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I. Vocabulary
Directions:For each of the following sentences there are four choices. Choose thebest one to complete the sentence. Make your choices on the answer sheet.
1. Afterfour years in the same job his enthusiasm finally ______
A. deteriorated
B. dispersed
C. dissipated 
D. drained
2. Before we move, weshould ______ some of the old furniture, so that we can have more room in thenew house.
A. cancel
B. conceal
C. discard 
D. retain
3. Very few peoplecould understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject wasvery ______
A. obscure 
B. indefinite 
C. dubious 
D. intriguing
4. Pleasedon’t ______ too much on the painful memories. Everything will be all right.
A. hesitate 
B. finger 
C. retain 
D. dwell
5. Hedidn’t mention your name but I was sure he was ______ to you.
A. intimating
B. inferring
C. alluding 
D. suggesting
6. Thehands on my alarm clock are ______, so I can see what time it is in the duck.
A. exotic
B. gorgeous
C. luminous  
D. spectacular
7. No form ofgovernment in the world is ______; each system reflects the history andpresents needs of the region and the nation.
A. dominant
B. influential
C. integral
D. drastic
8. Mutual respect forterritorial ______ is one of the bases upon which our two countries developrelationships.
A. unity 
B. integrity
C. entirety
D. reliability
9. Thelosing candidate ______ immediately after the polls had closed.
A. confessed
B. conceded 
C. concurred 
D. admitted
10. We have to ______ theroutine expenditure; otherwise it will be impossible for us to afford a car.
A. decline
B. condense
C. curtail
D. dwindle
11. Tom was accused of______ against black persons, that is to say, he looks down upon them.
A. discriminating
B. distinguishing
C. distressing
D. disguising
12. Since the twocountries couldn’t ______ their differences, they decided to stop theirnegotiations.
A. rectify
B. oblige
C. reconcile
D. obscure
13. It was ______ tocontinue the negotiation since both sides lack the sincerity.
A. fertile
B. futile
C. fugitive
D. fussy
14. It is advisable to______ an electric wire with rubber in order to secure safety.
A. desolate
B. resolute
C. insolate
D. insulate
15. The heavy snow______ travel, so he had to stay here for more days.
A. impeached
B. impelled
C. impeded
D. imparted
16. Thedictator’s first step was to ______ the free press.
A. strangle 
B. strand
C. stratify 
D. estrange
17. After the disasterof flood, people all over the village made ______ effort to rebuild their home.
A. superfluous 
B. tenuous
C. strenuous 
D. fatuous
18. I______ my excitement about the upcoming holiday.
A. crash
B. subdue 
C. conquer
D. tranquilize
19. Thismethod ______ my headache. It really takes effect.
A. soothes
B. sobers
C. soars
D. soaks
20. Thefarmer warned those children not to ______ on the corn.
A. collapse 
B. stripe
C. stride 
D. tramp
II. ReadingComprehension (50%)
Directions:Read the following passages and chooses from the choices marked A, B, Cand D that best complete or answer the questions after each passage. Mark youranswer on the answer sheet.
Passage One
  Forty years ago no one wasconcerned about the health of the ocean, in spite of the fact that manyfisheries were being overharvested, toxic wastes were being dumped in the sea,and developers were beginning to seriously disrupt coastlines. In those days,the magnitude of the problems was small, even though it was obvious that if thetrends continued people would face severe economic and personal hardship in thefuture. People just didn’t understand, nor did they care. Unfortunately many ofour concerns were realized, but the situation could have been much worse hadwe, and others, not taken action to inform people about the ocean and the needto protect it.
  During our campaign to sharethe wonders of the sea and alert the public about the need to protect it, wehave used every medium available—personal appearances, the printed word, andtelevision. Now there is a new medium that is even more effective than itspredecessors. Thanks to the Internet and computers, people can not only receivelinear stories, but they can actually participate in them, exploring andlearning at their own pace and as their curiosity dictates. I am tremendouslyimpressed with the personalization of what had been labeled by skeptics as themost impersonal medium yet developed.
  For these reasons I havemade a major commitment of time and resources to dive into this sea ofelectronic marvels. I’m swimming hard to keep up, but when I look around I findI’m not alone. We are all learning together and it is an adventure I am findingimmensely rewarding. I have been encouraged by our first modest dunking in thisnew world: We recently completed a CD-ROM. Jean-Michel Cousteau’s World: CitiesUnder the Sea—Coral Reefs. A couple of months ago I was in Fiji to celebratethe 1997 International year of the Reef and presented Our Cities Under the SeaCD-ROM to a group of children. I was impressed to see how quickly they graspedour concepts and how they directed their own learning process, thanks to theflexibility of the medium. It was particularly exciting to see kids squeal withdelight as they responded to questions and the computer rewarded them when theygot the correct answers.
 I want young people to experience themystery and wonder of our oceans. I want them to understand how precious andvulnerable our environment is. Young people need to be taught to takeresponsibility for ensuring that their heritage will be protected and usedwisely. Hopefully the next generation will do a better job than mine has. Ibelieve individuals must be personally involved and I am counting on theInternet to be the medium through which people can experience, learn, and takeaction. I am counting on young people with their idealism and energy to createa better future—it is too important to be left to bureaucrats and politicians.
21. Fortyyears ago people were indifferent to the health of the ocean because ______
A. the ocean was immune to any pollution then
B. they didn’t know what wouldcome of if the ocean was deadly disrupted
C. there was no computer then
D. there wasn’t any problem withthe ocean at that time
22. Thelast sentence of the 2nd paragraph tells us that the writer believes that______.
A. the computer is as smart ashuman beings
B. the computer is friends withhuman beings
C. human beings can interact withthe computer and do what they want at their will
D. human beings have not used the computer to its fullest advantage
23. Thewriter went to Fiji to ______.
A. participate in acelebration
B. teach children there how to usethe computer
C. make an adventure in thesea 
D. spend the holiday on theseashore
24. Thewriter’s attitude to the prospect of the ocean is ______.
A. desperate
B. unconcerned 
C. optimistic
D. pragmatic
25.According to the passage, who shall we fall back on for a better future for theenvironment?
A. Our predecessor 
B. Politicians   
C. Computers 
D. Young people
Passage Two
  The field of sociology inthe United States developed as a result of a social experience which had verylittle to do with the political and ideological controversies that stimulatedsociology in France and Germany. Rather the discipline evolved as a result ofthe experiences associated with the problems of an immigrant society caught inthe turmoil of rapid industrialization and urban growth. Indeed, it must beemphasized that from its beginning, sociology has had a very practicalinterest, which was characterized less by political divisiveness than by socialreform and social work. This practical emphasis in the discipline has continuedto persist to the present. It has only been since World War Ⅱ, however, that there has existedsomething in American higher education that could be properly termed a“sociological establishment” or a highly respected academic field of study. Itsmajor strength as an academic discipline resulted from its empirical and sophisticated approach to theidentification and solution of practical but highly significant socialproblems.
  Today, what does theacademic sociologist do? Professional sociologists are individuals who studyand teach about societies, social institutions, and the patterns of humaninteraction and human behavior. As a scientific discipline, sociology may bedivided into three broad, analytical fields: the study of groups; institutionalanalysis; and the study of the social structure in general. Thus, the contentof the rapidly expanding discipline of sociology is based upon culture andsociety, with emphasis placed upon the study of the various types ofinteraction and relationships which exist among individuals and human groups.In the study of such areas as social organization and disorganization,sociologists attempt to explain the evolution and change of social institutionsand the changing nature of human attitudinal and value systems. Among theselected topics of investigation included within the stuffy of sociology arethe changing nature of family life, institutional life, sexual attitudes, crimeand violence, religious values, and the entire gamut of interpersonalrelationships in politics and government. Indeed, many of the areas whichprofessional sociologists study are, by their very nature, relatively familiarto many of us even though they are not clearly understood. The basic hypothesesof the discipline—that social life (both group and individual behavior) ispatterned; that value and attitudes are learned, reinforced, and shared; thatwe as individuals are, in many respects, what others consider us to be—areideas which most people now instinctively accept in order to live and functionas members of society. These topics, which emphasize individual and group,behavior processes, then, comprise areas of concern for sociology as one of thebehavioral science disciplines.
  During these last decades ofthe twentieth century, advanced Western society will continue to be confrontedwith crucial social issues in the context of both individual and group behaviorpatterns resulting from continued rapid technological expansion. The solutionto the problem plaguing our complex society will become, to a much greaterextent, the primary responsibility of sociology, social psychology, andcultural anthropology, the three major academic disciplines comprising thebehavioral sciences. This trend is being witnessed currently by the increasingnumbers of behavioral scientists that are being employed by government, bybusiness and industry, by hospitals and other agencies devoted to problems ofhealth care, by welfare agencies, by public educational systems, and by manyother types of organizations in which some systematic knowledge of humanbehavior is required.
26. Theprimary purpose of the passage is to ______.
A. distinguish sociology in the United States from sociology inFrance and Germany
B. compare sociology with socialpsychology and cultural anthropology
C. provide a general discussion of modern Western sociology and itssignificance
D. show that sociology is thestudy of social institutions
27. Which of thefollowing statements about sociology would the author be most likely todisagree with?
A. Most sociologists areinterested in theoretical rather than practical questions.
B. There is a discernablestructure to everyone’s behavior.
C. Human behavior can besystematically studied.
D. One’s self-image is not encodedgenetically.
28. It can be inferredfrom the passage that social psychology and cultural anthropology ______.
A. are subareas of sociology
B. are other names for sociology
C. will achieve the academicrespectability of sociology
D. may be consulted for solutionsto sociological problems
29. Whichof the following statements would the author most likely agree with?
A. Sociology theory is rarelybased on empirical evidence.
B. The problems facingsociologists do not change as times change.
C. The problems of immigrants in anew culture stimulate sociological research.
D. There are factors in interpersonalrelationships that are not of interest to the sociologist.
30. Theword “empirical” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. “relating to experience andobservation”
B. “relating to behavior andmanner”
C. “concerning academy”
D. “relying on education”
Passage Three
Having a few too many drinks canmean more than just a blackout or a bad hangover. People who engage in bingedrinking are courting danger, experts warn.
  Binge drinking is mostcommon at colleges and universities, where many young adults treat drinking toexcess as a rite of passage. A 1997 study from the Harvard School of PublicHealth reports that 42.7% of all college students engage in binge drinking. Thewell-publicized deaths of several College students from binge drinking in 1997highlight the risks.
  An 18-year-old freshman atthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology drank himself into a coma and died. A20-year-old fraternity pledge at Louisiana State University died from alcoholpoisoning. “Alcohol is always toxic, it’s really a poison,” said StevenSchandler, professor of psychology at Chapman University and chief of addictionresearch at the Long Beach Veterans Affairs Health Care system, who added thatbinge drinking can lead to alcohol poisoning. “Because it’s a poison, like anyother poison, if you take in a little bit, you might tolerate it, but if youtake in a lot, you might die.”
  Administrators and doctorssay that college freshmen are especially at risk for alcohol poisoning, in panbecause they often lack the maturity to refrain or stop. And for some who maybe new to drinking, their bodies have a relatively low tolerance for alcohol.
  But problems with alcoholare not limited to teenagers and young adults. A 39-year-old Buena Park manrecently recalled that two days of steady imbibing on a trip to Las Vegasseveral years ago left him in bad shape.
  Doctors say blood alcohollevels of about 4%—five times the legal intoxication limit of 0.8%—can inducepotentially lethal side effects in most people. Alcoholics have higher limits.Although not well understood, enzymes that break down and expel alcohol in theliver and kidneys do so more effectively in seasoned drinkers, allowing them totolerate more, Schandler said.
Regardless of a person’s tolerance, alcoholexerts its influence when the amount of alcohol taken in exceeds the amountthat the body can digest. At that point, alcohol passes from the bloodstream intothe brain and begins its attack. Alcohol first affects the brain’s cortex,which controls more sophisticated thought processes. That’s why peoplegenerally become less inhibited under the influence of alcohol, and some aremore willing to try things that could be dangerous to themselves and others.
  Coordination, mainlycontrolled by the cerebellum, is the next to go, leading to slurred speech anddifficulty walking in a straight line. As excessive drinking continues, alcoholmoves deeper into the brain until “it gets to the very basic structure of thebrain stem that affects things like respiration and heart beat,” said Dr. BretGinther, an assistant clinical professor of emergency medicine at UC Irvine.
  At that point, people maypass out or fall into a coma. Their vital signs may weaken. “The most commoncause of death from alcohol poisoning is respiratory arrest,” said Ginther.Eventually, the heart simply stops. Getting to that point is fairly unusual.But Ginther said that at least once or twice a month, patients are brought intothe emergency room at UCI Medical Center in Orange suffering from alcoholpoisoning. Signs of alcohol poisoning include vomiting, pallor,unresponsiveness and, in extreme cases, loss of consciousness.
College officials say they are always on thelookout for alcohol abuse but say there is no fail-safe method to keep studentsfrom drinking. Many colleges try to educate students, especially those caughtdrinking illegally or causing disruptions. The Higher Education Center forAlcohol and Other Drug Prevention in Newton, Mass, advocates a community-basedapproach that includes administrators, faculty, police and businesses in thefight to curb binge drinking, in part by being on alert for people abusingalcohol. The center also stresses the importance of parental guidance and urgesparents to hove frank discussions with their children about excessive drinking.
31. Fromthe passage, we can learn that “binge-drinking” is ______.
A. an excessive consumption ofalcohol
B. drinking oneself into a coma
C. drinking poisonous alcohol
D. a kind of illegal drinking
32. Why are collegefreshmen especially at risk for alcohol poisoning according to administrators anddoctors?
A. Their bodies are not used toalcohol.
B. They can not refrainthemselves.
C. They are under greater pressure.
D. Both A and B
33. Whatcan enzymes do when one is drunk?
A. They help drunken peoplesurvive when they take in more alcohol than tolerable.
B. They help people in coma regainconsciousness.
C. They expel alcohol in the liverand kidneys.
D. They can make people stayconscious.
34. Whichof the following is TRUE?
A. College officials are aware of theseriousness of students’ binge drinking but can not do anything.
B. College officials are taking measures toprevent binge drinking though without much success.
C. College officials think that they do nothave any methods to stop students from drinking.
D. College officials just stand bywithout doing anything to the problem.
35. Bingedrinking may most seriously lead to ______.
A. death 
B. craziness
C. disability
D. unconsciousness
Passage Four
  For multinationalcorporations, tax planning has become an extremely complex affair. It has oftenbeen stated that no multinational corporation possesses the ultimate taxexpertise. There are just too many countries and regions involved and thus aweb of tax regulations. Therefore, in addition to having their own experts,MNCs rely heavily on local tax experts and legal counsel.
  Taxes have a very importantimpact on foreign direct investment decisions. Taxes will determine the financialstructure of a subsidiary, and they will influence pricing decisions. They mayalso lead to the formation of holding companies. An MNC may decide to establisha branch rather than a subsidiary because of a given tax situation. The absenceof a tax treaty between the country of a would-be investor and the nation wherea foreign investment is to take place might lead to cancellation of investmentplans. An unfavorable depreciation allowance may keep the foreign investor out.This unit will deal with the different tax systems in the world and theirimpact on an MNC’c global strategy.
  Basically, any tax systemcan be divided into direct and indirect taxes. Corporate and individual incometaxes are direct; value-added taxes, sales taxes, and import duties areindirect taxes. Corporate income taxes (taxes levied on earnings) vary amongthe industrialized nations. France, the United State, Holland, Canada, andGermany have rates of around 50 percent; Italy, the United Kingdom, and Japanhave rates of between 36 and 40 percent.
  Less developed countriesusually have lower corporate tax rates, in order to attract foreign investment.Thus, Brazil has a rate of 30 percent and Indonesia has a 40 percent tax rate.A corporate tax is levied on taxable earnings. Taxable earnings are moresignificant than the tax rate itself. They determine what can be deductedbefore the tax is computed; in other words, these items are tax deductible.Countries differ greatly in determining taxable earnings. Some allowaccelerated depreciation, whereby the asset (usually the plant or equipment) iswritten off at a substantially higher rate during the first years than in thelater years. This allows for smaller taxable earnings in the early years. Othercountries allow tax-free investment reserves. These are used at a later stagefor investment in underdeveloped areas of countries or are sent when countriesare in a recession.
  A recent type of tax thathas won recognition in the European Common Market is value-added tax (VAT). Thisis a national sales tax levied at each stage of production or at the sale ofconsumer goods. The tax is assessed in proportion to the value added duringthat stage. Generally, manufacturing goods, such as plant and equipment, havebeen exempted from this tax. In most cases, food items also have been exempted.
  Here is an example of howVAT works. A tree owner who sells part of a tree to a lumber mill for $1 mustset aside ten cents VAT to pay to the government. The lumber mill processes thetree into building material and sells the wood for $3 to a lumber Wholesaler.The mill adds $2 in value,and thus sets aside 10 percent of the added value, or twenty cents, to pay tothe government. And so the VAT continues until the final sale.
  The VAT system offersadvantages, such as rebates on exports. Profitable and unprofitable firms aretaxed alike, as there is no possibility of tax deductions to determine taxableincome. A badly run company is, therefore, forced to improve or go out ofbusiness. Further, VAT is easy to calculate and collect. But VAT is oftenaccused of having contributed to serious inflation in countries where it wasintroduced, notably in Western Europe.
36. Taxsystems can be divided into ______.
A. income taxes and direct taxes
B. indirect taxes and direct taxes
C. value-added taxes and salestaxes
D. import duties and sales taxes
37. Onearrives at taxable earnings when ______.
A. all tax-deductible items havebeen subtracted
B. accelerated depreciation isallowed for
C. tax-free investment reservesare allowed for
D. assets are written off
38. The reason nomultinational corporation possesses the ultimate tax expertise is that ______.
A. an MNC is not allowed to learn ultimate tax expertise
B. taxes have a very importantimpact on foreign direct investment decision
C. there are too many countriesand regions involved and their tax systems are complicated
D. an unfavorable depreciation allowance may keep the foreigninvestor out
39. Whichof the following is not an advantage of a VAT system?
A. Rebates on exports.
B. Profitable or unprofitablefirms are taxed alike.
C. Easy to calculate and collect.
D. Contributions to seriousinflation.
40. Whydid the less developed countries usually have lower corporate tax rates?
A. They want to invest more moneyon other projects.
B. The less developed countrieswant to attract more foreign investment.
C. Extra money should be spent onforeign investment.
D. Corporate tax rates are lessimportant to the development of the less developed countries.
Passage Five
In his 1976 study of slavery inthe United State, Herbert Gutman, like Fogel, Engerman, and Genovese, hasrightly stressed the slaves’ achievements. But unlike these historians, Gutmangives plantation owners little credit for these achievements. Rather, Gutmanargues that one must look to the Black family and the slaves’ extended kinshipsystem to understand how crucial achievements, such as the maintenance of acultural heritage and the development of a communal consciousness, werepossible. His findings’ compel attention.
Gutman recreates the family andextended kinship structure mainly through an ingenious use of what anyhistorian should draw upon, quantifiable data, derived in this case mostly fromplantation birth register. He also uses accounts of ex-slaves to probe thehuman reality behind his statistics. These sources indicate that the two-parenthousehold predominated in slave quarters just as it did among freed slavesafter emancipation. Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale wasfrequent, he shows that the slaves’ preference, revealed most clearly onplantations where sale was infrequent, was very much for stable monogamy. Inless conclusive fashion Fogel, Engerman, and Genovese had already indicated thepredominance of two-parent households: however, only Gutman emphasizes thepreference for stable monogamy and points out what stable monogamy meant forthe slaves’ cultural heritage. Gutman argues convincingly that the stability ofthe Black family encouraged the transmission of—and so was crucial insustaining—the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression fromone generation to another, a heritage that slaves were continually fashioningout of their African and American experiences.
Gutman’s examination of otherfacets of kinship also produces important findings. Gutman discovers thatcousins rarely married an exogamous tendency that contrasted sharply with theendogamy practiced by the plantation owners. This preference for exogamy,Gutman suggests, may have derived from West African rules governing marriage,which, though they differed from one tribal group to another, all involved somekind of prohibition against unions with close kin. This taboo against cousins’marring is important, argues Gutman, because it is one of many indications of astrong awareness among slaves of an extended kinship network. The fact thatdistantly related kin would care for children separated from their familiesalso suggests this awareness. When blood relationship were few as in newlycreated plantations in the Southwest, “fictive” kinship arrangements took theirplace until a new pattern of consanguinity developed. Gutman presentsconvincing evidence that this extended kinship structure—which he believesdeveloped by the mid-to-late eighteenth century—provided the foundations forthe strong communal consciousness that existed among slaves.
In sum, Gutman’s study issignificant because it offers a closely reasoned and original explanation ofsome of the slaves’ achievements, one that correctly emphasizes the resourcesthat slaves themselves possessed.
41. With which of thefollowing statements regarding the resources that historians ought to use wouldthe author of the passage be most likely to agree?
A. Historians ought to make use ofwritten rather than oral accounts.
B. Historians should relyprimarily on birth registers.
C. Historians should relyexclusively on data that can be quantified.
D. Historians ought to make use ofdata that can be quantified.
42. Which of thefollowing statements about the formation of the Black heritage of folklore,music, and religious expression is best supported by the information presentedin the passage?
A. The heritage was formed primarily out ofthe experience of those slaves who attempted to preserve the stability of theirfamilies.
B. The heritage was not formed out of theexperiences of those slaves who married their cousins.
C. The heritage was formed more out of theAfrican than out of the American experiences of slaves.
D. The heritage was not formed out of theexperiences of only a single generation of slaves.
43. Which of thefollowing statements concerning the marriage practices of plantation owners duringthe period of Black slavery in the United States can most logically be inferredfrom the information in the passage?
A. These practices began to altersometime around the mid-eighteenth century.
B. These practices varied markedlyfrom one region of the country to another.
C. Plantation owners usually based theirchoice of marriage partners on economic considerations.
D. Plantation owners often married theircousins.
44. Whichof the following best describes the organization of the passage?
A. The author compares and contrasts the workof several historians and then discusses areas for possible new research.
B. The author presents his thesis, draws onwork of several historians for evidence to support his thesis, and concludes byreiterating his thesis.
C. The author describes some features of ahistorical study and then uses those features to put forth his own argument.
D. The author presents the general argumentof a historical study, describes the study in more detail, and concludes with abrief judgment of the study’s value.
45. Whichof the following is the most appropriate title for the passage based on itscontent?
A. The influence of Herbert Gutmanon Historians of Slavery in the United States.
B. Gutman’s Explanation of How Slaves CouldMaintain a Cultural Heritage and Develop a Communal Consciousness.
C. Slavery in the United States: NewControversy About an Old Subject.
D. The Black Heritage of Folklore,Music, and Religious Expression: Its Growing Influence.
III. Translation (20%)
Directions:Translate the following passage into Chinese. Write your translation onthe answer sheet.
Online newspapers are a look into thefuture, and just pondering it raises the question of whether it isn’t nicergetting your daily news curled up in your favorite chair with your ballpointpen handy to circle items of interest, or scissors ready to snip out articlesyou want to save. The Gazette Company is betting its subscribers want bothelectronic and paper options, and so far it seems to be right.
The rest of the world is movinginto cyberspace more slowly than the United States, and, in the developingworld, the Internet has hardly penetrated at all. U.N. Secretary General KofiAnnan is determined to change this through the United Nations InformationTechnology Service, which will train large numbers of people to tap into theincome-enhancing power of the Internet. Annan is also proposing an Internethealth network that will provide state-of-the-art medical knowledge to 10,000clinics and hospitals in poor countries.
  The onrushing Cyber Age hasgiven newfound power to us all, as seen in Jody Williams’s one-womanorganization using e-mail to promote a global ban on land mines. Yet, this isbut a glimpse of what’s ahead in the minds of those immersed in this great andaccelerating transformation.
At Microsoft, Bill Gates predicts that by2018 major newspapers will “publish their last paper editions and move solelyto electronic distribution,” and that by 2020 dictionaries will redefine booksas “eBook titles read on screen.”
Ⅳ.Writing (20%)
Directions: Read the following news report and write acomposition of 250-300 words on Overhaul of National Holiday System in China.Write your composition on the answer sheet.
The Chinese Government announced a majoroverhaul (改变) of its national holiday systemrecently. The three-day May Day holiday will be cut into one day while theTomb-sweeping Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival willbecome national holidays. That raises the number of paid holidays to 11 from10.
I. Vocabulary
1.D 句意:在同一个工作岗位上干了四年后,他的激情最终耗干了。drain逐渐消失,减少。deteriorate变质;恶化;磨损。disperse散开,(云雾等)消散。dissipate逐渐消散,驱散。
2.C 句意:搬家之前我们得扔掉一些旧家具,这样新房子里才会有更多的空间。discard扔掉,废弃不用。cancel废除,取消。conceal隐藏,保密。retain保持,保存。
3.A 句意:没有几个人能听懂教授讲的课,因为这个主题太难懂了。obscure难理解的,晦涩的。indefinite模糊的,不确定的,无限的。dubious意义不明确的,令人怀疑的。intriguing吸引人的,有趣的。
4.D 句意:请不要对那些痛苦的回忆念念不忘了。一切都会好起来的。dwell on (心里)老是想着,惦记,不能释怀。其余选项不可与on搭配。hesitate犹豫,迟疑。
5.C 句意:他没有提你的名字,但我肯定他提到过你。allude to (随便或间接地)提到,谈到,涉及。intimate to向…暗示。infer意味着,暗示。
6.C 句意:我闹钟上的指针是带夜光的,因此在黑暗中我也能看清时间。luminous夜光的,发光的。exotic异国的,外来的。gorgeous华丽的,豪华的。spectacular壮观的,引人注意的。
7.A 句意:在世界上,政府形式没有优劣之分;每个政府体系都反映了该地区或国家历史的或现在的需求。dominant占优势的,统治的。influential有权势的,有影响的。integral必不可少的,主要的,完整的。drastic强烈的,极端的,极广泛的。
8.B 句意:对领土完整的相互尊重是我们两国发展友好关系的基础之一。territorial integrity领土完整,固定搭配。
9.B 句意:投票数一揭晓,败北的候选人立即就认输了。concede承认失败,放弃…希望。confess承认错误,忏悔。concur意见相同,互助。admit承认,容许。
10.C 句意:我们必须得减少日常开支,否则我们就不可能买得起车。curtail减少,削减。decline拒绝,使下降。condense使压缩,简写。dwindle使收缩,使减少,使衰退。
11.A 句意:汤姆被控告歧视黑种人,也就是说他瞧不起他们。discriminate歧视,虐待。distinguish辨别出,发现,表示…的特性。distress使忧虑,使疼痛。disguise掩饰,隐瞒。
12.C 句意:由于这两个国家不能协调他们之间的争端,他们决定停止谈判。reconcile协调,使一致。rectify矫正,调整。oblige迫使,帮…的忙。obscure使含混,遮盖。
13.B 句意:既然双方都没有诚意,再谈判下去也是徒劳。futile无效的,徒劳的。fertile丰产的,富于创造力的。fugitive短暂的,易消失的。fussy大惊小怪的,总是瞎忙的。
14.D 句意:最好用橡胶把电线隔离开来以确保安全。insulate使隔绝,使绝缘。desolate使荒废,遗弃。resolute不屈不挠的,坚决的。insolate使曝晒。
15.C 句意:大雪阻塞了交通,他不得不得在这多呆几天。impede阻碍,阻止。impeach指责,不信任。impel促使,推进。impart给予,告知。
16.A 句意:独裁者的第一步就是扼杀言论自由。strangle使窒息,抑制。strand使处于困境,使搁浅。stratify使成层,使分层。estrange使疏远,转作他用。
17.C 句意:洪灾过后,全村的人都在艰苦地努力重建家园。strenuous艰苦地,紧张地。superfluous过多的,不相干的。tenuous单薄的,不重要的。fatuous昏庸的,发呆的。
18.B 句意:我强压着对即将来临的假期的兴奋。subdue使服从,压制,减弱。crash使撞坏,粉碎。conquer控制,战胜。tranquilize使镇静,使平静。
19.A 句意:这种方法减轻了我的头疼。它还真管用。soothe缓和,使…安静,安慰。sober使清醒,使自制。soar向上飞,高涨。soak浸泡;铭记于心。
20.D 句意:这个农民警告孩子们不要踩到玉米。tramp踩,践踏。collapse使倒塌,折叠。stripe给…加条纹,使具有线条。stride大步走,跨越。
II. ReadingComprehension (50%)
Passage One
21.B 第一段谈到对海洋的破坏及其可能对人类和经济产生严重危害时,作者提到People just didn’t understand, nor did theycare.所以40年前人们不关心海洋的健康问题是因为他们不了解其危害性。
22.C 第二段最后一句意为“被怀疑论者标榜为没有人情味但又高度发展的媒体所具有的人性化特点给我留下了深刻印象。”由此可判断作者肯定了计算机具有的人性化特征。本句的前提是第二段倒数第二句Thanks to the Internet andcomputers,...exploring and learning at their own pace and as their curiositydictates.“……人们不仅可以得到系列的信息,而且还可以根据自己的兴趣并以自己的进度并参与探索和研究”。 C项“作者认为学习者可以与计算机进行互动交流并根据自己的需求做自己想做的事”和这一表现最吻合,准确地反映了计算机的人性化特征;A、D项都不属于人性化特征;B项句意为:计算机是人类的朋友。概念很含糊,不能准确反映计算机的人性化特征。
23.A 第三段提到Acouple of months ago I was in Fiji to celebrate...,即作者到Fiji是参加一个庆祝活动。
24.C 第一段末作者提到我们先前采取的措施已经使海洋恶化有所减轻;第二段提到各种媒介特别是网络和电脑的使用方便了我们宣传海洋的奇妙以及保护海洋的迫切性;最后一段提到希望年轻的一代能继承并发展我们保护海洋的行动。总的来说作者对海洋的未来是乐观的。
25.D 文章最后一句话提到I am counting on young create a better future...。fall back on求助于,转而依靠。
Passage Two
26.C 本文主要讲述了现代西方社会学的起源,主要研究领域以及对解决重大社会问题或现实问题的作用。
27.A 第一段第三、四句提到Indeed, it must be emphasized that from its beginning, sociology hashad a very practical interest... This practical emphasis in the discipline hascontinued to persist to the present.由此可以推断作者不会认可“大多数社会学家对理论性的问题而非实际性的问题感兴趣”的说法。
28.D 第三段提到在二十世纪的上几个十年中,西方发达国家持续面临重大的社会问题,而在很大程度上这些问题的解决是sociology, social psychology, and cultural anthropology的首要责任。由此可以推知一些社会学中的问题可以咨询social psychology and cultural anthropology来寻求解决方法。
29.C 文章第二句话提到Rather the discipline evolved as a result of the experiences associatedwith the problems of an immigrant society caught in the turmoil of rapidindustrialization and urban growth.社会学这门学科的演化是与一个移民社会陷在迅速的工业化和城市化的骚乱中所引起的问题相关的经验的结果。也就是说移民在新时代背景中遇到的问题促进了社会学的进化。选项C说法与之相符,且由此可排除选项A。
30.A 第一段第一句提到The field of sociology... developed as a result of a social experience...第二段提到the discipline evolved as a result of the experiences associated with...由此可以推知empirical与experiences有关系。empirical来自经验(或观察)的,经验主义的。
Passage Three
31.A 文章第一句话提到喝太多的酒不仅仅意味着暂时的意志丧失和不好的宿醉。专家警告说binge drinking的人很容易招致危险。由此可知“喝太多的酒”与“binge drinking”是同一回事。且本文在讲binge drinking时主要讲过多alcohol带来的危害,所以选项A为正确答案。binge drinking酗酒。
32.D 第四段提到they(freshmen) often lack the maturity to refrain or stop. And for some who may benew to drinking, their bodies have a relatively low tolerance for alcohol.由此可知答案。
33.C 第六段提到...enzymesthat break down and expel alcohol in the liver and kidneys...,enzymes是分解和驱除肝和肾中的酒精的。enzymes生化酶,酵母,酵素。expel驱逐,逐出。
34.B 最后一段提到大学行政官员一直很关注学生酗酒的问题但没有百分百成功的方法可以阻止他们。接下来讲他们采取的措施:try to educate students,a community-based approach,力劝酗酒孩子的父母与孩子交流等。
35.A 文章第二段最后一句话提到1997年数名大学生死于酗酒。第三段一开始列举了两名死于酗酒的大学生,在最后一句中专家指出“酒是毒药,少量饮酒身体还可以适应,过多的饮酒会招致死亡”。
Passage Four
36.B 第三段第一句话明确提到Basically, any tax system can be divided into direct and indirecttaxes.所以答案为选项B。
37.A 第四段提到公司税是按应税收入征收的。应税收入决定哪些收入在计算税项时可扣除。即所有可扣除的税款被扣除后就是应税收入了。下文讲到各个国家对应税收入的规定不同,B、C项是个别国家的规定。
38.C 第一段提到对跨国公司来说税务计划是一件极其复杂的事情,他们牵涉到太多的国家和地区,税务管理就是一张集结的网,因此他们不聘用ultimate tax expertise,相反他们主要依赖当地的税务专家和法律顾问。
39.D 文章最后一句话提到VAT is often accused of having contributed to serious inflation incountries... VAT经常被指控在某些国家导致了严重的通货膨胀,因此选项D是VAT的缺点而不是优点。
40.B 第四段第一句话提到Less developed countries usually have lower corporate tax rates, inorder to attract foreign investment.所以答案为选项B。
Passage Five
41.D 第二段第一句提到Gutman recreates...mainly through an ingenious use of what anyhistorian should draw upon, quantifiable data...由此可看出作者认为历史学家应该用可计量的数据来做研究。C项中的exclusively(排除其他地,专门地)说法太绝对。B项中的birthregisters只是quantifiable data的一个特殊实例。
42.D 第二段最后一句提到...the stability of the Black family encouraged...the Black heritage offolklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another... outof their African and American experiences.只有选项D的陈述与之最相符。
43.D 第三段第二句提到Gutman discovers that cousins rarely married an exogamous tendency thatcontrasted sharply with the endogamy practiced by the plantation owners.古特曼发现在异族通婚的趋势下同族人很少通婚,这与实行族内通婚制的种植园主形成强烈对比。即种植园主经常族内通婚。cousins同族人,亲戚。exogamous异族通婚的。endogamy族内通婚,近亲繁殖。本段最后一句提到by mid-to-late eighteenth century,种植园主的婚姻习俗developed,而不是beganto alter。他们的婚姻习俗differed from one tribal group to another,但都禁止近亲通婚,这与B项说法不符。C项在文中没有体现。
44.D 文章第一段提出在众多的历史研究中,Gutman对美国奴隶制的研究尤其引人注目;第二、三段详细阐述了他的研究方法与成果;最后一段总结其研究的重要性与价值。
45.B 第一段提出与其他的历史学家不同,Gutman提出要理解文化遗产的保存和集体意识的形成与发展,就得在黑人家庭和奴隶的大家族体系方面找答案。接下来详细描述了Gutman所做的相关研究,因此B项为文章的最佳标题。
Ⅲ.Translation (20%)
Ⅳ.Writing (20%)
Overhaul of National Holiday System inChina
As is known to us all, there is only onetraditional festival among the legal holidays, namely, spring festival before amajor overhaul of national holiday system was announced by the ChineseGovernment recently. The three-day May Day holiday will be curtailed to one day.Instead, the Tomb-sweeping Festival, Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-AutumnFestival will become national holidays. Thus, the number of paid holidays willrise from 10 to 11.
Voices diverge when it comes tothe question whether this rearrangement is favorable for the general public. Asfar as I am concerned, it’s really a wise and considerate reform in nationalholiday system.
In the first place, though longlegal holidays like the National Day holiday, which is also known as the GoldenWeek, can invariably boost the domestic consumption, complaints aboutovercrowding, poor service, a scarcity of hotel rooms and damage to scenicspots, especially historic sites, during the Golden Week breaks have spurreddebate over the merits of the weeklong holiday concept. On that score, the newarrangement not only respects people’s right to rest, as there are now moreholidays, but also spread the holidays through the year more reasonably. As aresult, employees can arrange their personal and family lives in a moreflexible way.
Above all, making traditionalfestivals legal holidays will help carry forward Chinese history and culture, builda harmonious society, enhance the cohesion of the Chinese nation and eventuallybenefit more than 1.3 billion Chinese citizens. Nowadays, traditional festivalstogether with their culture are drawing more and more attention from the peopleas well as the government. Under the context of globalization, makingtraditional festivals legal holidays is an effective way to preserve non-materialcultural heritage and maintain Chinese character.
In all, we should embrace sucharrangement and keep in mind the traditional culture conveyed in ourtraditional festivals when we enjoy those holidays.

the, and, D., B.
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