一、考研英语词汇练习 【同源精句192】After six years of dreaming a dream—that their cherished show would one day be revived as a film—creator Rob Thomas announced that the movie version of Veronica Mars was a go.
二、考研英语一真题长难句练习 【典型难句】The way consumers now approach the process of making purchase decisions means that marketings impact stems from a broad range of factors beyond conventional paid media. (28 words)
本句来源于考研英语(一)2011年真题,SectionⅡUse of English Text 3第一段; 【考研1号】考研英语一真题超细解《考研真相》Page.480.
三、考研英语二真题长难句练习 【典型难句】Whether the separation distances involved would satisfy air traffic control regulations is another matter, although a working group at the International Civil Aviation Organization has included the possibility of formation flying in a blueprint for new operational guidelines.