conduct | 词义 | ① (of a substance)to allow electricity or heat to travel along or though (物质)传导(热、电流等) ②to guide or lead sb around somewhere陪伴;引导,带领[+sb+ ad./prep.] ③to direct a group of people who are singing or playing music指挥(乐团) ④to organize or carry out a particular activity组织,安排,实施,执行 [近direct, manage, control] ⑤to behave in a particular way举止,表现 [+oneself+ ad./prep.] ⑥the way sb behaves, esp in public, in their job etc(尤指在公开场合和工作中的)行为,举止 ⑦the way a business, activity etc is organized(某项生意、活动的)组织安排,管理经营[+of sth] | ||
例句 | Your outline should smoothly conduct you from one point to the next.写作提纲应当指引你从一个点自然地过渡到下一个点。(2008阅读part B) | |||
deduce | 词义 | to form an opinion about sth based on the information available推理,推断,演绎 [+sth from sth,+that,+wh] [近infer, conclude, gather, judge, draw] | ||
例句 | IQ tests ask you... to deduce numerical sequences... 智商测试要求你……推导数字序列(2007阅读Text 2) | |||
deduct | 词义 | [常用被动态]to take away an amount or part from a total(从总量中)减去,扣除[+sth (from sth)] [近subtract] | ||
例句 | ...with much higher deductibles and a large new dose of investment risk for families' future healthcare 自付扣除金提高以及未来家庭的医疗保健将面临大量新增的投资风险(2007阅读Text 3) | |||
induce | 词义 | to persuade or influence sb to do sth劝说,诱使[+sb to do sth] [近persuade, prevail on, get, convince] | ||
例句 | ...the mere presence of a grape in the other chamber ...was enough to induce resentment in a female capuchin.只要在另一房间里出现了葡萄……都足以引起雌卷尾猴的怨恨。(2005阅读 Text 1) | |||
introduce | 词义 | ①to present sb/yourself to other people (自我)介绍;引见 [+sb/oneself (to sb)] ②to tell the audience the details about a television or radio show or the person involved in the show主持(节目);介绍(讲演者或演员) ③to be the start of sth new作为……的开头;创始 ④to put sth into sth将……放进;添加[+sth (into sth)] ⑤to make sb learn about sth or do sth for the first time使(某人)初次了解、尝试 [+sb to sth; +sth (to sb)] ⑥to bring sth (a new product, a law, etc) into use or discussion for the first time; to formally present a new law to be discussed推行,实施,采用 [+sth into/to sth] [近bring in] ;(向议会)提交议案 ⑦to bring sth (an animal, a disease, an idea etc) to a place for the first time引进,传入 [+sth into/to sth] [近bring in] | ||
例句 | ...the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a draft bill ……大法官将要提出一项草拟法案。(2001知识运用) | |||
introduction | 词义 | ①the act of introducing sb(正式的)介绍,引见[+(to sb)] ②a person's first experience of sth初次经历;首次体验[+(to sth)] ③the act of bringing sth into use or to a place for the first time; a thing that is introduced初次采用,推行;初次引进,传入;新采用或引进的事物 ④a short section at the beginning of a book, speech or a piece of music引言,导论;开场白;(音乐的)前奏 [+(to sth)] [近preface] ⑤a book or course for people beginning to study a subject(提供初学者学习途径的) 入门指导;初级读物 [+(to sth)] | ||
例句 | ...pay particular attention to the introductory and concluding paragraphs 应特别注意引导段和结尾段(2008阅读Part B) | |||
produce | 词义 | ①to grow or make sth or have a baby or young animal as a part of natural process; to make sth to be sold esp. in large quantities; to create sth with skill生长,出产(农作物等);繁育(后代);生产,制造(商品);(运用技巧)制作,造出 ②to control the preparation of a play, film etc and show it to the public 制作,拍摄(戏剧、电影等) ③if a town, country, etc produces sb with a particular skill or quality, the person comes from there栽培,培养 ④to cause a particular result or effect引起,造成,导致 ⑤to show sth or make sth appear from somewhere 出示,展现,使出现 [+sth (from /out of sth)] ⑥things that have been produced, esp. by growing or farming 产品,(尤指)农产品 | ||
例句 | ...causing females under stress to produce more of the trigger chemicals than do males under the same conditions 使雌性在承受压力时比处于同等环境下的雄性分泌更多触发不良反应的化学物质(2008阅读Text 1) | |||
production | 词义 | ①the act or process of growing or making sth (including naturally)生产,制造,制作;(自然的)产生,分泌 ②the quantity of goods that is produced 产量 ③the act of showing sth拿出,出示 [on~ of sth] ④a play, film, broadcast etc that is produced for the public; the act of producing a play, film etc戏剧、电影、广播作品;上映,播出,制作 | ||
例句 | ... at work in the process of journalistic judgment and production just as in courts of law ……在新闻判断和新闻制作过程中就如同在法庭上一样发挥作用(2007翻译) | |||
durable | 词义 | likely to last for a long time without breaking or getting weaker 持久的,耐用的[近lasting] | ||
duration | 词义 | the length of time that sth continues 持续时间,期间 [近continuation] | ||
during | 词义 | ①all through a period of time在……期间 ②at some point in a period of time在……期间的某个时候 | ||
endure | 词义 | ①to exist or continue for a long time 持续,持久[近continue, last, persist] ②to suffer or deal with sth painful or unpleasant, esp. without complaining忍耐,忍受 [+sth,+doing/to do] [近bear, stand, accept, put up with] | ||
example | 词义 | ①a thing, person etc that shows, explains or supports what you say 实例,例子,例证 [+of sth,for+] [近instance] ②a thing that is typical of or represents a particular group or set 典型,范例,样品[+of sth] ③a person or their behavior that other people copy or is a good model for others to copy 样板,榜样;楷模 [+to sb] [近model] | ||
例句 | Examples of benefits or costs of the current concentration wave are scanty.关于目前这股集中浪潮一定会带来利或弊的例子还不多见。(2001阅读Text 4) | |||
exemplify | 词义 | ①to be a very typical example of sth是……的范例、典型 [近represent, typify] ②to give an example of sth举例说明 [近illustrate] | ||
例句 | Mark Twain's Huckleberry Finn exemplified American anti-intellectualism.马克·吐温写的《哈克贝利芬历险记》即代表了美国的反才智主义。(2004阅读Text 4) | |||
sample | 词义 | ①a small part or an amount of sth that is examined in order to find out information about the whole(抽查的)样本,样品;(化验的)取样 [+of sth] ②a small amount of a product that people can try in order to find out what it is like试用产品,货样 ③to test, question etc, part of sth or of a group of people in order to find out what the rest is like 抽样检验;取样;采样 ④to experience sth for a short time to see what it is like 品尝,尝试,体验[近experience, experiment] |
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