古扎拉蒂计量经济学基础Basic_conometrics_by_Gujarati |
Preface xvi
Acknowledgments xix Introduction 1 PART ONE Single-Equation Regression Models 13 1 The Nature of Regression Analysis 15 2 Two-Variable Regression Analysis: Some Basic Ideas 34 3 Two-Variable Regression Model: The Problem of Estimation 55 4 Classical Normal Linear Regression Model (CNLRM) 97 5 Two-Variable Regression: Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Testing 107 6 Extensions of the Two-Variable Linear Regression Model 147 7 Multiple Regression Analysis: The Problem of Estimation 188 8 Multiple Regression Analysis: The Problem of Inference 233 9 Dummy Variable Regression Models 277 PART TWO Relaxing the Assumptions of the Classical Model 315 10 Multicollinearity: What Happens If the Regressors Are Correlated? 320 11 Heteroscedasticity: What Happens If the Error Variance Is Nonconstant? 365 12 Autocorrelation: What Happens If the Error Terms Are Correlated? 412 13 Econometric Modeling: Model Specification and Diagnostic Testing 467 PART THREE Topics in Econometrics 523 14 Nonlinear Regression Models 525 15 Qualitative Response Regression Models 541 16 Panel Data Regression Models 591 17 Dynamic Econometric Models: Autoregressive and Distributed-Lag Models 617 PART FOUR Simultaneous-Equation Models and Time Series Econometrics 671 18 Simultaneous-Equation Models 673 19 The Identification Problem 689 20 Simultaneous-Equation Methods 711 21 Time Series Econometrics: Some Basic Concepts 737 22 Time Series Econometrics: Forecasting 773 APPENDICES A A Review of Some Statistical Concepts 801 B Rudiments of Matrix Algebra 838 C The Matrix Approach to Linear Regression Model 849 D Statistical Tables 877 E Computer Output of EViews, MINITAB, Excel, and STATA 894 F Economic Data on the World Wide Web 900 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 902 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1wUSb11Y8u9i5xFYeouQGcA
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