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目录                                                                                        封面
第一部分 名校考研真题
第二部分 课后习题
 第1章 语言学导论
 第2章 语 音
 第3章 从词素到短语
 第4章 句法:从语词到篇章
 第5章 意 义
 第6章 语言与认知
 第7章 语言、文化、社会
 第8章 语言的使用
 第9章 语言与文学
 第10章 语言和计算机
 第11章 语言学与语言教学
 第12章 现代语言学理论与流派
第三部分 章节题库
 第1章 语言学导论
 第2章 语 音
 第3章 从词素到短语
 第4章 句法:从语词到篇章
 第5章 意 义
 第6章 语言与认知
 第7章 语言、文化、社会
 第8章 语言的使用
 第9章 语言与文学
 第10章 语言和计算机
 第11章 语言学与语言教学
 第12章 现代语言学理论与流派
第四部分 模拟试题
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第一部分 名校考研真题
I. Briefly explain the following terms. (50 points, 5 points each)
6.language transfer
7.speech act
8.verbal behavior principles
II. Read the following passage and then answer questions. (40 points)
  Alice Kaplan grew up  in Minnesota in the 1960s. In her 1993 book, she tells the story
  of the development of her unconditional, life-long affiliation  with French. Her memoirs
  begin at the age of eight, when her father, a Jewish lawyer who  prosecuted Nazi war
  criminals at Nuremberg, died. Kaplan explains that she felt a  deep connection between
  feeling the loss of her father and feeling different from others  in her pursuit of French:
  ‘Learning French was connected to my father, because French  made me absent the way he
  was absent, and it made me an expert the way he was an expert’ (p.203-4). She began
  studying French in grade 5, and at the age of 14 attended a  French immersion summer
  programme in Maine. The two formative experiences, however,  were a year abroad in
  a French-medium school in Switzerland at the age of  15, while still in high school, and
  another academic year abroad in Bordeaux three years  later, while she was a French
  literature undergraduate. Her interest was  always as intense for French culture as it was for
  the French language: ‘Even in beginning French classes, you know  there was a French
  beyond the everyday, a France of hard talk and intellect’ (p.138). By the end of the  two
  full-year study abroad experiences, a complete  self-identification with the new community
  and culture had taken place. She later became a French language  teacher and eventually
  completed a doctorate in French. To this day, Kaplan is  committed to a life in which both
  French and English play prominent roles.
1.What does “French made me absent the way he was absent” (1.6-7) mean? (5 points)
2.What is “a French immersion summer programme” (1, 8)? (5 points)
3.What are formative experiences (1.9)? (5 points)
4.What is “a French-medium school” (1.9-10)? (5 points)
5. Whatdoes Kaplan mean when she says “there was a French beyond the everyday” (1.13-14)? (5 points)
6. Whatdoes “the new community and culture” (1.15-16) refer to? What is meant by “acomplete self-identification” (1.15) with it? (5 points)
7. What does Kaplan’s successstory illustrate? (10 points)
III. Read the following article and then do two tasks. (60 points)
  Smoothing the Path from Foreign  Lips to American Ears
  It is a complaint  familiar to millions of alumni of research universities: the
  master’s or doctoral candidate from overseas, employed as a  teaching assistant, whose
  accent is too thick for undergraduate students to penetrate.
  To help solve this  problem, increasingly sophisticated software programs have
  been developed to analyze and critique speech. One  program, NativeAccent, which
  became available three years ago, has been adopted by more than  100 universities.
  Briju Thankachan, an Indian graduate student here in instructional  technology, has
  spent hundreds of hours using NativeAccent. The software can isolate  hundreds of
  pronunciation issues and even show animations of  how to position parts of the mouth
  for each sound.
  “Every morning I  would hear him repeating things over and over into the
  computer, and you could hear him getting better,” said Mr.  Thankachan’s wife, Betsy
  J. Briju, a visiting assistant professor in plant biology.
  The comprehension  problem is far from solved. Even at an institution like Ohio
  University, with an unusually robust remedial program,  undergraduate students say
  they have run into hard-to-understand teaching assistants.
  “You get better at  understanding after a while, and they’re willing to talk it over
  again, but it can be hard,” said Karen Martinez, a sophomore  from Chicago.
  The university’s  efforts to address the accent problem date to the 1980s. Every
  foreign student’s command of spoken English is assessed on  arrival, and each year
  about 300 go through the improvement program, part of the  linguistics department. In
  classes, the students learn to break language into individual  sounds, forcing them to be
  aware of how each part of the mouth is positioned to make a  particular bit, while
  instructors contort their faces and touch their tongues to drive  home the point. Students
  take sentences apart to learn rhythm, emphasis, pauses and  rising and falling pitch—
  elements that can convey as much information as words.
  “Many people come  here without having learned intonation at all,” said Lara
  Wallace, a lecturer in linguistics. “Everything comes out in a  flat monotone, which
  makes an accent even harder to understand.”
  Students are  assigned to practice in computer labs, using the speech analysis
  software, and — possibly the most unpopular exercise — recording  audio or video of
  themselves speaking. They have to transcribe those recordings verbatim,  with every
  pause, false start, repetition or “um” noted.

1.Answer the following questions. (30 points, 3 points each)
1) What does “critique speech” mean (1.5)?
2) What kind of technology is “instructional technology” (1.7)?
3) Which two words can be used toreplace the two underlined words in “isolate hundreds of pronunciationissues” (1.8-9)?
4) What does the word “position”mean in “position parts of the mouth” (l.9)? Which “parts” are involved?
5) What does the word “things” (1.11) refer to?
6) What kind of program is a “remedial program” (1.15) and what is meant by “robust.”(ibid.)?
7) What does the word “bit” (1.23) refer to?
8) What is “intonation” (1.27)?
9) Which phrase can be used to replace “verbatim” (1.32)?
10) What is a “false start” (1.33)?
2. Write a short essay in approximately 300 words about theissue of pronunciation and intonation for foreign learners of English. (30 points)
I. Briefly explain the following terms. (50 points, 5 points each)
1. An affix refers to the collective term for the typeof morpheme that can be used only when added to another morpheme (the root or the stem), which has three subtypes: prefix,such as un-, mini-, para-; suffix, -ish, -al, -tion; and infix,abso-bloomingly-lutely, un-fucking-believable. All the affixes are the boundmorphemes.
The affixes thatattach to verbs and do not change the category are usually inflectionalaffixes. For example, -s in reads, looks and listens; -ed in excited,interested and consisted; -ing in studying, making and sitting. They are justgrammatical markers and do not change the category of words.
2. Inflection is the manifestation of grammaticalrelationship through the addition of inflectional affixes, such as number,person, finiteness, aspect and case, which do not change the grammatical classof the stems to which they are attached. For example, the past form of the verbwork is realized by the addition ofthe inflectional suffix: “-ed”; the plural form of the noun child is realized by the inflectionalsuffix: “-ren”.
3. The mood is thevariation in the conjugation of a verb to express the manner or form. It includesthree types, namely, imperative mood, indicative mood and subjunctive mood.
4. In linguistics, modality is what allows speakers toattach expressions of belief, attitude and obligation to statements. Instandard formal approaches to modality, an utterance expressing modality canalways roughly be paraphrased to fit the template.
5. Interlanguage refers to the type of languageconstructed by second or foreign language learners who are still in the processof learning a language. It’s a language system between the target language andthe learner’s native language, and imperfect compared with the target language,but not mere translation from the learner’s native language. For example, when aChinese student is learning English, he may make errors like “to touch thesociety”.
6. Native languageplays an important role in the process of second language acquisition. When thenative language influences the acquisition of the target language, languagetransfer happens. For example, the students’ learned knowledge and skills inthe native language can be transferred to the second language. When the twolanguages are similar in structure, then the native language facilitates thetarget language learning, and we call it a positive transfer; when the twolanguages are different in structure, then the native language interferes withthe target language learning, and we call it a negative transfer.
7. Speech act is a central concept in Speech Act Theory,according to which, we are performing various kinds of acts when we arespeaking. Actions performed through utterances are generally called speechacts.
8. The verbal behavior is the behaviorunder the control of consequences mediated by other people (who can interchangeably function as speaker and listener)—was best understood in a functional analysis.
9. The four maxims of the co-operativeprinciple are as follows:
Quantity. (1) Make your contribution as informative as is required (for the current purposes of theexchange). (2) Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.
Quality. Try tomake your contribution one that is true. (1)Do not saywhat you believe to be false. (2) Do not saythat for which you lack adequate evidence.
  Relation. Be relevant.
Manner. Beperspicuous. (1) Avoid obscurity of expression. (2) Avoid ambiguity. (3) Be brief. (4) Be orderly.
In the utterancegiven, it is probable that the speaker is particularly careful about the maximof Quality, which rules that do not say that for which you lack adequateevidence.
10. A vernacularis the native language or native dialect of a specific population, as opposedto a language of wider communication that is a second language or foreignlanguage to the population, such as a national language, standard language, orlingua franca.
II. Read the following passage and then answer questions. (40 points)
1. Learning French isconnected with her father. Although her father has passed away, she couldalways feel him when studying French.
2. Kaplanfully devoted herself for a whole summer to learning French.
3. One is to study ayear abroad in a French-medium school in Switzerland at the age of 15 in high school; the other is an academicyear abroad in Bordeaux three years later, while she was a French literatureundergraduate.
4. InSwitzerland, French is a connected language for students when they are learning.
5. She was always asintense for French culture as it was for the French language. She felt Frenchwas everywhere and French could express her bottom of heart.
6. “The new communityand culture” refers to the sphere of French knowledge, French culture, Frenchthinking patterns, etc. She found French was her part of body, at that time shefinally felt that she was complete and she knew what she was.
7. ① Theinterests are very important during the process of study.
② Work hard, think actively andinnovatively.
III. Read the following article and then do two tasks. (60 points)
1) It means to use some soft wares to correctone’s pronunciation.
2) In education, instructionaltechnology is “the theory and practiceof design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processesand resources for learning.” Instructionaltechnology covers the processes and systems of learning and instruction.
3) “Separate” for “isolate”; “errors” for “issues”.
4) Here “position” means to recognize thespeech organs of mouth. There are many speech organs in mouth. Starting fromthe front, the upper part of mouth includes the upper lip, the upper teeth, thealveolar ridge, the hard palate, the soft palate and the uvula. The bottom partof mouth contains the lower tip,the lower teeth, the tongue, and the mandible.
5) The phonetics or words or sentences.
6) It is a program to correct students’pronunciation. It means this program is very popular and common. There are somany students would join it to correct their pronunciation.
7) It means a tiny sound of each separatedpronunciation of a word.
8) Intonation means the variation of pitch used when speaking.
9) Word by word.
10) In sports, a falsestart is a movement by a participant before (or in some cases after) being signaled orotherwise permitted by the rules to start. Here it means when students areassigned to practice in the computer labs, they would often make errors thatthey themselves would not realize. That would not be a suitable method tocorrect their pronunciation.
2. Language is a means of communicationin everyday life. Common people have little regard the speaking ability assignificant as linguists do. They just take it for granted and think thatspeaking and understanding is as natural as breathing. So many English learnersprefer learning “DUMB ENGLISH” topaying attention on studying English pronunciation, the results being thatlearners are shocked whenever they encounter difficulties in oralcommunication. Among many other factors, the most prominent is phonetics,which, to a large extent, weakens the learner’s confidence both in speaking andlistening. In the case of some senior students at the university, a reasonableaccuracy in the pronunciation of individual sounds should certainly have beenachieved, however, many students still fail to attain perfection. The Chinesestudents are comparatively quiet and shy, which works to their disadvantage inspeaking. They are afraid of making mistakes. They feel uncomfortable in theirfirst attempt at speech in English and they are afraid of failure, laughter andridicule. Observations that limited pronunciation skills can underminelearner’s self-confidence, restrict social interaction, and negativelyinfluence estimations of a speaker’s credibility and abilities are not new. Theability of speaking English embodies the correctness of pronunciation andintonation and directly affects the appropriate communication in conversation.
Mostresearchers agree that the learner’s first language influences thepronunciation of the target language and is a significant factor in accountingfor foreign accents. Some Chinese students tend to have difficulty with Englishsounds because they are deeply influenced by similar Chinese sounds. Learnersmake mistakes in the stress of words and rhythm of sentences. Unlike many otherlanguages, English requires that one syllable in each word be stressed morethan others. The importance of putting the stress on the right syllable inEnglish words cannot be underestimated; putting the stress on the wrongsyllable is more likely to make a word unintelligible than mispronouncing oneof its sounds. The result can be certainly attributed to the mother tongueinterference. For many students whose pronunciations are especially hard tounderstand, misplaced syllable stress is one of the main problems. Intonation,the rises and falls in tone that make the ‘tune’ of an utterance, is animportant aspect of pronunciation of English, often making a difference tomeaning or implication. Intonation patterns in English sentences primarilyindicate the degree of certainty of an utterance, i.e. whether is a statement,questions, or suggestion. Most questions in rising intonation, however, Wh-questions (who, what, where, when, why, and how) end with falling intonation. It is important forstudents to learn these patterns not only in order to communicate meaning, butalso in order to avoid unwittingly sounding rude or indecisive. In order tolearn English well, the second language learners should pay attention of theimportance of the English pronunciation learning. Certainly, there’s a long wayfor learners of English pronunciation to go.

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