
标题: 最新热点~词汇怎么译? 父亲产假 等 [打印本页]

作者: enidyyy    时间: 09-6-23 17:46
标题: 最新热点~词汇怎么译? 父亲产假 等
200906  最新热点词汇
点击欺诈 click fraud (Being accused of click fraud - charging them for non-existent clicks, a spokesperson for the social networking company Facebook admits Sunday there is a problem and says a fix is coming.著名社交网站Facebook存在点击欺诈的消息传出后,该公司发言人布兰顿•麦克科米克周日承认Facebook确实存在该问题,公司将尽快修正,并给予受点击欺诈的广告主补偿。) (2009-06-23)

父亲产假 paternity leave (The Spanish parliament recently passed a new law extending paternity leave from the present 15 days to 4 weeks starting from 2011. 西班牙议会通过了延长父亲产假的提案,西班牙男子自2011年起将可享受为期4周的"父亲产假"。) (2009-06-22)

过劳死 die from overwork ( Its employees are always under severe stress and some even died from overwork. 。该公司员工长期压力过大,曾出现员工过劳死事件。) (2009-06-19)

男性车厢 Men-only metro train cars(Seibu Holdings, which runs trains in the Tokyo area, is considering to introduce some carriages reserved for men only. 东京轨交运营商西武集团日前考虑在列车中开设"男性专用车厢"。) (2009-06-19)

野鸡大学 bogus colleges(UK Immigration Minister Phil Woolas speculated there could have been more than 2000 fake colleges in the UK, allowing tens of thousands of bogus students who in reality are economic migrants using the student visa route to enter the country every year. 英国边境及移民事务大臣菲尔•伍勒斯日前透露,英国估计有2000多所"野鸡大学",每年帮助数万名非法移民持留学护照进入英国。) (2009-06-19)

电视真人秀 television reality shows (Television reality shows are losing their audience appeal in China, according to a market research.一项市场调查表明,在中国,电视真人秀逐渐失去了对观众的吸引力。) (2009-06-18)

海选 auditions (Auditions start later this month, with the show set to go on air in late August. 海选将于本月晚些时候启动,比赛将于8月底正式播出。) (2009-06-18)

型男 stylish man (Move aside Brad Pitt, US President Barack Obama has beaten all the usual male style icons to be named the world's most stylish man in an online poll. 一项在线投票显示,美国总统奥巴马力压知名影星布拉德•皮特,在全球时尚型男排行榜上独占鳌头。) (2009-06-17)

连环相撞 rear-end collision (A rear-end collision of at least 30 vehicles occurred at 10 am Monday morning at the Jianyang section of the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway, local media reported. 据当地媒体报道,15日上午10时许,成渝高速简阳段发生特大车祸,至少有30辆车连环相撞。) (2009-06-16)

屏蔽 to block. ( 3 major telecommunication operators in China will jointly launch a technical platform to block junk cellphone messages. 我国三大电信运营商将正式上线运行网间垃圾短信联动处理平台,联手进行垃圾信息自主屏蔽。) (2009-06-15)

富二代 affluent 2nd generation (The rapidly expanding affluent 2nd generation is seeking to define their identity and quality of life via luxuries.越来越多的"富二代"开始加入奢侈品消费者行列,以显其社会地位和生活品质。) (2009-06-12)

停运 drivers strike. (Related departments are working on a plan to settle the drivers strike. 相关部门正着手处理停运事件。) (2009-06-11)

沙雕 Sand sculpture (An annual sand sculpture festival kicked off in Berlin. 一年一度的德国柏林沙雕节日前在柏林拉开了帷幕。) (2009-06-09)

女性车厢 woman car (The Beijing Subway Company said they are considering the feasibility of creating woman’s section on the cars running Line 1 and Line 2. 北京市地铁公司表示可考虑在1、2号线的少数车厢试点女性专用。) (2009-06-08)

拼车 carpool (The city government wants citizens to organize car pools for transportation. 该市政府希望市民拼车出行。) (2009-06-03)

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