
标题: 胡敏读故事记单词(考研英语词汇) 的mp3 [打印本页]

作者: newage    时间: 07-5-14 12:57
标题: 胡敏读故事记单词(考研英语词汇) 的mp3
第一篇:The Times of Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln was the  16th president of the United States of America. He is remembered for many things including his log-cabin home, his absurd looking clothing accessory,a top-hat,but Lincoln's absolute most important contribution to America's history was slavery,a very hard task to accomplish at the time.In the middle of the 19th century,America was split by an abstract border.The country was cut into two parts: the North and the South.There were  an abnormal separation.For instance,the North held all of the Universities and Minitary Academies whereas in the South,access to such institutions was limited.Also,Northerners spoke standard American English while Southerners spoke with a Southern accent.But the largest difference that abound between the North and the South at that time was slavery and all of the aspects that accompanied it.
  The North thought that the South should abandon slavery because,in most cases,slaves faced daily abuse from their owners.Most Northerners tried to abide by the rule that "All men are created equal." These reasons largely account for the American Civil War.The Civil War was a
long,brutal war with a very high casualty rate.Many young men,from both the North and the South were killed on the battlefield;the death toll was also accelerated by the fact that small Army hospitals could not accommodate so many wounded soliders.
  The Civil War was filled with heroes on both sides of the battlefield.Names like U.S.Grant,General Sherman,and the acclaimed Southern General Robert E.Lee.All of these men fought bravely and made harrowing decisions on their own accord.But Lincoln is probably most often associated with his leadshipof the country during this difficult period.He was a firm believer that slavery was wrong and he fought hard to stop it.In 1863,Lincoln signed "the Emancipation Proclamation" which legally granted freedom to all slaves livingin America.But in 1865,Lincoln's life came to an abrupt end while he was watching a play at Ford's Theater in Washington D.C. His death was not an accident;he was assassinated by a man named John Wilkes Booth.
  Not long after Lincoln's death,the North defeated the South and Civil War was ended. The South was no longer thought of as another country, but part of America.And all of the slaves living and working in the South and North were freed and absorbed into society.

第二篇:Mike - a Story of Personal Change
Mike could hardly be described as your typical adolescent.He would casually acknowledge to his few friends that he liked to watch DVDs,although perhaps a more accurate description was that he was a DVD addict.Over the last six month,Mike had accumulated thousands of DVDs.When he was not at school,he had become accumulated to spending his time wandering the streets of the city,acquiring more and more films. Indeed,it became a joke that if asked for his address,he would give the address of the DVD shop adjacent to our school since he apent so much time there.
  Mike hated attending school.In his eyes, its only advantage was its location.During lessons,he  adopted a rather cool demeanor towards most of his classmates and was often accused of being aloof.All he seemed concernd about was adding to his DVD collection.In truth,Mike had not adapted to life at the school very well.Perhaps he felt that he still needed adequate
time to adjust to a new environment although no one could work out why he harbored such an acute feeling of self-pity.
  As someone who also adores watching films,I had slowly become acquainted with Mike.I had often seen him in the DVD shop which adjoined our school,yet it took a long time before  he responded to my advances of friendship.Naybe it was an exaggeration to say we were actually friends,although he would at least acknowledge my presense with a cursory nod of the head when he saw me.
  One day,I was asked to administrate our school's new film club.I was a little worried about asking Mike to help me select suitable films in case he said no.However,I needn't have worried.Mike's face lit up as he scrutinized a poster I had just adhered to the wall.The poster adverised the grand opening of the Film Club the following week."Hey David," he muttered excitedly,"I want to be involved with that."
  The change in Mike's behavior over the next month was dramatic.I have no doubt that it was the Film Club which activated the turn around.Once a boy who spent most of his time sulking,Mike was now a model student.Before each film was shown,he would give a very informative speech about the director and main actors.Everyone was impressed by his knowledge and passion for films and he suddenly became extremely popular at school.

不好意思没有文本文件 都是我自己敲出来的,一天发一些

[ 本帖最后由 海豚宝贝 于 2007-5-15 09:53 AM 编辑 ]
作者: playindream0    时间: 07-5-14 14:54
标题: 回复 #1 newage 的帖子
谢谢  多关照

作者: 天意    时间: 07-5-14 18:33
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作者: whb_jack    时间: 07-5-14 22:06
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作者: liuyan1031    时间: 07-5-14 23:02
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作者: xin85    时间: 07-5-14 23:06
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作者: newage    时间: 07-5-15 07:54
标题: 胡敏读故事记单词(考研英语词汇) 的mp3 6-11
打字速度太慢了 先把mp3都传上来
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作者: newage    时间: 07-5-15 07:59
标题: 胡敏读故事记单词(考研英语词汇) 的mp3 12-17
12 - 17
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-15 08:04
标题: 胡敏读故事记单词(考研英语词汇) 的mp3 18-23
18 - 23
[attach]54321[/attach] Professor Debt
[attach]54322[/attach] The Cruise
[attach]54323[/attach] Celia Under The Weather
[attach]54324[/attach] My Paper Route
[attach]54325[/attach] Army Drill Sergeant
[attach]54326[/attach] Forcus on Relationships
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-15 08:16
标题: 胡敏读故事记单词(考研英语词汇) 的mp3 24-29
[attach]54335[/attach] Billy Pays a Call 比利访亲
[attach]54336[/attach] Crossing the Ocean(MayFlower) 五月花飘洋过海
[attach]54337[/attach] Strange Mountain 奇怪的山
[attach]54338[/attach] Ups and Downs 十年河东 十年河西
[attach]54339[/attach] Fashion Show 时装秀
[attach]54340[/attach] May Day 五朔节
作者: 絮花落    时间: 07-5-15 08:17
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作者: onlymali    时间: 07-5-15 09:24
xia下了你 这么多不顶不够意思!
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-16 11:08

[ 本帖最后由 newage 于 2007-5-16 12:20 PM 编辑 ]
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-16 11:23
[attach]54546[/attach] Lost in the Jungle in Vietnam 在越南丛林里迷路
[attach]54547[/attach] Illustration 插图
[attach]54548[/attach] Louis Pasteur 路易.巴斯德
[attach]54549[/attach] Studying Abroad 出国留学
[attach]54550[/attach] Real Life Detectives 现实生活中的侦探
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-16 11:23
[attach]54551[/attach] A Conversation with a Wise Old Man 与年长智者的对话
[attach]54552[/attach] Jet\'s Big Race 杰特的重大比赛
[attach]54553[/attach] A File Crew Comes to the Village 电影剧组进村
[attach]54554[/attach] The Fox and the Crane 狐狸和鹤
[attach]54555[/attach] The School Bully 学校里横行霸道的人
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-16 11:33
[attach]54556[/attach] To Let 出租
[attach]54557[/attach] Early Astronomy 早期天文学
[attach]54558[/attach] My First Job 我的第一份工作
[attach]54559[/attach] Wei\'s Migration Decision 卫的移民决定
[attach]54560[/attach] Swimmers 游泳的人们
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-16 11:36
[attach]54561[/attach] Hellen Keller 海伦.凯勒
[attach]54562[/attach] A Field Trip to an Ornament Factory 到饰品厂实地考察
[attach]54563[/attach] Max and Sam\'s Camping Trip 马克斯和萨姆的野营旅行
[attach]54564[/attach] Marathon 马拉松
[attach]54565[/attach] Dancing Shoes 舞鞋
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-16 11:40
[attach]54566[/attach] War Hero Grandfather 爷爷是战争英雄
[attach]54567[/attach] Star Advice 明星的建议
[attach]54568[/attach] The Big Match 大型比赛
[attach]54569[/attach] Finding a New Job 找到新工作
[attach]54570[/attach] Wild West 未开垦的西部
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-16 11:44
[attach]54571[/attach] A Global Problem 一个全球性问题
[attach]54572[/attach] Cookies 曲奇饼干
[attach]54573[/attach] The Emperor\'s New Clothes 皇帝的新衣
[attach]54574[/attach] Trip to the Museum 参观博物馆
[attach]54575[/attach] The Computer That Argued Back 反击的电脑
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-16 11:49
[attach]54576[/attach] A Small Riot 小骚乱
[attach]54577[/attach] My Grandmother\'s Stories 奶奶的故事
[attach]54578[/attach] My new Computer 我的新电脑
[attach]54579[/attach] Woollen Worries 剪羊毛工人的烦恼
[attach]54580[/attach] Fishing 钓鱼
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-16 11:53
[attach]54581[/attach] Halloween 万圣节前夕
[attach]54582[/attach] Anatomy Field Trip 解剖学实地考察
[attach]54583[/attach] A Bum Deal 流浪汉倾囊相助
[attach]54584[/attach] A Visit to Shaolin 参观少林寺
[attach]54585[/attach] The Paralympic Games 残疾人奥林匹克运动会
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-16 12:14
[attach]54586[/attach] My First Date 第一次约会
[attach]54587[/attach] Never Tease Bees 千万别招惹蜜蜂
[attach]54588[/attach] Football?? 足球?橄榄球?
[attach]54589[/attach] One Silver Dollar 一枚银币
[attach]54590[/attach] Go Water Skiing 去滑水
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-16 12:18
[attach]54591[/attach] The Thinker 思想家
[attach]54592[/attach] Piano Lessons 钢琴课
[attach]54593[/attach] The First American Woman in Space 美国第一位女宇航员
[attach]54594[/attach] Tennis Racket 网坛骗局
[attach]54595[/attach] Avalanche! 雪崩!
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-16 12:19
[attach]54596[/attach] Hard Labor 苦力
[attach]54597[/attach] The Missing Cat 失踪的猫

全部的Mp3到此全部上传完毕 一共81首
作者: lemon1216    时间: 07-5-16 22:38
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作者: cosuu    时间: 07-5-17 18:01
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作者: newage    时间: 07-5-18 15:09
谢谢~ 对不住各位的是没有文本听起来费力了 ,我尽量补上
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-18 18:28

Now that Billy\'s parents were a little more affluent,the family had agreed taht they could afford better accommodation,so they moved to a cottage on the outskirts of town,Although the cottage was somewhat old-fashioned,the agent who rented the place to them was keen to advocate that they should not install air-conditioning as they could air-condition the place by opening the skylights.The day that they moved,the air was heavy with the advent of spring,a sense of renewal accompanied them along the way;Billy and the old dog Rufus watched the amazing aerial gymnastics of the swallows out of the car window,browsing through the family album every now and then.When they arrived,a group of men were unloading the van.Billy thought looking around the new surroundings should be placed high on the agenda,so he whistled to Rufus and they set off on an adventure.They found a small footpath,Rufus showing his ecitement and his affection for Billy by panting and wagging his tail.Billy was at an age when he could still feel a sense of aesthetic excitement at the beauty of nature.The adverse effects of those yearsin the city seemed to vanish as he walked,and with Rufus as his affiliate he felt invincible.However,he had reckoned without Rufus.They rounded a bend in the path and suddenly,in the next field,they saw sheep.Rufus knew a good game when he saw one,he ran straight into the field,barking aggressively.Just then,a man in green boots stepped out and in an equally aggressive manner started to shout at Rufus to get out of the field.With asense of alarm,Billy realized that the man was carrying a shotgun and he saw himlevel it and take aim at Rufus.
    \"Please don\'t shoot\" ,yelled Billy,but his seemed to aggravate the man still more.The gun went off and Rufus howled in agony.He ran helter-skelter back to Billy with his tail between his legs.The man strode over to Billy.
    \"Those sheep are pregnant,\" the man said,angrily.\"If you agitate them they can lose their lambs.I will affirm my right to kill any dog that chases them.\"
    \"I agree,\" said Billy.\"And I\'m sorry,please;help me to get Rufus to vet!\"
    \"I don\'t think your dog will need a vet this time,\" said the man,\"the gun was only loaded with salt.But next time,keep him on a lead,okay?\"
作者: newage    时间: 07-5-18 19:03
第四篇:Freshman Year

I was born in a small town,up in the mountains.Because of the high altitude,few people lived there.I was always amid my neighbors and friends,people I had known for all my life.When I was in my hometown,I felt like those days would last forever.But the days went by quickly,and soon I found myself packing my bags for college.I was full of ambition,and had applied to go to university in a big city.
    When I first got to my university,I was on the alert for everything.I felt very much alone without my family and friends.I was like an alien arriving on a new planet.I felt like an ambassador from another world.Once classes started,things were better.I was busier,because I had to allocate most of my time to studying.I wanted to work hard,and did not allow myself to go to a large amount of parties.I wanted to find an alternate social life that would let me have fun,without always drinking alcohol,like some university students do.Many people allege that this is why some students get bad grades their first year at university.
    Because I felt very ambiguous about what I wanted to study,I took many different classes.I tried many different things,but still hadn\'t found the perfect match for me.This made me feel even more lost at school,and I knew I had to find a way to amend things.In order to make new friends,and alleviate my loneliness,I joined the drama club at my school.It was there I met my first ally.The president of the drama club was an older student,named Betty.She was quite amiable,and helped give me advice about school.She helped me to alter my schedule so that I had the best classes.
    Soon our drama club put on its first show.It was a comedy,full of jokes to amuse the audience.My parents and friends even drove out to watch me.We were only amateur actors,but O think we did a good job.After the show,my father said,\"Sarah,you amaze me,I didn\'t know you were so good at acting!\" Such ample praise made me very proud.That was when I realized what I wanted to be,an actress!

作者: 悠悠菲    时间: 07-5-18 19:17
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作者: guyanke    时间: 07-5-20 00:57
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作者: elyu2005    时间: 07-5-20 13:03
作者: piaoyangde    时间: 07-6-7 20:47
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作者: piaoyangde    时间: 07-6-8 15:02
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作者: wangtong123    时间: 07-6-14 08:55
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作者: violet7534    时间: 07-6-21 09:25
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作者: gebingdong    时间: 07-7-3 23:49
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作者: jinyu1023    时间: 07-7-6 14:11
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作者: songweijuan    时间: 07-7-9 09:40
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作者: songweijuan    时间: 07-7-9 09:49
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作者: fei_85    时间: 07-7-16 19:31
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作者: fei_85    时间: 07-7-27 11:16
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作者: zishuyu    时间: 07-8-3 10:06
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作者: tianz    时间: 07-8-10 20:33
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作者: yimin_    时间: 07-8-13 00:26
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作者: yimin_    时间: 07-8-13 12:14
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作者: yimin_    时间: 07-8-13 12:57
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作者: yuzhouzhihui    时间: 07-8-16 19:45
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作者: kelianren9999    时间: 07-8-16 19:48
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作者: yuzhouzhihui    时间: 07-8-16 20:07
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作者: yuzhouzhihui    时间: 07-8-19 21:27
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作者: wht1979    时间: 07-8-20 17:25
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作者: gang986    时间: 07-8-20 20:57
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作者: fationer    时间: 07-8-20 23:55
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作者: fationer    时间: 07-8-21 00:01
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作者: fationer    时间: 07-8-21 00:02
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作者: wineyine    时间: 07-8-21 13:00
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作者: lth197311    时间: 07-8-22 17:40
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作者: ruesia    时间: 07-8-22 17:52
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作者: wangyinxing    时间: 07-8-28 15:06
作者: yaya198708    时间: 07-8-31 12:39
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作者: 风中雨稀    时间: 07-8-31 19:13
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作者: christinalyg    时间: 07-9-2 23:34
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作者: christinalyg    时间: 07-9-2 23:35
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作者: christinalyg    时间: 07-9-2 23:37
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作者: christinalyg    时间: 07-9-3 01:02
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作者: sukizyy    时间: 07-9-8 19:41
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作者: xcjfnb    时间: 07-9-13 18:13
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作者: hua5644    时间: 07-9-13 18:15
作者: kaka4444    时间: 07-9-26 14:02
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作者: 天空骑士    时间: 07-10-7 09:06
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作者: amanda5315    时间: 07-10-7 12:47
Thank you very much
作者: tiany524    时间: 07-10-12 23:38
作者: christinalyg    时间: 07-10-14 21:19
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作者: liil    时间: 07-10-15 18:24
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作者: hh520    时间: 07-10-16 20:30
下了你 这么多不顶不够意思! [s:2]
作者: hh520    时间: 07-10-16 20:51
下载都用了好久,楼主真是辛苦了。谢谢呀。祝你考试成功[s:2] [s:2]
作者: yjrsmile    时间: 07-10-17 16:23
Oh my god .楼主辛苦了
作者: camel356    时间: 07-10-20 22:22
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作者: anan0103    时间: 07-10-22 20:32
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作者: anan0103    时间: 07-10-22 21:02
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作者: altaapril    时间: 07-11-2 17:40
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作者: julien    时间: 07-11-11 12:38
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作者: yyh0917    时间: 07-11-11 18:02
thank you!!!!!!!!!
作者: yyh0917    时间: 07-11-11 18:02
thank you!!!!!!!!!
作者: 1999jenny    时间: 07-11-20 21:59
作者: llxyjy    时间: 07-11-28 00:40
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作者: wjbwsb    时间: 07-11-28 23:42
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作者: z271436133    时间: 07-11-29 18:24
标题: 回复 #1 newage 的帖子
[s:9] [s:9] [s:9]
作者: dengyun0728    时间: 07-12-16 19:41
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作者: xueping074    时间: 07-12-19 10:35
作者: lj0204    时间: 07-12-20 12:52
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作者: intoblack2008    时间: 08-1-1 09:06
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作者: yushiyy    时间: 08-1-3 18:31
作者: yushiyy    时间: 08-1-3 18:37
作者: fwgxy    时间: 08-1-4 23:23
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作者: lansin    时间: 08-1-5 15:14
作者: ★蓝月亮しA    时间: 08-1-19 02:21
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: 一个人的童话    时间: 08-2-23 15:24
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽

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