目录 封面
Part A
Linguistics (100 points)
I. Studying linguistics, we have come across alot of technical terms, some of which are listed below. Please write out themost acceptable definitions for each of them. (10 points)
a) linguistics;
b) language;
c) morphology;
d) duality;
e) cultural transmission;
f) phoneme;
g) syntax;
h) synonyms;
i) pragmatics;
j) speech community
Ⅱ.Studying linguistics we have been acquainted with many linguists, five of whomare listed below. Write out a phrase that may best represent theircontributions to linguistics. (10 points)
a)Ferdinand de Saussure;
b) Noam Chomsky;
c) M. A. K. Halliday;
d)H. P. Grice;
e) Leonard Bloomfield
III. Linguistics as a specified discipline hasits own technical ways of operation. Try to fill the blanks to demonstrate yourtechnical sense of linguistics. (15 points)
1. Please give the corresponding soundsegments according to the descriptions:
voiced bilabialstop: a)________;
alveolar nasal: b)_________;
voiceless labiodentalfricative: c)__________.
2. A morpheme which can be a word by itself is called a d)________ morpheme,whereas a morpheme that must be attached to another one is a e)_________morpheme. The plural -s in “books”, for example, is a f)__________ morpheme.
3. Words that are opposite in meaning are antonyms. Oppositeness canbe found on different dimensions and different kinds of antonyms have beenrecognized by linguists. For example, “hot” and “cold” are recognized as g) ________antonyms, “male” and “female” as h) ________ antonyms and teacher and pupil asi) ________ opposites.
4. There are 4 maxims in Cooperative Principle, namely, the maxim ofquantity, the maxim of j)__________, the maxim of k)_________, and the maxim ofl)__________.
5. What function does language perform? Three main functions areoften recognized: the m)________ function, the n)________ function and the o)________function.
Ⅳ.To be a student of linguistics, it is important to develop a sense of criticalthinking. Please answer the following questions to demonstrate your criticalpotentials. (35 points)
1. Prescriptive and descriptive approaches represent two differenttypes of linguistic study. What is the significance of this distinction?
2. The distinction between langue andparole was made in the early 20th century. Why was this distinctionmade?
3. The classic semantic triangle was suggested by Ogden and Richardsto explain the relationship between words and things. What is the shortcomingof this triangle?
4.First consider the following situation:
A: Shall wego to the party tonight?
B: Well, Ihave to prepare for the coming exam.
Then answer thequestion: what implicature can you get from B’s utterance?
5. First read the following newspaperreport:
The main factorfor the success of Toyota, the number-one company for customer service, is notonly its products. Toyota provides the products that customers most want tobuy, and designs models that meet people’s changing priorities. In particular,it has responded to the industry trend by providing smaller, moreenvironmentally friendly cars, such as the Prius, a hybrid car with both petroland electric engines.
Then try toanalyze the newspaper report in terms of field of discourse, tenor of discourseand mode of discourse.
V. Write two shortessays on the following topics to demonstrate your potential of doinglinguistics. (30 points)
1. The following two passages will revealhow language can vary in the degree of formality:
Passage A:
It has beennoted with concern that the stock of books in the library has been decliningalarmingly. Students are asked to remind themselves of the rules for theborrowing and return of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students.Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced.
Passage B
The number ofbooks in the library has been going down. Please make sure you know the rulesfor borrowing, and don’t forget that the library is for everyone’s convenience.So from now on, we’re going to enforce the rules strictly. You have beenwarned!
Passage A isobviously more formal than Passage B. Now please compare the two passages andtry to point out, with examples, what makes Passage A more formal.
2. Different languages may reflect different cultures; differentcultures entail different language expressions. Proverbs, sayings and idioms,derived from different origins, also demonstrate cultural differences. Try touse the animal “dogs” to illustrate this point of view.
Part B
Translation (50 points)
I. Translate thefollowing passage into Chinese. (25 points)
Living alone isthe new norm. The extraordinary rise of solitary living is the biggest socialchange that we have neglected to identify, let alone examine. Consider that in1950, a mere 4 million Americans lived alone, and they made up only 9% ofhouseholds. Back then, living alone was most common in the open Westernstates—Alaska, Montana and Nevada—that attracted migrant workingmen, and it wasusually short-lived stage on the road to a more conventional domestic life. Notanymore. According to 2011 census data, people who live alone—nearly 33 millionAmericans—make up 28% of all U.S. households, which means they are now tiedwith childless couples as the most prominent residential type, more common thanthe nuclear family and the multigenerational family.
Living alone,being alone and feeling lonely are hardly the same, yet in recent years expertshave routinely conflated them. In fact, there’s little evidence that the riseof living alone is making more Americans lonely. It’s the quality, not thequantity, of social interactions that best predicts loneliness. As John T.Cacioppo at the University of Chicago concluded in the book he coauthored, Loneliness,what matters is not whether we live alone but whether we feel alone. There’s muchsupport for this idea outside the laboratory. As divorced or separated peopleoften say, there’s nothing lonelier than living with the wrong person. Afterall, living alone serves a purpose: it helps us pursue sacred modernvalues—individual freedom, personal control and self-realization—that carry usfrom adolescence to our final days.
II. Translate thefollowing passage into English. (25 points)
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