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 楼主| wangshuo1688 发表于 07-1-26 15:17:12 | 只看该作者
第十章 神经系统
1 有髓神经纤维的传导速度与下列哪项没有关系
A 纤维直径
B 刺激强度
C 温度
D 纤维类别
E 动物种属

2 神经元的胞体与轴突之间的物质运输和交换依赖于
A 血液供应
B 细胞外液
C 顺向轴浆流动
D 反向轴浆流动
E 双向轴浆流动

3 神经系统实现其调节功能的基本方式是
A 兴奋和抑制
B 正反馈和负反馈
C 躯体反射和内脏反射
D 条件反射和非条件反射
E 神经内分泌调节和神经免疫调节

4 反射活动后放现象的结构基础是神经元之间的
A 链琐状联系
B 环状联系
C 辐散式联系
D 聚合式联系
E 侧支式联系

5 神经元兴奋时,首先产生动作电位的部位是
A 胞体
B 树突
C 轴突
D 轴突始段
E 树突始段

6 动作电位到达突触前膜引起递质释放与哪种离子的跨膜移动有关
A Ca2+内流
B Ca2+外流
C Na+内流
D Na+外流
E K+外流

7 下列哪项反射活动中存在着正反馈
A 腱反射
B 排尿反射
C 减压反射
D 肺牵张反射
E 对侧伸肌反射 8 神经末梢兴奋与递质释放之间的偶联因子是
A Cl-
B K+
C Na+
D Ca2+
E Mg2+

9 神经元之间除了经典突触联系外还存在电突触,其结构基础是
A 缝隙连接
B 曲张体
C 混合性突触
D 交互性突触
E 串联性突触

10 反射时的长短主要决定于
A 刺激的性质
B 刺激的强度
C 感受器的敏感度
D 神经的传导速度
E 反射 中枢突触的多少

11 由脊髓前角运动神经元与闰绍细胞构成的局部神经元回路所形成的抑制,称为 A 回返性抑制
B 前馈抑制
C 侧支抑制
D 交互抑制
E 突触前抑制

12 突触前抑制产生是由于突触前膜
A 产生超极
B 递质耗竭
C 释放抑制性递质
D 兴奋性递质释放减少
E 抑制性中间神经元兴奋

13 突触前抑制的结构基础是哪一类型的突触
A 胞体-胞体型
B 胞体-树突型
C 轴突-胞体型
D 轴突-轴突型
E 轴突-树突型

14 兴奋性突触后电位是突触后膜对什么离子的通透性增加而引起的
A K+和Ca2+
B Na+ 和K+,尤其是K+
C Na+和K+,尤其是Na+
D Na+和 Ca2+
E Cl-

15 抑制性突触后电位
A 是去极化局部电位
* B 是超极化局部电位
C 具有全或无特征
D 是突触前膜递质释放减少所致
E 是突触后膜对 Na+通透性增加所致

16 肌梭感受器的适宜刺激是
A 梭外肌收缩
B 梭外肌松弛
* C 梭外肌受牵拉
D 梭内肌紧张性降低
E 梭内肌受压迫

17 脊髓前角α运动神经元传出冲动增加使
A 梭内肌收缩
B 梭外肌收缩
C 腱器官传入冲动减少
D 肌梭传入冲动增加
E 梭内肌梭外肌都收缩

18 腱器官是一种
A 张力感受器
B 长度感受器
C 压力感受器
D 温度感受器
E 化学感受器

19 当一伸肌被过度牵拉时张力会突然降低,其原因是
A 疲劳
B 负反馈
C 回返性抑制
D 腱器官兴奋
E 肌梭敏感性降低

20 脊髓前角γ运动神经元的作用是
A 使梭外肌收缩
B 维持肌紧张
C 使腱器官兴奋
D 负反馈抑制牵张反射
E 调节肌梭对牵拉刺激的敏感性

21 脊髓前角运动神经元轴突末梢释放的递质是
A 多巴胺
B 乙酰胆碱
C 5-羟色胺
D 去甲肾上腺素
E 血管活性肠肽

22 下丘脑是较高级的
A 交感神经中枢
B 副交感神经中枢
C 内脏活动调节中枢
D 躯体运动中枢
E 交感和副交感神经中枢

23 交感神经兴奋可引起
A 瞳孔缩小
B 逼尿肌收缩
C 肠蠕动增强
D 心率加快
E 支气管平滑肌收缩

24 副交感神经兴奋可引起
A 瞳孔扩大
B 糖原分解
C 胃肠运动增强
D 骨骼肌血管舒张
E 竖毛肌收缩 25 丘脑的非特异投射系统的主要作用是
A 引起触觉
B 引起牵涉痛
C 调节内脏活动
D 维持睡眠状态
E 维持和改变大脑皮层的兴奋状态

26 丘脑的特异投射系统的主要作用是
A 协调肌紧张
B 维持觉醒
C 调节内脏功能
D 引起特定的感觉
E 引起牵涉痛

27 传导慢痛的外周神经纤维主要是
A 有髓鞘的A类纤维
B 有髓鞘的B类纤维
C 无髓鞘的C类纤维
D 自主神经节前纤维
E 自主神经节后纤维

28 下列刺激中哪项不易引起内脏痛
A 切割
B 牵拉
C 缺血
D 痉挛
E 炎症

29 下列哪项不属于小脑的功能
A 调节内脏活动
B 维持身体平衡
C 维持姿势
D 协调随意运动
E 调节肌紧张

30 在完整动物机体建立条件反射的关键步骤是
A 存在无关刺激
B 存在非条件刺激
C 没有干扰刺激
D 无关刺激与非条件刺激在时间上多次结合
E 非条件刺激出现在无关刺激之前

31 优势半球指的是下列哪项特征占优势的一侧半球
A 重量
B 运动功能
C 感觉功能
D 语言活动功能
E 皮层沟回数

32 人类区别于动物的最主要的特征是
A 能形成条件反射
B 有第一信号系统
C 有学习记忆能力
D 有第一和第二信号系统
E 对环境适应能力大

33 脑电波的形成机制是大量皮层神经无同时发生
A 工作电位
B 诱发电位
C 兴奋性突触后电位
D 抑制性突触后电位
E 突触后电位同步总和

34 以下哪一项不是异相睡眠的特征
A 唤醒阈提高
B 生长激素分泌明显增强
C 脑电波呈去同步化波
D 眼球出现快速运动
E 促进精力的恢复

【A2型题 】
35 肾上腺素能神经元的轴突末梢分支上有大量曲张体,是递质释放部位。神经冲动抵达曲张体时,递质释放,通过弥散作用到达效应细胞,使效应细胞发生反应。这种传递方式称为
A 自分泌
B 旁分泌
C 近距分泌
D 突触性化学传递
E 非突触性化学传递

36 在中脑上、下叠体之间切断脑干的动物,出现四肢伸直、头尾昂起、脊柱挺硬,表现出抗重力肌的肌紧张加强,称为去大脑僵直,其原因是脑干网状结构
A 抑制区活动增强
B 易化区活动增强
C 组织受到破坏
D 组织受到刺激
E 出现抑制解除

37 某人在意外事故中脊髓受到损伤,丧失横断面以下的一切躯体与内脏反射活动。但数周以后屈肌反射、腱反射等比较简单的反射开始逐渐恢复。这表明该患者在受伤当时出现了
A 脑震荡
B 脑水肿
C 脊休克
D 脊髓水肿
E 疼痛性休克

38 某老年患者,全身肌紧张增高、随意运动减少、动作缓慢、面部表情呆板。临床诊断为震颤麻痹。其病变主要位于
A 黑质
B 红核
C 小脑
D 纹状体
E 苍白球

39 内脏疾病常引起体表某部位发生疼痛或痛觉过敏,这称为牵涉痛,其机制是患病内脏与发生牵涉痛的皮肤部位
A 位于躯体的同一水平上
B 位于躯体的同一纵切面上
C 位于躯体的同一冠状切面上
D 受同一脊髓节段的后根神经支配
E 受同一脊髓节段的前根神经支配

40 某患者因与人争吵后服用敌敌畏,引起有机磷中毒,被给予大量阿托品治疗,阿托品对有机磷中毒的下列哪种症状无效
A 大汗
B 肠痉挛
C 心率减慢
D 肌束颤动
E 瞳孔缩小

【B1型题 】
A 脑桥蓝斑
B 中脑黑质
C 低位脑干
D 纹状体
E 低位脑干中缝核
41 脑内多巴胺能神经元主要位于
42 脑内极大多数去甲肾上腺素能神经元位于
43 脑内5-羟色胺能神经元主要位于

A 肾上腺素
B 去甲肾上腺素
C 乙酰胆碱
D 多巴胺
E 5-羟色胺
44 交感和副交感神经节前纤维释放的递质是
45 支配汗腺的交感神经节后纤维末梢释放的递质是
46 交感舒血管纤维末梢释放的递质是
47 交感缩血管纤维末梢释放的递质是

A 姿势反射
B 多突触反射
C 状态反射
D 牵张反射
E 对侧伸肌反射
48 腱反射是
49 屈肌反射是
50 肌紧张是

A 中央后回
B 中央前回
C 颞叶皮层
D 枕叶皮层
E 边缘叶
51 体表感觉在大脑皮层的投射区主要位于
52 视觉的皮层投射区在
53 听觉的皮层投射区在
A. α波
B. β波
C δ波
D θ波
E. α波阻断
54. 成人在清醒、安静并闭目时出现(A)
55 频率最慢的脑电波是(C)
56 频率最快的脑电波是(B)

1.B 2.E 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.E 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.E 21.B 22.C 23.D 24.C 25.E 26.D 27.C 28.A 29.A 30.D 31.D 32.D 33.E 34.B 35.E 36.B 37.C 38.A 39.D 40.D 41.B 42.C 43.E 44.C 45.C 46.C 47.B 48.D 49.B 50.D 51.A 52.D 53.C 54.A 55.C 56.B
 楼主| wangshuo1688 发表于 07-1-26 15:17:40 | 只看该作者
第十一章 内分泌
1 激素的半衰期可用来表示激素的
A 作用起效速度
B 作用持续时间
C 更新速度
D 释放速度
E 与受体结合速度
2 体内大多数由内分泌腺释放的激素转送到靶组织的方式是
A 远距分泌
B 腔分泌
C 旁分泌
D 自分泌
E 神经分泌
3 第二信使cAMP的作用是激活
B 磷酸化酶
C 蛋白激酶
D 腺苷酸环化酶
E 磷酸二酯酶
4 下列哪种激素属于含氮激素
A 1,25-二羟维生素D3
B 雌二醇
C 睾酮
D 醛固酮
E 促甲状腺激素
5 神经激素是指
A 存在于神经系统的激素
B 作用于神经细胞的激素
C 由神经细胞分泌的激素
D 使神经系统兴奋的激素
E 调节内分泌腺功能的激素
6 激素作用一般特性的共同点是
A 由内分泌细胞粗面内质网合成
B 以cAMP为第二信使
C 受体位于靶细胞膜上
D 对靶细胞有严格特异性
E 有高效能的生物放大作用
7 类固醇激素作用机制的第一步是与靶细胞的
A 胞膜受体结合
B 胞浆受体结合
C 核受体结合
D 兴奋型G-蛋白结合
E 抑制型G-蛋白结合
8 下列哪种激素不是由腺垂体合成、分泌的
A 促甲状腺激素
B 促肾上腺皮质激素
C 生长素
D 催产素
E 黄体生成素
9 下列哪种调节肽不是由下丘脑促垂体区的神经细胞合成的
A 促肾上腺皮质激素
B 生长素释放激素
C 催乳素释放因子
D 促性腺激素释放激素
E 促甲状腺激素释放激素
10 生长素分泌有日周期,血中浓度最高的时间是在
A 清晨
B 中午
C 傍晚
D 慢波睡眠
E 异相睡眠
11 刺激生长素分泌最强的代谢因素是
A 低蛋白
B 低血糖
C 低血脂
D 低血钾
E 低血钠
12 下列哪一项不是生长素的直接作用
A 诱导肝产生生长介素
B 促进脂肪分解
C 促进软骨生长
D 增强脂肪酸氧化
E 抑制外周组织摄取、利用葡萄糖
13 血液中生物活性最强的甲状腺激素是
A 碘化酪氨酸
B 一碘酪氨酸
C 二碘酪氨酸
D 三碘甲腺原氨酸
E 四碘甲腺原氨酸
14 对脑和长骨的发育最为重要的激素是
A 生长素
B 性激素
C 甲状腺激素
D 促甲状腺激素
E 1,25-二羟维生素D3
15 甲状腺的含碘量占全身含碘量的
A 10%
B 30%
C 50%
D 70%
E 90%
16 在甲状腺激素合成过程中起关键作用的酶是
A 过氧化酶
B 脱碘酶
C 磷酸化酶
D 蛋白水解酶
E 氨基化酶
17 血液中哪一项物质的浓度最能反映甲状腺功能的高低
A 结合型甲状腺激素
B 游离型甲状腺激素
C 促甲状腺激素
D 甲状腺素结合球蛋白
E 甲状腺素结合前白蛋白
18 下丘脑-腺垂体调节甲状腺功能的主要激素是
A 生长素
B 促黑激素
C 促甲状腺激素
D 促肾上腺皮质激素
E 刺激甲状腺免疫球蛋白
19 调节血钙浓度最主要的激素是
A 生长素
B 降钙素
C 甲状腺激素
D 甲状旁腺激素
E 肾上腺皮质激素
20 血液中降钙素主要由哪种细胞产生
A 胰岛A细胞
B 胰岛B细胞
C 甲状腺C细胞
D 甲状旁腺细胞
E 小肠上部K细胞
21 合成肾上腺皮质激素的原料是
A 葡萄糖
B 蛋白质
C 脂肪酸
D 胆固醇
E 卵磷脂
22 关于糖皮质激素对代谢的影响,下列哪项是错误的
A 促进肝外组织蛋白质分解
B 促进肾保钠、排钾、排水
C 促进糖异生
D 减少外周组织对葡萄糖利用
E 促进全身各部位的脂肪分解
23 关于肾上腺髓质的叙述,下列哪项是错误的
A 受交感神经节前纤维支配
B 神经末梢释放乙酰胆碱
C 神经递质作用于嗜铬细胞上的N型受体
D 主要释放去甲肾上腺素
E 在应急反应时激素释放增加
24 刺激胰岛素分泌最主要的因素是
A 胃泌素释放
B 迷走神经兴奋
C 血糖浓度升高
D 血氨基酸浓度升高
E 胰高血糖素释放
25 广泛存在于人体内的前列腺素是一种
A 循环激素
B 组织激素
C 雄性激素
D 神经激素
E 自分泌激素
26 糖皮质激素本身没有缩血管效应,但能加强去甲上肾腺素的缩血管作用, 这称为
A 协同作用
B 致敏作用
C 增强作用
E 辅助作用
27 肾上腺皮质功能不足的患者,排除水分的能力大为减弱,可出现\"水中毒\", 补充下列哪种激素可缓解症状
A 胰岛素
B 糖皮质激素
C 醛固酮
D 肾上腺素
E 胰高血糖素
28 由肠吸收的碘以I-的形式存在于血液中,I-从血液进入甲状腺上皮细胞内的转运方式是
A 单纯扩散
B 载体介导易化扩散
C 通道介导易化扩散
D 主动转运
E 胞吞
29 在缺乏促甲状腺激素的情况下,甲状腺本身可适应碘的供应变化调节甲状腺激素的合成、释放。这种调节方式称为
A 神经调节
B 体液调节
C 自身调节
D 前馈调节
E 反馈调节
A Ca2+
D 前列腺素
E 甘油二酯
A 呆小症
B 巨人症
C 侏儒症
D 粘液性水肿
E 肢端肥大症
31 成年后生长素分泌过多,导致
32 成人甲状腺功能低下,导致
33 幼年期生长素过少,导致
A 糖皮质激素
B 甲状腺激素
D ACTH和糖皮质激素
E 糖皮质激素和去甲肾上腺素
34 产生应激反应时,血中哪项激素浓度升高
35 在腺泡腔内储存,并在激素储存量上居首位的是

1.C 2.A 3.C 4.E 5.C 6.E 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.C 15.E 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.D 20.C 21.D 22.E 23.D 24.C 25.B 26.D 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.B 31.E 32.D 33.C 34.D 35.B
 楼主| wangshuo1688 发表于 07-1-26 15:17:58 | 只看该作者
第十二章 生 殖
1 体内精子储存在
A 睾丸
B 前列腺
C 精囊腺
D 附睾和输精管
E 尿道球腺
2 睾酮的主要产生部位是
A 睾丸生精细胞
B 睾丸间质细胞
C 睾丸支持细胞
D 曲细精管上皮细胞
E 肾上腺皮质网状带细胞
3 下列哪项不属于睾酮的生理作用
A 维持生精作用
B 刺激生殖器官生长发育
C 促进乳腺发育
D 促进蛋白合成
E 促进男性副性征出现
4 下列哪项组织不能合成雌激素
A 卵巢
B 黄体
C 胎盘
D 子宫
E 肾上腺皮质
5 下列哪项不属于雌激素的生理作用
A 使卵泡发育成熟、排卵
B 使子宫内膜发生分泌期变化
C 使输卵管运动增强
D 刺激阴道上皮细胞增生、角化
E 促进乳腺发育
6 出现月经是由于血液中什么激素的浓度急剧下降所致
A 生长素
B 雌激素
C 孕激素
D 雌激素和孕激素
E 雌激素和生长素
7 血液中哪种激素出现高峰可以作为排卵的标志
A 雌激素
B 孕激素
C 黄体生成素
D 卵泡刺激素
E 卵泡刺激素释放激素
8 排卵后形成的黄体可分泌
A 孕酮
B 黄体生成素
C 卵泡刺激素
D 雌激素和孕酮
E 黄体生成素和孕酮
9 关于孕酮的生理作用的叙述,下列哪项是错误的?
A 使子宫内膜呈分泌期变化
B 使子宫肌活动减弱
C 抑制母体免疫排斥反应
D 促进乳腺腺泡发育
E 使排卵后基础体温降低
10 在月经周期中,形成雌激素分泌第二个高峰的直接原因是
A 卵泡刺激素分泌增加
B 黄体生成素分泌增加
C 雌激素的正反馈作用
D 雌激素的负反馈作用减弱
E 孕激素的正反馈作用
11 妊娠时维持黄体功能的主要激素是
A 雌激素
B 孕激素
C 卵泡刺激素
D 黄体生成素
E 绒毛膜促性腺激素
12 女性基础体温在排卵后升高0.5℃左右,并在黄体期维持在此水平。 基础体温的升高与下列哪种激素有关
A 雌激素
B 孕激素
C 卵泡刺激素
D 黄体生成素
E 甲状腺激素
13 在排卵前一天血液中出现黄体生成素高峰,若事先用抗雌激素血清处理动物, 则黄体生成素高峰消失。表明黄体生成素高峰是由下列哪种激素高峰所诱导的
A 雌激素
B 孕激素
C 卵泡刺激素
D 肾上腺皮质激素
E 促肾上腺皮质激素
14 大多数哺乳动物和人类,精子必须在雌性生殖道内停留一段时间方能获得使卵子受精的能力,这种现象称为
A 受精
B 着床
C 顶体反应
D 精子获能
E 精子去获能
A 雌激素
B 雄激素
C 卵泡刺激素
D 催产素
E 雌激素和雄激素
15 腺垂体产生
16 肾上腺皮质网状带细胞产生
A 下丘脑
B 腺垂体
C 卵巢
D 子宫
E 胎盘
17 黄体生成素来源于
18 促性腺激素释放激素来源于
19 绒毛膜促性腺激素来源于

1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.E 10.B 11.E 12.B 13.A 14.D 15.C 16.E 17.B 18.A 19.E
 楼主| wangshuo1688 发表于 07-1-26 15:19:38 | 只看该作者
Autonomic Nervous System
Select the single best answer to the numbered question.

Question # 1

Prejunctional (preganglionic) sympathetic nerves:
A. Some originate in the ventralmedial tract of the spinal cord
B. Most are not myelinated
C. Some originate from the dorsal motor nucleus in the medulla
D. Always release ACh as a ganglionic neurotransmitter
E. None of the above

Question # 2

Postjunctional (postganglionic) sympathetic fibers:
A. Are found at all segments of the paravertebral chains
B. Connect the paravertebral chains to prevertebral ganglia
C. Innervate the adrenal medulla
D. Usually are myelinated
E. None of the above

Question # 3

Preganglionic parasympathetic nerves:
A. Innervate the adrenal medulla
B. Originate from S1 in the spinal cord
C. Originate from nuclei in the hypothalamus
D. Innervate ciliary muscle in the eye
E. None of the above

Question # 4

A. Inhibits phospholipase C via M3 receptors in bladder
B. Inhibits K channel activation via M2 receptors in cardiac muscle
C. Dilates vascular smooth muscle by inhibiting NO production
D. Depolarizes postjunctional ganglionic neurons by opening K channels
E. None of the above

Question # 5

Pertussis toxin:
A. Blocks parasympathetic responses in the heart
B. Blocks parasympathetic responses in the bladder
C. Blocks sympathetic responses in the heart
D. Blocks sympathetic responses in the bladder that are mediated by beta2 receptors
E. None of the above

Question # 6

Predominant tone is sympathetic in nonvascular cells of:
A. Heart
B. Liver
C. Intestine
D. Eye
E. None of the above

Question # 7

The potency of Epi >> NE at:
A. alpha1 receptors
B. alpha2 receptors
C. beta1 receptors
D. beta2 receptors
E. none of the above

Question # 8

Blood vessels of the penis:
A. receive parasympathetic innervation
B. dilate in response to sympathetic nerve activation
C. constrict in response to Viagra
D. constrict in response to NO
E. none of the above

Question # 9

Epinephrine, at physiological concentrations:
A. inhibits platelet aggregation
B. constricts the hepatic artery
C. constricts the renal artery
D. stimulates GI motility
E. none of the above

Question # 10

Blood vessels of working skeletal muscle dilate in response to:
A. Adenosine produced by contracting muscle
B. NE released from adrenergic nerve terminals
C. NO produced by contracting muscle
D. Epi released from adrenergic nerve terminals
E. None of the above

Question # 11

The baroreceptor reflex pathway contains inhibitory projections (nerves) from:
A. baroreceptors to the NTS
B. the NTS to the nucleus ambiguus
C. the NTS to the caudal ventrolateral medulla
D. the caudal ventrolateral medulla to the rostral ventrolateral medulla
E. none of the above

Question # 12

Micturition is stimulated by activation of:
A. parasympathetic pelvic nerves
B. sympathetic hypogastric nerves
C. somatic pudendal nerves
D. sympathetic fibers that innervate pelvic parasympathetic ganglia
E. none of the above.

Question # 13

Which of the following contain autonomic nerves:
A. Spinal nerves
B. Splanchnic nerves
C. Pelvic nerves
D. The Vagus
E. All of the above

Question # 14

Which of the following are myelinated:
A. Sympathetic nerves to the adrenal medulla
B. Postganglionic sympathetic fibers
C. Postganglionic parasympathetic fibers
D. Nerves leaving prevertebral ganglia
E. None of the above

Question # 15

Which belong together:
A. Edinger-Westphal Nucleus: VII cranial nerve: ptergopalatine ganglion: lacrimal gland
B. Superior Salivatory nucleus: III cranial nerve: ciliary ganglion: eye
C. Dorsal motor nucleus: IX cranial nerve: otic ganglion: parotid
D. Nucleus ambiguus: X cranial nerve: stellate ganglion: heart
E. None of the above

Question # 16

A. Is made from tyramine
B. Is a catecholamine
C. Is methylated to make norepinephrine
D. Is the same as noradrenaline
E. None of the above

Question # 17

A. Is found in sympathetic ganglia
B. Is found in parasympathetic ganglia
C. Activates nicotinic receptors on the adrenal medulla
D. Activates nicotinic receptors on skeletal muscle
E. All of the above

Question # 18

Epinephrine is much more potent than norepinephrine:
A. At alpha2 receptors
B. At beta1 receptors
C. At beta2 receptors
D. At beta3 receptors
E. None of the above

Question # 19

Cholera toxin:
A. Activates Gi
B. Prevents receptors from interacting with Gi
C. Activates Gs
D. Prevents receptors from interacting with Gs
E. None of the above

Question # 20

Cyclic AMP:
A. Is produced by adenylyl cyclase
B. Is produced by guanylyl cyclase
C. Is produced by phosphodiesterase
D. Stimulates calmo

Question # 21

Nitric oxide (NO):
A. Synthesis is inhibited by calcium in endothelial cells
B. Is degraded by NO-esterase
C. Causes vascular smooth muscle to constrict
D. Stimulates cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase
E. None of the above

Question # 22

Activation of beta1 receptors:
A. Increases time between heart beats
B. Increases time between atrial and ventricular contractions in the heart
C. Increases renin secretion
D. Decreases sweating
E. All of the above

Question # 23

Most blood vessels:
A. Constrict in response to NE released from sympathetic nerves
B. Dilate in response to ACh released from parasympathetic nerves
C. Dilate in response to circulating epinephrine
D. Have beta3 adrenergic receptors
E. None of the above

Question # 24

Predominant autonomic tone at rest:
A. To arteries and veins is parasympathetic
B. To the heart is sympathetic
C. To the G.I. tract is sympathetic
D. To sweat glands is sympathetic
E. None of the above

Question # 25

Blood flow to skeletal muscle:
A. Is decreased due to epinephrine binding to beta2 receptors
B. Is increased due to norepinephrine binding to alpha1 receptors
C. Is decreased due to adenosine binding to A2 adenosine receptors
D. Is decreased due to NO activating guanylyl cyclase
E. None of the above

Question # 26

In the eye: A. Activation of sympathetic nerves causes miosis
B. Activation of parasympathetic nerves inhibits secretion from lacrimal glands
C. Aqueous humor production and intraocular pressure are decreased by activation of alpha2 receptors
D. Intraocular pressure is increased by activation of muscarinic receptors
E. None of the above

Question # 27

In the bladder:
A. Contraction of the trigone stimulates micturition
B. The detrusor muscle is inhibited by its sparse sympathetic innervation
C. Sympathetic nerve fibers stimulate parasympathetic activity within the pelvic plexus
D. Distention of the bladder inhibits afferent fibers of the pelvic and pudendal nerves
E. None of the above

1.D 2.A 3.E 4.E 5.A 6.E 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.A
11.D 12.A 13.E 14.A 15.E 16.B 17.E 18.C 19.C 20.A
21.E 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.E 26.C 27.B
 楼主| wangshuo1688 发表于 07-1-26 15:20:05 | 只看该作者
Cardiovascular System
Select the single best answer to the numbered question.
Heart As A Pump

Question # 1

Indicate whether the following statement is true or false.

Calcium release from the SR contributes more to cardiac contraction than inflow of Ca++ across the sarcolemma.
A. True
B. False


Question # 2

Calcium removal from the cytoplasm after contraction of the myocardium is:
A. Dependent on the T-type calcium channel
B. Regulated by phospholamban
C. Augmented by the dihydropyridine receptor
D. b & c

Question # 3

Indicate whether the following statement is true or false.

The Frank-Starling Relationship partially explains how cardiac output can be stabilized in a patient after a modest myocardial infarction.
A. True
B. False

Question # 4

Indicate whether the following statement is true or false.

Ventricular filling starts during isometric relaxation.
A. True
B. False

Question # 5

Which of the following factors increase preload? A. Increased blood volume
B. Horizontal posture or negative intrapleural pressure
C. Increased sympathetic tone to veins
D. Skeletal muscle muscular activity
E. all of the above


1.A 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.E

The Arterial System

Question # 1

A reduction in arterial compliance results in:
A. a rise in systolic arterial pressure but a reduction in mean arterial pressure.
B. a rise in systolic and in mean arterial pressure.
C. a rise in systolic but no significant change in mean arterial pressure.
D. a rise in systolic and an even greater rise in diastolic arterial pressure.
E. a fall in systolic but a rise in diastolic arterial pressure.


Question # 2

Which is increased by an increase in total peripheral resistance in an old arteriosclerotic individual:
A. Mean arterial pressure only
B. Pulse pressure only
C. Both of the above
D. Neither of the above

Question # 3

Which is/are increased by a two-fold increase in heart rate simultaneous with a 25% reduction in stroke volume?
A. Mean arterial pressure only
B. Pulse pressure only
C. Both of the above
D. Neither of the above

Question # 4

Increases in arterial capacitance and stroke volume will affect the pulse pressure in opposite directions:
A. True
B. False

Question # 5

A sudden rise in cardiac output would elevate the mean arterial pressure of a person with reduced arterial capacitance more rapidly than it would in a normal person.
A. True
B. False

Question # 6

The venous side of the circulation is characterized by
A. low pressure
B. low resistance to flow.
C. large volume capacity.
D. rich sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation
E. all of the above except D.

Question # 7

In general, it can be said that:
A. the volume capacity of the aorta is high because of its great distensibility.
B. blood volume capacity is highest at the veins, cross sectional area is greatest at the capillaries, and resistance to flow is greatest at the arterioles.
C. blood velocity is similar in all parts of the bed.
D. blood pressure drops from aorta to capillaries, then rises at the level of the venules.
E. All of the above except A.
Previous Question Next Question


Question # 8

The arterial side of the circulation is characterized by
A. turbulent blood flow.
B. high pressure.
C. high resistance to flow.
D. small volume capacity.
E. All of the above except A.

Question # 9

The following is/are correct regarding the structure and composition of the vascular bed:
A. aortic capacity is highest because of the large concentration of elastin.
B. blood volume is greatest in the veins, cross sectional area is greatest at the capillaries, and resistance to flow is greatest at the arterioles.
C. blood velocity decreases in the smaller vessels.
D. blood pressure drops from aorta to capillaries, then rises at the level of the venules.
E. B. and C.

Question # 10

The pressure pulse in the root of the aorta is:
A. narrower than the peripheral pulse.
B. characterized by a more pronounced dicrotic notch than would be found in the peripheral vessels.
C. identical to the pulse in the periphery.
D. characterized by a lower frequency than the peripheral pulse.

Question # 11

Select the single best answer to the numbered question.

Mean pressure is approximately equal to:
A. systolic pressure - diastolic pressure
B. systolic pressure + diastolic pressure
C. diastolic pressure + 1/3 systolic pressure
D. 1/3 (systolic pressure - diastolic pressure)
E. none of these

1.C 2.C 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.E 7.B 8.E 9.E 10.B 11.E


Question # 1

The total resistance through a parallel set of 3 tubes, of resistance 5, 10, and 20 units, respectively is:
A. 0.35 units
B. 2.9 units
C. 3.5 units
D. 35 units
E. 29 units

Question # 2

If you measure the change in pressure in a subject\'s scalp and in her ankle during the time that she stands up:
A. the arterial pressure in the ankle, would increase more than the venous pressure.
B. due to the cardiac acceleration associated with standing, the measured pressures would rise in both the scalp and the ankle
C. the driving pressure across the leg and the head would increase by the same amount
D. the flow through the artery would increase by more than the flow through the vein because the blood flows down hill in the artery.
E. none of these

Question # 3

Constriction of vessel \"C\" would increase the filtration of fluid from vessels B1 through B4.

A. True
B. False

Question # 4

Constriction of vessel\"A\" would have the same effect on total flow through this network as constriction of vessel \"C\", but would have the opposite effect on filtration from the B vessels.
A. True
B. False

Question # 5

Assumming that all of the \"B\" vessels below are identical, removal of one of them would be expected to:

A. increase the flow through the network by 33%
B. increase the network resistance by 33%
C. lower the filtration coefficient of the network
D. A and B
E. B and C

Question # 6

When linear velocity of flow in a blood vessel is 100 cm/sec and the volume flow is 200 ml/sec , the cross-sectional area is:
A. 300 cm2
B. 100 cm2
C. 0.5 cm2
D. 2.0 cm2
E. none of these

Question # 7

Select the single best answer to the numbered question.

Given laminar flow of a Newtonian fluid through a cylindrical tube with a fixed driving pressure, if the radius is doubled, flow will:
A. double.
B. remain unchanged.
C. quadruple
D. increase 16-fold.
E. increase 8-fold.

Question # 8

Red blood cells have a relatively small effect on the viscosity of blood in arterioles due to their biconcave disc shape.
A. True
B. False

Question # 9

The total force exerted on the semilunar valves by the pressure of the blood would be doubled if the diameter of the valve were doubled.
A. True
B. False

Question # 10

The driving pressure for a given segment of the circulation is the difference between the input pressure and output pressure to the segment.
A. True
B. False

Question # 11

Blood is thicker than water mainly because of the semi gel nature of the plasma proteins in the body.
A. True
B. False

Question # 12

The velocity of the red cells is usually faster than the velocity of the plasma in the microvessels.
A. True
B. False

Question # 13

If a Newtonian fluid is flowing through a constriction in a circular pipe, which of the following is true?
A. the velocity of the fluid increases as the fluid exits the constriction.
B. the pressure measured by a catheter inserted into the lumen at the constriction would be lower than the pressure measured at the entrance to the constriciton.
C. the velocity through the constriction would vary with the 4th power of the radius of the tube.
D. the total energy of the fluid would increase as the fluid accelerates through the constriction.

Question # 14

If the cardiac output is 6L/min and the arterial pressure is 120 mm Hg, then the capillary pressure must be two millimeters of mercury.
A. True
B. False

Question # 15

Two vessels with equal resistances are connected in series, and the inflow and outflow pressures are fixed. If the resistances of both vessels are doubled, the pressure at a point midway between them would be doubled.
A. True
B. False

Question # 16

Which of the following are true about turbulence?
A. It is less likely to occur at a low flow than at a high flow.
B. For a given flow, turbulence would be more likely to occur in a large vessel than in a small vessel.
C. Turbulence is more likely to occur with a high viscosity fluid than with a low viscosity fluid.
D. Turbulence is noiser than laminar flow.
E. A, and D

Question # 17

In the figure below, which of the curves would likely be the correct description of a distensible vessel?

A. picture
B. picture
C. picture
D. picture
E. picture

Question # 18

Select the single best answer to the numbered question.

Shear rate can affect the viscosity of the blood.
A. True
B. False

Question # 19

Examine the drawing below, and choose the correct answer regarding pressures that might be measured in the tube (assume that there are no frictional losses along the length of the tube).

A. P1 < P2
B. P1 > P2
C. P1 = P2

Question # 20

Examine the figure below and answer the questions regarding the pressures.

A. P2 > P3
B. P3 > P2
C. P2 = P3
D. can\'t say

Question # 21

The shear stress in an artery is greater next to the the wall than at the center of the vessel.
A. True
B. False

1.B 2.E 3.A 4.A 5.E 6.D 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.A
11.B 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.B 16.E 17.A 18.A 19.A 20.B

The Microcirculation - Part 1

Question # 1

Which one of the following statements is true:
A. The higher the molecular weight of a substance the more readily it diffuses across the capillary.
B. Capillary surface area does not influence the amount of substance which diffuses down a concentration gradient.
C. For a given molecular size, lipid insoluble substances diffuse more readily than lipid soluble substances.
D. The transport of small solutes across the capillary wall cannot be described in terms of physical laws.
E. None are true.

Question # 2

Under physiological conditions capillary exchange is controlled primarily by:
A. altered capillary permeability.
B. altered plasma oncotic pressure.
C. altered vascular smooth muscle contraction.
D. altered tissue hydrostatic pressure.
E. altered lymphatic drainage.


Question # 3

Given that: 1 = tissue oncotic pressure, 2 = plasma oncotic pressure, 3 = plasma hydrostatic pressure, 4 = tissue hydrostatic pressure, the best statement for the net driving force for capillary filtration is (Hint: think about the forces involved):
A. (3-2) - (4-1)
B. (4-2) - (3-1)
C. (3-1) - (4-2)
D. (2-3) - (1-4)
E. none of the above.

Question # 4

The conditions in the blood capillaries are ideal for diffusional exchange because:
A. intracapillary pressure is higher than arteriolar pressure.
B. the small diameter of capillaries permits red cell skimming.
C. the ratio of capillary surface/capillary volume is largest and blood velocity is minimum.
D. of the low capillary flow resistance due to their small total cross- sectional area.
E. pinocytosis is minimal in endothelial cells.

Question # 5

Which one of the following would not be expected to influence lymph flow:
A. Muscular activity.
B. Starvation.
C. A similar increase in precapillary and postcapillary resistance.
D. Stimulation of the sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerves.
E. An infusion of isotonic saline.

Question # 6

In which one of the following pairs of words are the pairs least related:
A. Protein - Van\'t Hoffs Law.
B. Ultrafiltration - Starling.
C. Diffusion - Fick\'s Law.
D. Autoregulation - myogenic.
E. Plasma protein osmotic pressure - solute diffusion.

Question # 7

The wall tension in an arteriole 50 mm in diameter with an intraluminal pressure of 80 mmHg is _____ times that of a 25 mm vessel with similar intraluminal pressure:
A. two
B. one half
C. four
D. one fourth
E. 16

Question # 8

Select the single best answer to the numbered question.

Changes in _____ are responsible for the fact that fluid is normally filtered at the arterial end of the capillaries and reabsorbed at the venous end.
A. tissue hydrostatic pressure
B. plasma oncotic pressure
C. diffusion coefficient
D. capillary surface area
E. plasma hydrostatic pressure.

Question # 9

Capillary diffusion capacity is controlled mainly by opening and closing the space between endothelial cells.
A. true
B. false

Question # 10

One way of decreasing the resistance of the arterioles with a vasoactive agent would be to decrease the number of arterioles.
A. true
B. false

Question # 11

Lipid solubility and size are more important than charge in the determination of the way in which a molecule will traverse the capillary wall.
A. true
B. false

Question # 12

The major function of the metarterioles is to shunt blood from the arterioles to the venules.
A. true
B. false

1.E 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.C 6.E 7.A 8.E 9.B 10.B
11.A 12.B

The Microcirculation - Part 2

Question # 1

Outward capillary filtration is enhanced by:
A. increased plasma oncotic pressure.
B. arteriolar constriction.
C. hypotension.
D. increased venous pressure.
E. increased lymphatic pressure.

Question # 2

The processes of capillary exchanges are best characterized by which of the following statements?
A. The capillary endothelium is permeable to water and electrolytes and impermeable to protein.
B. The rate of diffusion of a solute across the capillary wall is defined by Van\'t Hoffs law.
C. The capillary pores occupy a large percentage of the total capillary surface area.
D. The rate of diffusion of a solute is directly related to its concentration gradient but indirectly related to its free diffusion coefficient.
E. None are true.

Question # 3

Lymph flow decreases with:
A. Exercise.
B. Hemorrhage.
C. Protein leakage from capillaries
D. Increased venous pressure.
E. Increased arterial pressure.

Question # 4

If the net transmural pressure is 40 mm Hg and flow through the capillary walls is 0.2 ml/min/100g of tissue, the capillary filtration coefficient is:
A. 200
B. 8.0
C. 0.008
D. 0.005
E. 0.002

Question # 5

Arterioles are the main site of vascular resistance to flow because:
A. the effect of their small radius on individual resistances is not compensated by their large number and parallel arrangement.
B. the smooth muscle in the media has a high tone susceptible to modulation by sympathetic nerves.
C. in tubes of their size, the apparent blood viscosity is highest.
D. the ratio of medial thickness to lumenal diameter is very large.

Question # 6

The largest fraction of total blood volume is found:
A. in the aorta
B. between the aorta and capillaries.
C. in small and large veins.
D. in the capillaries
E. in the vena cava

Question # 7

Under physiological conditions, capillary exchange is regulated primarily by:
A. altering capillary permeability.
B. altering plasma oncotic pressure.
C. altering vascular smooth muscle contraction.
C. D altering lymphatic drainage.

Question # 8

Which of the following is not true regarding fluid filtration?
A. The rate of fluid filtration is increased by an increase in tissue oncotic pressure.
B. The rate of fluid filtration is increased during starvation.
C. Most glucose is carried to the tissues in the filtered fluid.
D. Fluid filtration is increased by opening new capillaries.
E. None of these.

Question # 9

Small vessels can sustain large intraluminal pressures because they are supported by the parenchymal cells and thus do not require the connective tissue of the larger elastic arteries.
A. True
B. False

Question # 10

The small amount of protein which leaks from the capillaries is returned to the circulation mainly by pinocytotic transport of the protein across the capillary endothelium.
A. True
B. False

Question # 11

Glucose transport to cells is carried out primarily by filtration of fluid and cotransport of the dissolved glucose through the capillary endothelium.
A. True
B. False

Question # 12

Albumin is about the largest lipid insoluble molecule which will diffuse across the endothelium.
A. True
B. False

1.D 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.B
11.B 12.A

Peripheral Vascular Control - Part 1

Question # 1

Which one of the following statements characterizes the role of the medulla oblongata in the regulation of the heart and blood vessels?
A. It contains a vasomotor center in which some but not all of the descending neurons affecting the control of blood vessels synapse.
B. It contains a cardioinhibitory center which unlike the vasomotor center is little influenced by impulses from carotid baroreceptor.
C. Both statements above are correct.
D. None is correct.

Question # 2

The vasoconstrictor center:
A. is located in the medulla and is tonically active
B. its activity is modulated by the baroreceptors and hypothalmic centers
C. its activity is depressed by lowering the blood pressure in the carotids.
D. its activity is enhanced by carotid chemoreceptor firing and the vasomotor center itself is most sensitive to changes in PCO2 and PO2
E. all of the above except C.

Question # 3

With hemorrhage:
A. pulse pressure decreases.
B. hematocrit ratio increases
C. stroke volume and heart rate increase.
D. number of impulses traveling in the sinus nerves increases.
E. skin temperature increases.

Question # 4

The vasomotor center is stimulated most effectively by:
A. decreased arterial blood oxygen tension.
B. increased arterial blood hydrogen ion concentraion
C. increased arterial blood adenosine concentration
D. increased arterial blood carbon dioxide tension.
E. increased arterial blood potassium ion concentration.

Question # 5

The skin arteriovenous anastamoses:
A. are insensitive to circulating catecholamines.
B. possess a high degree of basal tone.
C. are more sensitive to neural influences than to metabolic stimuli.
D. are less sensitive to sympathetic stimulation than muscle arterioles.
E. dilate in response to cooling of the hypothalamus.

Question # 6

The segment of the vascular bed responsible for local or intrinsic regulation of blood flow in most tissues is:
A. the distributing arteries.
B. the large veins.
C. the capillaries.
D. the venules.
E. the arterioles.

Question # 7

Neural control of the arterioles in skeletal muscle can produce:
A. dilation only.
B. constriction only.
C. both of the above.
D. neither of the above.

Question # 8

Veins in skeletal muscle respond to:
A. sympathetic neural dilation only.
B. sympathetic neural constriction only.
C. both of the above.
D. neither of the above.

Question # 9

A. Accounts for the relative constancy of organ blood flow in the face of changes in perfusion pressure.
B. Can be explained by both metabolic and myogenic mechanisms.
C. Accounts for the increase in the organ blood flow when perfusion pressure increases.
D. Is mediated by sympathetic vasoconstrictor fibers.
E. A and B.

Question # 10

Active or functional hyperemia:
A. Is exemplified by the increase in skeletal muscle blood flow during exercise.
B. Is mediated by a decreased washout of metabolites from the active tissue.
C. Is mediated by stretch of the vascular smooth muscle in the active tissue.
D. Is mediated by an increase in mean arterial pressure.

Question # 11

Concerning the control of the cardiovascular system by the autonomic nervous system, the following are true:
A. Control of the sympathetic neural activity to the arterioles can accomplish either constriction or dilation.
B. The effect of sympathetic nerve activity on organ blood volume is negligible.
C. Increased vagal activity causes a decrease in heart rate and a cholinergically-mediated arteriolar vasodilation.
D. Increased parasympathetic nerve activity decreases flow resistance of skeletal- but not visceral smooth muscle.

Question # 12

Select the single best answer to the numbered question.

Stimulation of either the cardiac beta or the vascular beta receptors will have the same effect on the mean arterial pressure.
A. True
B. False

Question # 13

Norepinephrine and angiotensin ll have the same effect on the arterioles.
A. True
B. False

1.A 2.E 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.E 7.C 8.B 9.E 10.A
11.A 12.B 13.A

Peripheral Vascular Control - Part 2

Question # 1

The arterial baroreceptors:
A. Stop firing action potentials above a mean arterial pressure of about 250 mmHg.
B. Show a firing rate that is independent of the magnitude of the pulse pressure.
C. Exert their primary effect via the medullary vasomotor center.
D. Are located within the lumen of most major arteries in the body.
E. A and C.

Question # 2

The baroreceptor-mediated response to increased mean arterial pressure would include:
A. Decreased sympathetic nerve activity to the heart.
B. Peripheral vasodilation.
C. Increased action potential frequency in the afferent nerves to the medullary cardiovascular center.
D. A. and B.
E. A., B. and C.

Question # 3

Calcium in vascular smooth muscle:
A. comes solely from the extracellular fluid.
B. is elevated by norepinephrine but not by oxygen.
C. modulates tone mainly by altering receptor affinity for ligands
D. modulates tone mainly by altering the interaction between actin and myosin

Question # 4

Tone in vascular smooth muscle:
A. is independent of changes in intracellular calcium.
B. is increased by stretch
C. is independent of sympathetic activity
D. is independent of hormonal activity

Question # 5

Endothelial cell communication with the smooth muscle cells of the vessel wall is:
A. due mainly to diffusion of Ca++ from endothelial cell to smooth muscle cells.
B. based on the formation of EDRF (nitric oxide) which diffuses from the endothelial cell to the VSM.
C. stimulated mainly by neural factors
D. sensitive to the concentration of bradykinin in the vessel lumen EDRF
E. B. and D.

Question # 6

A. results from an increase in the sympathetic neural discharge.
B. is induced by parasympathetic neural activation.
C. derives from neural connections in the cerebral cortex.
D. derives from signals originating in the hypothalamus.
E. none of these.

Question # 7

Which of the following vasodilatory responses is most likely due to the parasympathetic nervous system?
A. salivation
B. erection
C. functional dilation of striated muscle
D. heat hyperemia in the skin
E. A. and B.

Question # 8

The fact that the arterioles are more sensitive to neural discharge than the veins assures an appropriate precapillary to post-capillary resistance ratio.
A. True
B. False

Question # 9

The resistance vessels respond to sympathetic stimulation at a lower frequency than do the capacitance vessels.
A. True
B. False

Question # 10

The tissue pressure hypothesis for intrinsic control of blood flow proposes that elevations of perfusion pressure lead to increases in tissue pressure which cause an increase in filtration and therefore a dilution of the concentration of metabolites in the intersitital fluid.
A. True
B. False

1.C 2.E 3.D 4.B 5.E 6.C 7.E 8.A 9.B 10.B
 楼主| wangshuo1688 发表于 07-1-26 15:20:47 | 只看该作者
Endocrine System
Select the single best answer to the numbered question.

Question # 1

A hormone that is involved in the regulation of adrenal steroid production is secreted by
A. cells of the adrenal medulla
B. anterior pituitary corticotropes
C. cells of the pancreatic islets
D. cells of the parathyroid gland
E. thyroid follicular cells
Question # 2

Which of the following cells binds follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)?
A. spermatogonia
B. primary spermatocytes
C. secondary spermatocytes
D. spermatids
E. Sertoli cells
Question # 3

Hormones are synthesized, stored and released by regulated exocytosis from
A. liver
B. exocrine pancreas
C. gall bladder
D. enteroendocrine cells
Question # 4

Vitamin D
A. is produced in the dermis
B. is required for the incorporation of circulating calcium from the blood into the bones
C. deficiency results in premature calcification of growing bones
D. in excess causes the disease rickets
E. is essential for the uptake of calcium in the intestine
Question # 5

All of the following features are shared by granulosa luetin cells and adrenal zona fasciculata cells EXCEPT
A. abundant dense core secretory granules
B. extensive smooth endoplasmic reticulum
C. numerous mitochondria
D. accumulations of lipid droplets
Question # 6

When the cells of the exocrine pancreas are exposed to hormones from the enteroendocrine cells of the G.I. tract, they release
A. the enzyme enteropeptidase
B. the peptide hormone cholecystokinin (CCK)
C. the glucoregulatory hormones insulin and glucagon
D. both a bicarbonate rich fluid and enzymes that are required for digestion
Question # 7

All of the following statements are true for the endocrine cells in the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas EXCEPT
A. hormone signals from the G.I. tract stimulate the release of inactive enzymes
B. the blood supply first reaches the insulin-producing cells in the core of the islet
C. the glucagon-producing cells are located in the periphery of the islet
D. paracrine communication serves to coordinate the responses of the endocrine cells
Question # 8

The hypothalamic neurons that supply the posterior pituitary
A. synapse directly on their target cells
B. release either growth hormone or prolactin
C. contain neurosecretory granules that accumulate in axon terminals
D. release hormone into the hypophyseal portal blood system
Question # 9

Hyperplasia of growth hormone-secreting cells in the anterior pituitary is associated with
A. diabetes type 1
B. endemic goiter
C. acromegaly
D. adrenal hyperfunction
E. altered calcium homeostasis
Question # 10

Cells that have extensive smooth ER, mitochondria and lipid droplets are likely
A. to be found in the adrenal medulla
B. to be involved in the synthesis of biogenic amines
C. to be involved in the synthesis of inactive zymogens
D. to be involved in the synthesis of steroid hormones
Question # 11

All of the following are characteristics of the hypothalamic neurons that supply the posterior pituitary EXCEPT
A. they synapse directly on target cells
B. they secrete either oxytocin or vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone, ADH)
C. neurosecretory granules accumulate in terminal Herring bodies
D. hormone is released into the general circulatory system
E. they are supported by a type of glial cell known as pituicytes
Question # 12

The synthesis and release of thyroid hormones by thyroid follicular cells requires all of the following EXCEPT
A. the processing of mature hormone in regulated secretory granules
B. the extracellular storage of an inactive precursor protein
C. the uptake of dietary iodide from the blood
D. the recovery of thyroglobulin from the lumen by endocytosis
E. stimulation by an anterior pituitary hormone
Question # 13

The target cells for the endocrine hormones
A. possess receptors that bind specific hormones in the blood
B. respond to changes in hormone concentration in the blood
C. typically initiate a feedback response to the hormone
D. can respond to the temporal pattern (frequency) of hormone in the blood
E. all of the above
Question # 14

Receptors that sense serum calcium levels are found in
A. cells of the adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla
B. anterior pituitary somatotropes
C. cells of the pancreatic islets
D. cells of the parathyroid gland
E. thyroid follicular cells
Question # 15

Which one of the following processes accounts for the low level of proinsulin normally found in circulating blood?
A. selective binding of proinsulin by A cells within the islet
B. efficient endocytosis of proinsulin in the liver
C. efficient conversion of proinsulin to insulin within maturing secretion granules
D. efficient conversion of proinsulin to insulin before exit from the ER
E. efficient processing of proinsulin by a serum protease immediately after exocytosis
Question # 16

The hypophyseal portal veins comprise an essential route for releasing factor-mediated secretion of all the following pituitary hormones EXCEPT
B. vasopressin
C. prolactin
D. growth hormone
E. follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Question # 17

In response to decreases in serum calcium below normal levels, parathyroid chief cells
A. stop synthesizing parathyroid hormone
B. stop processing proparathyroid hormone
C. increase cell surface calcium receptors
D. increase parathyroid hormone secretion
E. stop dividing
Question # 18

Which one of the following alternatives represents the correct pathway for synthesis, storage and secretion of biogenic amines like noradrenaline (norepinephrine)?
A. proteolysis from a polypeptide precursor, storage in granules, discharge by exocytosis
B. synthesis in smooth ER and miotochondria, release through the plasma membrane without storage
C. production by lysosomal degradation, diffusion through the plasma membrane without storage
D. synthesis from decarboxylated amino acids, uptake into secretion granules, discharge by exocytosis
E. production in the ER and passage through the intracellular transport pathway without storage
Question # 19

which of the following cell types is easily recognized in the microscope by its rich cytoplasmic content of cholesteryl ester droplets?
A. cells of the adrenal zona fasciculata
B. A cells of the endocrine pancreas
C. thyroid folliclar cells
D. neurohypophyseal
E. none of the above
Question # 20

Iodination of tyrosine residues during thyroid hormone synthesis occurs
A. during synthesis of tyrosyl-tRNA
B. co-translationally during translocation of thyroglobulin in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum
C. afer discharge of thyroglobulin into the follicular lumen
D. within the lysosome during thyroglobulin degradation
E. at the basolateral plasma membrane during release of T3 or T4
Question # 21

Which one of the following describes the relationship of thyroid follicuular and parafollicular cells?
A. parafollicular cells regulate thyroxine production in follicular cells
B. follicular cells regulate calcitonin production by parafollicular cells
C. parafolliclar cells produce the plasma carrier protein for thyroid hormone
D. parafollicular cells regulate iodine uptake by follicular cells
E. although closely juxtaposed, there is little or no direct functional interrelationship between the two cell types
Question # 22

Interruption in the function of the hypophyseal portal system would have which one of the following effects?
A. inhibition of ejection of milk from the mammary gland
B. suppression of ovulation
C. stimulation of thyrotropin (TSH) secretion
D. stimulation of epinephrine secretion by the adrenal medulla
E. suppression of bone resorption
Question # 23

The droplets that characteristically fill the cytoplasm of cells of the adrenal zona fasciculata contain
A. numerous low density lipoprotein receptors
B. lipofuscin
C. corticosteroid
D. cholesterol ester used for steroid synthesis
E. lysosomal hydrolases
Question # 24

Steroid hormone receptors are characterized by which of the following?
A. multiple transmembrane spanning domains
B. association with heterotrimeric G proteins
C. ability to translocate into the nucleus after binding their ligand
D. ability to activate Phospholipase C
E. ability to activate adenylyl clyclase
Question # 25

Endocrine signaling and synaptic signaling always share which one of the following characteristics
A. a specific class of cells releases a specific molecule by exocytosis
B. the receptors for the signaling molecule are on the cell surface
C. the signaling molecules are polypeptides
D. the signaling molecules are transported via the blood stream
E. the signaling molecules have transient (temporary) effects on their target cells.
Question # 26

Parathyroid chief cells respond to low serum calcium by
A. discharging stored calcium into the blood
B. synthesizing calcitonin
C. synthesizing vitamin D
D. seceting more parathyroid hormone
E. differentiating into oxyphil cells
Question # 27

Serotonin, like epinephrine, is a biogenic amine In enteroendorcrine cells that produce serotonin , most of the serotonin is found
A. associated with receptors in the nucleus
B. in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum
C. in secretion granules
D. free in the cytosol
E. bound to transporters in the plasma membrane
Question # 28

Adrenal cortical cells typically contain abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum. This reflects their specialization for
A. synthesis and export of phospholipids
B. secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
C. secretion of epinephrine (adrenalin)
D. production of steroid hormones
E. secretion of lipoproteins
Question # 29

The hypophyseal portal system functions as part of the communication pathway in which one of the following processes?
A. glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic B cells
B. stimulation of vasopressin secretion from the neurohypophysis
C. stimulation of thyroxine secretion from thyroid follicular cells
D. release of catecholamines from adrenal medullary cells
E. secretion of parathyroid hormone
Question # 30

If you immunolabeled the pancreas with an antibody to insulin, which one of the following results would you obtain?
A. staining of the majority of cells in all islets
B. staining of only the most peripheral cells in all islets
C. staining of some islets but not others
D. staining of both islet and acinar cells
E. no staining because islet cells immediately secrete all the insulin they produce
Question # 31

In the anterior pituitary, gonadotropes
A. are directly contacted by processes of hypothalamic neurons that control their secretion
B. are the only cells that derive embryologically from the oral ectoderm
C. are distinguished from other pituitary cell types by not using exocytosis for release of hormone
D. can produce follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH) or both FSH and LH
E. are one of the classes of acidophils
Question # 32

Which of the following cellular events occur(s) in response to insulin secretion?
A. increased degradation of glycogen in hepatocytes
B. increased uptake of glucose from the gut lumen by intestinal enterocytes
C. increased uptake of glucose by adipocytes and muscle fibers
D. increased gluconeogenesis
E. all of the above
Question # 33

Epinephrine secretion by adrenal medullary cells involves stimulation of
A. epinephrine synthesis and subsequent diffusion through the plasma membrane caused by corticosterone
B. exocytosis of epinephrine containing granules by corticosterone
C. exocytosis of epinephrine containing granules by acetylcholine
D. exocytosis of epinephrine containing granules by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)
E. none of the above
Question # 34

Which of the following statements is true for calcitonin-secreting cells?
A. they secrete calcitonin in response to low serum calcium
B. they are located either in the walls of follicles or in the interstitium between follicles
C. they regulate thyroglobulin production in follicular cells
D. they contain abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum
E. cancers involving these cells are unknown
Question # 35

Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates which of the following processes in thyroid follicular cells?
A. uptake of iodide from the blood plasma
B. synthesis of thyroglobulin
C. iodination of thyroglobulin
D. endocytosis of thyroglobulin
E. all of the above
Question # 36

Patients with Graves\' disease are hyperthyroid, mostly resulting from the production of circulating antibodies that structurally resemble TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone or thyrotropin) and can bind and activate the TSH receptor. Which one of the following likely characterizes their plasma levels of thyroxine (T4) and TSH?
A. high T4 and low TSH
B. high T4, and high TSH
C. low T4 and high TSH
D. low T4 and low TSH
Question # 37

Peptide hormones
A. are produced exclusively in specialized endocrine glands
B. are mostly secreted as inactive precursors and are activated by target tissues
C. can be stored in the same intracellular organelles as biogenic amines such as epinephrine
D. are cleared slowly from the circulation after secretion and thus remain effective for hours
E. translocate across the plasma membranes of target cells and bind to cytoplasmic receptors
Question # 38

Vasopressin but not ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone)
A. requires enzymes located in mitochondria for its synthesis
B. is produced by processing of a high molecular weight hormone precursor
C. undergoes axonal transport before secretion
D. binds to a carrier protein in the blood plasma
E. stimulates steroid secretion by target cells
Question # 39

When cells of the adrenal zona glomerulosa are exposed to angiotensin II, the major secretory product they release
A. stimulates ACTH secretion from the anterior pituitary
B. stimulates glycogen breakdown in hepatocytes
C. stimulates sodium recovery by distal tubules of renal nephrons
D. inhibits water recovery by collecting tubules of renal nephrons
E. accelerates spermatogenesis
Question # 40

Iodinated thyroglobulin levels in the circulation are nearly always negligible because thyroglobulin
A. is efficiently filtered by the kidneys and excreted in urine
B. is rapidly phagocytosed by macrophages
C. undergoes efficient transcytosis in the liver and is excreted in bile
D. never leaves the lumen of the thyroid follicle
E. is mostly degraded in lysosomes of follicular cells
Question # 41

Which of the following is released from the axon terminals in the pars nervosa [posterior pituitary]?
A. Vasopressin
B. Corticotropin
C. Growth hormone releasing factor
D. Thyroxine [T4]
E. Estrogen
Question # 42

Releases glucagon in response to hypoglycemia
A. Pancreatic A [alpha] cells
B. Pars distalis [anterior pituitary]
C. Adrenal medulla
D. Adrenal cortex
E. Pancreatic B [beta] cells
Question # 43

In the islets of Langerhans
A. the alpha cells out-number the peripheral beta cells
B. the delta cells produce glucagon
C. the delta cells are destroyed in type I diabetes
D. the insulin producing beta cells are located in the core
E. there are extensive intercalated ducts
Question # 44

Vasopressin and oxytocin are synthesized in the
A. pars distalis
B. hypothalamus
C. pars nervosa
D. pars intermedia
E. infundibulum
Question # 45

In this diagram of the Adrenal, Layers A, B and C comprise the adrenal cortex; D is the adrenal medulla. The layer that is recognizable because of the very obvious cytoplasmic lipid droplets is:

A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D
E. All of the above
Question # 46

In this diagram of the Adrenal, Layers A, B and C comprise the adrenal cortex; D is the adrenal medulla. Biogenic amines are released by exocytosis from which layer(s)?

A. A only
B. B only
C. B and C only
D. C only
E. D only

1.B 2.E 3.D 4.E 5.A 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.D
11.A 12.A 13.E 14.D 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.C
21.E 22.B 23.D 24.C 25.E 26.D 27.C 28.D 29.C 30.A
31.D 32.C 33.C 34.B 35.E 36.A 37.C 38.C 39.C 40.E
41.A 42.A 43.D 44.B 45.B 46.E
 楼主| wangshuo1688 发表于 07-1-26 15:21:07 | 只看该作者
Female Reproductive System Histology
Select the single best answer to the numbered question.

Question # 1

Maintenance of the normally acidic pH of the vaginal lumen is important because the low pH inhibits the growth of undesirable microorganisms such as yeasts. This normally acidic pH is the result of
A. acid secretion by vaginal glands
B. recovery of bicarbonate by blood vessels in the lamina propria
C. the acidic nature of the carbohydrates in cervical mucus
D. exchange of H+ for K+ by the epithelial cells
E. bacterial metabolism of glycogen
Question # 2

All of the following statements about the syncytial trophoblast layer of placental villi are true EXCEPT
A. divides and differentiates into cytotrophoblast cells
B. secretes progesterone
C. is the source of urinary chorionic gonadotrphin (hCG)
D. mediates the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
E. is in direct contact with maternal blood
Question # 3

The mucosa of the uterine cervix is noted for its
A. unchanging histological and functional characteristics through the uterine cycle
B. ciliated and absorptive epithelial cells
C. mucus secretion
D. integrins that bind ligands on the trophoblast
E. responsiveness to luteinizing hormone (LGH)
Question # 4

All of the following statements about granulosa cells during the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle are true EXCEPT
A. secrete estrogen in response to stimulation by FSH
B. surround a primary oocyte
C. increase in number with time
D. give rise to cells of the theca interna
E. comprise the cumulus oophorus and corona radiata
Question # 5

Loss of a large portion of the uterine endometrium is initiated at the beginning of the menstrual phase of the uterine cycle by changes in
A. straight arterioles of the endometrium
B. coiled arterioles of the endometrium
C. helical endometrial gland cells
D. decidual cells of the stroma
E. contractility of myometrial cells
Question # 6

A non-lactating mammary gland cannot produce milk because the gland contains few or no
A. lobules
B. lactiferous sinuses
C. intralobular ducts
D. alveoli
E. fat cells
Question # 7

The cuboidal epithelial cell of alveoli in the mammary gland
A. synthesize and secrete steroid hormones
B. release proteins by exocytosis and lipid by an apocrine secretion mechanism
C. contract in response to oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland
D. synthesize immunoglobulin A (IgA)
Question # 8

Which of the following statements is true concerning the ovarian follicles of a normal 25-year woman at day 8 of a 28-day menstrual cycle
A. the majority are destined to degenerate
B. nearly all contain primary oocytes
C. they are a mixture of primordial, primary and secondary follicles
D. some secrete estrogen in response to FSH from the pituitary gland
E. all of the above
Question # 9

In the human placenta, maternal blood is in direct contact with
A. fetal capillary endothelium
B. fetal mesenchyme
C. basement membrane of fetal capillaries
D. syncytial trophoblast
E. none of the above - maternal blood does not directly contact fetal tissue
Question # 10

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
A. is a steroid hormone
B. stimulates the ovarian corpus luteum
C. is synthesized and secreted by decidual cells
D. increases in concentration in the blood in the luteal phase of the normal menstrual cycle
E. is a component of fibrinoid
Question # 11

Structure in mammals that is responsible for the block to polyspermy and for preventing the cross fertilization between species
A. plasma membrane of oocyte
B. zona pellucida
C. granulosa cells
D. theca interna
E. theca externa
Question # 12

Synthesis of androgens occurs in the
A. oocyte
B. zona pellucida
C. granulosa cells
D. theca interna
E. theca externa
Question # 13

An ovary of a normal six-year-old person contains
A. hundreds of thousands of primary oocytes
B. follicles in varying stages of development (e.g., primordial, primary, secondary follicles)
C. primary occytes, secondary oocytes, and mature ova
D. corpora albicantia
E. no follicles
Question # 14

The theca interna of ovarian follicles
A. develops from connective tissue cells
B. participates in synthesis of the zona pellucida
C. produces fluid found in the follicular antrum
D. is discharged from the ovary at ovulation
E. converts androgens to estrogen
Question # 15

Fatty components are added to milk by
A. exocytosis of secretory granules
B. sloughing of fat-containing cells
C. apocrine secretion
D. transcytosis of lipoprotein complexes
E. the synthetic activity of enzymes in milk
Question # 16

The major source of ovarian progesterone in the second half of a normal menstrual cycle is a cell type that contains abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. In the first half of the cycle these cells had a different appearance and would have been recognized as
A. oocytes
B. theca interna
C. theca externa
D. granulosa cells
E. medullary fibroblasts
Question # 17

All of the following are characteristics of the uterine endometrium during the second half of the normal menstrual cycle EXCEPT
A. surface epithelium contains ciliated cells and secretory cells
B. the tissue is under the influence of progesterone
C. basalis and functionalis layers are present
D. glands are straight and contain many mitotic figures
E. lumina of glands contain secretions
Question # 18

Which of the following structures does NOT separate maternal blood from fetal blood in the human placenta?
A. endothelium of maternal vessels
B. syncytiotrophoblast
C. bsement membrane
D. endothelium of capillaries of chorionic villi
E. extracellular matrix of fetal mesenchyme
Question # 19

The process of ovarian follicular atresia
A. occurs in approximately one follicle each month
B. ceases at puberty
C. is initiated in a Graafian follicle after it undergoes ovulation
D. occurs in the majority of follicles
E. signifies the presence of an endocrinological abnormality
Question # 20

The main histological change that mammary glands undergo during pregnancy is an increase in the
A. number of fat cells
B. number of lobes
C. amount of intralobular connective tissue
D. number of alveoli
E. stratification of the epithelial cells of intralobular ducts and alveoli
Question # 21

A transition from simple columnar to stratified squamous epithelium occurs in the
A. oviduct
B. vagina
C. epididymis
D. cervix
E. vas deferens
Question # 22

The majority of follicles found in the ovaries of a female infant at birhth subsequently
A. develop to the mature (Graafian) follicle stage
B. become transformed into theca lutein cells
C. remain essential unchanged into old age
D. undergo atresia
E. break up into cords of epithelial cells
Question # 23

The ovaries of a normal six year old girl contain
A. follicles in different stages of maturation
B. corpora lutea
C. germ cells arrested in prophase of the first meiotic division
D. germ cells arrested in metaphase of the second meiotic division
E. no germ cells
Question # 24

During the first half of pregnancy, tertiary (definitive) placental villi contain all of the following EXCEPT
A. cyotrophoblast cells
B. syncytiotrophoblast
C. fetal mesenchyme
D. fetal blood vessels
E. maternal blood vessels
Question # 25

During a normal menstrual cycle, ovulation at mid-cycle is preceded by each of the following EXCEPT
A. luteinization of granulosa and theca interna cells
B. in increase in LH from the pituitary gland
C. an oocyte completing the first meiotic division
D. an increase in the amount of follicular fluid
E. detachment of an oocyte and the corona radiata from the remainder of the follicular epithelium
Question # 26

During a normal menstrual cycle, ovulation at mid-cycle is preceded by each of the following EXCEPT
A. luteinization of granulosa and theca interna cells
B. an increase in LH from the pituitary gland
C. an oocyte completing the first meiotic division
D. an increase in the amount of follicular fluid
E. detachment of an oocyte and the corona radiata from the remainder of the follicular epithelium
Question # 27

Cells from the epithelium covering the part of the cervix that projects into the vagina are included in scrapings for Pap smears. Normally the epithelim on the surface of this part of the cervix (the porto vaginalis) is predominantly
A. simple, columnar, mucus-screening
B. simple columnar, ciliated
C. stratified cuboidal
D. stratified squamous
E. simple squamous
Question # 28

Cells from the epithelium covering the part of the cervix that projects into the vagina are included in scrapings for Pap smears. Normally the epithelium on the surface of this part of the cervix (the portio vaginalis) is predominantly
A. simple columnar, mucus-secreting
B. simple columnar, ciliated
C. stratified cuboidal
D. stratified squamous
E. simple squamous
Question # 29

Cytotrophoblast cells
A. divide and differentiate into syncytiotrophoblast
B. synthesize human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
C. are the main source of placental progesterone
D. cooperate with fetal organs to produce estrogen
E. play a role in regulation of the immune response as part of the mononuclear phagocyte system
Question # 30

Suppose that you were able to examine two histological sections of mammary gland tissue obtained at different times from the same female individual. Lobules in the first sample contain scattered small ducts lined with simple cuboidal epithelium. In the second sample, the lobules contain many more epithelial elements, representing numerous alveoli as well as small ducts. The two samples most likely were obtained
A. before and after puberty
B. during a normal menstrual cycle and during pregnancy
C. during pregnancy and lactation
D. in the follicular and secretory phases of a menstrual cycle
E. before and after menopause
Question # 31

Suppose that you were able to examine two histological sections of mammary gland tissue at different times from the same female individual. Lobules in the first sample contain scattered small ducts lined with simple cuboidal epithelium. In the second sample, the lobules contain many more epithelial elements, representing numerous alveoli as well as small ducts. The two samples most likely were obtained
A. before and after puberty
B. during a normal menstrual cycle and during preganancy
C. during preganancy and during lactation
D. in the follicular and secretory phases of a menstrual cycle
E. before and after menopause
Question # 32

By two weeks after ovulation when fertilization and normal uterine implantation have occurred, the trophoblast is surrounded by and is in contact with
A. uterine surface epithelium
B. endometrial connective tissue and maternal blood
C. myometrial smooth muscle
D. corona radiata
E. cervical mucous glands
Question # 33

Which of the following statements best describes the ovarian cortex of a normal six year old girl?
A. many thousands of follicles are present
B. follicles are absent, because they have not yet developed
C. a total of abot 300 follicles is present: those which will develop to maturity during reproductive life
D. oocytes are present, but at this age they lack surrounding follicular cells
Question # 34

Atresia of ovarian follicles
A. occurs only at the antral stage of follicular development
B. involves degeneration of the oocyte but not the follicular epithelium
C. is the histological reflection of an endocrine abnormality
D. is observed throughout reproductive life
E. is stimulated by the presence of a corpus albicans
Question # 35

Secondary follicles are characterized by
A. accumulation of fluid between follicular (granulosa) cells
B. synthesis of androgens by the granulosa cells
C. presence of a zona pellucida between granulosa cells and theca interna
D. a secondary oocyte
E. all of the above
Question # 36

Which of the following statements about fertilization is correct?
A. the female gamete is an oocyte in prophase of the first meiotic division
B. fusion of the gametes normally takes place in the uterus
C. the oocyte is surrounded by a zona pellucida and cells of the corona radiata
D. the sperm plasma membrane overlying the principal piece fuses with the oocyte\'s plasma membrane
E. the uterine endometrium is in the proliferative phase
Question # 37

In the endometrium of the uterus, the basalis layer is
A. supplied by arteries that first traverse the functionalis
B. supplied by blood vessels which undergo little change with the menstrual cycle
C. composed mainly of bundles of smooth muscle
D. shed during menstruation
E. devoid of endometrial glands
Question # 38

Glycoprotein components of the zona pellucida are currently believed to play a role in all of the following EXCEPT
A. capacitation of spermatozoa
B. induction of the acrosome reaction
C. binding of sperm
D. blocking polyspermy (fertilization of the egg by more than one spermatozoon)
E. restriction of fertilization to sperm of the same species
Question # 39

The mucosa of the vagina
A. is covered by columnar epithelium
B. contains numerous small mucous glands
C. sheds glycogen-containing cells into the lumen
D. is more susceptible than uterine and oviductal mucosa to gonococcal invasion
Question # 40

The ovarian tumors with the most ominous prognosis are those derived from
A. germ cells
B. granulosa cells
C. cells of the surface germinal epithelium
D. cells of the corpus luteum
E. cells of the theca interna
Question # 41

The mucosa of the endocervical canal of the uterine cervix
A. is covered by stratified squamous epithelium
B. contains much smooth muscle
C. is normally the site of fertilization
D. fails to respond to cyclic variations in ovarian hormones
E. secretes mucus
Question # 42

All of the following are features of secondary ovarian follicles EXCEPT
A. possess an antrum filled with follicular fluid
B. contain a mature ovum
C. secrete estrogen
D. contain a cumulus oophorus
E. respond to FSH from the pituitary gland
Question # 43

An apocrine type of secretion is characteristic of the
A. oviductal epithelium
B. Leydig cells of the testis
C. granulosa cells of ovarian follicles
D. lactotropes (mammotropic cells) of the anterior pituitary
E. alveoli of the mammary gland
Question # 44

Which of the following synthesize(s) androgens as a step in the production of estrogens
A. Oocyte nucleus
B. Zona pellucida
C. Granulosa cells
D. Theca interna
E. Theca externa

1.E 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.E 9.D 10.B
11.B 12.D 13.A 14.A 15.C 16.D 17.D 18.A 19.D 20.D
21.D 22.D 23.C 24.E 25.A 26.A 27.D 28.D 29.A 30.B
31.B 32.B 33.A 34.D 35.A 36.C 37.B 38.A 39.C 40.C
41.E 42.B 43.E 44.D
 楼主| wangshuo1688 发表于 07-1-26 15:21:46 | 只看该作者
Respiratory System
Select the single best answer to the numbered question.

Question # 1

The pulmonary alveolus
A. has epithelial cells which secrete a thin serous fluid to help raise the level of moisture in the air space
B. is partially lined by ciliated cells which help remove particles drawn in with inhaled air
C. undergoes a cyclic decrease in volume with each breath, thanks in part to recoil of elastic fibers in its wall
D. is richly vascularized with fenestrated capillaries


Question # 2

Which of the following is a function characteristically associated with \"respiratory epithelium\"?
A. trapping of particles from passing air for elimination by swallowing
B. transmission of oxygen from air into subepithelial capillaries
C. use of ciliated epithelial cells to sense odors in passing air
D. protection of the luminal surface of vocal folds
E. secretion of surfactant

Question # 3

Air inhaled through the nose is \"conditioned\" to protect the tissues of the deeper airways. For conditioning the air, nasal tissue possesses all of the following features EXCEPT
A. secretions supplied from goblet cells in the epithelium
B. generation of heat by mitochondria packed in the low/short cells of the epithelium
C. secretions from sero-mucous glands in the subepithelial connective tissues
D. venous plexuses at selected places in the subepithelial connective tissues

Question # 4

The shortening of intrapulmonary conducting airways following relaxation of the diaphragm results from
A. negative pressure in pleural cavity during exhalation
B. contraction of voluntary muscle in walls of airways
C. recoil of longitudinally oriented elastic fibers
D. decrease in hydrostatic pressure in pulmonary arteries
E. secretion of surfactant by bronchiolar epithelial (Clara) cells

Question # 5

The large numbers of alveolar macrophages which daily migrate into lumens of alveoli are thought to be derived from
A. fibroblasts in the interalveolar septa
B. dendritic cells of lymphoid tissue
C. type II alveolar epithelial cells
D. monocytes in circulating blood
E. smooth muscle cells of pulmonary arteries

Question # 6

Goblet cells accompanied by ciliated epithelial cells occur in all of the following EXCEPT
A. nasal cavity
B. trachea
C. bronchi
D. alveoli

Question # 7

Type II pneumocytes function primarily
A. as scavenger cells for inhaled particles
B. in gas exchange
C. to secrete surfactant and replace type I pneumocytes
D. to absorb and detoxify noxious gases
E. to move mucus that is secreted by goblet cells

Question # 8

The vessels found in alveolar walls include
A. only capillaries
B. only arterioles
C. capillaries and arterioles
D. capillaries and lymphatics
E. capillaries, arterioles and lymphatics

Question # 9

Pulmonary alveoli characteristically have
A. smooth muscle in their walls to help expel air depleted of oxygen
B. ciliated epithelial cells
C. surfaces coated with a detergent-like material to facilitate alveolar inflation
D. imperforate walls between adjacent alveoli to retard the spread of pathogenic organisms
E. an epithelial lining incapable of regenerating itself after injury

Question # 10

Capillaries of pulmonary alveoli are
A. fenestrated to enhance uptake of air from the alveolar lumen
B. larger in diameter than average systemic capillaries
C. separated from air solely by their own epithelium and basal lamina
D. typically surrounded by dense concentrations of lymphocytes

Question # 11

\"Respiratory\" (i.e., ciliated pseudostratified columnar) epithelium is found in all of the following structures EXCEPT
A. nasal cavity
B. trachea
C. extrapulmonary bronchi
D. intrapulmonary bronci
E. alveoli

Question # 12

The principal function of which of the following is most likely to aid in alveolar inflation?
A. interalveolar collagenous fibers
B. interalveolar elastic fibers
C. Type II pneumocytes
D. smooth muscle cells

Question # 13

Components of bronchi function in respiration in all of the following ways EXCEPT
A. shortening airways and reducing dead air space
B. protecting lungs from accumulation of particulate materials
C. secreting immunoglobulins to combat intra-airway antigens
D. supporting airways against collapse during exhalation
E. synthesizing and secreting surfactant materials

Question # 14

Type II (great alveolar) cells in the pulmonary alveolus are sources of which of the following?
A. alveolar macrophages
B. squamous epithelial (Type I) cells
C. pulmonary surfactant
D. A, B and C
E. B and C

Question # 15

Which of the following is a non-cartilaginous airway which is paired with a pulmonary arterial vessel?
A. Larynx
B. Trachea
C. Bronchus
D. Bronchiole
E. Alveolar duct

Question # 16

The alveolar barriers that separate inspired air from the blood operate best when they prevent bacterial invasion but minimally obstruct diffusion of oxygen into erythrocytes. These barriers can be expected to be composed of
A. no epithelium at all
B. simple squamous epithelium
C. simple cuboidal epithelium
D. pseudostratified epithelium
E. stratified squamous epithelium

Question # 17

Which of the following is characterized by the presence of both skeletal muscle and cartilage?
A. Nasal cavity
B. Larynx
C. Trachea
D. Bronchioles
E. Alveoli

Question # 18

Bronchioles differ from bronchi in all of the following respects EXCEPT:
A. Absence of cartilage
B. Presence of smooth muscle
C. Type of epithelium
D. Presence of Clara cells
E. Absence of sub-mucosal glands

Question # 19

Which of the following is a correct order for the movement of air during inhalation? Note that not all structures through which air moves may be listed.
A. larynx, naso-pharynx, trachea, bronchioles, bronchi
B. naso-pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchioles, bronchi
C. naso-pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
D. nasal cavity, naso-pharynx, larynx, bronchioles, bronchi
E. nasal cavity, trachea, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles

Question # 20

Emphysema is associated with defects in the function of:
A. smooth muscle
B. reticular fibers
C. hyaline cartilage
D. elastic fibers
E. respiratory epithelium

Question # 21

The function of alveolar macrophages is most like that of:
A. Clara cells
B. Kupffer cells
C. Type I pneumocytes
D. Type II pneumocytes
E. Goblet cells

Question # 22

Which of the following portions of the respiratory tract lack smooth muscle?
A. Trachea
B. Bronchi
C. Bronchioles
D. Alveolar Ducts
E. Alveoli

Question # 23

All of the following are characteristics of capillaries found within the alveolar septa EXCEPT:
A. They have larger diameter than most capillaries
B. They have lower pressure than most capillaries
C. They are somatic, continuous capillaries
D. There is transport across the capillary wall using membranous vesicles
E. They lack a basement membrane

Question # 24

A unique feature of the olfactory epithelium is the presence of:
A. Goblet cells
B. Neurons that are replaced throughout life
C. Hair cells
D. Receptors for taste
E. Clara cells

Question # 25

Which of the following statements about the respiratory tract is true?
A. Trachealis muscle contracts during inhalation
B. Diaphragm contracts during exhalation
C. Vocalis muscle is smooth muscle
D. As one moves from the beginning to the end of the brochiolar tree, Goblet cells disappear before ciliated cells disappear
E. Hyaline cartilage is found only in the trachea

Question # 26

Larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and alveolar septa have which of the following in common:
A. Respiratory epithelium
B. Smooth muscle
C. Hyaline cartilage
D. Elastic fibers
E. Striated muscle

Question # 27

All of the following represent cells involved in the protective mechanisms of the respiratory tract EXCEPT:
A. Clara cells
B. Alveolar Macrophages
C. Ciliated epithelial cells
D. Goblet cells
E. Type I pneumocytes

Question # 28

Respiratory epithelium and olfactory epithelium are alike in which of the following properties?
A. Both contain goblet cells
B. Both are pseudostratified epithelia
C. Both contain bipolar sensory neurons
D. Both contain cells with motile cilia
E. Both contain Clara cells

Question # 29

Which of the following is NOT a feature that distinguishes bronchioles from bronchi?
A. Absence of cartilage
B. Presence of smooth muscle
C. A pseudostratified columnar epithelium
D. Absence of sub-mucosal glands
E. Presence of Clara cells

Question # 30

Which of the following is NOT a part of the gas exchange portion of the respiratory tract?
A. Terminal bronchioles
B. Respiratory bronchioles
C. Alveolar ducts
D. Alveoli

Question # 31

All of the following cells are found associated with alveoli EXCEPT:
A. Type I pneumocytes
B. Type II pneumocytes
C. Clara cells
D. Macrophages
E. Endothelial cells

Question # 32

All of the following are characteristics of Type II pneumocytes EXCEPT:
A. Contain organelles called lamellar bodies
B. Secrete surfactant
C. Phagocytize particulates reaching the alveoli
D. Form tight junctions with Type I pneumocytes
E. Divide to produce both Type I and Type II cells

Question # 33

Which of the following is NOT a significant activity of the nasal cavity?
A. moisening air
B. filtering air
C. absorption of oxygen into blood
D. sampling odors in air
E. warming air

Question # 34

In order for oxygen in the inspired air to reach hemoglobin, it must diffuse across all of the following structures EXCEPT:
A. Layer of surfactant
B. An endothelial cell
C. A Type I pneumocyte
D. One or more smooth muscle cells
E. The plasma membrane of the erythrocyte

Question # 35

Larynx, trachea, bronchioles and alveolar septa have which of the following in common?
A. Respiratory epithelium
B. Smooth muscle
C. Hyaline cartilage
D. Striated muscle
E. Elastic fibers

Question # 36

In order for oxygen to diffuse from the alveolar air spaces to the site of its binding to hemoglobin, it must diffuse across how many plasma membranes?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
E. 6

Question # 37

There are some interesting similarities and contrasts in the structural organization of the glomerular filtration barrier versus the alveolar gas diffusion barrier. In this regard, which of the following is NOT a true statement?
A. Both the filtration barrier and the gas diffusion barrier contain two epithelial layers.
B. Glomerular capillaries are fenetrated capillaries while alveolar capillaries are continuous capillaries.
C. Alveolar capillaries have a smaller diameter and a higher hydrostatic pressure than glomerular capillaries
D. Both the filtration barrier and the gas diffusion barrier include at least one basement membrane.
E. Type I pneumocytes in the alveolus are connected by tight (sealing) junctions while the glomerular podocytes are not.

1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B
11.E 12.C 13.E 14.E 15.D 16.B 17.B 18.B 19.C 20.D
21.B 22.E 23.E 24.B 25.D 26.D 27.E 28.B 29.B 30.A
31.C 32.C 33.C 34.D 35.E 36.D 37.C
 楼主| wangshuo1688 发表于 07-1-26 15:22:09 | 只看该作者
Gastrointestinal System
Select the single best answer to the numbered question.

Gastrointestinal Smooth Muscle
Question # 1

In contrast to the situation in skeletal muscle fibers, the resting membrane potential of many gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells has a large contribution from the electrogenicity of the Na+,K+-ATPase.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 2

The smooth muscle cells of the circular muscle of the GI tract are electrically coupled by numerous gap junctions between neighboring cells.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 3

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. The resting membrane potential of GI smooth muscle tends to be smaller in magnitude than that of skeletal muscle.
B. Action potentials in GI smooth muscle are not blocked by tetrodotoxin.
C. Longitudinal GI smooth muscle cells are less well-coupled electrically than are circular smooth muscle cells.
D. Slow waves are generated by GI smooth muscle cells near the inside of the circular muscle layer.
E. Contraction of GI smooth muscle cells may occur in the absence of action potentials.

Question # 4

Which statement about gastrointestinal smooth muscle is NOT correct?
A. The cells of the circular layer of gastrointestinal smooth muscle are coupled by numerous gap junctions.
B. The length-tension curve of gastrointestinal smooth muscle is broader than that of skeletal muscle
C. In human stomach slow waves occur about 3 times per minute.
D. Action potentials in gastrointestinal smooth muscle do not involve fast sodium channels.
E. None of the above.

Question # 5

Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells typically have smaller resting membrane potentials than skeletal muscle cells.
B. The electrogenic character of the Na+,K+-ATPase makes a small contribution to the resting membrane potential of GI smooth muscle cells.
C. Slow waves elicit contraction of some GI smooth muscle even in the absence of action potentials.
D. Many GI smooth muscle cells are electrically coupled to their neighbors.
E. Action potentials in GI smooth muscle cells do not involve fast sodium channels.

Question # 6

Which of the following statements about the innervation of gastrointestinal smooth musle is NOT true?
A. There are no true neuromuscular junctions in gastrointestinal smooth muscle.
B. The predominant innervation of the circular muscle layer is inhibitory.
C. Most of the nerve fibers that innervate gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells have their cell bodies in the enteric ganglia.
D. Most of the nerve fibers that innervate gastrointestinal smooth muscle cells are either cholinergic or adrenergic.
E. Gastrointestinal smooth muscle is influenced by reflex arcs, all of whose components are located in the gastrointestinal tract.

Question # 7

Which of the following statements about gastrointestinal smooth muscle is NOT true?
A. Its length-tension curve is broader than that of skeletal muscle.
B. Cells of the circular layer have numerous gap junctions.
C. Contractions are stronger when action potentials occur on the crests of the slow waves.
D. Rhythmic oscillations of the resting membrane potential occur.
E. Tone is due to a baseline level of spontaneous action potentials in the smooth muscle cells.

Question # 8

Which of the following statements about gastrointestinal smooth muscle is NOT true?
A. Slow waves occur at frequencies from 3 to 12 per minute. The frequency is characteristic of the various segments of the GI tract.
B. Slow waves are generated by interstitial cells. Calcium channels contribute to the depolarizing phase of the slow waves.
C. Circular muscle cells are well coupled electrically and have numerous gap junctions.
D. Calcium that enters during an action potential participates in excitation-contraction coupling.
E. Contractions do not occur in the absence of action potentials.

Question # 9

Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. GI smooth muscle may contract in the absence of action potentials.
B. Nerves and hormones can influence the frequency and amplitude of slow waves.
C. The electrogenicity of the Na,K-ATPase contributes significantly to the resting potential in GI smooth muscle.
D. Slow waves are generated in neurons of the myenteric plexus.

1.A 2.A 3.D 4.E 5.B 6.D 7.E 8.E 9.D

Gastric Motility
Question # 1

Gastric smooth muscle may contract in response to the depolarizing phase of the slow wave even when action potentials do not occur at the peak of the slow wave.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 2

Indigestible particles that are several millimeters in diameter tend to remain in the stomach between meals and are emptied when the following meal stimulates gastric contractions.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 3

Gastric contractions begin in mid-body and appear to travel toward the pylorus, growing in strength as they travel.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 4

The presence of acid, fats, peptides, and hypertonicity are sensed by the duodenal mucosa and elicit hormonal responses that regulate gastric emptying. Some of these hormones increase the rate of gastric emptying, others decrease the rate of gastric emptying.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 5

Action potentials on the crests of slow waves in the stomach are not required for contraction of gastric smooth muscle, but when action potentials do occur, the force of contraction is much greater.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 6

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Contractions of the gastric fundus are absent or very weak.
B. In a fed individual, the pyloric sphincter opens only briefly in response to each peristaltic wave.
C. Peristaltic waves begin in mid-body and travel toward the pylorus.
D. Gastrin enhances the force of gastric contractions.
E. During gastric contractions that occur during fasting, the pylorus does not open as wide as it does during contractions that occur in a fed individual.

Question # 7

An indigestible object about 5 mm in diameter is likely to be emptied from the stomach into the duodenum by contractions during the gastric phase.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 8

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Distention of the duodenum evokes neural reflexes that decrease the rate of gastric emptying.
B. Fats in the duodenum elicit the release of CCK and GIP.
C. Gastrin released from the duodenum enhances both antral contractions and the constriction of the pyloric sphincter.
D. Secretin enhances the strength of antral contractions.
E. Hypertonicity in the duodenum results in decreased rates of gastric emptying.

Question # 9

Which statement about gastric motility is NOT correct?
A. The gastric slow wave resembles the cardiac action potential in shape.
B. Weak contractions of the fundus and body of the stomach subserve the reservoir function of the stomach.
C. Liquids are emptied a good deal more rapidly from the stomach than digestible solids.
D. Larger indigestible objects, that remain in the stomach during emptying of a meal, are often emptied during the active contractile phase of the migrating myoelectric complex.
E. None of the above.

Question # 10

Which statement about gastric motility is NOT correct?
A. When action potential spikes occur, they result in increased contractile force.
B. A wave of contraction begins in mid-body and moves toward the pylorus, gaining in contractile strength as it moves.
C. The pylorus is constricted for a longer time than it is relaxed.
D. Secretin, a hormone released by the duodenum, acts to increase the rate of gastric emptying.
E. None of the above.

Question # 11

Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The fundus and body relax in response to being filled. This is called receptive relaxation.
B. Peristaltic contractions of the stomach begin in the middle of the body and travel toward the pylorus, gaining in strength as they travel.
C. The force of contraction of gastric smooth muscle is independent of the presence of action potentials on top of the slow waves.
D. Indigestible objects in the stomach are likely to be emptied during the migrating myoelectric complex.
E. When gastric smooth muscle is depolarized, the theshold for contraction is reached before the threshold for firing action potentials.

Question # 12

Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Just after a meal, gastric contractions occur at the frequency of gastric slow waves, about 3 per minute.
B. CCK and gastrin enhance the force of gastric contractions and increase the tone of the pyloric sphincter.
C. During the contractions of the migrating myoelectric complex in the stomach the pyloric sphincter opens wider and for a longer time than during emptying of a meal.
D. Nerves and hormones can modulate the strength of gastric contractions, but do not influence their frequency.
E. Secretin, released from the duodenum in response to acid, has the effect of slowing the rate of gastric emptying.

Question # 13

Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The fundus and upper body are relaxed when food enters the stomach.
B. The only vigorous mixing in the stomach occurs in the antrum.
C. Peristaltic waves in the stomach begin in mid-body and travel toward the pylorus.
D. In a fed individual the pyloric sphincter is open about 40% of the time.

1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.E 7.B 8.D 9.E 10.D
11.C 12.D 13.D

Gastric Secretion
Question # 1

The transport protein directly responsible for the secretion of H+ by parietal cells uses the energy of the K+ gradient to actively secrete H+ into the gastric gland lumen.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.


Question # 2

The transport of chloride ions into gastric juice is known to be due to a primary active transport system.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 3

During the cephalic phase of gastric acid secretion, the rate of HCl secretion may be 40 to 50% of the maximal rate.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 4

Some of the effects of acetylcholine and gastrin on HCl secretion are mediated by histamine released from ECL (enterochromaffin-like) cells in the gastric mucosa.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 5

The cephalic phase of gastric secretion can be totally blocked by sectioning the vagus nerves to the stomach. Gastrin- mediated HCl secretion occurs during the cephalic phase.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 6

To protect the stomach from its own secretions there is a reciprocal relationship between the rates of HCl and pepsinogen secretion.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 7

Inhibition of either mucus or bicarbonate secretion by the cells that line the stomach would diminish the effectiveness of the \"gastric mucosal barrier\".
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 8

Individuals with gastric ulcers typically secrete less acid in response to a given stimulus than normal individuals.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 9

Which statement about gastric secretion is NOT correct?
A. At high rates of secretion the concentration of H+ in gastric juice rises.
B. Duodenal ulcer patients secrete HCl at a greater rate than normal patients in response to stimulation by agonists.
C. H+ is actively secreted into the lumen of the secretory canaliculus by the action of the H+, K+-ATPase.
D. Cl- enters the parietal cell across the basolateral membrane against an electrochemical potential gradient.
E. None of the above.

Question # 10

Which statement about gastric secretion is NOT true.
A. An effective \"gastric mucosal barrier\" requires the secretion of both bicarbonate and mucus by gastric epithelial cells.
B. When a parietal cell is stimulated to secrete, tubovesicles fuse with the plasma membrane that lines the secretory canaliculus.
C. The rates of secretion of HCl and intrinsic factor are most often reciprocally related.
D. G cells in the pyloric glands release gastrin when stimulated by peptides and amino acids.
E. None of the above.

Question # 11

Which statement about gastric secretion is NOT correct.
A. Histamine, gastrin, and acetylcholine are three physiological agonists for HCl secretion by parietal cells.
B. H2 receptor blockers can block most HCl secretion evoked by gastrin or or acetylcholine.
C. Truncal vagotomy will abolish the gastric phase of HCl secretion.
D. Early in the intestinal phase, HCl secretion is stimulated by gastrin released from G cells in the duodenum and upper jejunum.
E. None of the above.

Question # 12

Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Acetylcholine, histamine, and gastrin are agonists of HCl secretion at the parietal cell level.
B. When parietal cells are stimulated to secrete, tubovesicles containing the K+,H+-ATPase fuse with the membrane of the secretory canaliculus.
B. C.Both H+ and Cl- are actively secreted into the gastric lumen .
D. The chloride-bicarbonate exchanger in the basolateral plasma membrane of the parietal cell plays an important role in HCl secretion.
E. None of the above.

Question # 13

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. H2 receptor antagonists can diminish gastric acid secretion in response to acetylcholine, gastrin, or histamine.
B. The effects of omeprazole on gastric acid secretion are more long lasting than the effects of H2 receptor antagonists.
C. The rate of HCl secretion during the cephalic phase can be quite high, but the amount of HCl secreted is a small fraction of the total secreted in response to a meal.
D. Distention of the body and fundus elicit reflexes that inhibit HCl secretion.
E. Low pH in the antrum dramatically inhibits HCl secretion in response to all stimuli.

Question # 14

Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Secretion of both mucus and bicarbonate is vital for the function of the gastric mucosal barrier.
B. Some of the stimuli that enhance HCl secretion by parietal cells also stimulate chief cells to release pepsinogens.
C. H2 histamine receptor antagonists and blockers of the K+,H+-ATPase are equally effective in suppressing gastric HCl secretion.
D. An acid-loving bacterium may play an important role in gastric ulcer disease in many cases.
E. Patients with duodenal ulcers tend to be less sensitive to secretin and other hormones that are released by the duodenum and inhibit HCl secretion.

Question # 15

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Hypersecretion of HCl conduces to formation of duodenal ulcers.
B. H. pylori is responsible for most peptic ulcers that are not caused by medication.
C. H. pylori damages the gastric mucosa by invading the gastric epithelial cells.
D. Aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs diminish the effectiveness of the gastric mucosal barrier.
E. Long term therapy with omeprazole or an H2 receptor antagonist will not permanently cure ulcers due to H. pylori.

1.B 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.A 9.E 10.C
11.C 12.E 13.D 14.C 15.C
Pancreatic Secretions
Question # 1

During the cephalic phase, pancreatic secretion is stimulated by CCK released from the duodenal mucosa in response to vagal impulses.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.


Question # 2

Pancreatic exocrine secretions are stimulated by parasympathetic neural mechanisms and by hormonal agonists, CCK and secretin being the most important hormonal agonists.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 3

Pancreatic lipase, alpha-amylase, and proteases are all secreted by the acinar cells of the pancreas as inactive proenzymes.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 4

Most of the resting secretion of water and electrolytes by the pancreas is due to the activities of intralobular duct cells. The extralobular ducts are responsible for the elevated rate of water and bicarbonate secretion in response to secretin.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 5

Hormones secreted by the cells of the islets of Langerhans do not influence the function of pancreatic acinar cells.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 6

During the gastric phase, pancreatic secretion is stimulated by gastrin released from G cells in the gastric mucosa.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 7

While pancreatic acinar cells have receptors for several different agonists, CCK is the only agonist likely to play a physiologically significant role in regulating acinar cell secretion.
A. The statement is TRUE.
B. The statement is FALSE.

Question # 8

Which statement about pancreatic exocrine secretion is NOT true?
A. The higher the flow rate the higher the bicarbonate concentration.
B. The fluid secreted by the acinar cells resembles plasma in its ionic compostion.
C. Secretin causes the extralobular ducts to elaborate a secretion high in bicarbonate.
D. CCK stimulates the secretion of the acinar cells and inhibits the secretion by the extralobular ducts.
E. None of the above.

Question # 9

Which statement about pancreatic exocrine secretion is NOT correct?
A. Pancreatic juice contains enzymes for digesting fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids.
B. Cholinergic neurons stimulate pancreatic secretion.
C. During the cephalic phase, gastrin stimultates pancreatic secretion.
D. During the gastric phase, gastrin and cholinergic reflexes stimulate pancreatic secretion.
E. None of the above.

Question # 10

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. When the rate of flow of pancreatic juice is high, its [Cl-] is much less than that of plasma.
B. In response to secretin, extralobular ducts secrete a fluid that is high in [bicarbonate].
C. During the gastric phase of pancreatic secretion, gastrin stimulates acinar cells to release digestive enzymes.
D. While CCK is the major physiological secretagogue for pancreatic acinar cells, they respond to several other hormones and neuroactive substances.
E. In the absence of secretin, the \"spontaneous secretion\" is produced by the extralobular ducts of the pancreas.

Question # 11

Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Gastrin stimulates secretion of the enzyme component of pancreatic juice.
B. In the absence of secretin, bicarbonate-rich pancreatic juice is produced by extralobular ducts.
C. Hormones released by pancreatic islets have effects on pancreatic exocrine secretions.
D. Secretin and CCK potentiate one another\'s effects on duct and acinar cells, respectively.

1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.D 9.E 10.E

1. 2.A 3.E 4.E 5.A 6.E 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.A
11.D 12.A 13.E 14.A 15.E 16.B 17.E 18.C 19.C 20.A
21.E 22.C 23.A 24.D 25.E 26.C 27.B
 楼主| wangshuo1688 发表于 07-1-26 15:22:35 | 只看该作者
Urinary System
Select the single best answer to the numbered question.

Glomerular Filtration
Question # 1

Which of the following statements about glomerular filtration is NOT true?
A. The endothelium of the glomerular capillary is an important barrier to the passage of plasma proteins.
B. The glomerular basement membrane prevents the filtration of large plasma proteins.
C. The filtration slits between the podocytes help to retard the filtration of plasma proteins.
D. About 7 grams of albumin are filtered daily and reabsorbed by the proximal tubule.
E. Reducing the net negative charge on the components of the glomerular barrier will result in increased filtration of plasma proteins.
Question # 2

Which of the following statements about glomerular filtration is NOT true?
A. The hydrostatic pressure drop across the glomerular capillary bed is small.
B. The oncotic pressure in capillary blood increases as blood flows through the glomerular capillary.
C. Increasing glomerular blood flow tends to increase glomerular filtration rate.
D. The filtration coefficient (Kf) of the glomerular capillaries is similar to that of most other capillary beds.
E. Contraction of mesangial cells may decrease the GFR by reducing Kf.
Question # 3

A patient\'s GFR as measured from the inulin clearance is 125 ml/min. The patient\'s plasma creatinine is 0.01 mg/ml. The patient\'s urine flow rate is 1 ml/min and the concentration of creatinine in her urine is 1.35 mg/ml. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. The rate of filtration of creatinine is 1.25 mg/min
B. The clearance of creatinine is 125 ml/min.
C. The net rate of secretion of creatinine by the tubules is 0.1 mg/min.
D. The rate of creatinine excretion is 1.35 mg/min.
E. If the patient\'s plasma creatinine is in the steady state, the net rate of creatinine release from muscle and other cells is 1.35 mg/min.
Question # 4

A patient\'s GFR is 125 ml/min and his plasma glucose is 4 mg/ml. The patient\'s urine flow rate is 2 ml/min and the concentration of glucose in his urine is 60 mg/ml. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. The rate at which glucose is filtered at the glomerulus is 500 mg/min.
B. The rate at which glucose is excreted is 120 mg/min.
C. The net rate of tubular reabsorption of glucose is 380 mg/min.
D. The highest plasma level for which all the filtered glucose could be reabsorbed is 2.5 mg/ml.
E. The renal function of this patient, so far as glucose is concerned, is normal.
Question # 5

Which of the following statements about glomerular filtration is NOT correct?
A. The basal lamina (basement membrane) of the glomerular capillaries is the most important barrier to passage of plasma proteins.
B. If myoglobin is present in plasma, much of it will be filtered at the glomerulus.
C. Essentially no serum albumin is filtered, thus its daily filtered load is close to zero.
D. The filtration fraction is defined as GFR/RPF and it is normally between 0.15 and 0.20.
E. A disease that diminished the density of negative sialic acid moieties in the glomerular filtration barrier would result in greater filtration of plasma proteins.
Question # 6

Which of the following statements about glomerular filtration is NOT correct?
A. The net filtration pressure in glomerular capillaries is not much different from that in other capillaries, but the filtration coefficient of the glomerulus is much greater than that of a typical capillary bed.
B. If the hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular capillary blood is 40 mm Hg, the capillary oncotic pressure is 25 mm Hg, and the hydrostatic pressure in Bowman\'s space is 15 mm Hg, then the net filtration pressure is zero.
C. Increasing renal blood flow will increase GFR , because when blood flow is increased the hydrostatic pressure decrease from the arterial end of the glomerular capillary to the venous end will be less.
D. Contraction of mesangial cells can decrease GFR by diminishing Kf (the filtration coefficient).
E. Dilation of the efferent arteriole should increase RPF, but should decrease GFR.
Question # 7

Which of the following statements about the use of clearance methods to estimate GFR is NOT correct?
A. If 15% of the blood flow to a diseased kidney did not flow through the glomeruli, then the clearance of inulin would underestimate the true GFR by about 15%.
B. Creatinine clearance overestimates the GFR slightly due to secretion of creatinine in the proximal tubule.
C. If an individual with renal disease has a plasma creatinine of 3 mg/dl (1 mg/dl is normal), then that person\'s GFR is about 1/3 of the normal GFR.
D. If a substance is freely filtered at the glomerulus and is secreted and reabsorbed to the same extent (rate of secretion = rate of reabsorption), then its clearance would be a good estimate of GFR.
E. If a 70 kg person has a normal GFR and a plasma creatinine of 1 mg/dl, then that individual is expected to excrete creatinine at a rate of 1.25 mg/min, regardless of the urine flow rate.
Question # 8

In a normal 70 kg human, we simultaneously measure the plasma levels of inulin and creatinine, the concentrations of inulin and creatinine in the urine, and the urine flow rate. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. The clearance of inulin will be about 125 ml/min.
B. The U/P ratio for inulin will be slightly less than the U/P for creatinine.
C. The GFR estimated from the creatinine clearance will be a slight overestimate of the actual GFR.
D. The clearance of creatinine will be slightly greater than the clearance of inulin.
E. We don\'t have enough information to estimate the net rate of creatinine absorption or secretion by the tubules.
Question # 9

Which of the following statements about glomerular filtration is NOT true?
A. As blood flows through the glomerular capillaries, its hydrostatic pressure drops relatively little, but the plasma oncotic pressure rises significantly.
B. Anions are preferentially filtered over cations.
C. The glomerular basement membrane and rectangtular pores or slits in the membrane that bridges the processes of the podocytes may constitute the limiting barrier to large molecules.
D. At low renal blood flow rates, glomerular filtration rate may drop.
E. A small fraction of plasma protein is filtered into Bowman\'s Space.
Question # 10

A person has a urine flow rate of 1 ml/min; plasma inulin = 8.33 mg/100ml; plasma creatinine = 2 mg/100ml; urine inulin = 10 mg/ml; urine creatinine = 2.6 mg/ml. Which of the following statements is not true?
A. The inulin clearance is 120 ml/min.
B. The creatinine clearance is 130 ml/min.
C. The rate of creatinine secretion is 0.1 mg/min.
D. The creatinine clearance overestimates the GFR by about 8.3%
E. The U/P ratio for creatinine is greater than that for inulin.
Question # 11

Which of the following statements about the renal handling of creatinine and inulin is NOT true?
A. In humans, creatinine clearance is always greater than inulin clearance.
B. The inulin clearance of a 50 kg person should be about 90 ml/min.
C. Creatinine clearance in normal humans overestimates GFR by about 10%.
D. In a person with reduced GFR due to glomerular disease, but normal tubular function, creatinine clearance will overestimate GFR by a smaller fraction than in a normal individual.
E. The rate of creatinine secretion can be computed as the rate of creatinine excretion minus the filtered load of creatinine
Question # 12

Which of the following statements about glomerular filtration is NOT true?
A. The capillary filtration coefficient of glomerular capillaries is 50 to 100 times greater than that of most other capillary beds.
B. The net filtration pressure is equal to the hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular capillary minus the hydrostatic pressure in Bowmanís space.
C. Increasing plasma flow rate in a glomerulus should tends to increase the overall rate of glomerular filtration in that glomerulus.
D. The net filtration pressure at the end of the glomerular capillary bed closest to the afferent arteriole is about 10 mm Hg.
E. The net filtration pressure diminishes as blood flows along the glomerular capillaries.
Question # 13

Which of the following statements about control of GFR is NOT true?
A. An increase in the GFR in a particular nephron tends to increase the amount of salt and water reabsorbed from the proximal tubule of the same nephron.
B. The phenomenon described in A is partly due to decreased oncotic pressure and increased hydrostatic pressure in the peritubular capillaries of a nephron with increased GFR.
C. Increased flow rate in the macula densa of a nephron brings about diminished GFR in the glomerulus of the same nephron.
D. Contraction of mesangial cells may reduce GFR.
E. Renal disease may involve increased or decreased glomerular capillary permeability to macromolecules.

1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.C 7.A 8.E 9.B 10.C
11.D 12.B 13.B

Renal Regulation of Acid-Base Balance
Question # 1

Which of the following statements about the role of the kidney in acid-base balance is NOT true?
A. About 50 to 100 mmole of H+ are excreted each day.
B. Renal compensation for an imbalance of the bodyas acid-base status is complete in approximately 6 hours.
C. Phosphate and ammonia are the major buffers of H+ in urine.
D. In an individual with normal plasma pH, the kidney reabsorbs essentially all filtered bicarbonate.
E. The kidney is responsible for net production of bicarbonate, which helps to compensate for depletion of bicarbonate stores due to respiratory loss of CO2.
Question # 2

Which of the following statements about the role of the kidney in acid-base balance is NOT true?
A. Systemic acidosis promotes increased H+ secretion and bicarbonate reabsorption.
B. The titratable acidity of the urine is due mostly to H+ buffered by phosphate.
C. The capacity of the kidney to metabolize glutamine to ammonium and bicarbonate increases in response to acidosis.
D. The lower the pH of the fluid in the collecting duct, the greater its concentration of NH3 relative to the [NH3] in the medullary interstitium. This is called diffusional trapping of NH3.
E. The minimum pH of urine is about 4.
Question # 3

Which of the following statements about the role of the kidney in acid-base balance is NOT correct?
A. In order to maintain homeostasis the net excretion of H+ by the kidney must be very close to the net metabolic production of nonvolatile acid.
B. In an individual in normal acid-base balance, greater than 99.5% of filtered bicarbonate is reabsorbed.
C. H+ that is secreted by the nephron accomplishes two things: reabsorption of bicarbonate and net excretion of H+.
D. The amount of H+ secreted in order to reabsorb bicarbonate is approximately equal to the net H+ excretion in the urine.
E. In an alkalotic individual a significant amount of bicarbonate is excreted in the urine.
Question # 4

Which of the following statements about the role of the kidney in acid-base balance is NOT correct?
A. The thick ascending limb, by virtue of its high metabolic activity, is the major site of production of NH4+ from glutamine.
B. NH4+ is reabsorbed in the thick ascending limb.
C. NH4+ excretion will be enhanced, in a matter of hours, in an acidotic individual, due to increased diffusion trapping in the lower pH urine.
D. The kidney produces \"new\" bicarbonate, the reabsorption of which helps to maintain the body\'s store of bicarbonate for buffering.
E. Over several days, the kidney increases the levels of the enzymes that catabolize glutamine to NH4+.
Question # 5

Which of the following statements about acid-base balance is NOT true?
A. Metabolically produced H+ is first buffered in the extracellular fluid, predominantly by bicarbonate.
B. As a consequence of buffering H+, carbon dioxide is blown off in the lungs. This reduces the total concentration of bicarbonate in the extracellular fluid.
C. The kidney reabsorbs more than 99% of filtered bicarbonate.
D. H+ secretion at the brush border membrane is responsible for reabsorbing filtered bicarbonate.
E. Excretion of each NH4+ ion in the urine represents the secretion of one H+, but has no effect on the bicarbonate stores in the extracellular fluid.
Question # 6

Which of the following statements about acid-base balance is NOT true?
A. Titratable acid represents H+ bound to certain buffers, notably phosphate and NH4+, in the urine.
B. Titratable acidity is estimated by determining the amount of strong base that must be added to a known volume of urine to bring the pH to 7.4.
C. NH4+ in urine derives largely from NH4+ produced in renal tubular epithelial cells, largely from metabolism of glutamine.
D. The amount of NH4+ excreted in urine increases in acidosis.
E. H+ secretion by tubular epithelial cells plays a central role in formation of titratable acidity and in NH4+ excretion.
Question # 7

Which of the following factors does NOT increase bicarbonate reabsorption?
A. Extracellular volume depletion.
B. Systemic acidosis.
C. Increase in glomerular filtration rate.
D. Decrease in plasma aldosterone levels.
Question # 8

On a standard western diet, an individual produces 50-100 mEq of nonvolatile acids. Therefore, in order to stay in acid-base balance the kidney needs to perform the following essential functions EXCEPT:
A. Reabsorb nearly all of the filtered bicarbonate.
B. Generate new bicarbonate by excreting hydrogen ions with urinary buffers.
C. Reabsorb ammonium so that ammonium delivered to the liver can be converted into bicarbonate.
D. Extract glutamine from the systemic circulation in order to generate ammonium.
Question # 9

Which of the the following statements about ammonium production IS true during metabolic acidosis?
A. Ammonium is synthesized by collecting duct cells.
B. Ammonium is synthesized and its excretion is regulated by systemic pH.
C. Because the filtered load of ammonium, urinary phosphate is the most important urinary buffer during metabolic acidosis.
D. Ammonium production decreases in response to systemic acidosis.

1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 5.E 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B

Tubular Function
Question # 1

Which of the following statements about the proximal tubule is NOT true?
A. About two-thirds of filtered water and NaCl are reabsorbed there.
B. Most of the filtered bicarbonate is reabsobed there.
C. Several organic acids and bases are secreted by the second half of the proximal tubule.
D. Carbonic anhydrase aids in the reabsorption of filtered chloride and bicarbonate.
E. Significant flux of water and ions occurs via the paracellular pathway.
Question # 2

Which of the following statements about the thick ascending limb (TAL) is NOT true?
A. The Na,K,2Cl transporter in the luminal membrane plays a central role in active reabsorption of NaCl.
B. The TAL is the first place in the nephron where fluid becomes hypotonic to plasma.
C. The Na,K-ATPase is the only primary active transporter.
D. Significant reabsorption of bicarbonate occurs.
E. The epithelium is highly impermeable to water, but significantly permeable to NaCl.
Question # 3

Which of the following statements about the distal tubule and collecting duct is NOT true?
A. In the first part of the distal tubule NaCl is reabsorbed and the fluid can approach 100 milliosmoles/liter.
B. The water permeability of the first part of the distal tubule is regulated by ADH.
C. Principal cells can secrete K+.
D. Intercalated cells secrete H+ and actively take up K+.
E. Osmolarity at beginning of the collecting duct varies from hypo- to isotonic relative to plasma.
Question # 4

Which of the following statements about the proximal tubular transport processes is NOT correct?
A. About 2/3 of water and NaCl filtered are reabsorbed in the proximal tubule.
B. In the first part of the proximal tubule the amounts of bicarbonate and Cl- reabsorbed are roughly equal.
C. Secretion of organic anions and cations occurs mostly in the second part of the proximal tubule.
D. The Na/H exchanger in the luminal membrane plays a central role in the reabsorption of bicarbonate.
E. The reabsorption of glucose and amino acids promotes the reabsorption of NaCl and water in the first part of the proximal tubule.
Question # 5

Which of the following statements about ion transport processes in the kidney is NOT correct?
A. In the thick ascending limb (TAL) the active reabsorption of Cl- is mediated by the combined action of Na/K/2Cl transporters in the luminal membrane and electrogenic Cl- channels in the basolateral membrane.
B. Loop diuretics block the basolateral Cl- channels in the TAL.
C. In the late distal tubule and the collecting duct there are two different cell types with different transport processes: principal cells and intercalated cells.
D. Intercalated cells secrete H+ into the lumen and play an important role in acid-base balance.
E. The late distal tubule and collecting duct can either secrete K+ or reabsorb K+ in the net sense.
Question # 6

Which of the following statements about renal handling of glucose in a 70 kg person with normal GFR is NOT correct?
A. The kidney does not participate in regulating the normal plasma glucose level.
B. If plasma glucose is 1 mg/ml, the filtered load of glucose is about 80 mg/min.
C. If we administer a drug that completely blocks glucose reabsorption, then at a plasma glucose of 1 mg/ml, glucose clearance would be about 125 ml/min.
D. If glucose begins to appear in the urine at a plasma glucose of 3.5 mg/ml, then the Tm for glucose is about 440 mg/min.
E. If the plasma glucose is 4 mg/ml and the Tm is 440 mg/min, then the glucose clearance is 15 ml/min.
Question # 7

Which of the following statements about reabsorption in the proximal tubule is NOT true?
A. Gradient-time behavior is characteristic of solutes with high passive permeability.
B. Parathyroid hormone decreases the Tm for phosphate reabsorption.
C. In the presence of parathyroid hormone, the plasma level of phosphate tends to decrease.
D. In gout, the Tm for uric acid reabsorption is increased.
E. The rate of uric acid (ura) reabsorption is equal to (Uura V) - GFR.
Question # 8

Which of the following statements about the renal handling of para-amino hippuric acid (PAH) is NOT true?
A. The clearance of PAH is a slight over-estimate of renal plasma flow.
B. The true rate of renal plasma flow is equal to UpahV divided by the arteriovenous PAH concentration difference.
C. For any substance (x) subject to net secretion, we can, in principle, estimate renal plasma flow from UxV divided by the A-V concentration difference for x across the kidney.
D. The rate of PAH secretion can be estimated from: UpahV - CinulinPpah, where C denotes clearance.
E. PAH in blood flowing in the vasa recta does not have all the PAH from it secreted into the urine.
Question # 9

Which of the following statements about the handling of ions and water in the proximal tubule is NOT true?
A. The amount of Na+ reabsorbed is proportional to the GFR.
B. Normally about 2/3 of the Na+ filtered is reabsorbed.
C. The fraction of filtered Na+ reabsorbed is normally close to the fraction of filtered water reabsorbed.
D. The fraction of filtered Na+ reabsorbed is appreciably smaller than the fraction of Cl- reabsorbed.
E. In the presence of an osmotic diuretic the fraction of filtered Na+ reabsorbed is greater than the fraction of filtered water reabsorbed.
Question # 10

A patient has GFR = 120 ml/min and urine flow of 1 ml/min. The plasma [K+] = 4.5 mM and urine [K+] = 50 mM. The plasma [Na+] = 140 mM and urine [Na+] = 75 mM.
A. The clearance of K+ is 11.1 ml/min.
B. The net rate of K+ secretion is 0.49 mmole/min.
C. The clearance of Na+ is 0.536 ml/min.
D. The rate of Na+ reabsorption is 16.73 mmole/min.
E. The fraction of filtered Na+ being excreted is 0.004.
Question # 11

In an individual whose plasma [glucose] is 1 mg/ml, which of the following statements about renal handling of glucose is NOT true?
A. Splay in the threshold value of plasma glucose at which glucose first appears in the urine is due to the fact that not all blood perfusing the kidney supplies the proximal tubules.
B. The Tm for glucose in a normal individual is about 3 times greater than the filtered load of glucose.
C. The Tm for glucose is normally about 375 mg/min.
D. A patient with renal disease has a GFR that is reduced by 20% from normal, but has normal tubular function. The threshold plasma glucose concentration for the appearance of glucose in the urine of this patient will be about 3.75 mg/ml.
E. In a normal individual the kidney does not play a role in regulatory mechanisms that maintain plasma glucose levels within the normal range.
Question # 12

Which of the following statements about the function of the proximal tubules is NOT true?
A. About 2/3 of filtered Na+, Cl-, K+, and water is typically reabsorbed in the proximal tubule.
B. Acidification of the luminal fluid, via the Na+/H+ exchanger, is responsible for much of the reabsorption of bicarbonate that occurs in the first half of the proximal tubule.
C. The first half the proximal tubule is the site of the most active reabsorption of glucose and amino acids.
D. The greatest fraction of Cl- reabsorption occurs in first half of the proximal tubule.
E. Carbonic anhydrase on the luminal surface of the brush border of the early proximal tubule plays an important role in bicarbonate reabsorption.
Question # 13

Which of the following statements about tubular function is NOT true?
A. In a person in neutral fluid balance, there is net reabsorption of water in the proximal tubule, the distal tubule, the loop of Henle, and the collecting duct.
B. In the thick ascending limb (TAL), Na+, Cl- and certain other ions are reabsorbed.
C. Tubular fluid at the beginning of the distal tubule fluid is typically isotonic to plasma.
D. Partly due to the presence of H+,K+-ATPase in the luminal plasma membrane, intercalated cells reabsorb K+ and secrete H+.
E. Reabsorption of Na+ and Cl- occurs in the collecting ducts.
1.D 2.E 3.B 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.E 8.A 9.D 10.B
11.A 12.D 13.C

Renal Blood Flow
Question # 1

Which of the following statements about autoregulation of renal blood flow and GFR is NOT true?
A. Both renal blood flow and GFR tend to remain constant in the face of changes in mean arterial pressure from 90 to 180 mm Hg.
B. The myogenic mechanism contributes to autoregulation.
C. The renal nerves play an important role in autoregulation.
D. Tubuloglomerular feedback involving the juxtaglomerular apparatus brings about decreased renal blood flow and decreased GFR in response to an increased rate of fluid flow in the macula densa.
E. The myogenic mechanism depends on the contraction of the afferent arteriole in response to increased pressure and its relaxation in response to decreased arterial pressure.
Question # 2

Which of the following statements about estimates of renal blood flow is NOT true?
A. The clearance of PAH is always an underestimate of the true renal plasma flow.
B. The true renal plasma flow is equal to the rate of excretion of PAH divided by the arterio-venous plasma concentration difference for PAH.
C. Increasing the plasma concentration of PAH will cause the PAH clearance to be a better estimate of renal plasma flow.
D. Renal blood flow is equal to renal plasma flow divided by (1-hematocrit).
E. Renal plasma flow in a 70 kg person is about 700 ml/min.
Question # 3

Which of the following statements about regulation of GFR and renal blood flow (RBF) is NOT correct?
A. GFR and RBF tend to remain constant despite significant changes in arterial blood pressure.
B. The phenomenon described in A is called autoregulation. Autoregulation does not depend on the function of the renal sympathetic nerves.
C. The myogenic mechanism contributes to autoregulation: when the afferent arterioles experience elevated pressure, they contract in response.
D. The juxtaglomerular apparatus plays a role in autoregulation: increased delivery of NaCl to the macula densa leads to relaxation of the afferent arteriole.
E. Constriction of the efferent arteriole is expected to increase GFR and to decrease RBF.
Question # 4

Which of the following statements about renal handling of PAH is NOT correct?
A. One reason that the clearance of PAH can never be a perfect estimate of renal plasma flow (RPF) is that some of the blood that perfuses the kidney does not flow through the peritubular capillaries.
B. For the reason expressed in A, even if we were to measure the level of PAH in blood in the renal artery and the renal vein, and were to compute the renal plasma flow as the rate of PAH excretion divided by the arterio-venous difference plasma PAH concentration, this quantity would underestimate the true renal plasma flow.
C. If the plasma level of PAH is increased so that the proximal tubule can no longer secrete all the PAH present in the peritubular blood, then the PAH clearance will seriously underestimate renal plasma flow.
D. Renal blood flow = RPF/(1 - hematocrit)
E. The normal renal plasma flow in a 70 kg person is about 700 ml/min.
Question # 5

Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Both renal blood flow and GFR tend to remain fairly constant in the face of significant increases or decreases in arterial blood pressure. This is known as autoregulation of GFR and RPF.
B. The sympathetic innervation of the glomerular arterioles are not required for autoregulation of GFR and RPF.
C. Autoregulation of GFR and RPF in response to an increase in blood pressure must involve constriction of the afferent arteriole.
D. Autoregulation of GFR and RPF in response to a decrease in arterial pressure must involve constriction of the efferent arteriole.
E. None of the above.
Question # 6

Which of the following statements about renal handling of PAH (para-aminohippuric acid) is NOT true?
A. The clearance of PAH in a normal human is about 5 times the GFR.
B. PAH clearance underestimates true renal plasma flow (RPF) by about 10%.
C. The renal plasma flow, computed as the rate of excretion of PAH divided by the difference in PAH concentration between renal arterial plasma and renal venous plasma, will underestimate true renal plasma flow.
D. The filtration fraction in a normal human is between 0.15 and 0.2.
E. Increasing the plasma concentration of PAH may cause the PAH clearance to be a greater underestimate of true renal plasma flow.
Question # 7

Which of the following statements about regulation of GFR and renal blood flow (RBF) is NOT true?
A. RBF and GFR tend to remain rather constant in the face of marked changes in mean arterial pressure. This is called autoregulation.
B. The myogenic mechanism contributes to autoregulation of RBF, but not to autoregulation of GFR.
C. If increased GFR in a particular nephron leads to increased rate of fluid flow in the macula densa of that nephron, then the macula densa does something that results in constriction of the afferent arteriole of that same nephron.
D. A decrease in arterial blood pressure tends to lead to relaxation of afferent arterioles.
E. An increased resistance of the afferent arterioles with a similar decrease in resistance of the efferent arterioles should lead to diminished GFR with little change in RBF.
1.C 2.C 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B

Production of Concentrated and Diluted Urine

Question # 1

Which of the following statements about the production of concentrated urine is NOT true?
A. The accumulation of NaCl in the medullary interstitium depends on the active reabsorption of NaCl by the thick ascending limb.
B. Countercurrent multiplication in the vasa recta helps to prevent washout of the medullary gradients of NaCl and urea.
C. In the presence of ADH urea is reabsorbed from the inner medullary collecting ducts.
D. The descending limb of the loop of Henle is permeable to water.
E. In the presence of high levels of ADH, about 50% of the osmolality of the interstitum of the inner medulla is due to NaCl.
Question # 2

Which of the following statements about the renal concentrating mechanism is NOT correct?
A. The active reabsorption of NaCl in the thick ascending limb is known as the single effect.
B. The TAL can create a gradient of NaCl between tubular fluid and medullary interstitium of about 200 mosmolal at a given depth in the medulla.
C. As fluid descends in the descending limb, water is osmotically withdrawn and NaCl in the tubular fluid becomes concentrated.
D. As fluid ascends in the thin ascending limb, Na+ and Cl- are passively reabsorbed.
E. Fluid leaving the TAL is approximately iso-osmotic to plasma.
Question # 3

Which of the following statements about the renal concentrating mechanism is NOT correct?
A. In the presence of ADH, fluid in the later part of the distal tubule and the cortical collecting duct is hypo-osmotic with respect to plasma.
B. In the presence of ADH, urea is reabsorbed from the inner medullary collecting duct and accumulates there to a level of approximately 600 mM.
C. In the absence of ADH, the level of urea in the inner medullary interstitium declines.
D. The total solute excretion rate tends to remain relatively constant in the face of large changes in urine volume and urine osmolality.
E. In the absence of ADH, the osmolality of urine is less than the osmolality of fluid in the cortical collecting duct.
Question # 4

Which of the following statements about the concentration of Na+ in the tubular fluid is NOT true?
A. In the proximal tubule, it is normally approximately equal to that in plasma.
B. In the thick ascending limb of Henle, it is normally less than that in plasma.
C. In the first part of the distal tubule, Na+ concentration is equal to that in plasma when ADH is present.
D. In the absence of ADH, Na+ concentration in the beginning of the collecting duct is less than that in plasma.
E. In the absence of ADH, Na+ concentration falls as fluid progresses down the collecting duct.
Question # 5

Which of the following statements about ADH is NOT true?
A. Osmoreceptors in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei respond to hypertonicity by increasing ADH release.
B. Alcohol causes diuresis by inhibiting ADH release.
C. Hyperosmolality stimulates both ADH release and thirst.
D. ADH inhibits the action of aldosterone to promote salt and water reabsorption in the distal tubule.
E. ADH increases the water permeability of the lumenal membrane of the later part of the distal tubule and the collecting duct by causing more water channel proteins to be inserted in these membranes.
Question # 6

Which of the following statements about the urine concentrating mechanism in the renal medulla is NOT true?
A. The thick ascending limb actively reabsorbs Na+ to produce the single effect Cl- follows to preserve electroneutrality.
B. The water permeability of the descending limb is higher than that of the ascending limb.
C. The deeper in the medulla, the higher the NaCl concentration.
D. In the presence of ADH the total osmolality of the interstitial fluid near the tip of the renal papilla is reduced.
E. Animals with longer loops of Henle can produce more concentrated urine.
Question # 7

Which of the following statements about renal handling of urea is NOT true?
A. Urea deposited in the inner medulla plays a role in the mechanism by which the kidney produces hyperosmotic urine.
B. Urea reabsorbed in the inner medullary collecting ducts enters the tubular fluid in the loops of Henle.
C. In the presence of ADH, urea is concentrated in the late distal tubule and the cortical collecting ducts when water is absorbed there.
D. In the absence of ADH, there is less deposition of urea in the inner medulla.
E. When there is a high flow rate in the inner medullary collecting ducts, there is a high rate of urea reabsorption there.
Question # 8

Which of the following statements about production of concentrated and dilute urine is NOT true?
A. The range of osmolality of urine that a normal human can produce is from 50 mosmoles/liter with no ADH to 1200 mosmoles/liter with maximal levels of ADH.
B. The ability to produce a concentrated urine, but not the ability to produce a dilute urine, depends on the reabsorption of NaCl by the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle (the TAL).
C. Countercurrent multiplication of NaCl, but not urea, occurs in the loop of Henle.
D. Deposition of urea in the interstitium of the inner medulla depends on the presence of ADH.
E. In the presence of maximal ADH, the osmolality of NaCl in the inner medullary interstitium is about equal to the osmolality of urea there.
Question # 9

Which of the following statements of diuretics is NOT true?
A. Osmotic diuretics result in increased reabsorption of NaCl by the thick ascending limb (TAL).
B. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors may contribute to metabolic acidosis.
C. The target of loop diuretics is the reabsorption of Na+ by the electrogenic Na+ channels in the luminal plasma membrane of the TAL.
D. Potassium sparing diuretics decrease Na+ transport across the luminal plasma membranes of principal cells of the late distal tubule and collecting duct.
E. Potassium sparing diuretics do not produce a large increase in urine flow rate.
1.B 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.E 8.B 9.C

Regulation of the Volume and Osmolality of Extracellular Fluid

Question # 1

Which of the following statements about the responses to depleted extracellular fluid volume is NOT true?
A. Increased activity in renal sympathetic nerves will result in decreased GFR and increased NaCl reabsorption in proximal tubule.
B. If the volume depletion is large, ADH release will be decreased.
C. Renin will be released due to decreased pressure in afferent arterioles and decreased delivery of NaCl to the macula densa.
D. Angiotensin II levels will rise, enhancing thirst and increasing NaCl reabsorption in the proximal tubule.
E. Level of atrial natriuretic peptide will decrease.
Question # 2

Which of the following statements about the responses to expanded extracellular volume is NOT true?
A. Decreased activity in renal sympathetic nerves will result in increased GFR and decreased reabsorption of NaCl in proximal tubule.
B. Increased levels of atrial natriuretic peptide will stimulate reabsorption of NaCl in collecting ducts.
C. Decreased levels renin will be released, leading to diminished levels of angiotensin II.
D. Decreased release of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex will result in less reabsorption of NaCl in distal tubule and collecting duct.
E. The diminished angiotensin II levels will contribute to less reabsorption of NaCl by the proximal tubule.
Question # 3

Which of the following statements about regulation of plasma osmolality is NOT true?
A. Urine volume can vary from about 0.5 to 20 liters/day, while urine osmolality can vary from about 50 mosmolal to 2500 mosmolal.
B. Total solute excretion (mosmoles/unit time) tends to remain constant in the face of large changes in volume and osmolality.
C. ADH release is much more sensitive to changes in the osmolality of extracellular fluid than to changes in extracellular fluid volume.
D. In a patient with expanded extracellular volume, ADH release in response to an increase in osmolality is decreased (relative to an individual with normal ECF volume).
E. In a volume-expanded individual the release of ADH is suppressed via neural reflexes.
Question # 4

Which of the following statements about the renal regulation of extracellular fluid (ECF) volume is NOT correct?
A. In a volume depleted individual, increased reabsorption of Na+ in Henle\'s loop is brought about by increased levels of aldosterone and ADH.
B. In response to decreased extracellular fluid volume, more NaCl is reabsorbed in the collecting ducts. This effect is promoted by elevated levels of aldosterone.
C. In response to expansion of the extracellular fluid volume, levels of renin and ADH in the circulation decrease.
D. In response to expansion of the extracellular fluid volume, impulse traffic in sympathetic nerves to the kidney increases.
E. In response to expansion of extracellular fluid volume, less reabsorption of Na+ occurs in the proximal tubule.
Question # 5

Which of the following statements about responses to decreased extracellular volume is NOT correct?
A. There are decreased levels of ANP, hence increased reabsorption of Na+ in the collecting duct.
B. There is increased impulse traffic in renal sympathetic nerves and hence decreased GFR.
C. There are increased levels of aldosterone and hence increased reabsorption of Na+ in the proximal tubule.
D. There is an increase in ADH and hence production of a small volume of urine with high osmolality.
E. There will be increased levels of angiotensin II and hence increased reabsorption of Na+ in the proximal tubule.
Question # 6

Which of the following statements control of the osmolality of body fluids NOT correct?
A. ADH is the only major regulator of urine osmolality.
B. The maximal osmolality of urine is about 1200 mosmolal.
C. ADH is released in response to increased osmolality of extracellular fluid.
D. ADH is released in response to depletion of the volume of the extracellular fluid.
E. The release of ADH is about as sensitive to changes in ECF osmolality as to changes in ECF volume.
Question # 7

Which of the following statements about regulation of salt and water reabsorption in the proximal tubule is NOT correct?
A. When GFR in a single nephron increases at constant plasma flow, the oncotic pressure in the peritubular capillary increases. This promotes increased reabsorption of salt and water from the proximal tubule of that same nephron.
B. When GFR in a single nephron increases at constant plasma flow, the hydrostatic pressure in the peritubular capillary increases. This promotes increased reabsorption of salt and water from the proximal tubule of that same nephron.
C. When GFR increases, the filtered load of glucose and amino acids increases. This tends to promote increased reabsorption of salt and water in the proximal tubule.
D. Angiotensin II increases NaCl reabsorption in the proximal tubule.
E. Activity in sympathetic nerves stimulates NaCl reabsorption in the proximal tubule.
Question # 8

Which of the following statements about ADH is NOT true?
A. Hyperosmolality in the supraoptic nuclei causes ADH release from the posterior pituitary.
B. Increased pulse pressure causes decreased ADH release from the posterior pituitary.
C. Stretch of the left atrium causes decreased release of ADH.
D. Increased ADH induces the sensation of thirst.
E. ADH increases the permeability of the collecting ducts to water and Na+.
Question # 9

A patient has urinary osmolality of 50 mOsm/L, a urine flow rate of 15 ml/min, and a plasma osmolality of 300 mOsm/L. Which of the following statements about this patient is NOT true?
A. The patient is in pronounced diuresis.
B. The patient\'s osmolar clearance is 2.5 ml/min.
C. The patient\'s free water clearance is 12.5 ml/min.
D. The osmotically active solute in the patient\'s urine each minute is equal to that in 2.5 ml of plasma.
E. The patient is excreting 750 mosmoles of solute each minute.
Question # 10

Which of the following statements about regulation of osmolality is NOT true?
A. Osmolar clearance is equal to urine osmolality times urine flow rate divided by plasma osmolality.
B. Free water clearance is equal to urine flow rate minus osmolar clearance.
C. Osmolar clearance tends to remain constant in the face of changes in urine flow rate.
D. In the absence of ADH, free water clearance tends to be positive and large.
E. A free water clearance of negative 1.5 ml/min means that the effect on total body osmolality is equivalent to the addition to the extracellular space of 1.5 ml of isotonic saline per minute.
Question # 11

A patient complains of several days of vomiting and diarrhea and is found to have a reduced effective circulating volume that activates the sympathetic nervous system. In this case, activation of the sympathetic nervous system reduces sodium excretion by the following mechanisms EXCEPT:
A. Decreases glomerular hydrostatic pressure by increasing afferent arteriolar constriction.
B. Increases renin secretion leading to an increase in plasma angiotensin II and aldosterone levels.
C. Indirectly increases proximal tubule sodium reabsorption through the action of aldosterone on proximal tubule cells.
D. Directly increases reabsorption of sodium by the proximal tubule and loop of Henle.
Question # 12

In response to an expanded effective circulating volume, atrial natriuretic peptide is released from the cardiac atria to promote sodium excretion by the following mechanisms EXCEPT:
A. Increased glomerular filtration rate by dilating afferent arterioles.
B. Decreased sodium reabsorption by the collecting duct cells.
C. Decreased aldosterone secretion by the adrenal cortex.
D. Decreased NaCl transport by the thick ascending limb.
Question # 13

Which of the following statements about regulation of plasma osmolality is NOT true:
A. ADH release is influenced by nonosmotic stimuli including blood volume and certain medications.
B. ADH release is more sensitive to changes in plasma osmolality than to changes in effective circulating volume
C. Urine volume can vary between 0.5 to 20 L/day in a normal individual.
D. Regulation of ADH release and perception of thirst work together to maintain plasma osmolality.
E. Total solute excretion is highly dependent on the urine flow rate.

1.B 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.C 6.E 7.B 8.E 9.E 10.E
11.C 12.D 13.E
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