contradict | 词义 | ① to disagree with sth by saying that the opposite is true反驳,批驳[近deny, oppose] ② (of facts, statements, etc) to be so different from each other that one of them must be wrong(指事实、陈述等)相抵触、相矛盾 [近clash, discord, disagree] |
例句 | ...ghosts, creationism and other phenomena that contradict the scientific worldview鬼怪、上帝造物论和其他违背科学世界观的现象(1998阅读Text 3) | |
dedicate | 词义 | ① to give all your attention and effort to a particular activity or purpose将(时间、精力等)奉献给[+ oneself/sth to sth/doing sth] [近devote] ② to say at the beginning of a book, a piece of music or a performance that you are doing it for sb, as a way of thanking them or showing respect (在书、音乐或作品的前部)题献词[+sth to sb] ③ to state in an official ceremony that sth has a special purpose or will be given sb's name in order to show respect for them 为……举行落成仪式 |
例句 | ...the one modern form of expression almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness几乎完全致力于描绘快乐的那种现代表达形式(2006阅读Text 4) | |
dictate | 词义 | ①to say or read aloud words for sb else to write down口授;让(某人)听写 ②to state or order sth with force of authority强行规定,指使 [+sth to sb,+to sb] [近prescribe] ③to control or influence sth; determine支配,摆布,决定 [近dominate, rule, direct, control, determine] ④ [C,常用复数] an order, rule, or principle that you have to obey命令, 指示 [近command, direction, instruction, order] |
例句 | ...occasionally attending a shareholders' meeting to dictate their orders to the management 偶尔参加股东会议向管理人员发号施令(1996 阅读Text 3) | |
index | 词义 | ① [复数indexes] an alphabetical list of names, subjects where they can be found; a set of cards containing these information, esp. in a library(人名、题目等的)索引;卡片目录(索引) ②[复数indices]a sign or measure that sth else can be judged by标志,指标[近sign, indication, indicator, mark, symptom, token] ③ [复数indices 或 indexes] a system by which prices, costs etc can be compared to those of a previous date(用于比较今昔价格、费用等的)指数 ④ to make an index for sth or add sth to an index为……编索引,将……编入索引 ⑤to arrange for the level of wages, pensions etc to increase or decrease according to the level of prices 使(工资、养老金等)与物价水平等挂钩 [+sth(to sth)] |
例句 | Now, consider three indices of assimilation—language, home ownership and intermarriage. 现在,考虑一下三个同化的标志——语言、房产所有权和异族通婚。(2006阅读Text 1) | |
indicate | 词义 | ① [T,I] to show that a particular situation exists or that sth is likely to be true; to be a sign of sth表明,显示;暗示,象征[+sth/that/wh-] [近denote, show, suggest, imply, hint] ②[T]to represesnt information without using words; to give information in writing标示,显示(信息);写明,注出[+sth/wh-] ③ [T]to direct sbs attention to sth, for example by pointing指,指出,指向(以引起注意) [+sb/sth (to sb),+wh/that] [近show, point to] ④[T] to show the direction in which you intend to turn in a vehicle, using lights or your hands 打行车转向信号 ⑤[T]to mention sth, esp. in an indirectly way暗示,间接提及 [+sth (to sb),+that] [近testify, witness] ⑥ [T][常用被动] to be necessary or recommended有必要,被建议 |
predict | 词义 | ① to say that sth will happen or happen in a particular way预言,预料,预测 [近forecast, anticipate] |
例句 | And if you need to predict human height in the near future to design a piece of equipment... 如果你需要预测不久将来的人的身高以便设计一种装备(2008 阅读Text 3) | |
verdict | 词义 | ①an official decision made by a jury in a court of law about whether sb is guilty of a crime or not(法庭上陪审团做出的)裁决,裁定 [近judgement, sentence] ② an official decision or opinion made by a person or group with authority正式决定,意见,结论[+on sb/sth] [近resolution, determination] |
例句 | ... witnesses might be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to ensure guilty verdicts.为了确保法庭给被告定罪,证人可能会被怂恿在法庭上夸大事实。(2001知识运用) | |
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dignity | 词义 | ①[U]a calm and serious manner or quality that earns or deserves respect高尚,尊贵,尊严[近decency, honor, nobility, grace];庄严,庄重 [近solemnity, majesty] ② [U] a sense of your own importance and value自重,自尊,自豪[近selfimportance, selfrespect, selfesteem] |
例句 | It will not solve our problems, however, until it replaces traditional prescientific views, and these are strongly entrenched. Freedom and dignity illustrate the difficulty. 然而,除非行为技术取代科学出现之前形成的传统观念,否则它无法解决我们的问题,而这些传统观念已经根深蒂固。自由和尊严就能说明困难程度。(2002翻译) | |
indignant | 词义 | ① angry and surprised because one feels insulted or unfairly treated(由于受辱或受不公平待遇而表示)气愤的,愤慨的,愤愤不平的 [+at/about sth; +that] [近resentful, furious] |
例句 | Feelings of righteous indignation, it seems, are not the preserve of people alone.义愤填膺似乎不是人类的专利。(2005阅读Text 1) | |
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doctor | 词义 | ① to give sb medical treatment, esp. when you are not a doctor医治,救治 ② to dishonestly change sth in order to deceive sb篡改,伪造 [近falsify, fabricate, distort] ③ to add sth harmful to food or drink将(尤指毒药等)有害物掺入……中 |
例句 | He is not supposed to cook his experiments, manufacture evidence, or doctor his reports. 他不应该伪造实验结果,编造证据,或篡改报告。(2006翻译) | |
doctrine | 词义 | ① [C] a belief or set of beliefs that form the main part of a religion or system of ideas信条,教义,主义,学说 [近teaching, ideology, theory] |
例句 | ...abandoning the doctrine of “juggling your life”, and making the alternative move into “downshifting”放弃“忙忙碌碌”的生活教条,转而选择“放慢生活节奏”(2001阅读Text 5) | |
document | 词义 | ① a book or paper that has official information on it or that can be used as evidence or proof of sth文件,公文,文献,证件 [近file, text, papers, literature] ② a piece of written work that is stored on a computer(计算机)文档,文件 [近file] ③ to record the details of sth记录,记载 [近record] ④ to support or prove an opinion, argument etc with recorded facts用文件证明、证实 [近prove, evidence, confirm, authenticate, demonstrate] |
例句 | ...the trend that Mr McWhorter documents is unmistakable.麦荷特先生所记录的这种趋势是确凿无误的。(2005阅读Text 4) | |
documentary | 词义 | ① consisting of or written on documents文件的,文献的 ② giving a factual report of some subject or activity, esp. by using pictures, recordings, etc of people involved记实的,记录的(尤指提供图片、 录音等材料) ③[C]a film or television/radio programme that gives facts and information about sth纪录片;纪实广播(或电视)节目 |
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