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abandon [E5bAndEn] v.. 遗弃,放弃;抛弃
【试题】The scheme was ______when it was discovered it would be very costly. [北二外2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
B. surrendered
C. released 
D. abandoned
abbreviate [E5bri:vieit] v. 缩写,缩短,简化;使简短
【试题】It is seldomacceptable to abbreviate words in formal writing. [大连海事大学2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. omit
B. explain
C. invent
D. shorten
abdicate [5Abdikeit] v. 放弃(高职位,权力);放弃王位,退位;辞(职)
【试题】You would be abdicatingyour responsibility to the community in that way. [首都师大2005研,考试科目:英语综合水平测试]
A. intervening 
B. defaming 
C. resigning
D. invalidating
aberrant [A5berEnt] adj. 异常的
【试题】Correction of thestudent’s aberrant pronunciation is a continual, on-going process, not something reserved for lessons or exercises in pronunciation. [对外经贸大学2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. habitual 
B. familiar
C. conventional 
D. nonstandard
abhorrent [Eb5hCrEnt] adj. 可恶的;格格不入的,跟…不合的(to, from)
【试题】A paternalisticgovernment, so abhorrent to Jefferson, appealed strongly to the mindstempered by Puritanism. [东北师大2003研,考试科目:英语实践基础]
A. amiable 
B. honorable
C. abominable 
D. suitable
abide [E5baid] v.. 坚持,遵守
vt. 忍受,容忍,承受
【试题】The singer wasably  by her skilfulaccompanist. [上海对外贸易学院2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. abetted 
C. abhorred
D. abided
abiding [E5baidiN] adj. 持久的,不变的
【试题】The concept ofupward social mobility has been an abiding feature of American life. [大连海事大学2005研,北二外2003研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. enduring
B. unaffected 
C. intriguing
D. observable
abjure [Eb5dVuE] v.. 发誓弃绝(信仰等);公开放弃(国籍、权利等)
【试题】A man must  pietyaltogether, if he does not at least wish to die like a Christian.
A. abjure
B. injure 
C. espouse 
D. embrace
ablaze [E5bleiz] adj. 着火的;激动的,闪耀的
【试题】In the autumn,the northern mountains are ablaze with shades of red, yellow, andorange. [大连海事大学2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. radiant
B. abloom 
C. decorated 
D. beautiful
【解析】选A。beablaze with sth. 发光的,闪耀的。选项中,radiant发光的、灿烂的,可与with搭配。abloom(花)盛开的。decorate装饰。
abolish [E5bCliF] v.. 取消,废除(法律、制度、习俗等)
【试题】The governmenthas issued a decree  specialprivileges for government officials. [上海师大2007研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. diminishing  
B. destroying
C. abolishing  
D. extirpating
abominable [E5bCminEbl] adj. 讨厌的,令人憎恶的;糟糕的;恶劣的
【例句】Here were humanhabitations so abominable that they could have disgraced a race of alleycats. [华中科大20
abortive [E5bC:tiv] adj. 早产的,流产的,失败的
【试题】We had to abandonour abortive attempts to do the pioneering experiment.
A. successful
B. fruitless 
C. adamant
D. defeat
abound [E5baund] v.. 充足,充满,大量存在
【试题】The textbook abounds  printingmistakes.
A. on
B. to 
C. with
D. upon
【解析】选C。abound with充满。
abridgement [E5bridVmEnt] n. 删节,缩短,删节本
【试题】The currentacting versions of many of Shakespeare’s plays are abridgement. [华南理工大学2007研,考试科目:英语综合水平测试]
A. expansion 
B. truncation 
C. revision
abrogate [5AbrEu^eit] v.. 废除,取消
【试题】Its centralcontent is to  benefit housingallocation, and at the same time to increase housing expense amounts in employeesalaries.
A. abrogate
B. castigate 
C. expurgate 
D. interrogate
absentminded [7AbsEnt5maindid] adj. 心不在焉的,茫然的,恍惚的
【试题】According to acommon stereotype, research scientists are thought to be absentminded insome aspects of daily life. [湖南大学2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. forgetful  
B. eccentric 
C. lazy 
D. uninterested
absolve [Eb5zClv] v.. 免除,解除;赦免,宽恕;考试及格取得(学分)
【试题】Twenty yearsafter he was locked in jail for a crime he didn’t commit, Mr. Brown was finally  by thecourt. [东华大学2002研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. absolved
B. charged
C. obligated
D. accused
abstain [Eb5stein] v.. 弃权;(有意)戒绝;节制
【试题】Anyone who has asore throat should  fromalcohol. [北航2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. detain   
B. abstain
C. sustain
D. pertain
abstemious [Ab5sti:mjEs] adj. 有节制的,节约的
【试题】The pleasures of thetable, is never of much consequence to one naturally  .
A. abstemious
B. acrimonious
C. capricious 
D. deleterious
absurd [Eb5sE:d] adj. 荒谬的,无理的;荒唐可笑的;愚蠢的
【试题】It was ______ of you to put forward such a suggestion at such animportant meeting.
A. abandoned
B. abundant
C. absurd
D. redundant
accessible [Ek5sesEbl] adj. 可接近的;可进入的
【试题】The hidden roomis ______ only through a secret back entrance. [北航2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. obtainable 
B. achievable 
C. attainable 
D. accessible
access [5Akses] n. 通道,入口;访问
vt. 接近,存取
【试题】to some parts of South America is stilldifficult, because parts of the continent are stillcovered with thick forests. [东华大学2004研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. Orientation 
B. Access
C. Procession
D. Voyage
accession [Ak5seFEn] n. 就职;添加
【试题】The EU welcomed 10 new members yesterday, among them smallnations such as Latvia and Estonia. But what will their  doto the independence debate in Scotland?[人大2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. acceptance 
B. accessory 
C. accomplishment 
D. accession
accidental [7Aksi5dentl] adj. 意外的,非主要的,附属的
n. 非本质属性,次要方面
【试题】One of the wrongnotions about science is that many scientific discoveries have come about  .[人大2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. accordingly
B. accidentally 
C. artificially 
D. additionally
acclaim [E5kleim] v.. & n. 欢呼,喝彩
【试题】The whole nation ______their minister’s historic decision. [首都师大2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. praised
B. eulogized
C. acclaimed 
D. exclaimed
acclamation [7AklE5meiFEn] n. 欢呼,喝彩,(以欢呼、鼓掌等表示的)拥护,赞成
【试题】The students agreedby long and loud ______ to the principal’s suggestion that Friday be made aholiday honoring the victors in the math Olympics. [首都师大2007研,考试科目:英语综合水平测试]
A. animation 
B. exclamation
C. acclamation
D. explanation
accommodate [E5kCmEdeit] v.. 为…安排食宿,收容;容纳,接受
vi. 适应
【试题】Since the Wilsonsnever travel anywhere without their cat and dog, they have to find hotels thatare willing to ______ pets. [华东师大2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. extol
B. preclude 
C. defame
D. accommodate
accommodation [E7kCmE5deiFEn] n. 住处,膳宿
【试题】The new modernhotel will have ______ for morethan one thousand people. [东华大学2003研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. convenience
B. accommodations
C. capability 
D. capacities
accomplice [E5kCmplis] n. 帮凶,同伙
【试题】Thepolice say they will leave no stone unturned until they find the murderer andhis  .
A. accomplice 
B. culprit 
C. cynic 
D. menial
accomplishment[E5kQmpliFmEnt] n. 成绩,成就;完成;技艺
【试题】The success ofthe project was  team effortrather than any individual  . [东南大学2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. commensurate to. . . compendium
B. attributed to . . . accomplishment
C. subordinate to. . . idiosyncrasy
D. dependent on. . . perfidy
【解析】选B。句意:这一项目的成功归功于集体努力并不是任何个人成就。attribute to归功于;accomplishment成就。commensurate to适当的,相称的;compendium纲要,概略。subordinate to处于次要地位;idiosyncrasy习性,癖好。dependent on取决于;perfidy不诚实,背信。
accost [E5kCst] v.. 对…说话,搭话
【试题】Suddenly he was accostedby a red-faced man who seized him by the hand. [东北师大2004研,考试科目:英语实践基础]
A. run into
B. stolen
C. addressed
D. caught
【解析】选C。accost对…说话,搭话。address致辞,说话。run into撞上。
accretion [A5kri:FEn] n. 增长;增加物
【试题】It is nowgenerally assumed that the planet were formed by the accretion of gasand dust in a cosmic cloud. [西安交大2003研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. accumulation 
B. reaction
C. separation 
D. motion
acknowledge [Ek5nClidV] v.. 承认;感谢,报偿
【试题】Nonviolentdemonstrations often create such tensions that a community that has constantlyrefused to ______ its injustices is forced to correct them: the injustices canno longer be  . [东南大学2003研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. acknowledge…ignored
B. decrease…verified
C. tolerate…accepted
D. address…eliminated
acoustic [E5ku:stik] adj. 听觉的;声学的
【试题】Impairment mayalso be the consequence of unconscious imitation of poor speech models orinadequate perception of auditor stimuli. [电子科大2004研,考试科目:英语水平测试]
A. oral 
B. oracular 
C. labial 
D. acoustic
acme [5Akmi] n. 顶点,极致
【试题】He attained the  ofperfection in landscape painting.
A. acme
B. access
C. array
D. artifice
【解析】选A。句意:他的山水画的技巧达到了炉火纯青的地步。attain/reach the acme of perfection达到炉火纯青、出神入化的地步。access通路;入门。array排列,编队。artifice技巧;诡计,策略。
acquaint [E5kweint] v.. 使熟识,使认识
【试题】The purpose ofthe survey was to  the parentswith the changes television has made in family life. [北二外2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. notify
B. tell
C. acquaint 
D. inform
【解析】选C。acquaintsb. with把…告诉某人。notifysb. of. . . 通告,宣告。tellsb. sth. 告诉某人某物。informsb. of/ about sth. 告知某人某物。
acquisitive [E5kwizitiv] adj. 可学得的;想获得的,渴望得到的;贪得无厌的
【试题】With eachChristmas, many people became more madly ______, buying jewelry and otherthings that they may not have thought of buying before. [首都师大2007研,考试科目:英语综合水平测试]
A. inquisitive 
B. requisite 
C. acquisitive 
D. positive
acrid [5Akrid] adj. 辛辣的,(言语或语调)刻薄的
【试题】Wild raspberrieshave a more acrid flavor than do cultivated raspberries. [西南财大2007研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. defined 
B. gratifying
C. recognizable 
D. bitter
acrimonious [7Akri5mEunjEs] adj. 严厉的,辛辣的
【试题】They were bothangry so their argument was very bitter. [电子科大2005研,考试科目:英语水平测试]
A. harmonious  
B. acrimonious
C. agrarian
D. unbelievable
acrophobia [7AkrEu5fEubjE] n. [医]恐高症
【试题】Common phobiasinclude fear of heights ______, fear of enclosed places (claustrophobia), fearof insects, snakes, or other animals, and fear of air travel. [电子科大2004研,考试科目:英语水平测试]
A. acrophobia 
B. agoraphobia 
C. aquaphobia
D. arachnophobia
activate [5Aktiveit] v.. 使…活动,对…起作用,激活
vi. 有活力
【试题】Researchersdiscovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that  disease resistance in neighboringplants. [东华大学2004研,考试科目:综合英语;南开大学2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. contracts
B. activates
C. maintains
D. prescribes
actuate [5Aktjueit] v.. 开动(机械等);驱使,激励(人等)
【试题】Automatons aremechanical objects that become relatively self-operating once they have been actuated.[湖南大学2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. timed
B. constructed
C. cleaned 
D. set in motion
【解析】选D。句意:自动机就是启动后能相对自主运行的机械产品。actuate开动,促使。set in motion开动,运转。time安排时间,计时。
acumen [E5kju:mEn] n. 敏锐,聪明
【试题】It requires agreat deal of keenness of insight to run a company of that magnitude successfully.[中国地质大学2007研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. acumen
B. finesse
C. expertise 
D. capability
【解析】选A。keennessof insight洞察力非常敏锐。acumen敏锐,聪明。finesse策略,手段。expertise专家的意见,专门技术。
acute [E5kju:t] adj. 灵敏的,敏锐的;尖锐的,突出的;急性的
【试题】Dogs have sucha(n)  sense of smell that theyoften help the police keep track of criminals.
A. acute 
B. blunt
C. acid
D. audible
adamant [5AdEmEnt] adj. 坚硬的;不可动摇的,坚决的
n. 坚硬无比的东西;硬石
【试题】She was so adamantabout his idea that it was out of the question for any one to talk her out ofit.
A. adaptable 
B. anxious 
C. firm 
D. talkative
adapt [E5dApt] v.. 使适应;改编,改写
【试题】He first tried to______ some of the popular outdoor sports, but they were all too rough. [东北师大2003研,考试科目:英语实践基础]
A. imitate
B. adopt 
C. adapt
D. renovate
adept [5Adept, E5dept] adj. 熟练的,拿手的
n. 老手,擅长者
【试题】He wasastonishingly ______ at manipulating the big machine. [上海对外贸易学院2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. adjacent 
B. adherent 
C. addictive  
D. adept
addict [E5dikt] n. 瘾君子,吸毒者
vt. 上瘾,使…沉溺
【试题】For  ,it was a painful time: They had to quit using drugs because they could not getany. It was not easy to make them see the harm of drug abuse. [天津外国语学院2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. drug traffickers
B. addicts  
C. dependents
D. money launderers
【解析】选B。句意:对瘾君子来说,这是很痛苦的:他们因得不到任何毒品,不得不停止吸毒。要让他们意识到毒品泛滥的危害还真不是一件容易的事。addict上瘾的人。drug trafficker毒贩。dependent依赖别人,尤指经济援助的人。money launderer非法洗钱者。
adduce [E5dju:s] v.. 引证,举出(例证、理由、证据)
【试题】Since examplescan be adduced to support almost any argument, and a set of cases can beplundered to provide examples for whatever argument one happens to bepressing, testing a theory requires more than the marshaling of strikingexamples or the stringing together of case studies. [对外经贸大学2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. cited, appropriated
B. made up, introduced
C. set,stolen 
D. presented, displayed
adhere [Ed5hiE] v. 粘附,胶着;坚持,遵守
【试题】Everyone mustagree to ______ to the plan. Once we begin, there can be no changes at all. [东南大学2001研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. infer 
B. adhere
C. cohere  
D. adapt
【解析】选B。句意:大家必须都同意坚持这个计划。一旦开始,就决不能改变。adhere (to)坚持,遵守。infer推断。cohere凝结,紧凑。adapt (to)适应。
adherent [Ed5hiErEnt] n. 信徒,追随者,拥护者
adj. 粘着的,依附的
【试题】He was mostliberal where money would bring him a powerful or necessary political  .
A. adherent
B. aspirant 
C. itinerant 
D. torrent
adjacency [E5dVeisEnsi] n. 邻接
【试题】Contiguoussystems indicate systems of  wherethe boundaries of the cosmic and social orders touch. [对外经贸大学2003研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. adhesion 
  B. adjunct 
  C. admix
  D. affiliation
E. adjacency
【解析】选E。adjacency邻接,毗邻。adhesion支持。adjunct附件;助手。admix (使)混合,作动词。affiliation联系,从属关系。
adjourn [E5dVE:n] v.. 延期,休会
vt. 使中止,推迟
【例句】The chair has thepower to adjourn a meeting. But the power must be exercised properpurpose. [南开大学20
admire [Ed5maiE] v. 赞美,钦佩,羡慕;欣赏
【试题】“Citizen Kane”,while always ______ by critics, was never a popular favorite for most Americanviewers. [北二外2003、2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. attacked 
  B. adapted
C. accepted 
D. admired
admonish [Ed5mRniF] v.. 告诫;警告
【试题】The teacher  thedozing student to pay attention. [对外经贸大学2001研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. admonished 
  B. administered 
  C. adjudicated 
  D. adjusted
adopt [E5dCpt] v.. 采用,收养;通过
【试题】Several surgeonscautioned against  the newprocedure,  that patients hadbeen kept in the dark too long about its possible catastrophic consequences. [北京科大2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. eschewing. . .pondering 
  B. adopting. . .complaining
C. publicizing…adding
D. revising.. . advocating
adoration [7AdC:5reiFEn] n. 崇拜,敬爱,爱慕
【试题】Since 1813 reaction to Jane Austen’s novels hasoscillated between ______ and condescension: but in general later writers haveesteemed her works more highly than did most of her literary ______ . [东南大学2003研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. dismissal…admirers
  B. adoration…contemporaries
C. disapproval…readers
D. approbation…precursors
adorn [E5dC:n] v.. 装饰,使生色
【试题】We adornedour room with new rugs, lamps and pictures. [北二外2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. embroidered
  B. embellished
C. furnished 
D. addressed
adroit [E5drCit] adj. 熟练的,灵巧的
【试题】BenjaminFranklin, tactless in his youth, became so diplomatic, so ______ at handling people that he was made American Ambassador to France.
  A. adroit 
  B. shrewd 
  C. considerate
  D. foxy
adulterate [E5dQltEreit] v.. 掺杂,兑
adj. 掺假的;通奸的
【试题】If you ______something, such as food or drink, you reduce its quality or make it weaker, forexample by add
-ing water to it. [北航2010研,考试科目:翻译硕士英语]
A. adulterate 
B. moor
C. vaccinate
D. sue
adumbrate [5AdQm7breit] v.. 画轮廓;预示
【试题】There is only timeto  the plan and we willdiscuss it in detail next week. [西安交大2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. decry 
  B. eliminate
  C. expound 
  D. adumbrate
advent [5AdvEnt] n. 出现,到来
【试题】The first twoassumptions made about the  ofTV were dead wrong: that it would bury radio and it would be a threat tomovies.
  A. recession
  B. advent  
  C. diversity 
  D. bias
adversary [5AdvEsEri] n. 敌手;对手
【试题】A narrow-minded soul would viewany difference as opposition and diversity as  .
  A. adversary
  B. emissary
  C. quandary 
  D. sedentary
adverse [5AdvE:s] adj. 不利的,敌对的,相反的
【试题】Economists warnedthe industries concerned against the adverse effect of global integration.
  A. positive
  B. advanced
  C. reverse
  D. negative
adversity [Ed5vE:siti] n. 不幸,灾祸,逆境
【试题】The juvenilereaders are responding to the child’s essential need to believe that he canovercome the adversities and giants surrounding him. [东北师大2004研,考试科目:英语实践基础]
A. misery 
B. difficulties
C. perseverance
D. frustration
advertise [5AdvEtaiz] v. 做广告,登广告;告知,告诫
【试题】In an effort to promoteour new product, we have undertaken heavy advertisement campaigns through allforms of mass media. [东北师大2007研,考试科目:英语实践基础]
  A. engage
  B. advertise
  C. raise
  D. advance
advocate [5AdvEkit] n. 提倡者,鼓吹者
vt. 提倡,鼓吹;支持
【试题】Quarrelsomeneighbors rarely ______ one another’s views. [上海交大2001研,考试科目:英语水平考试]
  A. invoke 
  B. censure
C. contradict  
D. advocate
aegis [5i:dVis] n. 保护,庇护;赞助
【试题】Medical supplies arebeing flown in under the  ofthe Red Cross.
 A. aegis
 B. advent
 C. annals 
 D. criterion
【解析】选A。句意:有红十字会的保护,正在空运进医药用品。under the aegis of. . . 在…的保护下。advent出现,到来。annals编年史,年报。criterion标准,规范。
aesthetic [i:s5Wetik] adj. 美学的,艺术的;审美的
【试题】By virtue oftheir iconicity and their obvious formal aspects, poems are ideally suited tohave learners experience early on the two main features of ______ experience:distance and relation. [上海交大2004研,考试科目:英语水平考试]
  A. literary 
  B. social 
  C. aesthetic 
  D. dialectic
aesthetics [i:s5Wetiks] n. 美术理论,审美学
【例句】As typographers have long known, the aestheticsof print have a lot to do with keeping the eye on the page.
affable [5AfEbl] adj. 友善的,和蔼可亲的
【试题】In person, 40-year-old actor Michael Douglas issurprisingly ______, considering the tense, disturbed characters he has playedover the years. [上海师大2007研,考试科目:综合英语]
  A. monotonous 
  B. affected 
  C. affable 
  D. selfish
【解析】选C。句意:40岁的演员Michael Douglas一直扮演的都是精神紧张、心里不正常的角色,但从外貌上看他却和蔼可亲,真让人惊奇。affable和蔼的,友好的。monotonous单调的。affected做作的。
affectionate [E5fekFEnit] adj. 亲爱的,挚爱的
【试题】All the off-shoreoil explorers were in high spirits as they read  letters from theirfamilies. [东华大学2004研,考试科目:综合英语]
  A. sentimental
  B. affectionate
  C. intimate
  D. sensitive
afflict [E5flikt] v.. 使痛苦;使苦恼;折磨
【试题】He has been  with acertain form of mental disorder for twenty years.
 A. afflicted 
 B. addicted
C. affiliated 
D. consulted
【解析】选A。afflict使痛苦,折磨。addict沉迷于,多用于词组be addicted to。affiliate依附于,常与to连用。consult咨询,商量。
affluence [5AfluEns] n. 丰富;富裕
【试题】The affluenceof the city’s northern suburbs is indicated by the huge houses there. [首都师大2003研,考试科目:英语综合水平测试]
  A. feature 
  B. economy 
  C. distribution 
  D. wealth
affluent [5AfluEnt] adj. 富裕的
【试题】His family wassaid to have lived in an ______ community where every family owned two cars. [首都师大2007研,考试科目:英语综合水平测试]
  A. influential 
  B. eloquent
  C. efficient
  D. affluent
afford [E5fC:d] v.. 买得起,担得起;提供,给予
【试题】He said hecouldn’t ______ to retire from work and live only on his pension. [北邮2006研,考试科目:英语语言基础]
  A. accept
  B. afford 
  C. compensate 
  D. risk
【解析】选B。句意:他说从单位退休只凭退休金不能负担起他的生活。afford承担得起,担负得起,常用afford to do sth. 结构。accept接受,承担。compensate偿还。risk冒险,常用risk doing sth. 。
afoul [E5faul] adv. 冲突,碰撞
【试题】The boat ran  ofthe floating seaweed and had to stop. [上海对外贸易学院2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. abundant  
  B. afoul  
  C. filthy  
  D. adroit
【解析】选B。句意:小船被漂浮的海草缠住,不得不停下来。run afoul of与…纠缠。abundant丰富的,充裕的。filthy污秽的,丑恶的。adroit熟练的。
aggravate [5A^rEveit] v.. 加剧,使恶化,激怒
【试题】National povertywas  by rapid populationgrowth. [人大2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. strengthened 
  B. reinforced
  C. aggravated
  D. reduced
aggregate [5A^ri^eit] n. 总数,合计
v. 使聚集;共计达
【试题】The universe isorganized in  with, in manycases, pretty wide gaps between them. [西安交大2006
  A. uniformities
  B. enunciation 
  C. promulgation 
  D. aggregates
aggregation [A^ri5^eiFEn] n. 集合,聚合
【试题】Adult butterfliesoften form large aggregations while sipping water at wet places. [上海对外贸易学院2001
  A. stomachs 
  B. gatherings 
  C. eggs 
  D. displays
agile [5AdVail] adj. 敏捷的,轻快的,灵活的
【试题】You may beathletic, but a monkey is more agile. [华东师大2000研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. clever
  B. nimble 
  C. staid
  D. quick
agitate [5AdViteit] v.. 使激动,使焦虑
vi. 鼓动,煽动
【试题】The audience was agitated by the speaker at the auditorium,but unresponsive.
  A. excited 
  B. surprised
  C. retrieved
  D. revived
agitated [5AdViteitid] adj. 激动的,表现不安的
【试题】Demeter wasconsidered the predominant image as a tranquil and serene goddess, but she feltextremely ______ when she was searching for her daughter. [华东理工大学2000研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. heartless 
  B. agitated
  C. comprehensive 
  D. motiveless
agog [E5^C^] adj. 兴奋的,热切的
adv. 热切地,渴望地
【例句】She was asadventurous, as imaginative, as agog to see the world as he was. [东北师大2007研,考试科目:英语实践基础]
agony [5A^Eni] n. 苦恼,极大的痛苦
【试题】The parents arein ______ over their daughter’s suicide. [首都师大2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. agony
  B. misery
  C. suffering 
  D. distress
ailment [5eilmEnt] n. (轻微的)疾病
【试题】Herbert has beenunwell all winter, but in spite of his ______, he plans to take a trip aroundthe world. [西安交大2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. ardor
  B. pitons 
  C. ailment 
  D. caters
aisle [ail] n. 走廊,过道
【试题】Please don’tlinger on the  ; keep moving along,and find your seat as quickly as possible. [北二外2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. lane 
  B. corridor 
  C. aisle
  D. isle
alacrity [E5lAkriti] n. 敏捷,活泼,爽快
【例句】Style, the Latinname for an iron pen, has come to designate the art that handles, with everfresh vitality and wary alacrity, the fluid elements of speech. [北师大2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
alert [E5lE:t] adj. 警觉的,机警的;机灵的;活跃的
n. 警惕,警觉
vt. 使…处于戒备;发空袭或暴风警报给…;警告…作…准备
【试题】A flashing redlight ______ motorists to trouble ahead. [东华大学2006研,考试科目:综合英语]
  A. reminded
  B. alerted
C. warned 
D. cautioned
【解析】选B。几个选项都有“提醒,警告”的意思:remind常用于remind sb. of sth. 结构。alert常与介词to连用。warn常用于warn sb. against/ of sth. 结构。caution常用于caution sb. against/not to do sth. 结构。只有B项可以和to搭配。
alibi [5Alibai] n. 辩解,托辞【律】不在犯罪现场的证明(或申辩)
【试题】He has a good  forthe night of the murder. [上海对外贸易学院2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. alkali
  B. alibi 
  C. alloy 
  D. alpha
alien [5eiljEn] n. 外侨
adj. 外国的;相异的,不相容的,背道而驰的
【试题】Recent researchinto aging suggests that the body’s defense mechanisms may lose the ability todistinguish what is alien.[东南大学2001研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. foreign
  B. infectious
C. insane
D. poisonous
alienate [5eiljEneit] v.. 使疏远;离间;让与,割让
【试题】During his reignHenry VII made a determined effort to recover royal lands alienatedillegally from the crown. [华东师大2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. stolen 
  B. seized
C. bought
D. transferred
【解析】选D。句意: HenryVII在他统治的时期,决心收回皇室被非法割让出去的土地。alienate让与,割让。transfer转移,转让。
alignment [E5lainmEnt] n. 队列;直线;结盟
【例句】Changes in statusand class alignments have been accompanied by changes in the distributionof income. [南开大学2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
allay [E5lei] v. 减轻,消除(痛苦、恐惧等)
【试题】Her statement was an attempt to  publicanxieties about the economic situation.
  A. allay
  B. flay
  C. splay 
  D. interplay
allege [E5ledV] v.. 断言;宣称,〈法〉指控
【试题】It was ______ thatthe restaurant discriminated against black customers. [大连海事大学2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. addicted 
  B. alleged 
  C. assaulted 
  D. ascribed
alleged [E5ledVd] adj. 声称的,所谓的
【试题】The alleged all-powerful master of chi kong wasarrested on a charge of fraud.
  A. so-called
  B. well-known
  C. esteemed
  D. undoubted
allegiance [E5li:dVEns] n. 忠贞,效忠
【例句】The time-honoredAmerican mixture of assimilation and traditional allegiance is denouncedas a danger to racial and gender authenticity. [南开大学2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
alleviate [E5li:vieit] v.. 缓解,缓和;减轻
【试题】Koizumi chose to  Sino-Japaneserelations so as to create domestic conditions for the diplomacy overhaul. [天津外国语学院2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. aggregate 
  B. please   
  C. acerbate 
  D. alleviate
alley [5Ali] n. 小路,巷,(花园里两边有树篱的)小径
【试题】Elegantly-dressedpeople were strolling along the many tree-lined ______ through the park. [大连理工大学2005研,考试科目:英语水平测试]
  A. alloys 
  B. avenues 
  C. passages 
  D. alleys
allocate [5AlEkeit] v.. 划拨,分配
【试题】The plan givesthem a useful tool with which to ______ resources optimally. [东华大学2003研,考试科目:综合英语]
  A. allot 
  B. assign
C. distribute 
D. allocate
allowance [E5lauEns] n. 折扣;津贴;宽容,允许
vt. 定量供应
【试题】Their travelingexpenses were covered entirely with the ______ from their company. [东华大学2003研,考试科目:综合英语]
  A. permission
  B. authority
C. allowance
D. power
allude [E5lu:d] v.. 暗示,提示,间接提到
【试题】The successfulentrepreneur often ______ to his early poverty. [北航2002研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. alluded 
  B. alleged 
  C. allured 
  D. allayed
【解析】选A。句意:这位成功的企业家经常提到他早期困苦的生活。allude to(婉转)提到或顺便提到。allege宣称,断言。allure吸引。allay减轻。
alluring [E5ljuEriN] adj. 迷人的,吸引人的,诱惑的
【试题】The Mona Lisa isthe portrait of a woman with a very ______ smile. [华东师大2002研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. alluring 
  B. elusive
  C. luminous 
  D. oblivious
aloof [E5lu:f] adv. 避开,远离
adj. 孤零的,冷淡的
【试题】The new secretaryis so aloof that nobody in the company likes her. [西安交大2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. alone 
  B. arrogant
C. cunning
D. standoffish
alter [5C:ltE(r)] v. 修改,改变,变更
【试题】I took the sketchfrom my pocket and showed it to him. As he looked, the expression of his face ______until it became more and more like that of the man I had drawn. [首都师大2007研,考试科目:英语综合水平测试]
  A. adjusted
  B. altered
  C. switched 
  D. twist
alternate [5C:ltE:neit] v. (使)轮流,(使)交替
adj. 交替的,轮流的,间隔的
【试题】As the boat boundfor Nanjing leaves only on  days,we had no choice but to stay in the hotel overnight. [北二外2010年研,考试科目:基础英语]
 A. alternative
B. separate 
C. successive 
D. alternate
alternative [C:l5tE:nEtiv] n. 供选择的对象,替换物
adj. 可选择的,二者择一的
【试题】Under ethicalguidelines recently adopted by the National Institutes of Health, human genesare to be manipulated only to correct diseases for which ______ treatments are unsatisfactory. [大连海事大学2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. similar
  B. most 
  C. dangerous
  D. uncommon
E. alternative
altruistic [7Altru5istik] adj. 利他的,无私心的
【试题】Nations aregoverned by self-interest, but they prefer to believe that their aims are  .
  A. altruistic
  B. caustic
  C. egotistic
  D. rustic
amalgam [E5mAl^Em] n. 混合物
【试题】In the 1850s the Republicans arose, a sectional ______whose cohesiveness was provided by ______ opposition to the extension ofslavery. [东南大学2002研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. territory; township
B. amalgam; uncompromising
C. sect; fragmentary
D. region; technological
amass [E5mAs] v.. 积聚,积累
【试题】He rounded upa fortune in the real estate business. [北航2001研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. amassed  
  B. submitted
  C. diffused
  D. brandished
ambient [5AmbiEnt] adj. 周遭的,环绕的
【试题】The newlyimported machine doesn’t work in ambient humidity of 50 degrees. [北航2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
  A. approximate
  B. surrounding
C. convenient 
D. high
ambiguous [7Am5bi^juEs] adj. 暧昧的,不明确的,模棱两可的
【试题】We could hardlyunderstand him for what he said was very ambiguous. [首都师大2002研,考试科目:英语综合水平测试]
  A. hazardous 
  B. imaginary 
  C. silly 
  D. misleading
ambivalence [Am5bivElEns] n. (对同一人物、事的)矛盾心理,好恶相克的心理
【例句】Suffering the ambivalenceof finding several consistent and acceptable alternatives, they are almostoverwhelmed by diversity and need means for managing it. [南开大学2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
ameliorate [E5mi:ljEreit] v. 改善,改进
【试题】Weput forward that early kinetotherapy could  motionfunction of the paralyzed part of limbs and improve the activity of dailyliving.
A. ameliorate
B. frustrate 
C. obliterate 
D. tolerate
amenity [E5mi:niti] n. 愉快,舒适;使人愉快的场所、设施
【试题】Tower C of Office Park, a dazzling newoffice building in Beijing’s Central Business District, has been widely praisedin the market for its superior quality and pleasant amenities after itwas unveiled to the market at a press conference held in March 2010. [天津外国语2011研,考试科目:翻译硕士英语]
A. convenience  
B. regularity
C. sight
D. outlook
amendment [E5mendmEnt] n. 改善,改正,修正案
【试题】The councilmembers were dissatisfied with the wording of the recommendation, but passed itafter  
had been agreed. [东南大学2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. amendments 
B. advancements 
C. preferments 
D. refinements
amicable [5AmikEbl] adj. 亲切的,和蔼的,友好的,和睦的
【试题】The union and thecompany reached an ______ settlement in their contract dispute. [东南大学2001研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. amiable 
B. amicable
C. amenable 
D. ample
【解析】选B。amicable settlement是常用搭配,表示“和解”。amiable和蔼可亲的。amenable有责任的。ample充足的,丰富的。
amnesia [Am5ni:zjE] n. 健忘症
【例句】Somepsychologists believe what even when a person suffers from amnesia, somememory remain in the unconscious. [上海理工大学2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
amnesiac [Am5ni:zi7Ak] adj. 记忆缺失的,(引起)遗忘(症)的
 n. 健忘症患者,遗忘者
【试题】Some people have difficulty in recalling or recognizing past events andexperiences. [电子科大2004研,考试科目:英语水平测试]
A. Esthetics 
B. Emetics 
C. Amnesiacs 
D. Insomnias
amnesty [5Amnesti] n. 特赦,赦免
【例句】Amnesty International plays a specific role in the international protectionof human rights.
anachronism [E5nAkrEnizm] n. 时代错误
【试题】In thehyper-paced Information Age, yesterday’s innovation is today’s ______. [东华大学2003研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. anarchy
B. anachronism
C. analogue
D. analphabet
analogous [E5nAlE^Es] adj. 相似的,类似的
【例句】Analogously, had the Nazi won World War II, we would all be reading a verydifferent account of the war, and of the genocide of millions of Jews, than theaccounts we read in American history books today. (四川外语学院2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
analytic [7AnE5litik] adj. 分析的,解析的
【试题】It has often beensuggested that we lack an adequate analysis of the concept of analyticity andconsequently th
-at we lack adequate criteriafor deciding whether a statement is  .[上海交大2004研,考试科目:英语水平考试]
A. adequate 
B. realistic 
C. efficient 
D. analytic
anathema [E5nAWimE] n. 诅咒,咒逐;被咒逐的人(物);十分讨厌的人(物)
【试题】Passivity placespersons in an intellectual coma and is  topassion for learning and life.
A. anathema
B. antipathy
C. audacity 
D. avarice
【解析】选A。句意:被动的态度则会使人陷入思维呆滞的状况,对学习和生活的热情完全丧失。sth. be anathema to sB. 某人对某物深恶痛绝。asperity严酷,粗暴。audacity大胆,厚颜。avarice贪婪。
animate [5Animeit] adj. 有生命;有生气的
v. 赋予(某事或某人)生命
【试题】Her liveliness animatedthe entire group. [北航2001研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. quenched 
B. vitalized
C. extinguished 
annals [5AnElz] n. 编年史,历史记载
【试题】Many historicalrecords and  documented thedevelopment of Taiwan by the Chinese people in earlier periods.
A. annals
B. assets
C. appellations 
D. artifacts
annex [E5neks] n. 附件
vt. 并吞;附加
【试题】On December 29, 1845, Texas was officially taken over by the United States as the28th state. [电子科大2004研,考试科目:英语水平测试]
A. conceded 
B. forfeited 
C. annexed 
annexation [7Anek5seiFEn] n. 合并,吞并
【试题】The formation ofthe British Empire went through two processes: aggression with national statesand ______ with the uninhabited or sparsely populated wild lands. [华东理工大学2001研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. annotation
B. anticipation
C. annihilation
D. annexation
annexe [5Aneks] n. 附加物,附属建筑
【试题】The hospital isbuilding a(n) ______ to house patients who are terminally ill. [大连理工大学2004研,考试科目:英语水平测试]
A. annex
B. annexe 
C. attach 
D. detachment
【解析】选B。句意:医院正在建造附加楼来安置那些病入膏肓的病人。annexe (n. )附属建筑,附加建筑。annex
(v. )通过武力兼并。attach(v. )缚上,隶属于。detachment脱离,分开。
annul [E5nQl] v. 废除,取消,废止
【试题】The law proved sounpopular that it was annulled by the Government a year later. [北航2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. repelled 
B. repulsed
C. takenback
D. repealed
【解析】选D。annul,repeal废除,撤销。repel击退,抵制。repulse拒绝,排斥。take back退还。
anomaly [E5nCmEli] n. 不规则,异常的人或物
【试题】Elaine’s poorscore on the math test was ______; she usually does very well in math. [华东师大2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. anabnormal 
B. ananomaly  
C. anunmoral
D. anunnormal
anticipate [An5tisipeit] v.. 预感;期望;占先,抢先
【试题】When the localgrower decided to ______ the shoots from the small container, prolific flowersresulted! [华南
A. anticipate
B. emancipate
C. reciprocate
D. intercept
antidote [5AntidEut] n. [医]解毒剂,矫正方法
【试题】If you are bittenby a poisonous snake it is necessary to be given an ______ as quickly aspossible. [上海交大2002研,考试科目:英语水平考试]
A. analgesic 
B. antitoxin
C. antibiotic 
D. antidote
antiquated [5Antikweitid] adj. 陈旧的
【试题】All fixed,fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices andopinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become  beforethey can ossify.
A. antiquated
B. abortive 
C. absurd 
D. adroit
antiseptic [7Anti5septik] adj. 防腐的,杀菌的,消过毒的
n. 防腐剂,杀菌剂
【试题】Besides washingthat cut, put some ______ on it in case you have got some dirt in it. [上海交大2001研,考试科目:英语水平考试]
A. medicine
B. disinfectant
C. antiseptic 
D. antidote
antithesis [An5tiWisis] n. 对立面
【试题】His creation wasa direct opposite to dogmatism of the time. [上海交大2002研,考试科目:英语水平考试]
A. anantiseptic  
B. antisocial
C. appalled
D. anantithesis
apathy [5ApEWi] n. 缺乏感情或兴趣,冷漠
【试题】Their suggestionswere received with apathy by the board of directors. [北航2000研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. enthusiasm 
B. indifference 
C. antagonism
D. commendation
apathetic [7ApE5Wetik] adj. 缺乏兴趣的,缺乏感情的,无动于衷的
【试题】Their  attitudetowards the subject matter made almost impossible for the professor to teachthem. [东华大学2002研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. enthusiastic  
B. passionate
C. apathetic 
D. dispassionate
aphoristic [7AfE5ristik] adj. 警句(似)的,格言(似)的
【试题】Being a man ofmaxims, he was given to aphoristic expression. [上海交大2002研,考试科目:英语水平考试]
A. transmogrified 
B. sebaceous 
C. sentient 
D. sententious
appall [E5pC:l] v.. 使惊恐,使胆寒
【试题】Then,  bythe battering of wind and waves, Blake had rushed to the parapet and flunghimself on to the rocks below.
A. appalled 
B. abhorred 
C. abjured 
D. abrogated
appalling [E5pC:liN] adj. 骇人的,可怕的
【试题】In addition totheir harsh sentences, the prisoners have been exposed to appallingprison conditions. [首都师大2005研,考试科目:英语综合水平测试]
B. uninspiring 
C. approachable 
D. forbidding
appeal [E5pi:l] n. 请求,呼吁;吸引力;申诉,上诉
vi. 求助,要求;对…有吸引力;申诉
vt. 控诉
【试题】Increasingly,many rail and airline companies are only interested in ______ businesscustomers who can afford more luxurious services. [西安交大2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. ascribingto
B. cateringto 
C. appealingto 
D. alludingto
【解析】选C。appealto投合…的心意;引起…的兴趣。ascribeto归于。cater to投合,满足(需要)。allude to提到,暗指…说的。
appease [E5pi:z] v.. 平息,缓和,抚慰
【试题】Prime MinisterChamberlain tried to appease the Axis powers before the outbreak of theSecond World War, but the policy failed to serve his purposes. [上海对外贸易学院2002研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. provoke 
B. pacify 
C. exclude 
D. conquer
appellation [7Ape5leiFEn] n. 名称,称呼
【试题】The change in  ishighly correlated with the differences in traditional civilization amongcountries.
A. appellation
B. escalation
C. exhalation
D. stimulation
applaud [E5plC:d] v. 拍手喝彩,称赞,赞同
【试题】We admire themaster thief who calls his own shots and takes pride in his work, and cannothelp but ______ the audacity of criminals of vision who set out to do theimpossible, to breach the impenetrable. [上海交大2005研,考试科目:英语水平考试]
A. denounce
B. applaud
C. doubt
D. challenge
【解析】选B。cannothelp but不能不,不得不。applaud称赞,赞同。denounce公开指责,抨击。
appliance [E5plaiEns] n. 设备,器械;装置
【试题】Nowadays,household chores have been made much easier by electrical ______. [东华大学2003研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. facilities
B. equipment
C. appliances 
D. utilities
apposite [5ApEzit] adj. 适当的
【试题】Denis wasunanimously chosen by his classes as the most interesting professor on campus;his lectures were uniformly ______ and ______. [东南大学2002研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. prosaic;incongruous 
B. dull;boring
C. affectatious;chaotic 
D. apposite;enthralling
appreciable [E5pri:FiEbl] adj. 可感知的,可评估的;可观的,值得重视的
【试题】There has been an______ drop in the number of unemployed since the new government came to power.[中南大学2010研,考试科目:翻译硕士英语]
A. appreciated 
B. appreciable 
C. appreciative 
D. appreciating.
apprehend [7Apri5hend] v.. 逮捕;理解,领会;对…担忧
【试题】The policefinally  the hardened criminalafter a long game of cat and mouse. [东华大学2002研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. apprehended
B. released
C. liberated 
D. dispelled
apprehension [7Apri5henFEn] n. 理解;担忧,疑惧;逮捕
【试题】Language anxietyis  occurring when a learner isexpected to perform in the second or foreign langu
age. [天津外国语学院2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. comprehension
B. apprehension
C. tranquility
D. nonchalance
appropriate [E5prEupriEt] adj. 恰如其分的,适当的
vt. 拨出(款项)
【试题】For manypatients, institutional care is the most  andbeneficial form of care. [东华大学2005研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. pertinent 
B. appropriate 
C. acute 
D. persistent
aptitude [5Aptitju:d] n. 天资,才能;倾向,习性
【试题】If you havemusical aptitude, you should not have too much trouble in learning toplay an instrument. [首都师大2003研,考试科目:英语综合水平测试]
A. mind
B. sense 
C. gift
D. knowledge
aquiver [E5kwivE(r)] adj. (多用作表示)颤抖的,兴奋的
【例句】As she sat facingthe open window, she could see in the open square before her house the tops oftrees that were all aquiver with the new spring life. (四川大学2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
arable [5ArEbl] adj. 可耕的,适于耕种的
【试题】In eighth-centuryJapan, people who  wastelandwere rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort
to overcome the shortage of  fields.[东南大学2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. conserved.. . forested
B. reclaimed.. . arable
C. cultivated…domestic
D. irrigated.. . accessible
arbiter [5B:bitE] n. 仲裁者,公断人
【试题】The SupremeCourt, as final  of theConstitution, can overturn legislative acts or executive orders if it findsthem to be unconstitutional.
A. accomplice
B. adherent
C. advocate
D. arbiter
arbitration [7B:bi5treiFEn] n. 仲裁,公断
【试题】The disputebetween the unions and management will hang to be settled by ______. [中国地质大学2004研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. arbitration
B. judgment
C. verdict 
D. perjury
archaic [B:5keiik] adj. 古老的,古代的,陈旧的
【试题】The verylanguage, archaic as it may sometimes be, severs to reinforce andbroaden the foreign students’ vocabulary.
A. old 
B. confused 
C. remote
D. difficult
ardent [5B:dEnt] adj. 热心的,热情洋溢的;激烈的,强烈的
【试题】She is really an  person,but the way of her thinking is behind the times.
A. ardent 
B. imprudent
C. prudent 
D. strident
ardor [5B:dE] n. 热诚,炽热;激情,热情
【试题】ENTHUSIASM:INDIFFERENCE: ______ :APATHY [上海师大2002研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. pathos 
C. activity 
D. ardor
aromatic [7ArEu5mAtik] adj. 芳香的,香气的,香味的
【试题】Mint, an herbthat is well known for the aromatic oil distilled from all parts of theplant, is often used to add flavor to some fooD. [上海对外贸易学院2002研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. valuable
B. fragrant
C. medicinal
D. acrid
array [E5rei] n. 排列,编队;大量,一系列
vt. 部署;穿着;排列
【试题】In the CommodityFair the ______ of blankets of different patterns and sizes attracted hisattention.
A. string
B. array
C. succession 
D. procession
artifice [5B:tifis] n. 技巧,技能;诡计,策略,手段
【试题】The Trojan Warproved to the Greeks that cunning and  wereoften more effective than military might. [人大2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. treachery
B. artifice
C. strength
D. wisdom 
E. beauty
artless [5B:tlis] adj. 朴实的
【试题】Her countenanceand a few  words fully conveyedall her gratitude and delight.
A. artless
B. abstemious 
C. adamant 
D. adverse
ascend [E5send] v. 上升,升高;攀登,登上
【试题】All the people inthe stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons ______slowly into the sky. [大连海事大学2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. elevating 
B. lingering 
C. ascending
D. escalating
ascertain [7AsE5tein] v.. 弄清,查明
【试题】We shall probablynever be able to ______ the exact nature of these sub-atomic particles. [大连海事大学2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. assert
B. impart
C. ascertain 
D. notify
ascetic [E5setik] n. 禁欲者,苦行修道者
adj. 修道的,苦行的
【试题】Such  anti-consumerismmay be the most dramatic side of environmentalism, and it leads to culturalferment that can set into motion political and economic change.
A. ascetic
B. acute
C. alleged 
D. altruistic
asinine [5Asinain] adj. 驴的,像驴一样的;愚蠢的
【试题】I must have beeninsane to listen to your  gibberish!
A. amicable
B. analogous 
C. antiquated 
D. asinine
asperity [As5periti] n. (表面)粗糙;(气候)严酷;刻薄,严厉,粗暴
【试题】“Yes, flowers” mymother replied with some  , as thoughshe would have nothing said or implied against flowers.
A. asperity
B. celerity 
C. dexterity 
D. temerity
aspirant [Es5paiErEnt] n. 有抱负者
adj. 上进的,有野心的
【例句】Wealth carrieswith it a minimum of prestige; it is a positive disadvantage to the aspirantto a political career. [武汉大学2007研,考试科目:基础英语]
aspire [Es5paiE] v.. 追求,有志于
【试题】The people of Chinaand the rest of the world all  fora fair and rational new international order and for democracy in internationalrelations.
A. aspire
B. abound
C. allude 
D. ameliorate
【解析】选A。句意:中国人民和各国人民都渴望建立公正合理的国际新秩序,渴望实现国际关系的民主化。aspire for渴望…。abound大量存在,富于。allude暗指,间接提到。ameliorate改善,改进。
aspiring [Es5paiEriN] adj. 热心的,积极的,有抱负的
【试题】All ______artists must struggle with the conflict between ______ their own talent andknowledge that very few are great enough to succeeD. [西南财大2007研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. great…neglect of
B. aspiring…faith in
C. ambitious…indifference to 
D. prophetic…dissolution of
assail [E5seil] v.. 攻击,质问
【试题】In the comingyear, when ______ by self-doubts about my ability to teach or get through the slogof writing the MA thesis, I would think, “Dr Stewart must believe I can dothis. ” [上海交大2007研,考试科目:英语水平考试]
A. pervaded 
B. offended 
C. assailed 
D. contradicted
【解析】选C。beassailed by被各种疑虑(烦恼)困扰。pervade(思想、感情等)遍及,渗透。offend使不快,使反感。contradict同…矛盾,同…抵触。
assault [E5sC:lt] n. & v. 刺激;攻击,袭击
【试题】The critics’assault on his work began to reduce the artist’s natural overflow of enthusiasm.[华东师大2000研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. struggle
B. criticism 
C. praise
D. assessment
assemble [E5sembl] v. 集合,聚集;装配,组装
【试题】If the fire alarmis sounded, all residents are requested to ______ in the courtyarD. [北邮2006研,考试科目:英语语言基础]
A. combine 
B. assemble 
C. crowd
D. mobilize
asset [5Aset] n. 资产,财产;有价值的人(或物);优点
【试题】An energetic managercan be a great  to his company.[北航1991研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. profit 
B. influence 
C. prosperity 
D. asset
assiduous [E5sidjuEs] adj. 刻苦的,勤奋的
【试题】They try to be  andearnest and see to it that they finish their work smoothly; they never give anythought to personal fame and position.
A. assiduous
B. aloof 
C. amorous 
D. artless
assignment [E5sainmEnt] n. 分配,委派,任务
【试题】John does notlike his ______ since it meant he had to travel two or three times per week. [东北师大2005研,考试科目:英语实践基础]
A. consumer
B. appointment
C. assignment 
D. consensus
associate [E5sEuFieit] v. 联想;使联合;交往,结交
n. 合作人,同事
【试题】Because of itsintimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is an associate. [北航2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. afirm 
B. acompany 
C. acorporation 
D. anenterprise
assume [E5sju:m] v.. 假定,设想;采取,呈现
【试题】The societies ofthe ancient world that made substantial advances in knowledge and government, however,were those in which specially designated people ______ responsibility foreducating the young. [电子科大2004研,考试科目:英语水平测试]
A. assumed 
B. resumed 
C. consumed 
D. presumed
assumption [E5sQmpFEn] n. 假定,臆断;担任,承担
【试题】The framework ofthe special theory of relativity, can be constructed from the assumptionof the absolute invariability of the speed of light. [东南大学2001研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. magnitude 
B. regulation
C. supposition 
D. definition
assurance [E5FuErEns] n. 信心,把握;保证,担保;(人寿)保险
【试题】You told me thatJack will arrive tomorrow, but I am not certain that he will. Can you give mesome ______? [中国地质大学2003研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. allowance 
B. agreement
C. assurance
D. insurance
【解析】选C。give assurance给某人保证。allowance宽容,允许。agreement同意;协议。insurance保险。
assure [E5FuE] v.. 确保,保证,担保
【试题】The fact that thehospital had a good reputation ______ him that his child would be well takencare of. [首都师大2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. guaranteed
B. ensured
C. insured
D. assured
asteroid [5AstErCid] n. [天文]小游星,小行星;海盘车
adj. 星状的
【试题】Some scientistsbelieve that an  colliding withthe earth caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. [东华大学2002研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. astrology 
B. asteroid
C. aviator
D. astrosphere
astute [E5stju:t;(?@) E5stu:t] adj. 机敏的,狡猾的
【试题】Such doltishbehavior was not expected from so ______ an individual. [人大2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. exasperating 
B. astute 
C. cowardly
D. enigmatic
E. democratic
atrophy [5AtrEfi] n. 萎缩(症);退化
【试题】The cultural lifeof the country will sink into  unlessmore writers and artists emerge.
A. atrophy
B. dystrophy 
C. asphyxia 
D. topography
attain [E5tein] v. 达到,获得
【试题】In a typhoon,winds ______ a speed greater than 120 kilometers per hour. [西南财大2005研,考试科目:综合英语]
A. assume 
B. accomplish 
C. attain 
D. assemble
attenuate [E5tenjueit] v. 削弱
【试题】Activation beginsat a single node and then spreads in parallel form throughout the network. Thisactivation attenuates over distance, thus ensuring that closely relatedconcepts are more likely to be activated than distant concepts. [对外经贸大学2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. develop 
B. strengthen
C. reduce 
D. weaken
attest [E5test] v. 证明
【试题】The perfectdesign is attested by the fact that these buildings have survivedthousands of years. [首都师大2004研,考试科目:英语综合水平测试]
A. measured
B. testified
C. distorted
D. disclosed
attire [E5taiE] n. 服装
【试题】People not onlywear beads as jewelry but also incorporate them into articles of attire.[上海对外贸易学院20
A. ritual 
B. importance 
C. clothing 
D. history
attribute [E5tribju(:)t] n. 属性,品质,归结于
v. 把…归因于,把(过错,责任)归于
【试题】The painting inthe long gallery is ______ to Rembrant. [西安交大2001研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. prescribed
B. attributed 
C. attached
D. referred
【解析】选B。attributesth. to指“某事物是(某人)创造的”。prescribe开药方;规定。attach to热爱,依恋。refer to提到,谈到。
atypical [ei5tipikEl] adj. 非典型的
【试题】You have taken an case. It does not proveanything.
A. atypical
B. typical
C. macroscopical 
D. tropical
audacity [C:5dAsiti] n. 大胆,放肆;勇猛,胆识
【试题】They greatlyadmired his  and the incrediblesuccesses which had crowned it.
A. audacity 
B. cowardice 
C. falsity 
D. greed
augment [C:^5ment] v. 增加,增大
【试题】Transcendentalismis an obscure subject, and efforts to clarify it usually result only in augmentingthe obscurity. [东北师大2003研,考试科目:英语实践基础]
A. revealing
B. increasing
C. clarifying 
D. covering
auspicious [C:s5piFEs] n. 吉兆的,幸运的
【试题】It was an auspiciousbeginning to her career as an author. [西南财大2007研,考试科目:综合英语;北航2005研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. unexpected
B. interesting
C. favorable 
D. doubtful
austere [Cs5tiE] adj. 严峻的,严厉的;简朴的,不加修饰的
【例句】A few smallbush-apples which were as austere as walking sticks when I planted themonly two months ago are now in full flower. [天津外国语学院2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
austerity [Cs5teriti] n. 严峻,严厉;节俭,苦行
【试题】There is noshared endeavour or suffering, service in the armed forces has become a rarity,and austerity is a distant memory. [对外经贸大学2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. obdurateness
C. extravagance
D. abstemiousness
automation [C:tE5meiFEn] n. 自动化,自动操作
【试题】In fact,  makethe blue-and-while workers become puppets who dance to the tune of machines.
A. autonomy
B. automation
C. innovation
D. mechanism
autonomy [C:5tCnEmi] n. 自治,自治权
【试题】The authors ofthe United States Constitution attempted to establish an effective nationalgovernment while preserving  forthe states and liberty for individuals. [东华大学2004研,考试科目:综合英语;电子科大2002研,考试科目:英语水平测试]
A. autonomy 
B. dignity 
C. monopoly
D. stability
avail [E5veil] v. 有益于,有用,有帮助
n. 效用,利益
【试题】During the art festival,she quickly ______ herself of the opportunity to make friends. [西安外国语学院2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. availed
B. seized
C. obtained
D. acquired
【解析】选A。availoneself of利用。seizeopportunity抓住机会,seize后面不能加oneself。obtain获得。acquire获得,习得。
avarice [5AvEris] n. 贪财,贪婪
【试题】, ambition, and lust are nothing but species ofmadness, although not enumerated among diseases.
A. Avarice 
B. Consciousness
C. Diligence
D. Dignity
aversion [E5vE:FEn] n. 厌恶,讨厌的事和人
【试题】Her  tothe wrong formed so distinctive a feature of her minD.
A. aversion
B. amnesty 
C. calumny 
D. consternation
avert [E5vE:t] v. 转移;防止,避免
【试题】Meanwhile Franceis threatening to veto the successful oilseeds deal that averted a U. S.E. C. trade war last November. [电子科大2002研,考试科目:英语水平测试]
A. started
B. prevented
C. contributed 
D. cawed
avid [5Avid] adj. 渴望的
【试题】______ readersgenerally either admire or dislike Ernest Hemingway’s journalistic style ofwriting; few have no opinion of it.
A. Sober
B. Avaricious
C. Slack
D. Avid
avow [E5vau] v. 承认
【试题】He avowedhis commitment to those ideals. [南开大学2004研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. acknowledged 
B. converted 
C. conformed 
D. renounced
awe [C:] n. /vt. 敬畏,畏惧
【试题】Even as child, Iwas ______ by my mother’s accomplishments and beauty. [上海交大2007研,考试科目:英语水平考试]
A. intimidated 
B. awed 
C. worshipped 
D. admired
awesome [5C:sEm] adj. 令人敬畏的,可怕的
【试题】As a rule he wasmore affected by the  abyssesthan by the harmonious landscape.
A. awesome
B. cumbersome 
C. fulsome 
D. noisome
axiom [5AksiEm] n. 公理,定理,格言
【试题】It is an ______that the more people know a secret, the less of a secret it is likely to be. [南航2006研,考试科目:基础英语]
A. axle 
B. axiom
C. axis 
D. azure

C., A., D., B.
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