic when he uses the example of her feeling for a mouse to testify hercharity and pity. Her dress is also not suitable for a nun: “She wore a coraltrinket on her arm,/ A set of beads, the gaudies tricked in green,/ Whence hunga golden brooch of brightest sheen/ On which there first was graven a crownedA,/ And lower, Amor vincit omnia.”
Passage 2
When the sweet showers of April fall and shoot
Down through the drought of March to pierce the root,
Bathing every vein in liquid power
From which there springs the engendering of the flower,
When also Zephyrus with his sweet breath
Exhales an air in every grove and heath
Upon the tender shoots, and the young sun
His half-course in the sign of the Ram has run,
And the small fowls are making melody
That sleep away the night with open eye
(So nature pricks them and their heart engages)
The people long to go on pilgrimages
And palmers long to seek the stranger strands
Of far-off saints, hallowed in sundry lands,
And specially, from every shire’s end
In England, downto Canterburythey wend
To seek the holy blissful martyr, quick
In giving help to them when they were sick.
1. What is expressed in these opening linesof The Canterbury Tales?
Key: ①The openinglines are a superb expression of a double view of the Canterbury pilgrimage.The first eleven lines are a chant of welcome to the spring with its harmoniousmarriage between heaven and earth which mellows vegetations, pricks fouls andstirs the heart of man with a renewing power of nature. Thus, the pilgrimageis treated as an event in the calendar of nature, an aspect of the generalspringtime surge of human energy which wakens man’s love of nature. ② But spring is also the season ofEaster and is allegorically regarded as the time of the Redemption through thesacrifice of Jesus Christ with its connotations of religious rebirth whichwakens man’s love of God (divine love). Therefore, the pilgrimage is alsotreated as an event in the calendar of divinity, an aspect of religious pietywhich draws pilgrims to holy places.
2. How does the author emphasize thetransition from nature to divinity?
Key: ① The structure of this opening passage can beregarded as one from the whole Western tradition of the celebration of springto a local event of English society, from natural forces in their generaloperation to a specific Christian manifestation. ② The transition from nature to divinity is emphasized by contrastbetween the physical vitality which conditions the pilgrimage and the spiritualsickness which occasions the pilgrimage, as well as by parallelism between therenewal power of nature and the restorative power of supernature (divinity).
3.Comment on Chaucer’s contribution of rhymed stanzas.
Key: Chaucer introduced various rhymed stanzas to English poetry toreplace the Old English alliterative verse. He first introduced into English octosyllabiccouplet and the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter which is to be calledlater the heroic couplet, And in TheCanterbury Tales, he employed the heroic couplet with true ease and charmfor the first time in the history of English literature


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