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谢谢楼主啊 ~~~~~`
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考研英语核心词汇速成胜经Unit 60

一、      真题文章(2000年Text 5)

If ambition is to be well regarded, the rewards of ambition -- wealth, distinction, control over one\'s destiny -- must be deemed worthy of the sacrifices made on ambition\'s behalf. If the tradition of ambition is to have vitality, it must be widely shared; and it especially must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired, the educated not least among them. In an odd way, however, it is the educated who have claimed to have give up on ambition as an ideal. What is odd is that they have perhaps most benefited from ambition-if not always their own then that of their parents and grandparents. There is heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped -- with the educated themselves riding on them.

    Certainly people do not seem less interested in success and its signs now than formerly. Summer homes, European travel, BMWs--The locations, place names and name brands may change, but such items do not seem less in demand today than a decade or two years ago. What has happened is that people cannot confess fully to their dreams, as easily and openly as once they could, lest they be thought pushing, acquisitive and vulgar. Instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles, which now more than ever seem in ample supply: the critic of American materialism with a Southampton summer home; the publisher of radical books who takes his meals in three-star restaurants; the journalist advocating participatory democracy in all phases of life, whose own children are enrolled in private schools. For such people and many more perhaps not so exceptional, the proper formulation is,\" Succeed at all costs but avoid appearing ambitious.\"

    The attacks on ambition are many and come from various angles; its public defenders are few and unimpressive, where the are not extremely unattractive. As a result, the support for ambition as a healthy impulse, a quality to be admired and fixed in the mind of the young, is probably lower than it has ever been in the United States. This does not mean that ambition is at an end, that people no longer feel its stirrings and promptings, but only that, no longer openly honored, it is less openly professed. Consequences follow from this, of course, some of which are that ambition is driven  underground, or made sly. Such then, is the way things stand: on the left angry critics, on the right stupid supporters, and in the middle, as usual, the majority of earnest people trying to get on in life.

二、      译文




三、      考研核心词汇

ambition  / Am5biFEn /  n. 野心, 雄心

[例] Her ambition was to be a famous singer.


[同义]  longing

[派生] ambitious  / Am5biFEs /  adj. 有雄心的, 野心勃勃的

reward  / ri5wC:d /  n. 报酬, 奖金  vt. 酬劳, 奖赏

[例] a reward of $900 for catching the criminal   因抓获罪犯而得900美元酬金

[同义] award, compensate, pay, remunerate

[反义] punish  / 5pQniF /  vt. 惩罚, 处罚

punishment  / 5pQniFmEnt /  n. 惩罚, 处罚, 惩处

[派生] rewardful   / rI`wR:df?l /  adj. 有报酬的, 有酬劳的

destiny  / 5destini /  n. 命运, 定数

[例]  a master of one\'s own destiny  掌握自己的命 运的人

[同义] fate,  lot, fortune

[派生] destine  / 5destin /  vt. 注定, 预定

deem  / di:m /  v. 认为, 相信

[例]  He deemed it his duty to help.   他认为助人是他的责任。

[同义] assume, believe, consider, judge, regard, suppose

[固定搭配] deem highly of 对...给予高度的评价

vitality  / vai5tAliti /  n. 活力, 生命力, 生动性

[例] plants that lost their vitality when badly pruned.


[同义] energy, might, potency, power, stamina, strength, vigor

[派生] vital  / 5vaitl /  adj.  生死攸关的, 重大的, 生命的, 生机的, 至关重要的, 所必需的

ideal  / ai5diEl /  n. 理想  adj. 1理想的, 完美的2想象的, 观念的3唯心论的

[例] This dictionary is ideal — it\'s exactly what I needed.


[同义] faultless, flawless, model, perfect

[反义] real  / 5ri:El /  adj. 真的, 真实的, 不动产的

[派生] idealism  / ai5diElizm /  n.   理想主义, 唯心论

      idealist   / ai5diElist /    n.  理想主义者   adj. 唯心主义的

hypocrisy  / hi5pCkrEsi /  n. 伪善

[例]  These policies are viewed by most of the world as hypocrisy.


[派生]  hypocrite  / 5hipEkrit /  n. 伪君子, 伪善者

       hypocritical   / 7hipE5kritikEl    adj.  伪善的, 伪善者的

barn  / bB:n /  n.  1[农]谷仓, 畜棚, 畜舍2机器房

[例] He lived in a barn of a country house .  他住在一个空荡荡的农屋里

brand  / brAnd /  n. 1商标, 牌子2烙印  vt. 打火印, 污辱

[例] These cattle have my brand on them.


[同义] burn, kind, label, mark, sort, stamp, tag, type

confess  / kEn5fes /  v. 承认, 坦白, 忏悔

[例] Mr Foster confessed that he\'d broken the speed limit.


[同义] acknowledge, admit, consent

[反义] conceal  / kEn5si:l /  vt. 隐藏, 隐蔽  v. 隐蔽

[派生] confession  / kEn5feFEn /  n. 供认, 承认, 招供

lest  / lest /  conj. 唯恐, 以免, 免得, (用于fear, be afraid之后, 等于that)

[例]  I was afraid lest he might come too late.  我怕他来得太晚。

acquisitive  / E5kwizitiv /  adj. 想获得的, 有获得可能性的, 可学到的

[例] In an acquisitive society the form that selfishness predominantly takes is monetary greed.

在一个贪婪的社会里, 贪财是自私自利的突出表现形式。

[派生] acquisitively   / E5kwizitivli /  adv. 贪得无厌地, 能获得并保留地

      acquire  / E5kwaiE /   vt.  获得, 学到

vulgar  / 5vQl^E(r) /  adj. 1粗俗的, 庸俗的2普通的, 通俗的3本土的

n.  <古>平民, 百姓

[例]  the huge vulgar houses and cars of the newly rich.


[同义] coarse, common, crass, crude, filthy, foul, improper, indecent, nasty

[反义] decent  / 5di:snt /   adj.  正派的, 端庄的, 有分寸的, (服装)得体的, 大方的  adj.  <口>相当好的、象样的

[派生] vulgarity  / vQl5^ArItI /  n. 粗俗, 粗俗语, 粗野行为

spectacle  / 5spektEkl /  n. 1观览物, 展览物2公开展示3奇观, 景象, 光景, (a pair of ~s)眼镜

[例]  I cannot see things through your spectacles.  我的看法和你的不一样。

[同义] display, exhibition, pageant, show, sight

[派生] spectate  / 5spekteit /  vi.  出席观看

ample  / 5Ampl /  adj. 充足的, 丰富的

[例]  We have ample money for the journey.


[同义] abundant, enough, full, large, plenty, sufficient

[反义] insufficient  / 7insE5fiFEnt /  adj. 不足的, 不够的  n. 不足

scanty  / 5skAnti /  adj. 缺乏的,不足的,稀疏的,俭省的,不充足的

materialism  / mE5tiEriElizEm /  n. 唯物主义

[例] Crass materialism causes people to forget spiritual values.


[反义] idealism   / ai5diElizm /   n.   理想主义, 唯心论

[派生] materialist  / mE5tiEriElist /  n. 唯物主义者

materialistic  / mE7tiEriE5listik /  adj. 唯物论的, 唯物主义的

participatory  / pB:`tIsIpeItErI,pE- /  adj. 供人分享的

[例]  participate in profits  分享利润

[派生] participator  / pB:`tIsIpeItE(r),pE- /  n. 参与者, 合作者

participate  / pB:5tisipeit /   vi. 参与, 参加, 分享, 分担

participation   / pB:7tisi5peiFEn /   n.   分享, 参与

enroll  / In5rEJl /  v. [亦作enrol] 登记, 使入伍(或入会、入学等), 参加, 成为成员

[例] We enrolled in the army.  我们登记入伍了

[同义] draft, enlist, induct, join, list, record, recruit, register, write

[派生] enrollment  / in5rEulmEnt /  n. 1登记, 注册2 入伍, 入会, 入学

formulation  / 7fC:mju5leiFEn /  n. 1用公式表示2明确地表达3作简洁陈述

[例] chemical formulation    化学(式)表示

[派生] formulate  / 5fC:mjuleit /  vt. 用公式表示, 明确地表达, 作简洁陈述

v. 阐明

angle  / 5AN^l /  n. [数]角, 角落  vi. 钓鱼, 追逐

[例] to consider all angles of the question  考虑这个问题的各方面

stirring  / 5stE:riN /  adj. 1激动人心的2活跃的, 忙碌的

[例]  the stirring struggle  惊心动魄的斗争

[派生] stir  / stE: /  n.1轰动2搅动3监牢  vt.1移动, 摇动2激起3搅和, 惹起

vi. 1走动2传播, 流行

prompting  / 5prCmptiN /  n. 1促进, 激励2提示

[例]  under the promptings of sb. [sth.]  在某人[某事]的激励下

[派生] prompt  / prCmpt /  n. 提示, 付款期限

vt. 提示, 鼓动, 促使, (给演员)提白

adj. 敏捷的, 迅速的, 即时的

adv. 准时地

n.  DOS命令:改变DOS系统提示符的风格

profess  / prE5fes /  v. 表示

[例]  A modest scholar never professed to have exhausted his subject.


[同义] allege, claim, contend, maintain

[反义] suppress  / sE5pres /  vt. 镇压, 抑制, 查禁, 使止住

[派生] professed  / prE5fest /  adj. 公开声称的, 伪称的, 已立誓信教的

profession  / prE5feFEn /  n. 职业, 专业, 表白, 宣布

earnest  / 5E:nist /  adj. 1认真的2 热心的3重要的n.1真挚2定金3认真4热心

[例]  As an earnest of my good intentions I will reconsider your request.


[同义] decided, determined, devoted, resolute, serious, sincere

[反义] idle  / 5aidl /  adj.1空闲的2懒惰的3停顿的4无用的, 无价值的

vi. 1不做事, 游手好闲, (机器)空转2虚度, 闲散

vt.虚度, 使空闲, 使空转

indolent  / 5indElEnt /  adj. 1懒惰的2不痛的

lazy  / 5leizi /  adj. 懒惰的, 懒散的

[派生] earnestly  / 5E:nistli / adv. 认真地, 诚挚地

四、      强化练习

1. I cannot guarantee we will win, though that is our __________, but failure for me would be not playing good football against all our opponents.

A. ambition       B. fatigue         C. weakness       D. repression

2. Three young surfers swam out to him and brought him to shore. He wanted to _________them, and asked what they would like.

A. compensate     B. comply        C. reward         D. compile

3. Every product has its own life-circle, and no one can escape the _________. So when is the end of the crazing growth of IT industry?

A. defeat         B. destiny         C. failure         D. reproach

4. Now, the BOC tower is a symbolic of strength, _________ and growth, representing also the Bank’s commitment to the rapid development of Hong Kong and to servicing the community.

A. vicious        B. scandal        C. hedge          D. vitality

5. Mixing eight parts sand to one part water provides the __________ building material, according to the American researchers.

A. fault          B. gloomy        C. ideal          D. glamour

6. In 1995, the Feicheng peach was commented for \"the hometown of Chinese Buddha peach \"by the State Agriculture Department, appraised as the famous-_________ product on the International Agricultural Fair in 2001

A. band          B. brand         C. bond              D. bunch

7. We have opened an observation post near the site for tourists so that visitors can observe this natural __________ ,\" he said

A. disclosure       B. discipline       C. diploma        D. spectacle

8. Our project must proceed at a reasonably quick tempo. Surely one month is _________ time, isn\'t it?

A. ample          B. bold           C. array           D. approach

9. Thompson said parents of students who_______ in the schools sign contracts governing student behavior, including responsible Internet use.

A. encounter      B. arouse          C. enroll           D. appeal

10. \"If I could pick the top 25 per cent of cows in my________ and make sure they have heifers every year, that would be a significant production advantage,\" said Hall, a director with the Dairy Farmers of Canada .

A. barn           B. furnish         C. fury            D. gap


nanjingwld 发表于 07-11-4 21:01:03 | 只看该作者
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hao   hao  de
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谢谢了 太感谢了
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