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yhding 发表于 07-8-16 14:11:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

1.abstract art :  抽象派艺术
艺术  •  Art
A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.
Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that had a musical quality.
2.abstract expressionism :  抽象表现派;抽象表现主义
A nonrepresentational style that emphasizes emotion, strong color, and giving primacy to the act of painting.
Abstract expressionism was at its peak in the 1940s and 1950s.
20 世纪四五十年代是抽象表现艺术发展的顶峰时期。
3.action painting :  动作画派
A term used to describe aggressive methods of applying paint.
Action painting often looks childish to the non-artist because of the techniques used to apply paint, such as throwing it on the canvas.
4.airbrush :  喷枪;气笔
A nozzled tube used to apply paint in a spray form.
The famous sexy robots in Japan are produced using an airbrush.
那些性感的日本机器人就是用喷枪绘制成的。 deco  :装饰派艺术
A style dominant  in  the 1920s  and 1930s, characterized by  repetitive,  ornamental, and  highly finished curvilinear and geometric designs, esp. in synthetic materials such as plastics.
盛行于 20 世纪二、三十年代的装饰艺术和建筑艺术风格,以重复的、装饰精美的曲线和几何图案为特点国,多采 用塑料等合成材料。
Mary attended high school in a building that was famous for art deco style of architecture. Mary 就读的中学以其装饰派建筑而闻名。 nouveau  :新艺术
A decorative style in which fluid, biomorphic lines and swirling motifs were emphasized.
Beardsley prints produced in the late 19th century are a good example of the style of art nouveau.
19 世纪末比乐兹利的作品是新艺术的典范。
7.avent-garde :  先锋派
Innovative art in advance of popular ideas and images, characterized by unorthodox and experimental method.
不拘于现有的创作定式,勇于创新超前思维的艺术形式。 The avant-garde home of the famous actress sold for millions. 那位影星的先锋派住宅卖出了几百万美元的好价钱。
8.Baroque  :巴罗克风格
An emotional, dramatic style of the 16th-18th century, anticlassical in form and spirit. 流行于 16 至 18 世纪,以情感强烈、铺张浮华为特点的反古典主义的艺术风格。 Status and architecture from the Baroque have a dark, muscular, looming quality about them. 巴罗克风格的雕塑和建筑雄伟、高大、格调阴暗。

9.batik  :蜡防印花
Painting on wax-treated cloth.
Susan learned about batik in college.
10.Bauhaus  :包豪斯建筑风格
A design school that promoted functional and geometric elements in design.
Bauhaus school of design in Germany changed the way that the world thought about design.
11.Byzantine  :拜占庭艺术风格的
(adj.)  A term used to describe a style of art with strong religious content.
The Byzantine  era extended from the 13th  century and went into the 16th  century and was  characterized by  art with religious influence.
拜占庭式艺术始于 13 世纪,一直延续到 16 世纪,其主要特点是浓郁的宗教气息。
12.calligraphy  书法艺术
Handwriting or penmanship, esp. elegant or “beautiful” writing as a decorative art.
Calligraphy has practically become a lost art in today’s computerized society.
13.cartoon  草图,底图
A full-size, preliminary painting or sketch for a completed work.
Leonardo da Vinci’s cartoon of the Virgin Mary and Saint Anne hangs in the British National Gallery.
(1)The art of making objects such as pottery or clay.
(2)The objects themselves.
Savannah enjoys making ceramic pottery.
15.collage  :拼贴艺术
A composition of found objects, newspaper, and cloth over other material on a single surface.
We used to make computer collages when I was in college by first pasting various items together and then using a video camera to transmit the image onto a computer screen. 我们在大学时曾用电脑制作拼贴画。其步骤是:首先,将各种材料粘在一起,然后用摄像机将图像传送到电脑上。
16.composition  :艺术作品
Aesthetically pleasing, harmonious, and effective arrangement of parts to form a whole.
Matisse used color and shapes and worked back and forth until he felt he had achieved a balanced composition.
马蒂斯反复调试色彩、构思图案,终于画了一幅布局和谐的作品。 art  计算机艺术

Electronically produced images displayed on video screen.
Computer art become popular in the 1980s when computers started to become more available to the public.
当 80 年代个人电脑开始普及之后,计算机艺术也流行起来。
18.cubism  :立方主义;立体派
A style of art that departs from traditional reality, and  emphasizes multifaceted, simultaneous views of subject  and distorted perspectives.(early 20th century)
20 世纪初出现的一个艺术流派。它抛弃传统现实,强调艺术作品的形体结构,即同时性、多角度性及扭曲的视角。 Pablo Picasso played a principal role in the early movement of cubism. 帕勃洛•毕加索在立体派早期发展中起首重要的推动作用
19.Dada  :达达主义
A style (1915-1925) with antirational approach and nihilistic, absurdist, and incongruous themes.
流行于 1915 年至 1925 年间的艺术流派,其特点是反理性的创作手法和虚无、荒诞。矛盾的主题。 Dadaism asked “what is art?” and used humor and shock value as communicative elements. 达达主义设问“什么是艺术?”并用幽默和让人震惊的色彩对比手法作答。
20.drawing  :素描
A picture, design, or sketch done with lines in pen or pencil.
The drawings of Michelangelo were recently exhibited in New York.
21.expressionism  :表现主义
An early 20th-century style emphasizing emotional expression, strong color and composition, and a distorted, theatrical treatment of image.
20 世纪的一种艺术风格,强调情绪的表现,以浓重的色彩、鲜明的构图,扭曲、夸张的形象处理为特点。 Professor Bryer will be giving a lecture on expressionism tonight. 今晚布莱恩教授有一个关于表现主义的讲座。
22.fresco  :温壁画技法;湿壁画
A technique of painting directly on a wet, plaster surface.
We all marveled at the beauty of the 17th century fresco.
23.funk art  :非理性艺术;恶臭艺术
A  combination  of  painting  and  sculpture,  deliberately  messing  and  rough,  often  humorously  depicting  provocative subjects.(U.S., mid-20th century)
20 世纪中期出现在美国的一种艺术流派。故意杂乱无章、不加修饰的绘画与雕塑的融合。多以幽默的方式描绘刺 激性的场面。
Jeson has been collecting funk art since the mid 1960s.
杰森从 20 世纪 60 年代中期就开始收集非理性艺术作品。
24.futurism  :未来主义
A style glorifying modern technology, speed, and the machine age. ( Italy, early 20th century )
颂扬现代技术、速度和机器时代的创作风格。起源于 20 世纪初的意大利。
Art from the era of futurism can be identified by a combination of machine elements, cubism, and motion.
25.genre  :风俗画
A realistic depiction of scenes from everyday domestic life.

Who is your favorite genre painter?
26.Gothic  :哥特风格
A style that emphasizes Christian imagery, brilliant color, and strong verticality in composition. ( 12th – 16th century )
以基督教题材、亮丽的色彩、明显的垂直线条为特点的绘画风格。流行于 12 至 16 世纪。 Jean dislikes Gothic art because it feels too religious. 吉不喜欢哥特风格的作品,因为它们的宗教色彩太浓。
27.gouache  :树胶水彩颜料
An opaque watercolor bound with gum.
Do you like the quality of gouache in paintings?
28. graphic arts  :平面造型艺术
Those visual  arts that  are linear in  character, such as drawing and engraving, esp. those that involve printing and printmaking.
The computer is now enabling anyone to produce and design and experiment with graphic art.
29.hard-edge  :锋刃派绘画的;硬边画的
(adj.) A style characterized by geometric abstraction, a flat picture plan, perfection of a surface, and graphic precision.
(U.S., mid-20th century)
流行于 20 世纪中期的美国,以轮廓分明的几何形体、精确的画面为特点的抽象绘画。
Patrick Nagel’s hard-edge style of 80’s women became one of the strongest images in the 20th century.
派特克•纳哥尔的锋刃派风格的 80 年代妇女成了 20 世纪最具说明力的形象之一。
30.history painting  :历史题材的绘画
An academic depiction of scenes from mythology, history, or the Bible.
Temple Square in Salt Lake City has a visitor center filled with history paintings.
31.hyperrealism  :高度写实主义
An extension of photorealism in which depiction of subject is indistinguishable from reality. (late 20th century)
20 世纪末兴起的一种绘画流派。照相现实主义的延伸,强调对现实的临摹。
The interesting aspect of hyperrealism is that it challenges the viewer to try to decide what is real and what isn’t.
32.impressionism  :印象主义,印象派
A style  emphasizing the depiction of light  and  its effects, with the  act of seeing as its primary subject. (France 19th century
Impressionism has long been one of the most popular art movements. Van Gogh’s impressionistic painting entitled “Dr. Gachet” was purchased for a world record $ 85 million by a Japanese investor. 长期以来,印象主义一直是最具有影响力的艺术运动之一。凡高的印象派作品《盖什医生》被一名日本投资商以
8500 万美元的天价购得。
33.Kakemono  :画轴

A Japanese vertical scroll painting.
Debbie purchased several kakemono scrolls during her year as an exchange student in Japan.
34.kinetic art  :活动艺术
Art characterized by the incorporation of painted and sculpted mechanical parts into an art piece that moves or creates the impression of movement.
兴起于 20 世纪中期的一种与机械学相结合的艺术,采用活动部件,造成动感效果的雕塑艺术。 Kinetic art can be seen in front of many office buildings built during the 50’s and 60’s. 在五、六十年代,办公大楼前的雕塑多属活动艺术作品。
35.landscape  :风景画,山水画
A depiction of natural land forms, sometimes allegorical.
Paula travels to New Mexico each summer to paint western landscapes.
36.medium  :溶剂,调色剂,材料
A liquid in which pigment is mixed to form paint; a type of paint of coloring matter used in painting.
It’s sometimes fun to look at a painting and try to figure out what medium the artist used.
37.Ming  :具有明代艺术特色的
(adj)Characteristic of a highly academic classicism, esp. in porcelains. (China, 14th –17th centuries)
高度传统古典主义倾向的,特别是指与 14 至 17 世纪中国明代瓷器有关的艺术。
Dr. Franks is        an expert on porcelains from the Ming dynasty.
37.minimal art  :极简抽象艺术;最小主义艺术
An abstract, simple, reductionist style with absence of all but basic formal elements and primary colors. (U.S. mid-20th century)
美国 20 世纪中期兴起的一种艺术流派,其特点是抽象、简单、微缩,即把作品简略到基本抽象成分。 Minimalism is characterized by space with very sparse design elements and helped launch the popular art slogan of “less is more.”
38.modernism  :现代主义
A style that breaks with traditional art forms and searches for new modes of expression.
Modernism became popular in the early part of the 20th century.
现代主义在 20 世纪初开始流行起来。
39.mosaic  :马赛克;镶嵌工艺,镶嵌画
An illustration composed of small, colored stones or tiles set into cement.
The new mall in town features a giant mosaic over the main entrance way.
40.mural  :壁画;壁饰
A large-scale painting, usually on a wall or ceiling.

The McMullen’s have a giant mural painting along the hallway in their home.
41.neoclassicism  :新古典主义
A style modeled after proportion and restraint of Greek and Roman classical antiquity. (late 18th, early 19th century.)
模仿和借鉴古希腊罗马匀称、庄重建筑风格的艺术形式,盛行于 18 世纪末,19 世纪初。
We knew that Mr. Samuels was into neoclassicism by the way that he had his courtyard decorated with nude statues. wave  :新浪潮
A combination of cartoon, graffiti, and performance art in a minimalist, unsophisticated style (late 20th century.)
There’s a new wave art show currently on exhibit up at the local college gallery.
43.nude  :裸体画,裸体像
The undraped human figure, sometimes allegorical.
The nude has always played a powerful role in art throughout the ages.
44.oil paint  :油画颜料;油漆
Pigment mixed with drying oil, exp. linseed oil.
You can buy a beginner’s set of oil paints for under $ 20.
花不到 20 元,你就可以买到初学者所用的一套油画颜料。
45.op art  :光效应艺术,视觉艺术
A style with graphic abstraction and pattern-oriented optical effects (mid-20th century)
利用几何图形和色彩对比给人以模棱两可的视幻觉艺术,起源于 20 世纪中期。
Riley and Vasarely are two noteable artists who made contributions in the illusory world of op art.
46.performance art  :戏剧表演艺术
Use of paintings, sculpture, and video in live theatrical performance by the artist. (late 20th century)
现场戏剧表演中艺术家掺入绘画、雕塑和摄像等形式的综合艺术。兴起于 20 世纪末。 We watched a program that featured performance art on TV last night. 昨晚有一个电视节目介绍了表现派艺术。
47.pastel  :彩色粉笔画
A crayon made of color ground with chalk and compounded with gum water into paste, often of pale color.
粉笔作底色,用胶水调和色彩。色调淡雅。 Degas is probably my favorite pastel artist. 德加大概算是我最喜欢的彩色粉笔画家了。
48.perspective  :透视画法
A  system  of  realistically  depicting  three-dimensional  objects  or  views  onto  two-dimensional,  flat  surfaces  through convergent lines and planes. 以现实的手法,在两维的平面上,利用线和面趋向会合的视错觉原理刻画三维物体的艺术。
Perspective illustration provides a three-dimensional view of objects or views.
49.pictograph  :象形文字;图画文字

A picture symbolizing an idea or object, used as an early form of writing.
Three men were arrested for vandalizing ancient pictographs found I the canyons of southern Utah.
50.pointillism  :点画法;点彩派
Neo-impressionism characterized by  the use of tiny, closely  spaced dots or points of  color that blend  to produce a luminous quality.
The painting “Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande  Jatte” by Seurat is probably  the most famous work of pointillism.
51.pop art  :波普艺术
A style-making use of images from popular culture and commerce, often reproduced exactly. (mid-20th century)
把精确复制大众文化和商业中的形象作为一种艺术创作。起源于 20 世纪中期。
Roy Litchenstein, who helped start the movement in the 1950s, continues to rule the king of pop art into the 90s.
早在 50 年代,罗耶•列克敦斯坦就参与发起波普艺术运动,直到 90 年代他依然是波普艺术的顶尖人物。
52.primitivism  :原始风格
A style with an unsophisticated, pretechnological, simple approach to form and content.
The famous series of “cut-outs” by Henri Matisse are a good example of primitivism.
53.realism  :现实主义风格
Art that depicts reality as it appears.
I am in awe when I view realism such as the landscapes painted by 17th century Dutch artist Jan Vemeeer.
欣赏着 17 世纪荷兰画家杨•弗美尔的风景画,我被其中的现实主义风格所震撼。
54.Renaissance  :文艺复兴时期风格的;文艺复兴
(adj.)Art that is classical in form and content. (n.) revival of aesthetics of classical antiquity. (14th – 17th century) 艺术作品的形式和内容具有古典主义色彩的;从 14 世纪延续到 17 世纪的经典传统美学的复兴。 Renaissance art is still appreciated by artists of today.
Much of the greatest art in the history of the world was produced during the Renaissance.
55.rococo  :洛可可艺术的;洛可可式的
A style with ornamental, poetic, curvilinear forms and lyrical themes.
融装饰性、诗化的、曲线的形式和抒情主题为一体的艺术。 Mrs. Mead is looking for a chair in rococo style. 米德夫人想买一个洛可可式的椅子。
56.sculpture  :雕刻术;雕塑术
The art of  carving wood, chiseling stone,  casting or welding metal, molding clay  or wax, etc.  into  three-dimensional representations, as statues, figures, forms, etc. 通过对木头、石头进行雕刻,对金属加以铸造、焊接,或对泥、蜡加工制成的三维雕塑作品。
Mr. Rushmore which depicts images of 4 U.S. presidents in the Black Hills, South Dakota, is one of the most famous sculptures in America. 在南达科他州布莱克山区的拉什莫尔山刻有四位美国总统的雕像。它们是美国最有名的雕塑之一

57.self-portrait  :自画像
A depiction of an artist’s own face
Artist’s self-portraits are usually very sought-after works of art.
58.still lift  :静物画
A realistic depiction of inanimate objects, esp. flowers, fruit, or domestic items.
以写实的手法描绘无生命的物体,比如花、水果、家什等。 Cezanne is known for his unique still life paintings of apples. 赛尚以独具一格的苹果静物画闻名遐迩。
59.surrealism  :超现实主义
A style using subconscious mental activity as its subject matter, characterized by dreamlike, hallucinatory imagery.
将下意识的精神活动作为描写对象,多运用梦幻意象的艺术形式。 The artist Salvador Dali is synonymous with surrealism. 艺术家萨尔瓦多•达利是超现实主义的同义词。
60.Symbolism  :象征主义
A 19th century French movement that rejected realism and expressed subjective visions through evocative images.
产生于 19 世纪的法国艺术运动。它摒弃现实主义手法,通过使人产生联想的意像表达主观感受。
Great art most always incorporates symbolism.
伟大的艺术几乎总具有象征意义。 art  :视频艺术
The use of filmed or videotaped material display alone or with other media.( late 20th century) 通过创造性地利用视频技术产生可以在电视屏幕上观看的一种艺术形式,产生于 20 世纪末。 Video art has become a popular medium in today’s art, especially in collages. 今天,视频艺术已经成为一种非常受欢迎的绘画形式,特别是拼贴画中。
62.watercolor  :水彩颜料;水彩画
A paint which is mixed with water and used to create pictures; A picture which has been done with this type of paint.
My uncle did a beautiful watercolor of a sunset while in Mexico. 我的叔叔在墨西哥时画了一幅漂亮的日落水彩画。 商业•Business
63.account  :财务帐;帐户
A record of financial transactions kept in a ledger.
A bank account
A customer or client
Let’s check the account again.
How much is left in our bank account.
This firm is our best account.

64.accounting  :会计
A system and process of gathering and recording financial information that provides a continuous balance between assets and liabilities.
收集和记录财务住处的制度和过程,并据此不断提供资产和负债之间的余额。 You need to discuss that matter with the accounting department. 你应当和财务部讨论这个问题。
65.accumulation  :资本增益
An addition to capital investments or stock from profits.
What kink of accumulation are you getting on the ABC stock?
你有 ABC 公司的股份有什么资本增益?
66.affluence  :富裕
The condition of substantial wealth and economic power.
Luxury cars are targeted towards the affluent segment of a population.
67.affiliate  :成员,分公司
A business that contracts to work with another business.
The ABC office supply company is one of our many affiliates. ABC 办公用品公司是我们众多分公司的其中之一。
68.agenda  :日程表
A list of things to be done.
Could you please fax me a copy of tomorrow’s agenda?
69.agribusiness  :农业综合企业
The production and marketing of corps by large corporations as opposed to individual farms.
John was forced into bankruptcy when he lost millions of dollars he had invested in a poor agribusiness venture.
70.air-pocket stock  :气穴股票 Stock that falls sharply on bad news. 一有坏消息便急剧下跌的股票。
Company stock sometimes turns into air-pocket stock upon the news of the company’s CEO’s serious illness or death.
71.annual report  :年度报告
A financial report produced by the management of a corporation for shareholders the end of fiscal year.
72.asset  :资产
A possession that can be turned into cash to cover liabilities
We were forced to liquidate some of our assets to pay our debts.

73.automation  :自动化
The replacement of human laborers with computers and self-regulating machines
Automation in factories will continue to eliminate more and more jobs into the 21st century.
到 21 世纪,工厂的自动化将继续削减更多的就业机会。
74.balanced budget  :平衡预算
Spending that is equal to revenue, esp. in government.
75.bankruptcy  :破产
The inability to pay one’s debts; legal insolvency
Many private companies are forced to declare bankruptcy when they begin to lose business to their competitors.
76.big business  :大公司
A term used to describe large corporations, as opposed to small individually or family-owned business.
Darren wants to get into big business some day.
77.Black Monday  :黑色星期一
October 19, 1987, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell a record 508 points in trading on the New York Stock
1987 年 10 月 19 日,纽约股票交易所道•琼斯工业股票平均指数狂跌创纪录的 508 点。 chip stock  :热门股票,绩优股,蓝筹股
A term used to describe high-quality stocks of financially sound corporations
Mr. Jeppson has a portfolio of nothing but blue chip stocks.
杰普逊先生持有的有价证券里全部都是热门股票。  :债券
A security issued by a corporation or public body and carrying a fixed rate of interest
由公司或政府机构发行的固有利率的有价债券。 What’s the interest rate on these bonds? 这些债券的利率是多少?
80.boom  :繁荣
A period of great economic activity and business expansion
The soft drink business always booms in the summertime.
81.boondoggle  :无效的投资 A wasteful business venture 不见回报的经营投机
Our investment in water softeners was a boondoggle.
82.bottom line  :最终结果
The final result or ultimate objective

What’s the bottom line of your proposal?
83.boycott  :抵制
The refusal to purchase the products of an individual, corporation, or nation as a way to bring social and political pressure for change.
Americans boycotted tuna several years ago until tuna companies guaranteed that they weren’t catching dolphins in their tuna nets.
84.budget  :预算
A plan of expenditures based on anticipated revenues.
How much do we have left in our budget?
我们的预算还剩多少? cycle  :景气周期
Periodic rise and fall in economic activity
U.S. retailers see the same basic business cycle every year and typically do most of their business during the Christmas season.
86.bust  :崩溃
An informal term referring to a financial or economic collapse
非正式用语,指金融或经济上破产。 The economy is currently in a bust. 目前经济处于崩溃之中。
87.buying power  :购买力 Purchasing power 购买商品的能力。
The buying power of the dollar has steadily declined during the last twenty-five years.
在过去的 25 年里,美元的购买力持续下降。  :资本
Money, assets, or property used as a means of production or for investment
Some futurists claim that human capital is a company’s greatest asset.
89.capitalism  :资本主义
An economic system based on private ownership and profit incentive
People in some countries don’t really understand the system of capitalism.
一些国家的人们并不真正理解资本主义制度。 cow  :摇钱树
An informal term for a business with a dependable source of income
This product has always been a cash cow for our company.

这种产品一直是我们公司的摇钱树。 flow  :现金流通
Fluctuations in a company’s cash position
Our company is currently having a cash flow problem.
92.CEO  :总裁,总经理
An acronym for “chief executive officer”. The highest executive officer of a company.
“chief executive officer”的缩略词。指公司的最高行政长官。
Advertisers are using CEO’s more frequently in their company’s commercials because studies show that people trust and admire leaders.
93.Chapter 11  :破产条款
A bankruptcy code section that applies to a corporation going out of business which may require restructuring.
Rumors are spreading that one of the big movie companies is filing a chapter 11.
94.commercialism  :重商主义,商业行为
The practice and spirit of business in which the making of profits is emphasized.
Many American dislike the commercialism that is associated with Christmas.
95.competition  :竞争
The rivalry between similar businesses for customers or clients.
Competition in business is good because it generally results in better quality and lower prices for consumers.
96.conglomerate  :集团公司,联合大企业
A corporation made up several companies that produce large quantities of output in a variety of industries.
诸多产业中,由几家公司组成的股份公司,大量生产各种产品。 Proctor & Gamble is a large personal product conglomerate. 宝洁公司是一家生产个人卫生用品的大集团公司。
97.consumerism  :(1)消费;(2)消费者权益运动 The consumption of goods and service. 商品和服务的耗费
Inflation always hurts consumerism.
The protection of consumers form poor products or misleading claims.
The U.S. Food and Drug administration tries to regulate consumerism.
98.consumer price index  :消费品价格指数
A measure of the fluctuation in prices of common consumer goods and services over a fixed time period.
The consumer price index is a good reference tool to use in order to learn how much the price of a specific item has changed over the last several years.

99.corporate ladder  :公司的官阶
A series of steps in the organizational hierarchy of a company.
Climbing the corporate ladder is not as popular as it used to be.
100.corporate raider  :强行收购
A person, company, etc. that attempts to take over another company, exp. by buying up the stock of the target company.
101.cost cutting  :削减成本
A reactive measure taken by companies esp. in hard times, in order to save money by eliminating waste or unnecessary spending.
Companies in the 90s have been implementing a lot of cost cutting in order to become more efficient and competitive.
为了提高效率和竞争力,许多公司在 90 年代一直在实施削减成本的各种措施。
102.cost of living  :生活费用
The average cost for the basic necessities of life
Many employees expect a yearly cost of living increase in their paychecks.
103.creeping inflation  :轻度通货膨胀
The barely noticeable but persistent increase in prices.
Creeping inflation continues to spread throughout the economy in the 1990s.
90 年代轻度通货膨胀一直波及经济生活
104.decline  :萎缩,下降
A period of reduced business activity.
College students are not happy about the decline of job opportunities waiting for them when they graduate.
105.deficit  :赤字
A budget imbalance in which expenditures exceed income.
Our company ran a deficit for the first three years before we started to make any profit.
106.deflation  :通货紧缩
A decrease in the money supply, causing a sharp fall in prices.
货币供应的减少,导致物价的急剧下降。 Consumers are always motivated by deflation. 通货紧缩往往能刺激消费者的购买欲。
107.demand  :需求
The desire and ability of consumers to purchase goods and services.
Marketers and advertisers are always looking for new ways to create demand for their client’s products.

108.depression  :萧条
A severe, extended period of decline in business activity.
Many older Americans remember the great depression of the 1930s.
109.deregulation  :撤消管制
A gradual removal of government control over business.
Most business and industries approve of deregulation from government control.
110.distribution  :商品流通
The marketing of merchandising.
If a product doesn’t have good distribution, it won’t sell.
111.diversification  :经营多样化
The act of expanding business by increasing the number of goods produced or the number of services offered.
Many fast food businesses are diversifying in an attempt to capture more customers form their competitors.
112.dumping  :倾销
The act of selling goods below cost to other nations to eliminate surpluses or offset competition.
以低于成本的价格向其他国家销售产品以减少过剩产品,引发竞争。 The U.S. has accused Japan of dumping mini-vans here in American. 美国控告日本在美国倾销小型货车。
113.economics  :经济学
The study of wealth and its creation, distribution, and consumption.
形容财富及其创造、分配和消费的科学。 Susan is majoring in economics at Harvard. 苏珊在哈佛攻读经济学专业。
114.economy  :经济
The organization of social and political institutions and business for production.
社会及政治机构的组织以及以生产经营为目的的企业组织。 National leaders must always worry about the state of the economy. 国家领导人必须一直为经济状况操心。
115.Fortune 500  :《财富》500 家公司
A list of the 500 largest American corporations published annually by “Fortune” magazine.
由《财富》杂志每年公布的全美国最大的 500 家公司。 Who are the top 10 companies on the Fortune 500 list? 在《财富》500 家公司中,前 10 名是哪些?
116.franchise  :经销权,连锁店
A contract or license permitting a regional distributor to use the name and sell products of another company.

Clancy is opening a new McDonald’s franchise in London.
117.freeze  :冻结
The fixing of some economic factor, such as prices, employment, spending, etc.
停止一些经济因素的变动,如价格、就业、开支等。 The government caused a price freeze at the gas pumps. 政府冻结了汽油泵的价格。
118.full employment        :充分就业
An economic condition in which unemployment is deemed minimal and acceptable, usually under six percent.
The condition of full employment is something that most countries rarely achieve.
119.glamour stock        :热门股票
A stock in a new or rapidly developing industry that tends to rise quickly in price.
John specializes in buying glamour stock, particular in media, and entertainment companies.
120.glas ceiling  :性别障碍,玻璃天花板
A term used to describe an invisible barrier that prevents women from entering the ranks of senior-level management.
Many women in the 90s are protesting the glass ceiling that bars them form upper management in large corporation.
90 年代,许多妇女抗议阻止她们进入大公司高级管理阶层的性别障碍。 economy  :全球经济 Worldwide trade, travel, competition, etc. 世界范围内的贸易、旅游、竞争等。
Companies in the 1990s are thinking globally in order to stay competitive in the new global economy.
为在新的全球经济中保持竞争力,90 年代的公司都从全球的角度考虑问题。
122.GNP  :国民生产总值
An abbr. For “gross national product.”  The  total  annual monetary value of all  goods, services, and products sold on markets of national economy.
“gross national product”  的缩写词,指在国民经济市场上销售的所有商品、服务和产品的年度货币总值。
What was Japan’s GNP in 1987?
1987 年日本的国民生产总值是多少?
123.golden parachute  :高额离职补贴
A substantial compensation given to top executives as a severance bonus when they are terminated from the positions in the event of a corporate merger or takeover. 在发生合并或兼并的情况下,公司高层行政领导离开其职位时所获得的丰厚补偿,作为高额离职补助金。
CEOs typically receive a golden parachute when their companies are seized in a hostile takeover.
124.gray market  :灰色市场
A market in which scare goods such as computer chips are traded at above-market prices through irregular channels or by methods not illegal but usually not considered ethical. 以高于正常市场价格来销售稀缺商品如电脑芯片的市场。这种交易通常以非正常渠道进行,手段虽不犯法但也不 被认为是合乎道德的。

Our company is losing a lot of money to similar products being sold on the gray market.
125.greenmail  :绿票欺诈
The purchase, usually in secret, of a large block of a company’s stock, thereby signaling a possible takeover attempt, and ultimately forcing the company to try to thwart the attempt by buying back its stock at a much higher price. 秘密购买一公司的大部分股票,以此暗示可能进行接管,最终迫使该公司为挫败对方的企图,不得不以高出很多 的价格买回股份。
The ABC company found themselves a victim of  greenmail  when they realized  they had bought back their stock at a much higher price.
当 ABC 公司以高得多的价格买回自己的股份时,发现本公司成了绿票欺诈的受害者。
126.hardball  :商场上的杀手锏,动真格
Slang for highly competitive or ruthless business practices.
Our competitors are using tactics that indicate that they want to play hardball.
127.hostile takeover  :敌意接管
The act of taking control of a company by buying up enough of its stock t gain a controlling interest.
Last year the small airline company was bought up in a hostile takeover.
128.hyperinflation  :高通胀
Rapid inflation and major shortages caused by panic buying.
The fear of sudden natural disaster caused hyperinflation to occur in certain food markets because of panic buying by the public.
129.inflation  :通货膨胀
A sustained rise in the price of goods and services.
Has the rate of inflation dropped in the last six months?
130.junk bond  :风险债券,垃圾债券
A slang term for a high-risk bond that offers a high return but is considered to have a dubious backing.
Michael Milken will always be synonymous with the term ”junk bond king.”
131.labor-intensive  :劳动密集型的
(adj.)A term used to describe production that uses more labor than capital.
The parts are very labor-intensive which makes them very expensive.
132.leveraged buyout(LBO)  :举债收购
A procedure by which an investor borrows money to purchase enough of a company’s assets to gain a controlling interest, using the assets of the targeted firm as collateral.

投资者以收购对象的资产作担保,借钱来收购该公司的足够资产以获得控股权的过程。 Sometimes a smaller company will use the technique of a leveraged buyout to takeover another company. 有时候小公司可以用举债收购的手段来接管另一家公司。
133.macroeconomics  :宏观经济学
An economic branch dealing with broad aspects of the economy, esp. factors on a national level.
经济学的分支,研究经济的宏观方面,尤其是国家层次上的因素。 Mr. Samuels is an expert in macroeconomics. 塞谬尔斯先生是位宏观经济学专家。 share  :市场份额
A percentage of total sales within a specific market by one company.
The kelloggs company has over 50 percent of the market share for breakfast cereals
克洛格公司在早餐粥市场上占有超过 50%以上的份额。
135.mass production  :大规模生产
The manufacturing of goods in large quantities using standardized parts and assembly lines.
Mass production allows a lot of people to enjoy a particular product at a more reasonable price.
136.microeconomics  :微观经济学
The branch of economics that deals with single units of production and consumption.
Microeconomics in the future will lead to more customization and specialization of products for consumers.
137.mogul  :商业巨头
Informal. A rich and powerful person in business or industry.
We watched a television interview of an entertainment mogul who had amassed a fortune of over $ 100 million.
138.mommy track  :母亲路线
A career path in which a woman declines rapid advancement in order to spend time with her family.
Millions of women in the 1990s are choosing the mommy track over climbing the corporate ladder.
90 年代,数以百万计的妇女宁愿走母亲路线也不愿攀登公司的官阶。
139.monopoly  :垄断
A domination of the market by a single company.
The breakup of monopolies creates competition, which leads to better quality and lower prices for the public.
140.oligopoly  :寡头垄断
A market condition in which there are few sellers, enabling them to influence price and other factors.
The U.S. auto industry is an oligopoly, because there are only three main producers.
美国汽车工业是寡头垄断的行业,因为只有 3 家主安生产商。
141.Pac Man defense  :帕克曼防卫

An attempt to prevent a hostile takeover in which a targeted company bids to take over the hostile firm.
The out-throat  1980s made strategies  like Pac Man defense  essential to companies who wanted  to survive a hostile takeover.
在竞争残酷无情的 80 年代,对于那些希望躲过恶意兼并的公司来说,帕克曼防卫之类的战略手段太重要了。
142.Paper profit  :纸上盈利
An unrealized profit due to appreciation in value of something owned but not yet sold. 对拥有的某种商品进行估价而计算出来的利润,因为商品没有出手,利润尚未实现。 Jack’s business showed a paper profit last year simply due to the appreciation. 因为评估了公司的所有的资产,去年杰克的生意才有纸上盈利。
143.paradigm shift  :改组
A term by a CEO to inform his company that there will be major changes made.
The CEO of a major computer software manufacture announced a paradigm shift to his executives today.
144.Peter Principle  :彼得原则
A statement that every employee in a hierarchy tends to rise to the level of his or her incompetence.
一种认为在等级森严的公司里,每个职员都想升到其无法胜任的位置的说法。 The term “Peter Principle” has become quite popular among the American work force. 在美国的劳动力大军里,常可听到”彼得原则”这个术语。
145.poison pill  :反兼并手段,毒丸
Any of various  methods devised by  a  company to thwart a  hostile takeover attempt, such  as by  issuing new stock or instituting a generous package of employee benefits, which would prove costly to a potential acquirer. 公司为挫败敌意兼并所采取的各式各样的方法,如发行新股票,为雇员制定慷慨的福利计划。这会使潜在的兼并 者感到代价昂贵而放弃兼并。
146.power lunch  :事务餐
A business lunch where food is an afterthought to intense dealmaking and negotiation.
We’re discussing the possibilities of a company merger over a power lunch this afternoon.
147.productivity  :生产力
A measure of ability to produce output from given input
Productivity at the XYZ company was up slightly this month over last. XYZ 公司本月的生产比上月略有提高。
148.quality control  :质量管理
Techniques used to eliminate defective products or to improve performance standards and practices.
No company can afford to neglect quality control if they wish to remain competitive in the new global economy.
149.raw goods  :原材料商品
Materials gathered in original state from nature for use in production.
Knowledge and information are becoming the most valuable assets to a company while raw goods are becoming less and

less valuable.
150.recession  :衰退
A period of no growth in the national economy for at least six months.
国民经济在至少 6 个月的时间里没有任何增长。
A recession is characterized by a decreased demand for goods, increased unemployment, and decline in the gross national product.
151.recovery  :复苏
An increase in business activity following a recession or depression.
Economists often disagree on whether the U.S. is in        a recovery or not.
152.sanction  :制载
Coercive economic restrictions placed on one nation by another.
The two superpowers are currently negotiating trade sanctions.
153.service economy  :服务经济
An economy that emphasizes services over industrial production.
You can enjoy almost anything you want in today’s service economy.
154.slump  :疲软
A decline in business activity.
The car industry has been in a slump since the beginning of the year.
155.smokestack industry  :浓烟工业
A term that refers to heavy manufacturing, such as steel or automobile manufacturing.
Information and entertainment is replacing the smokestack industry as the new major methods of creating wealth in the economy.
156.socioeconomic  :社会经济的
A term used to describe the connection of social and economic factors.
The study of socioeconomic factors is important in order to understand various groups within society.
157.stagflation  :滞胀
A term that combines inflation and stagnation. A condition when inflation and high unemployment occurring together.
“通胀”和”停滞”结合而成的术语,指通货膨胀与高失业率并存的局面。 Stagflation is a very unpopular buzz word in the business world. 滞胀是商界不受欢迎的时髦词语。

158.stock exchange  :股票交易所
A market where securities are traded, such as the New York Stock Exchange.
My friends works at the New York Stock Exchange.
159.stock market  :(1)股市;(2)股市行情 A market in which stocks are bought and sold. 股票买卖的地方。
The general condition of the sale of securities in a corporation.
The Wall Street Journal gives a daily report of the stock market.
《华尔街日报》每天报告股市行情。 and demand  :供需
A basic economic law stating that as the price of a good increase, suppliers will be willing to produce more but consumers will demand less, so that price and quantity are both interrelated. 一条经济基本法则,即商品价格上涨时,生产商愿意扩大生产,但消费者的需求下降,这样价格和数量相互制约。 All products must follow the laws of supply and demand.
161.surplus  :过剩
A situation in which the supply of goods exceeds the demand, esp. at a given price.
Smart consumers try to purchase items that are in surplus in order to get more for the same money.
 楼主| yhding 发表于 07-8-16 14:14:23 | 只看该作者
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