I. The origins of language Because of absence of direct recording evidence, there are many speculations about the origins of human speech. This chapter elaborates the merits of some of those speculations. Jespersen’s proposal Jespersen’s proposal that human language originated while humans were actually enjoying themselves is one of the more endearing speculations concerning the origins of language. It remains, however, a speculation. 1.The divine source 【考点】神授说的定义 God created and Adam and “whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof” (Genesis 2:19). In most religions, there appears to be a divine source who provides humans with language. 2.The natural-sound source 【考点】自然声音模仿说的三种相关理论 Primitive words could have been the imitations of the natural sounds. (1) onomatopoeia(onomatopoeic): words containing sounds similar to the noises they describe (e.g. bang, cuckoo) (2)The bow-wow theory: Primitive words could have been imitations of the natural sounds that early humans heard around them and all modern languages have words that are onomatopoeic (like bow-wow). (3)The yo-he-ho theory : the sounds of a person involved in physical effort could be the source of our language, especially when that physical effort involved several people and had to be coordinated. 3.The oral-gesture source one The origins of the sounds of language involve a link between physical gesture and orally produced sound. It is claimed that originally a set of physical gestures was developed as a means of communication. 4.Glossogenetics 【考点】言语遗传学的定义及相关发音部位 Glossogenetics focuses on the biological basis of the formations and development of human language. 5.Physiological adaptation (1) Teeth, lips, mouth, larynx and pharynx Larynx(喉): the part of the throat that contains the vocal cords(声带), also called the voice box pharynx(咽) : the area inside the throat above the larynx (2) The human brain(人脑) lateralization (lateralized)(偏侧优势): divided into a left side and a right side, with control of functions on one side or the other (used in describing the human brain) 6.Interactions and transactions (1) interactional function: It has to do with how humans use language to interact with each other, socially or emotionally; how they indicate friendliness, co-operation or hostility, or annoyance, pain, or pleasure. (2) the transactional function: humans use their linguistic abilities to communicate knowledge, skills and information | I. 语言的起源 由于语音证据的缺乏,许多关于语言起源的臆测层出不穷,本章阐释了一些臆测中的值得关注的部分。 著名语言学家叶斯帕森(Jespersen)认为语言源于人类的自娱活动。这种设想和其它看法一样,纯属臆测。 1.神授说 据《圣经》的“创世纪”记载,亚当给万物命名,万物因此得名。大多数宗教将语言的起源归功于神,有的甚至试图用实验来证明人类的初始语言。 2.自然声音模仿说 人类先民闻自然界的声音而模仿之,造出了最原始的词语。 (1)拟声法 (2)摹声说bow-wow (3)劳动号子yo-he-ho说(“哟-嘿-吼”理论) 有证据表明,人类有不少词是模仿自然界的声音形成的 当发出CUCKOO(或汉语的“布谷”)的鸟从头顶飞过时,人们就用这个自然声音指这个飞过的东西。 3.口语-手势相关说 认为语言的发音起源与手势和口头发音之间的联系有关。人的舌、唇等的活动与人体动作或手势有关,如说goodbye时,舌头的运动表示挥手的动作。 4.言语遗传学 该说认为,人类语言的形成与发展具有生物基础。人类祖先开始直立行走、使用工具,改变了前肢的作用。声道结构发生了变化,牙、唇、嘴、舌、喉出现了生理变化,使人类逐渐获得了发声的能力。人脑出现单侧化(1ateralized),左脑负责分析、工具的使用和语言功能。 在使用工具的过程中,人类需要同伴的合作,因此产生了传递信息的愿望。经过漫长岁月的进化,人与人之间出现了交际,人类开始用语言传递信息,传授知识和技能。然而,此时的语言受时间和地点的限制,讲出的言语瞬息即逝。人类开始产生永久记录语言的愿望。 6.交互功能与处理功能 人类利用语言来彼此进行社会与情感交流,表达友好、合作、敌意、烦恼、痛苦、愉悦等情感信息,并使用语言能力传播知识、技能。 |
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