标题: 请各位英语高手近来帮助翻译一下,谢谢了! [打印本页] 作者: zjyfbi123 时间: 08-6-5 14:19
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: zjyfbi123 时间: 08-6-5 20:36
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: 范老师 时间: 08-6-5 20:45
这个专业词汇较难翻译,你最好自己翻译一下,让别人来帮你修改还是可行的作者: xiaobao1315 时间: 08-6-5 20:52
呵呵,首先我得佩服LZ聪明,这个是你论文的摘要和关键词吧,我虽然不会翻译,但我可以告诉你怎么去找答案,去谷歌里面找在线翻译,首先打开谷歌搜索,然后选择高级,里面有语言翻译选项,大约不要1分钟就能帮你完全翻译好,精确度我不敢保证,反正我的论文摘要翻译后都读通,嘿嘿!本来是想叫个数学系老乡改下,结果他说我的没有一句对,专业课词汇太长,他无法修改,吐血 后来我们学习委员说我的没有问题,我都晕了,我豁出去了,直接交给老师,结果老师把我题目修改了一下,正文根本就没有看,她说这个翻译我也不是很懂,哈哈,就这样过了,就等着七月份拿毕业证书了,祝你好运了!作者: xiaobao1315 时间: 08-6-5 20:57
这是英文摘要翻译:问题是这个国计民生呵呵,你自己翻译吧,这个我同学上次写的农村税费改革里面好像也不能翻译,你自己在想想吧!刚才说错了,谷歌搜索首页,直接点语言工具就可以了,不是在高级里面! Guojiminsheng oil is not only related to the importance of consumer goods, but also a country of important strategic material. Security of oil supply on the composition of a country\'s economic development. Social stability and national security are of great significance. Along with China\'s sustained and rapid economic development, domestic oil production alone can not meet the demand has far, China\'s oil supply had to rely on the international market to solve. However, in today\'s world oil market却使the development trend of China\'s oil security is a series of tough international environment of the test. To that end, must be broad participation in the international petroleum industry within the competition and cooperation, safeguard the implementation of the foreign oil security strategy and internal policies to ensure that China\'s oil supply security.作者: averill25 时间: 08-6-5 21:28
国计民生national economy and people\'s well being
机器翻译肯定是不行的。作者: hope.27 时间: 08-6-5 21:40