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Text A
get by通过;过得去;过活;获得认可
例句No one is able to get by without oxygen. 没有氧气人不能维持生命。
frustration [frQs5treiFEn] n. 挫败;挫折;受挫
例句He ground his teeth(together) in frustration. 他因失败而把牙咬得咯咯响。
词组end in frustration以失败告终
deepfrustration 灰心丧气
suburban [sE5bE:bEn] adj. 郊区的,城郊的;土气的;见闻不广的
n. 郊区居民
例句It travels on rails down a suburban road, andthe cars travel underneath it.
contentment[kEn5tentmEnt] n. 满足的状态;令人满足的人或事
例句Happiness consists incontentment. 知足常乐。
self-reliant [selfrI5laIEnt] adj. 依靠自己的,独立的
例句She liked this self-reliant,self-sufficient, straight-spoken boy.
honey [5hQni] n. (蜂)蜜,蜂蜜
adj. 甘美的;蜂蜜似的
vt. 对…说甜言蜜语;加蜜使甜
vi. 奉承;说甜言蜜语
例句Our baby-sitter is an absolute honey. 我们的临时保姆好极了。
助记honey蜂蜜,honeymoon蜜月,honey wine蜂蜜酒。
just about几乎,差不多
例句This general store has just about everythingyou could wish for. 这家商店日用品应有尽有。
canoe[kE5nu:] n. 独木舟,轻舟
v. 乘独木舟,划独木舟
例句The canoe was sucked (down)into the whirlpool. 那独木舟卷进漩涡里了。
助记canoe→ocean(n. 大海,海洋)→大海里的独木舟。
派生canoeist n. 划独木舟的人
ski [ski:, Fi:] n. 滑雪橇
vi. 滑雪
例句This is the first time I’ve been on skis. 这是我第一次用滑雪板。
派生skiing n. 滑雪运动
low [lEu] adj. 低的,浅的;卑贱的;粗俗的;消沉的
例句Rain collects in thelows. 雨水聚在低洼地。
派生lowly adj.卑贱的;地位低的;谦逊的
hawk [hC:k] n. 鹰,隼;贪婪的家伙,骗子;鹰派成员;掠夺他人的人
vt. 兜售,沿街叫卖;捕捉;咳出
vi. 清嗓;咳嗽;像鹰一般地袭击
例句Who's been hawking gossip about? 是谁在散布流言蜚语?
派生hawkish adj.鹰派的;强硬派的
hawker n. 叫卖小贩;饲鹰者
haul [hC:l] n. & v. 拉,拽,拖;搬运
例句They hauled the boat up onto the shore. 他们用力把船拖上岸。
词组over the long haul 长远地;从长远观点看
forthe long haul 长远地
haulsb. up[口] 责问某人
派生haulage n. 拖运;拖曳;运费
firewood [5faiEwud] n. 木柴;柴火
例句Aslong as the green hills are there, one need not worry about firewood. 留得青山在,不愁没柴烧。
sled [sled] n. 雪橇;(用于雪地上载货的)爬犁
例句Sled pulled by dog is in common use in theArctic. 狗拉的雪橇在北极地区很常见。
词组sled dog 雪橇犬;雪橇狗;拉雪橇的狗
strawberry [5strC:bEri] n. 草莓;紫红色
例句Strawberry is in season this month. 这个月草莓要上市了。
overdue [5EuvE5dju:]adj. 过期(未付)的;迟到的,延误的
例句①The library called in all overdue books. 图书馆要求把所有逾期未还的书收回。
②Legislative reform is long overdue. 立法方面的改革早该进行。
词组overdue payment 逾期未支付款;过期付款
improvement [im5pru:vmEnt] n. 改进,进步,增进;改进措施
例句Much improvement has been made in the publicorder of the city. 这个城市的公共秩序有了很大的改进。
词组improvement in 好转;表示原物有改进
roomfor improvement 改进的余地
continualimprovement 持续改进
valueimprovement 价值改进
landimprovement 土地改良
supplement [5sQplimEnt] n. 补遗,补充;附录,增刊
v. 补充
例句We often do odd jobs to supplement ourincome. 我们常要做零工来增添收入。
词组supplement (to sth.) 增补的事物;补充
supplement sth. (with sth.) 增加或补充某事物
派生supplementation n. 补充;增补
indoor [5indC:] adj. 户内的,室内的
例句No smoking in any indoor facilities. 在任何室内场所都禁止抽烟。
orchard [5C:tFEd] n. 果园
例句After the storm she gathered a basketful ofwindfalls in the apple orchard.
助记看作orange + yard 或 garden;orchestra 管弦乐队在果园里演奏。
typewriter [5taipraitE] n. 打字机
v. 打字,用打字机打
例句Please write your letter on a typewriter. 请用打字机把你的信打出来。
freelance [5fri:lB:ns] n. 自由作家;自由记者
例句She work freelance so she do not have aregular income. 她是自由职业者,所以她没有固定收入。
词组freelance work 自由职业
pursue [pE5sju:] v. 追求,追赶,追踪;从事;继续
例句She is pursuing her studies atthe university. 她在大学继续深造。
词组pursue after 追赶
派生pursuit n. 追赶,追求;职业,工作
oversee[5EuvE5si:] v. 俯瞰;监视;检查,视察
例句You mustemploy someone to oversee the project. 你得雇个人监督这一工程。
organ [5C:^En] n. 器官;机构,机关;风琴
例句The FBI is an organ of the JusticeDepartment. 联邦调查局是司法部的一个机关。
派生organic adj.有机的;组织的;器官的;根本的
stack [stAk] n. 堆,垛;烟囱
v. 堆积,垛起
例句①I’ve got a stack of letters towrite. 我有一堆信要写。
②The floor was stacked high withpiles of books. 地板上堆放着高高的一摞书。
词组a stack of 一堆;一摞
stack up 堆积;累计;加起来
stack sth. (gainst sb.) 洗(纸牌)时作弊
wicked [5wikid] adj. 坏的,邪恶的;恶劣的;淘气的
例句Wicked children are quite annoying. 淘气的孩子令人讨厌。
virtuous [5vE:tjuEs] adj. 善良的,有道德的,贞洁的
例句A woman regarded as proper and virtuous. 贤淑的女性被认为是正统的和有德行的女性。
词组virtuous anger义愤
virtuous circle 良性循环
助记源于:virtue(n. 美德;优点)
blast [blB:st] n. 一阵(风),一股(气流);爆炸;冲击波
vt. 爆炸,毁灭;使枯萎;损害
例句①A blast of wind blew the window and thedoor agape. 一阵风把门和窗子都吹开了。
②Rock music blasted full from theparlor. 震耳欲聋的摇滚乐从客厅传来。
词组at full blast大力地,最有效率地
助记b(联想:不)+last(持续) →无法持续→爆炸;毁灭
派生blasted adj. 枯萎的;被害的;被咒的
blasting n. 爆炸;破坏;由爆破而产生的碎石块;枯萎
overflow [5EuvE5flEu] v. (使)泛滥,(使)溢出;溢出,流出,漫出
n. 充满,洋溢;泛滥;超值;溢值
例句The river overflowed several farms. 河水淹没了几个农场。
词组overflow with 充满着
swamp [swCmp] n. 沼泽,湿地;煤层聚水
v. 陷入沼泽;淹没,覆没;使…应接不暇
例句The soldiers became bogged in the swamp. 士兵们陷在沼泽中。
 词组swamp sb./sth. (with sth.) (以繁多的事物)压倒某人[某事物]
助记swim + 音:坡→能游泳的山坡,是在沼泽里游
派生swampy adj.沼泽的;湿地的;沼泽多的
cherry[5tFeri] n. 樱桃,樱桃树
例句The cherry trees blossomed early this year. 樱桃树今年开花早。
asparagus [E5spArEgEs] n. 芦笋,龙须菜(一种植物,可作蔬菜或入药)
例句I like asparagus soup.我喜欢喝芦笋汤。
词组asparagus lettuce 莴苣,莴笋
asparagus juice 芦笋汁
preserve [pri5zE:v] v. 保护,维持;保存,保藏;腌制
例句①Theywere fighting in order to preserve their independence. 他们为了维护他们的独立而斗争。
②You can preserve meat or fish insalt. 你可以用盐保存肉或鱼。
派生preservative adj. 防腐的;有保存力的;有保护性的
preservation n. 保存,保留
squash [skwCF] n. 南瓜;易压烂的物品;拥挤的人群;壁球
v. 压扁,压制,镇压,挤进,挤压
例句The cat got run over by the lorry and squashed.那只猫被卡车碾死了。
搭配squash (sb) up (against sb/sth) (使某人)(跟他人或某物)挤在一起
助记crush 压碎;squeeze压榨, 挤(a=i=ee, z=s)
pumpkin [5pQmpkin] n. 南瓜
例句Mary could hardly get through to Jack. 玛丽几乎无法使杰克明白她的意思。
gallon [5^AlEn] n. 加仑
例句Gallons of the stuff is going to waste. 大量这种东西正在被浪费。
atthat point在那时;在那个阶段
例句The cliff drops away at that point. 那地方悬崖陡峭。
decidedly [di5saididli] adv.果断地;断然地;明显;毫无疑问
例句He made all the other players on the fieldlook decidedly ordinary. 他使场上所有其他运动员都黯然失色。
employer [im5plCiE] n. 雇主,老板
例句The car industry is one of our biggestemployers. 汽车工业是我们最大的雇主之一。
blessing [5blesiN] n.祝福;赐福;祷告
例句A TV can be a real blessing forold people. 有电视看对于老年人来说是难得的好事。
bless [bles] v.. 祝福,保佑;颂扬;使神圣
例句God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!
词组be blessed with被施与,幸有
助记(God) bless you. 国外人常说的一句话,尤其你打喷嚏时。
派生blessed adj.幸福的;受祝福的;神圣的
on balance总而言之,总的来说
例句On balance, joint ventures appeal to me morethan state-owned enterprises.
illustrate [5ilEstreit] v.. 举例说明,阐明;图解,加插图于
vi. 举例
例句His story illustrates her true generosityvery clearly. 他所说的事很清楚地说明了她确实慷慨大方。
词组illustrate with 用…来说明;给…加(插图)
助记il+ lust(光,照亮)+rate→用图说明
派生illustration n. 说明;插图;例证;图解
hitch [hitF] n. 急推,急拉;故障;钩;蹒跚
vt. 拉,系住;猛拉;使结婚
vi. 急动;蹒跚;搭便车旅行;结婚
例句①He hitched the horse’s rope over the pole.他把马缰绳拴在柱上。
②The launch was delayed by a technical hitch. 由於技术上出现临时故障而发射延期。
词组without a hitch 顺利地,成功地,容易地;不停地
hitch a ride to the station搭车去车站
monster [5mCnstE] n. 怪物;巨人,巨兽;残忍的人
adj. 巨大的,庞大的
例句This machine is a real monster. 这台机器真是个庞然大物。
派生monstrous adj.巨大的;怪异的
digest [dai5dVest] v..消化;吸收;融会贯通
vi. 消化
n. 文摘;摘要
例句Some girls can’t digest fat. 有些女孩子吃肥肉不消化。
派生digestion n. 消化;领悟
boundary [5baundEri] n. 分界线,边界,主要指领土的边界
例句The Yalu forms the boundary between China andKorea. 鸭绿江形成了中国和朝鲜之间的分界线。
wilderness [5wildEnis]n. 荒野,茫茫一片,大量,荒地
例句She drove the herd of cattle through thewilderness. 她赶着牛群穿过荒野。
搭配in the wilderness 在野的;荒原;离开政界的
wilderness area 荒野保护区
generate [5dVenE7reit] v. 产生,发生;引起,导致;生殖,生育,产卵
例句The racial prejudice generated hatred. 种族偏见引起了仇恨。
派生generative adj.生殖的;生产的;有生殖力的;有生产力的
generation n. 一代;产生;一代人;生殖
generator n. 发电机;发生器;生产者
dental [5dentl] adj.牙齿的;牙科(用)的
n. 齿音
例句I had undergone a major dental operation. 我经受了一次牙科大手术。
派生dentist n. 牙科医生
insurance [in5FuErEns] n. 保险,保险费;安全保障
例句I am an insurance broker. 我是一名保险经纪人。
policy [5pClisi] n. (pl. policies)政策,方针
例句Honesty is the best policy. 诚实是最好的策略。
fee [fi:] n. 费(会费、学费等);酬金
vt. 付费给…
例句Does yourschool charge high school fees?你们学校的收费很高吗?
minor [5mainE] adj. 较小的,较次要的
n. 兼修学科;未成年人
v. (in)兼修
例句He won’t be content with a minor share of theprofit. 只分得较小一部分利润,他不会满意的。
词组minor in 辅修;兼修
premium [5primjEm] n. 额外费用,附加款;保险金;奖品,赠品
adj. 高级的,优质的;售价高的
例句Employers put a premium on honestyand hard work. 雇主们鼓励诚实和勤奋的工作。
词组a premium on鼓励;助长;导致
pay a premium for付…佣金
助记pre +em买,提前买的,保险费;买东西超出的部分,多给的部分,奖金。
例句Your talk is a little aside from the subjectof our discussion. 你的发言稍微偏离了我们讨论会的主题。
例句Social work services have been cut backdrastically. 社会工作服务已经大大减少了。
appreciable [E5pri:FiEbl] adj. 可以察觉的;可估计的;相当可观的
例句There are many appreciable changesin nature, such as the change of temperature.
词组an appreciable drop intemperature 气温些微的下降
派生appreciably adv.明显地;相当地;可察觉地
lower [5lEuE] v.. 减弱,减少;放下,降下;贬低
例句The temperature haslowered gradually this month. 这个月气温渐渐降低。
词组lower oneself 失身份;自甘堕落
dine out外出进餐
patronize [5pAtrEnaiz] v.. 庇护,保护;资助;惠顾;以高人一等的态度对待
例句①I’ll never patronize that store again. 我再也不去光顾那家商店了。
②He resented the wayshe patronized him. 她待他那种屈尊纡贵的样子,他十分愤恨。
opera [5RpErE] n. 歌剧,歌剧艺术;歌剧业
例句Have you heard the opera sung in French? 你听过用法语唱的这场歌剧吗?
ballet [5bAlei, bA5lei] n. 芭蕾舞(剧、团)
例句The ballet sparkled with vitality. 那场芭蕾舞演得生动活泼。
extravagant [iks5trAvE^Ent] adj. 奢侈的,铺张的;过分的,过度的;(言行等)放肆的
例句She’s very extravagant;she spends all her money on clothes. 她很奢侈,花掉了所有的钱来买衣服。
派生extravagance n. 奢侈,浪费;过度;放肆的言行
combine[kEm5bain] v. 联合,结合;化合
例句The two parties have combined to form agovernment. 两个政党已经联合起来组成政府。
派生combination n. 结合;组合;联合
suspect [sEs5pekt] n. 嫌疑犯
adj. 令人怀疑的,不可信的,可疑的
v. 怀疑;猜想;对…有所觉察
例句He was suspected of selling state secrets andarrested last month. 他涉嫌出卖国家机密,于上月被捕。
词组suspect sb. of doing sth. 怀疑某人干某事
派生suspected adj.有嫌疑的
solitude [5sClitju:d] n. 独居;孤独,寂寞;与外界隔绝
例句①The scientist has spent six monthsin the solitudes of the Antarctic.
②The night regressed into utter silence andsolitude. 黑夜重归孤寂。
budget [5bQdVit] n. 预算,预算表;(有限制的)供应
vi. 作安排,作预算
vt. 规划,安排
adj. 低廉的
例句Next year's budget will have tobe drastically pruned. 下一年度的预算将大幅度削减。
词组budget for 为…作预算
派生budgetary adj.预算的
involve [in5vClv] v. (使)卷入,(使)陷入;包含,包围;涉及
例句Don’t involve other people in your trouble. 别把别人牵涉进你的麻烦中去。
词组be involved in sth. 陷入;专注
派生n. involvement 牵连;包含;混乱;财政困难
requirement [ri5kwaiEmEnt] n. (for)需要,需要的东西;必要条件,必需品
例句They cannot (choose) but admit that ourrequirement is reasonable. 他们不得不承认我们的要求是合理的。
self-sufficiency [9selfsE`fIFEnsI] n. 自足,自负;独立性
例句They have made great stridestowards self-sufficiency. 他们在自给自足方面已取得了很大的进步。
scale [skeil] n. 刻度;天平,磅秤;比例尺;规模;音阶;鱼鳞
v. 过秤;重;攀登
例句The map was drawn to the standardscale of 1:150 000. 地图是按标准的1:150000的比例绘制的。
词组on a large/small scale 大/小规模地
in scale 依比例
on the scale of 按…的比例;以…的规模
scale up 按比例放大;按比例增加
resist [ri5zist] v.抵抗,反抗;忍得住,抵制
例句She could hardly resist laughing. 她真忍不住要笑。
派生resistant adj.抵抗的,反抗的;顽固的
resistance n. 阻力;电阻;抵抗;反抗
temptation [temp5teiFEn] n. 诱惑,引诱;诱惑物
例句I couldn't resist the temptation to get intoa guy's hair. 我总是忍不住要抓别人的辫子。
助记tempt 引诱;attempt 尝试,就是受到引诱。
device [di5vais] n.装置;策略;图案
例句We feel safe with a protectivedevice in the house. 我们因为家里有了防护装置而感到安全。
助记de+ vice(代替)→器械代替人力→装置,设备。
machinery [mE5Fi:nEri] n. 机械;机器;机构;机械装置
例句We should send a man tosuperintend the erection of machinery. 我们应派一个人去监督机器的安装。
搭配machinery and equipment 机器及设备
助记machinen. 机器?machinery(总称)机器,机械
horsepower [5hC:s7pauE] n. 马力
例句The car has a forty-horsepower engine. 这辆汽车的发动机有40马力。
rotary [5rEutEri] adj. 旋转的,轮转的;轮流的
n. 旋转式机器;[动力]转缸式发动机
例句The gardener asked me for a rotary lawnmower. 园丁向我要一台旋转式割草机。
profit [5prCfit] n. 利润,益处,收益
v. (by,from)得益,获益;利用
例句I have read it to my profit. 我读了它大有收益。
词组profit from 得益于;利用
net profit 净利润
in profit 在产乳期的(乳牛)
profit and loss 盈亏帐目,损益
for profit 为了赢利
profit by 得益于
make a profit 获利;赚钱
at a profit 获利
gain profit 获得利益
invest [in5vest] v.. 投资;覆盖;耗费;授予;包围
vi. 投资,入股;花钱买
例句①They invested their savings instocks and bonds. 他们将积蓄投资于股票和债券。
②Fog invests the city. 大雾笼罩城市。
词组invest with赋予,授予。
invest in投资于;[口]买进;寄希望于
派生investment n. 投资;投入;封锁
economic [7i:kE5nCmik] adj. 经济上的,经济学(上)的;经济的,节省的
例句They had led the country into economicdisaster. 他们把国家带入了经济灾难中。
词组economic crisis 经济危机
old-fashioned[`EJld`fAFEnd] adj. 老式的;过时的;守旧的
例句The house was dull, old-fashioned and in badcondition. 那幢房子阴暗、老式,并且破烂。
Text B
swing [swiN] v. 摇摆,摆动;回转,旋转
n. 秋千;摇摆,摆动
例句The boy swung on the rope tied to a tree. 这个男孩坐在一根拴在树上的绳子上荡秋千。
词组in full swing全面展开
go with a swing顺利进行;节奏轻快
get in the swing (of sth.) 适应情况
派生swinging adj.活跃的;极好的;多姿多彩的
aroma [E5rEumE] n. 芳香,香气,香味;气派,风格
例句①The whole house wasfilled with the aroma of coffee. 满屋子都是咖啡的香味。
②The president's roomconveyed a delicate aroma of the mysterious East.
roast [rEust] v.烤,炙,烘
adj. 烤过的
n. 烤肉
例句The meat is roasting in the oven. 肉在炉子里烤着。
scrabble [5skrAbl] v.. 乱写,乱涂;扒寻;摸索;挣扎
vt. 扒成,拼凑成
n. 一种拼字游戏,扒,抓,摸索,挣扎
例句The opportunity had gone. Hismind scrabbled for alternatives. 机会已经失去。他苦苦思索别的方案。
majority[mE5dVCriti] n.多数,大多数;成年,法定年龄
例句His opinion represents that ofthe majority. 他的意见代表大多数人的意见。
词组majority of 大多数;大部分
at one time曾经,一度;同时
例句The song had a great vogue at one time. 这首歌曾风行一时。
comedy[5kCmidi] n. 喜剧;喜剧性,幽默事件
例句No one can touch him as acomedian in comedy. 他这个喜剧演员[演喜剧] 没人能比得上。
pearl [pE:l] n. 珍珠;珍品,人杰;珠状物
adj. 镶有珍珠的;珍珠状的
例句Her ring had pearls on it. 她的戒指上有珍珠。
get along(勉强)生活;进展;(使)前进;与…和睦相处
例句Ability to get along with people is an assetin business. 在商业界善跟别人相处是可贵的优点。
workforce [5wE:kfC:s] n. 劳动力;工人总数,职工总数
例句In a globalized economy we cannot expect to fill all of our labor needswith a homegrown workforce alone.
mushroom [5mQFrum] n. 蘑菇;食用菌;暴发户
vt. 迅速生长,迅速增加;采蘑菇
例句Can you tell mushrooms from toadstools?你能区分食用蘑菇和有毒蘑菇吗?
miss out on错过机会;错失了…
in addition另外,此外
例句In addition to the killed and wounded, many were missing. 除了伤亡之外,还有许多人失踪。
gasp [^B:sp] v. 喘息;气喘吁吁地说
n. 喘息,气喘;深呼吸
例句I gasped as I jumped into the cold river. 当我跳进冰冷的河里时,简直透不过气来。
词组at the (one’s) last gasp临终,筋疲力尽,最后一刻
gasp forth/out喘着气说出/发出
commute [kE5mju:t] v. 交换;减刑;通勤
例句It's a long commutefrom New York to Boston. 从纽约通勤到波士顿路程很长。
派生commutative adj. 交换的,交替的
commuting n. 乘公交车上下班;经常往来
whip [(h)wip] n. 鞭子;车夫
v. 鞭打,抽打;突然移动
例句The culprit would be whipped when he is found. 那个罪犯被找到后就要挨鞭子抽打。
词组whip up 激起;鞭打
whip out 突然拿出,现出
派生whipping n. 鞭打;笞刑
go with伴随;与…相配;和交朋友
shake [Feik] v. & n. 摇动,摇;颤抖,震动
例句The housewife shook the rug to get the dust out of it. 那位主妇抖动毛毯,来除掉上面的灰尘。
词组shake off摆脱,甩掉
shake hands握手
shake down 勒索;适应新环境;摇落
shake it off 摆脱
派生shaky adj. 摇晃的;不可靠的;不坚定的
shaking n. 震动,震惊;挥动,摇动
thaw [WC:]n. 解冻;缓和
例句The snow is beginningto thaw. 雪已经开始融化。
搭配thawout 融化,解冻
relate [ri5leit] v. 叙述,讲述;使相互关联
例句The symbols relate to an earlier system. 这些标志和以前的制度有关。
词组be related to同…有关
relate with 使相关,使符合
派生relative adj. 相对的;有关系的;成比例的
relative n. 亲戚;相关物
relation n. 关系;叙述;故事;亲属关系
take over接管;接收
例句There are not enough trained younger men and women ready to take overfrom older experts.
array [E5rei] n. 排列,编队;大量,一系列;衣服
vt. 部署;穿着;排列
例句①She put on her finest array. 她穿上了最漂亮的衣服。
②The general arrayed his troops. 将军部署部队。
词组an array of 一排;一批;大量
cable [5keibl] n. 缆,索,钢丝绳;电缆;(海底)电报
v. 打电报
例句We cabled congratulations to him. 我们打电报祝贺他。
network [5netwE:k] n. 网络;网状物;广播网,电视网
例句Under the mountain there is a network ofcaves. 这座山里有许多相通的洞穴。
词组a network of一套…,…网
make sense有意义;讲得通;言之有理
Saturn [5sAtE(:)n] n. 土星,农业之神
例句The satellite of Saturn is fifth in distance from theplanet. 土星卫星是离那个星球第五远的星体。
Text A
1. I am notin E. B. White’s class as a writer or in my neighbors’ league as a farmer, but I’mgetting by. 作为作家,我和E.B.怀特不属于同一级别;作为农场主,我和乡邻也不在同一档次,不过我应付得还行。
class和league是同义词,都表示“等级,级别”。in someone’s class和in someone’s league含义相近,都表示“是同一等级”。本句作者讲的是自己作为作家和农场主虽然都不如相应的人,但自己也还凑活。
get by这里是“过得去”的意思,此外,它还有“通过;过活;获得认可”等意思,例:
How does she get by onsuch a small salary? 她靠那麽一点儿薪水怎么过活?
It is impossible toget by a foreign language exam by cramming at the last minute. 想要临时抱佛脚来混过外语考试是不可能的。
2. Our henskeep us in eggs, with several dozen left over to sell each week. 自家饲养的鸡提供鸡蛋,每星期还能剩余几打出售。
keep sb. in sth. 为固定用法,表示“使某人经常有某物”,例:
We keep cows that keepus in milk the whole year.
with several dozenleft over是with的独立主格结构,由“with+名词+过去分词”构成。
leave over“剩下,留下”,常用被动结构,例:
These matters willhave to be left over until the next meeting. 这些事情只好留到下次会议再讨论了。
3. Our beesprovide us with honey, and we cut enough wood to just about make it through theheating season. 自家养殖的蜜蜂提供蜂蜜,我们还自己动手砍柴,足可供过冬取暖时用。
provide sb. with sth.为某人提供某物。例:
They provided him witha car and driver. 他们为他提供了一辆汽车和一位司机。
just about几乎,差不多。例:
I can just about reachthe apples on the top branch. 我只差一点就能够着最上边树枝上的苹果。
make it(病痛等)好转;达到预定目标;及时抵达;走完路程。例:
The train goes at10:15.I think we shall make it. 火车10点1刻开,我想我们能赶上。
the heating season指“供暖季节”,也就是“冬季”。
4. We lovethe smell of the earth warming and the sound of cattle lowing. 我们爱闻大地回暖的气息,爱听牛群哞哞叫的声音。
动名词短语the earth warming和cattle lowing分别作两个介词of的宾语。the earth和cattle分别是warming和lowing的逻辑主语。
5. We watchfor hawks in the sky and deer in the cornfields. 我们守望鹰儿飞过天空,看鹿群在玉米田间嬉戏。
介词短语in the sky和in cornfields分别作定语,修饰hawks和deer。
watch for等待;当心;守候。例:
We’ll be watching forany developments. 我们会密切注视任何进展。
You’ll have to watchfor the right moment. 你得等候适当时机。
6. Three months ago when it was 30 below, we spent twomiserable days hauling firewood up the river on a sled. 三个月前,气温降到华氏零下30度,我们辛苦了两天,用雪橇沿河拖运木柴。
介词短语Three months ago作状语,when引导的定语从句修饰Three months ago。
up the river在这里表示“沿河”,up也常用来表示方向,指向上或向北。
7. Soon Tim,16 and Emily, 13, the youngest of our four children, will help me make somelong-overdue improvements on the outdoor toilet that supplements our indoorplumbing when we are working outside. 过些时候,四个孩子中的两个小的,16岁的吉米和13岁的艾米莉,会帮着我一起把拖了很久没修的室外厕所修葺一下,那是专为室外干活修建的。
that引导的定语从句that supplements ourindoor plumbing when we are working outside修饰toilet。when引导时间状语从句。
8. There is,as the old saying goes, no rest for the wicked on a place like this—and not muchfor the virtuous either. 正如老话说的那样,在这种情形下,坏人不得闲,贤德之人也歇不了。
There’sno rest for the wicked.出自《圣经》,原意是恶人总有坏事要做,永远也没有足够的时间把坏事做完。现在引用此句是抱怨工作太多的一种幽默说法:这么多事情,何时能做得完。
as the old sayinggoes(1ike this) 是插入语,意为“正如老话说的那样”,用来引出谚语或名言。
9. Whileone storm after another blasted huge drifts up against the house and barn, wekept warm inside burning our own wood, eating our own apples and loving everyminute of it. 暴风雪肆虐,一场接着一场,积雪厚厚地覆盖着屋子和谷仓;而室内,我们用自己砍伐的木柴烧火取暖,吃着自冢种的平苹果,温馨快乐母一分钟。
三个并列分词结构burning…,eating…and loving …在句中作we kept warm inside的伴随状语。
10. Whenspring came, it brought two floods. First the river overflowed, covering muchof our land for weeks. Then the growing season began, swamping us under waveafter wave of produce. 开春后,有过两次泛滥。一次是河水外溢,田地被淹了几个星期。接着一次是生长季节到了,一波又一波的农产品潮涌而来。
这里提到两次泛滥(Two floods),其中the first mood是指真正意义上的洪水泛滥,即田地被淹;而第二次的泛滥则用了暗喻的修辞手法,指农产品多如潮水般。
Our chefs use only thefreshest produce available. 我们的厨师只用现有最新鲜的农产品。
produce, product,production三个词都有“产品”的意思。其区别是:
Among the products ofthe factory are tractors, ploughs and lorries. 这家工厂的产品包括拖拉机、犁和卡车。
We must increase theproduction of eggs. 我们必须增加鸡蛋的产量。
This is a productionof genius. 这是一部天才的作品。
11. Atthat point I began thinking seriously about quitting my job and starting tofreelance. The timing was terrible. 那时,我开始认真考虑辞职去从事自由撰稿的事来。时机选得实在太差。
atthat point意为“就在那时”,例:
It started to rainand, at that point, we went home. 就在开始下雨的那会儿,我们回家了。
They had concernsabout the timing of the report. 他们对这个报道的时间安排有担忧。
The timing of ourstatement is very opportune. 我们发表声明选择的时机很恰当。
12. Theanswer, decidedly, was no, and so—with my employer’s blessings and half ayear’s pay in accumulated benefits in my pocket—off I went. 答案无疑是否定的。于是,带着老板的祝福,口袋里揣着作为累积津贴的半年薪水,我走了。
本句是and连接的并列句。前一个分句是The answer, decidedly,was no。后一个分句是off I went。破折号中间的内容作伴随状语,说明off I went的方式。
off I went是倒装句,讲话状语off放在句首,表示强调。
13. Therehave been a few anxious moments since then, but on balance things have gone muchbetter than we had any right to expect. 那以后有过一些焦虑的时刻,但总的来说,情况比我们料想的要好得多。
on balance表示“总的来说”,例:
On balance, jointventures appeal to me more than state-owned enterprises. 总的来说,合资企业比国有企业更吸引我。
14. I’m notmaking anywhere near as much money as I did when I was employed full time, butnow we don’t need as much either. 我挣的钱远比不上担任全职工作时的收入,可如今我们也不需要那么多了。
anywhere near表示“接近于;全然;差不多”,not anywhere near意为“远不及”,例:
She isn’t anywherenear as generous as her sister. 她一点都不像姊姊那样慷慨大方。
Japanese don’t use asmuch gesture as Europeans. 日本人使用手势没有欧美人那样多。
15. When itcomes to insurance, we have a poor man’s major-medical policy. 至于保险,我们买了一份低收入者的主要医疗项目保险。
When it comes(came) to表示“当提到;就…而论”,其中it无实际含义,例:
When it comes todancing, I’m all thumbs. 谈到跳舞,我真是一窍不通。
16.Although we are stuck with paying minor expenses, our premium is low—only $560 a year—and we are covered againstcatastrophe. 虽然我们仍要支付小部分医疗费用,但我们的保险费也低----每年只要560美金——而且我们为重大灾难保了险。
be stuckwith指“无法摆脱;被…缠住无法前进”,例:
If you lose, you’ll bestuck with a fat debt. 如果你失败了,你会负债累累的。
cover against为…投保。例:
A wpa policy coversyou against partial loose in all cases. 水渍险保单可承保各种情况下的部分损失。
17.Extravagant Christmases are a memory, and we combine vacations with story assignments…铺张的圣诞节成为一种回忆,我们把完成约稿作为度假的一部分……
We can’t alwayscombine work with pleasure. 我们并不总是能在工作中享受到乐趣。
We must learn tocombine theory with practice. 我们必须学会理论联系实际。
18. I suspectnot everyone who loves the country would be happy living the way we do. 我想,不是所有热爱乡村生活的人都乐意过我们这样的日子。
not everyone是部分否定,意为“并非每个都…”,not与both, all, every, each, everyone, everything, everybody等词连用,均构成部分否定,例:
Not everything can bedone according to the old ways. 不能什么事都按老规矩办。
Not all the studentsstudy hard. 并非所有的学生都用功念书。
19. Ittakes a couple of special qualities. 过这样一种生活需要两个特殊的素质。
It takes brains toadminister a large corporation. 管理一个大公司需要智慧。
a couple of 意为“ 三两个…;一对…”,例:
It will take a coupleof years to harness that river. 治理那条河流要花两三年时间。
The doctor told him tolay off a couple of days. 医生叫他休息几天。
20. Howmuch longer we’ll have enough energy to stay on here is anybody’s guess—perhaps for quite a while, perhapsnot. 没人知道我们还有精力在这里再待多久——也许很长一阵子,也许不是。
本句话的主干是系表结构。主语是How much longer we’llhave enough energy to stay on here,系动词is,表语是anybody’s guess。
be anybody’s guess意为“没有人知道,谁也猜不准的事”,例:
When he’ll finallyturn up is anybody’s guess. 大家都吃不准他最终将什么时候来。
It’s anybody’s guesswho actually killed him. 大家都不确定是谁杀了他。
stay on(at…)继续停留。例:
Philip agreed to stayon in the job another week to show the new man the ropes. 菲利浦同意再留职一周,带一带这个新来的人。
21. We’veinvested about $35,000 of our own money in it, and we could just about doubled thatif we sold today. 我们自己在农场投入了约35,000美金,要是现在售出的话价格差不多会翻一倍。
句中的it指代前文的the place,that指代$35, 000。
invest in投资于;买进;寄希望于。例:
to invest one’s moneyin the business 将某人的钱投资于办企业
I’m thinking ofinvesting in a new house. 我正打算买座新房子。
Education is the bestway for a nation to invest in the future. 教育是一个民族对未来投资的最佳手段。
22. Wedidn’t move here primarily to earn money though. 我们移居至此并非是为了赚钱。
本句话中,作者把对状语to earn money的否定,转移到谓语动词move之前,即“否定转移”。允许否定前移母句动词有:think, believe,suppose, expect, figure, imagine, reckon, calculate等。
Text B
1. The doorswings open at 5:30 sharp. 我们将在9点整准时见面。
sharp可表示“突然地,急剧地”,也可表示“(…点) 整”,例:
She planned to unlockthe shop at 8:00 sharp this morning. 她计划今早8点整打开店门。
2. In walksdear old Dad, hungry and tired after a long day at the office. 亲爱的老爸走了进来,他在办公室上了一天的班,肚子饿了,人也累了。
本句为倒装句。正常语序为:Dear old Dad walks in。当表示方位的副词位于句首时,句子要用倒装。例:
Up went the plane. 飞机飞了起来。
hungry and tired是并列形容词,作walks in的伴随状语。
介词短语after a long day atthe office作时间状语。
3. After aleisurely meal together, Mom does the dishes. 全家人从容地吃完饭后,妈妈就刷洗碗碟。
Lu Xun writes with aleisurely pace. 鲁迅以一种悠闲的笔调进行写作。
We have ample time fora leisurely lunch. 我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。
do the dishes清洗餐具,洗碗碟。
4. That, afterall, is part of her job. 反正这是她的活儿。
part of sth. 中,part前往往不用冠词a,例:
A goodly part of herincome went on travel. 她收入中相当大一部分用于旅游。
5. And thenext morning Dad and the kids wake up to the sounds and smells of Mom preparingpancakes and sausages for breakfast. 第二天早上,爸爸和孩子们在妈妈准备早餐发出的声响和薄饼、香肠散发的香味中醒来。
wake up to意为“认识到,注意到,意识到,觉察到;醒来发现(或听到、看到)”。例:
The fact woke them upto the need for the safety precaution. 事实使他们认识到安全防范的必要性。
She woke up to findherself in the hospital. 她醒来发现自己在医院里。
6. Norunning home for lunch for today’s commuter. 今天的通勤族不再赶回家吃午饭。
7. Andspeaking of lunch, there’s been a second big change in American family life. 说起午饭,那正是美国家庭生活的第二大变化。
动名词短语speaking of lunch作状语。
speak of意为“谈到,论及”,例:
When we speak ofunity, we do not mean unprincipled peace. 我们所说的团结,并非一团和气。
8. But thiskind of meal takes several hours to fix. 但烧这种饭菜要花好几个小时。
美语中,fix可表示“准备 (食物、饮料等)”,例:
Sarah fixed some foodfor us. 萨拉为我们准备了一些食物。
Let me fix you adrink. 让我给你弄一杯饮料吧。
9. And moreand more people rely on microwaves to thaw frozen food in minutes. 越来越多的人依赖微波炉在几分钟内把冷冻食品解冻。
不定式to thaw frozen food inminutes作目的状语。
This warm weathershould thaw the ice on the road very quickly. 这样暖和的天气可以使路上的冰很快地融化。
After a few drinks theparty atmosphere began to thaw (out). 喝过几杯酒之後, 聚会的气氛变得轻松自然了.
10. Andclassic fast foods, like hamburgers and flies, are meant to be eaten on the run,not slowly enjoyed at the dinner table. 传统的快餐,如汉堡包、炸薯条,是让人匆匆忙忙吃的,而不是坐在餐桌旁享用的。
bemeant to意为“应该是; 注定要;照理应当,打算要;旨在”,例:
I was meant to beworking on Sunday, but I just fooled around all day. 星期日我本应工作的,但却闲混了一整天。
onthe run表示“奔跑; 逃跑; 忙碌; 奔波”,例:
The mother with twinbabies is always on the run. 这个有双胞胎婴儿的妈妈总是忙忙碌碌的。
11. Is thefamily evening at least something the Cleavers could relate to? 晚上的家居生活总该跟克立弗家多少有几分相似了吧?
定语从句something the Cleaverscould relate to修饰something,其后省略了引导词that。
Light industry isclosely related to agriculture. 轻工业和农业有极密切的关系。
12. Playerscan compete in the Olympics, search out aliens, or wipe out entire cultures ontheir little screens. 游戏者能在奥运会上施展身手,能寻找外星人,或者在小小的屏幕上摧毁所有的文明。
本句的谓语动词由并列的三部分构成:compete in, searchout, wipe out。
compete in参加…比赛。例:
Companies must be ableto compete in the market-place. 公司一定要在商品交易中有竞争力。
We are trying tosearch out the few remaining errors in the script. 我们正力求查出原稿中所遗留的少数错误。
It took me severalweeks to search out the book that I wanted. 我费了几个星期的时间才找到我需要的那本书。
You can never wipe outthe past. 你永远不能把过去一笔勾销。
13. The two-or-more-TVfamily used to be rare. 过去很少有人家拥有两台以上的电视机。
the two-or-more-TV和下文的let’s-blow-up-saturn都是合成形容词。
14.Nowadays, Dad might want to rent an action movie when Mom’s cable shoppingservice is on. Or Junior is playing a let’s-blow-up-Saturn video game while Siswants to see The Simpsons. 如今,妈妈在看她的有线电视导购节目时,爸爸可能想租一部动作片。而在姐姐想看《辛普森一家》时,弟弟妹妹却在玩《让我们炸毁土星》的电子游戏。
cable shopping service电视导购节目
The Simpsons是一部动画片,讲述的是美国人辛普森一家的生活。

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