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目录                                                                                        封面
 第1章 土地和人民
  1.1 复习笔记
  1.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解
 第2章 英国历史
  2.1 复习笔记
  2.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解
 第3章 政治、政府及教育
  3.1 复习笔记
  3.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解
 第4章 补充材料
  4.1 复习笔记
  4.2 典型题(含考研真题)详解
 第1章 总括
  1.1 复习笔记
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 第2章 美国的历史
  2.1  复习笔记
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 第3章 政府形式和社会生活
  3.1 复习笔记
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 第4章 补充材料
  4.1 复习笔记
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第1章 土地和人民
1.1 复习笔记
I. The British Isles and Great Britain
1.Full name
3. Introduction of EachPart
4. PhysiographicFeatures
5. Climateand Weather
6. Factors InfluencingEnglish Weather
7. InlandWater
8. The EnglishLanguage
II. People and the State
2.Party Politics
3.Central Government
4.Local Governments
6.Reform of the Law Court
7.Legal Profession
8.Police Force
10. Characteristics ofthe English People
III. National Economy
1.General Survey
2. Company Law andFramework of Industry
3. Heavy and LightIndustries
4.Textile Industries
6. Transportation andCommunication
7. British Disease andThatcher’s Medicine
  I. The British Isles and Great Britain
  1.Full name
  The United Kingdom of Great  Britain and Northern Ireland
  (1)The  Island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales
  (2)Northern Ireland
  3. Introduction of  Each Part
  England is the  largest and most developed of all the three political divisions.
  Scotland  is the second largest both in area and population.
  Wales is the  smallest of the three both in area and population.
  (4)Northern Ireland
  Northern Ireland has  a population of one and a half million. About one-third of them are Roman  Catholics who are opposed to the unification of Northern Ireland with Great  Britain.
  4.Physiographic Features
  Leaving Ireland on  one side, the island of Great Britain can be roughly divided into two parts  according to their physiographic features:
  (1)The Highland Zone of the north and west
  (2)The Lowland Zone of the south and southeast
  5.Climate and Weather
  Britain is  well-known for its changeable weather. Britain has a maritime climate  characterized by abundant rainfall.
  6.Factors Influencing English Weather
  (1)The shores of the British Isles, especially the western  shores, are bathed by a warm drift of water, the North Atlantic Drift which  is a continuation of the Gulf Stream.
  (2)For certain periods in winter, the British Isles lie wholly  within what has long been called the westerly wind belt. The south-westerly  wind is the dominant wind in Britain. Since it comes from the Atlantic Ocean,  it is always mild and moist.
  (3)The configuration of Britain, particularly the existence  of numerous inlets, makes the penetration inland of oceanic influences more  effective than would otherwise be the case.
  7.Inland Water
  Britain has many  rivers and lakes, though they are not very large. There is no lack of water  in the rivers and lakes in Britain.
  (1)The longest river in Britain is the Severn River.
  (2)The second longest and most important river in Britain is the  Thames River.
  (3)In Scotland the most important river is the Clyde River, on  which is situated a ship-building center——Glasgow.
  8.The English Language
  The development of  English is usually divided into three major periods: Old English, Middle  English, and Modern English.
  II. People and the State
  (1)Arrival and settlement of the Celts
  (2)Basis of modern English race: the Anglo-Saxons
  (3)The Viking and Danish invasions
  (4)King Alfred and his contributions
  (5)The Norman Conquest and its consequences
  2.Party Politics
  The two major  political parties are the Conservatives and the Labor
  3.Central Government
  The English Central  Government includes the Monarch (king or queen), Parliament, and the Cabinet.  But technically, the Government refers to the Cabinet, which is headed by the  Prime Minister.
  (1)Parliament is the law-making body.
  (2)The executive branch, or officially called Her Majesty’s  Government, consists of the Cabinet and various departments.
  4.Local Governments
  The English  government is a three-tiered government: central government, county  government and district government. The central government enforces laws  through local governments.
  Britain’s legal  system is comprised of four elements: acts of Parliament, common law, equity  law, and European Community legislation. They are all considered to have the  binding force of a written constitution. Parliament can pass any law that is  necessary and proper for the nation.
  6.Reform of the Law Court
  Britain passed a new  Court Act in 1971. In the new system, the English law courts are divided into  three tiers: magistrates’ courts, circuit courts, and high courts. They make  up the British judicial branch.
  7.Legal Profession
  Britain’s legal  profession is comprised of two elements: barristers and solicitors. They are  generally called lawyers or counsels.
  8.Police Force
  Britain now has some  150,000 policemen and police women who are divided into 52 police forces: 43  police forces in England and Wales, 8 in  Scotland and one (the Royal Ulster Constabulary) in Northern Ireland. Only  the police in London are under the direct responsibility of the Home  Secretary of the central government while the policemen outside London are  all local forces, employed and paid by County Councils.
  There are two  established church in Britain: in England the church of England and Scotland  the(Presbyterian) Church of Scotland.
  10.Characteristics of the English People
  In spite of their  regional difference, the British people are well known for their national  consciousness and patriotism. It is generally acknowledged that the English  people are characterized by conservatism or reservation. Politically, many  English people are supporters of the Conservative Party. In daily life the  English people often refuse to make sudden changes. They tend to cling to  what is traditional and familiar.
  III. National Economy
  1.General Survey
  The current UK economy can be  broken down into three main areas: “primary” industries, such as agriculture,  fishing and mining; “secondary” industries, which manufacture complex goods  from those primary products; and tertiary industries, often described as  service, such as banking, insurance, tourism, and the selling of goods.
  2.Company Law and Framework of Industry
  Britain’s forms of  industrial organizations and patterns of ownership are varied. Britain has a  number of state-owned enterprises and large amount of private-owned  companies.
  3.Heavy and Light Industries
  (1)Britain was once the largest coal producer in the world and  coal played a very important role in the industrialization of Britain.
  (2)Oil reserves in Britain belong to the state and most oil  production is also under the control of the government.
  (3)Britain’s largest manufacturing industry is the iron and  steel industry.
  (4)Britain has a large motor vehicle industry.
  (5)Britain’s  new industries include microprocessors and computers, biotechnology and other  high-tech industries.
  4.Textile Industries
  Britain once had the  world’s largest textile industry and possessed more than half of the total  spindles of the whole world. They were for many years the mainstay of Britain’s  prosperity and contributed to the accumulation of capital for capitalist  development.
  Britain’s  agriculture is highly mechanized. The main agricultural products in Britain  are wheat, barley, potatoes, sugar-beets and oats. Much of its barley crop is  turned into whiskey.
  6.Transportation and Communication
  Britain has built a  modern transportation system. Britain is known for its merchant marine and it  has 300 seaports. Britain’s railroads are among the densest and most heavily  used in the world.
  7.British Disease and Thatcher’s Medicine
  (1)British Disease
  Britain’s declining  productivity, soaring inflation, and high unemployment rate gave birth to the  mocking term “British Disease”.
  (2)Thatcher’s Medicine
  Thatcher’s new  program, known as a Thatcherism, advocated tight fiscal and monetary  policies, curbs on trade unions, reduction of taxes, and privatization of  state-owned enterprises.
  London is the capital of England  and of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the  political centre of the Commonwealth*, and a major port.
  Edinburgh is the capital of  Scotland, the administrative centre of the region of Lothian.
  Liverpool is the second largest  port of England
  Cardiff is the capital of Wales,  a port and administrative headquarters of south and mid-Glamorgan.
  A port in the northwest of England,  is an industrial and commercial centre.
  Belfast, whose industries are  shipbuilding and linen, is an industrial seaport and the capital of Northern  Ireland

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