Her heart is black as coal. 她的心很黑。
My bedroom is always black as the night. 我的卧室里总是黑漆漆的。
High elevations tend to make me black out. 我站在高出往往会头晕。
The electricity went off and caused a black-out. 停电了,周围一片漆黑。
He can’t find a job because he was blackballed. 他被取消了受雇资格而找不到工作。
He can’t find a job because he was blacklisted. 他被列入了黑名单而找不到工作。(blacklist一词出现在麦卡锡时期,当时那些被认为是共产党或共产党同情者的人均被列入黑名单,成了受排挤受歧视的对象。)
I made a comment about his girlfriend and he gave me a black eye! 我不过是评论了她女朋友一句,他就把我打得鼻青脸肿!
We are in the black this year. 今年我们有盈余。(账目表中结余用黑字记录,亏损用红字记录)
How much money will you give me for my little black book? 给你看看我的私人笔记本,你给我多少钱? BLUE 蓝色
What in blue blazes is going on here?! 这儿到底发生了什么事?!(表示惊奇或恼怒)
I’m feeling sort of blue today. 我今天情绪低落。
I love singing the blues. 我喜欢唱那些布鲁斯歌曲。(bluegrass是“蓝草音乐”,指以阿巴拉契亚山脉南部地区的歌舞为基调的乡村音乐,通常节奏明快有力)/ I’ve got the blues. 我心情沮丧。
The other driver appeared out of the blue. 另一个司机出现了。(亦作:out of the clear blue)
She can really swear up a blue streak! 她骂起人来真是没完没了。
I talked to her till I was blue in the face and she still made the same mistake. 我费尽了口舌,她还是犯同样地的错误。 点击下列颜色名称,查看其他“表示颜色的的词”的用法: GRAY 灰色 GREEN 绿色 PINK 粉红色 PURPLE 紫色 RED 红色 WHITE 白色