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普天乐 发表于 07-10-16 23:46:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

1.The scholars who put forward interaction hypothesis hold ________.
A) language acquisition is a process of “stimulus-response”.
B) humans are predisposed to acquire a language.
C) human’s linguistic potentiality must be combined with the environment.
D) human’s linguistic environment can be ignored as long as humans have language acquisition device.
2.American Black English is _______.
A) a social variety                                                          B) a regional variety   
C) a combination of social and regional dialect.    D) a temporal dialect
3.According to Basil Bernstein, elaborated code is extensively used by _________.
A) middle class people and their children.   
B) working-class people and their children.
C) both middle class and working class people
D) parents of children without any distinction of social background.
4.  Read the following two sentences and decide what kind of error the learner commits in the second sentence:
    He practiced English a lot last month.   (1)
    *She comed back home early yesterday.  (2)
    The error in the second sentence belongs to the category of ___________.
    A) mother tongue interference     B) overgeneralization  
    C) cross-association              D) performance error
5.In the Semantic Triangle advanced by Ogden and Richards, “thought or reference” is ______.
   A) word, sentence        B) the object   C) concept   D) symbol
6.The word “laze” is an example of _______ in word formation.
    A) acronym     B) blending  C) functional shift    D) back formation
7.  Pragmatics is a study of ________.
   A) language learning     B) language acquisition
   C) language planning     D) language in use
8. A linguist is interested in _________.
   A) what is said     B) what is right both in syntax and in semantics
   C) what is grammatical      D) what ought to be said
9. In English elements in construction are generally _______.
   A) linear    B) continuous    C) discontinuous     D) endocentric
10. __________ is a sound produced by bringing the tip of the tongue into contact with the upper teeth to create the obstruction.
   A) An alveolar      B) A bilabial    C) A palatal    D) A dental
1.linguistic universals           2.language acquisition device:
3.cultural diffusion                 4.suggestopedia:
5.polysemy                             6.utterance meaning:
7.coinage                                8.articulatory phonetics:
9.endocentric construction  10.structural change:
1.According to Chomsky, the word “competence” is not limited to the ability of an ideal native speaker to construct and recognize grammatical sentences in his language.
2.Eskimos have countless words for snow because snow is so common in their culture that they regard it far less important.
3.Plato and Aristotle argued that the categories of thought determined the categories of language.
4.Audiolingualism, contrary to American structuralism and behaviorist psychology, emphasizes the importance of regular patterns.
5.People in the west tend to verbalize their gratitude and compliments less than Chinese speakers.
6.It is unlikely that there is a prelinguistic stage when babies just babble.
7.When varieties are classified in terms of use, they are called registers.
8.From sociological view we can derive meaning from context.
9.The relationship between “alligator” and “reptile” is homonymy.
10.Denotation id the additional meaning than an expression carries while often shows people’s attitudes or emotions towards the subjects being talked about.
11.Speech act theory was proposed by Austin and has been developed by Grice.
12.A language is weakened when it borrows large numbers of words from other languages.
13.Searle suggests 5 basic categories of illocutionary acts as follows: assertives, commissives, expressives, informatives and declarations.
14.There is a single cause of language change.
15.Morphology refers to the study of the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed.
16.Spoken utterances share some common linguistic features with written utterances.
17.A small set of rules can generate an infinite number of sentences, all of which are idiomatic.
18.IC analysis shows linear relationship, so it helps to account for the ambiguity of certain constructions.
19.Linguists are interested in the sounds that convey meaning in human linguistic communication.
20.Simply speaking, a morpheme can be defined as a minimal unit of meaning.
1.Of all the theories you have learned on language acquisition, which one seems to you most reasonable? Why?
2.Point out the marked differences between sociolinguistic study and traditional linguistic studies.
3.How does the following exchange of conversation illustrate the Politeness Principle?
A: We’ll miss Bill and Agatha, won’t you?
B: Well, we’ll miss BILL.
4.What is the distinction between sense and reference?
5.How do you tell compounds from the noncompounded word sequence?
6.What are the two criteria suggested by Chomsky for judging grammar?
 楼主| 普天乐 发表于 07-10-16 23:46:54 | 只看该作者

Passage one:
    The study of how we do things with sentence is the study of speech acts. In studying speech acts, we are acutely aware of the importance of the context of utterance. In some circumstances There is a sheepdog in the closet is a warning, but the same sentence may be a promise or even a mere statement of fact, depending on circumstances. We call this purpose----a warning, a promise, a threat, or whatever----the illocutionary force of a speech act.
    Speech act theory aims to tell us when we appear to ask questions but are really giving orders, or when we say one thing with special (sarcastic) intonation and mean the opposite. Thus, at a dinner table, the question Can you pass the salt? means the order Pass the salt! It is not a request for information, and yes is an inappropriate response.
1.Illocutionary acts are special case of speech acts, referring to the speaker’s intention in uttering something.
2.Because the illocutionary force of a speech act depends on the context of the utterance, speech act theory is a part of pragmatics.
3.In most cases, the illocutionary force of “Look out!” is a suggestion.
4.The speech act theory originated with the British philosophy John Austin in the late 70’s.
5.Billy and Joe were long-time pals. One time Billy was in desperate need of money. His car had broken down and he needed $300 to fix it. So, he asked Joe for a load. Joe said he could lend Billy the money. This made Billy happy and he said to Joe;
(a) “You are a terrible friend.”
It is non-sarcastic answer.
(b) “You are a fine friend.”
It is a sarcastic one.
Passage two
    Inflectional is a term used in Morphology to refer to one of the two main categories or processes of sword formation, the other being derivational. These terms also apply to the two types of affix involved in word formation. Inflectional affixes signal grammatical relationships, such as plural, past tense and possession, and do not change the grammatical class of the stems t which they are attached; that is, the words constitute a single paradigm, e.g. walk, walks, walked. A word is said to “inflect for” past tense, plural, etc. In traditional (pre-linguistic) grammatical studies, the term “accidence” was used in this sense.
    In the phrase inflecting language (“inflectional” or “inflected” language), the term refers to a type of language established by comparative linguistics using structural (as opposed to diachronic) criteria, and focusing on the characteristics of the word. In this kind of language, words display grammatical relationships morphologically: they typically contain more than one morpheme but, unlike agglutinative languages, there is no one-to-one correspondence between these morphemes and the linear sequence of morphs. In languages such as Latin, Greek, Arabic etc. the inflectional forms of words may represent several morphological oppositions, e.g. in Latin amo(I love), the form simultaneously represents present tense, active, first person singular, indicative. This “fusing” of properties has led to such languages being called fusional and had motivated the word-and-a model of analysis. As always in such classifications, the categories are not clear-cut: different languages will display the characteristic of inflection to a greater or lesser degree.
1.A language in which nouns have inflectional properties is an inflectional language.
2.The affix “un-” or “dis-” is an inflectional affix.
3.The agglutinative language is a language that typically expresses concepts in complex words consisting of many elements, rather than by inflection or by using isolated elements.
4.Many English adjectives have inflectional properties.
5.The Chinese language is an agglutinative language.
Passage three
    Each tongue draws a circle about the people whom it belongs, and it is possible to leave this circle only by simultaneously entering that of another people. Learning a foreign language ought hence to be the conquest of a new standpoint in the previously prevailing cosmic attitude of the individual. In fact, it is so to a certain extent, inasmuch as every language contains the entire fabric of concepts and the conceptual approach of a portion of humanity. But this achievement is not complete, because one always carries over into a foreign tongue to a greater or lesser degree one’s own cosmic viewpoint—indeed one’s personal linguistic pattern.
                                         (von Humboldt [1836]1971:39-40)
1.This passage mainly discusses the relationship between one’s personal linguistic pattern and a foreign language.
2.According to the author of this passage, language is a powerful instrument that allows us to make sense of the world.
3.This passage reveals the fact that one’s own cosmic viewpoint determines linguistic orientation.
4.The author of this passage seems to believe that language and the world outlook are two sides of the coin.
5.The author of this passage seems to advocate that one’s language presupposes one’s way of thinking.
1.Give examples to illustrate several different approaches to meaning.
2.Why do we need two principles of conversation, i.e. the cooperative principle and the politeness principle?
3.What does it mean that a linguist is interested in what is said, not what he thinks ought to be said?
4.What is the advantage of IC analysis? Take “Drive the car near the station” as an example.
5.Describe briefly the social differences in the use of language among speakers of the Chinese language.
State clearly the interrelationship between language and cognition, giving theoretical analysis as well as empirical illustration.
 楼主| 普天乐 发表于 07-10-16 23:47:04 | 只看该作者

1.The study of the way listeners perceive the sounds is called ______.
A) acoustic phonetics              B) auditory phonetics
C) articulatory phonetics         D) phonology
2.The word “FAQ” is an example of ________ in word formation.
A) acronym                       B) blending
C) functional shift           D) back formation
3._______ is a sound made by bringing the back of the tongue into contact the velum, or the soft pate.
A) An alveolar             B) A palatal
C) A velar                    D) A glottal
4.The relations between the words “animal” and “fox” are ________.
A) hyponymy             B) polysemy
C) homonymy          D) synonymy
5.Compared with “nurture” position, “nature” position advocates that human beings are innately equipped with _______ in the process of second language acquisition.
A) comprehensible input               B) language acquisition device
C) competence                               D) language transfer
6.Field of discourse, _________, and mode of discourse are the three social variables that determine the register.
A) style of discourse               B) formality of discourse
C) tenor of discourse             D) content of discourse
7._________ deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.
A) Sense                 B) Reference
C) Concept             D) Symbol
8.The relationship between “married/ single” is ________.
A) relational opposites               B) complementary
C) gradable opposites                D) homonymy
9._____ was built on American structuralism and behaviorist psychology.
A) Audiolingualism                                 B) Direct method
C) Situation language teaching           D) Functional language teaching
10.The sentence “The horse race past the barn fell” is an example of _________.
A) simple sentence              B) complex sentence
C) ambiguous sentence     D) garden path sentence
1.phoneme               2.semantic features:
3.idiolect:                  4.homonymy:
5.code switching:    6.Critical Period Hypothesis:
7.displacement:      8.synchronicity:
9.homonymy:          10.inflection:
1.In most cases, the illocutionary force of “Freeze!” is a warning.
2.Since the illocutionary force of a speech act depends on the context of the utterance, speech act theory is a part of pragmatics.
3.Interlanguage is a second language.
4.All languages change through time.
5.All grammars contain rules for the formation of the words and sentences of a similar kind.
6.G. Leech proposes the Cooperative Principle as a supplement to the Politeness Principle.
7.The meaning of a sentence is the product of both lexical and grammatical meaning.
8.Illocutionary acts are special case of speech acts, referring to the speaker’s intention in uttering something.
9.Duality of language donates the spoken form and written form of language.
10.Taboo refers to a descriptive term used in reference to words (or acts) that are not to be used (or performed) in “polite society”.
11.Diglossia refers to a sociolinguistic situation similar to bilingualism.
12.Similar grammatical categories (for example, noun, verb) are found in almost every language in the world.
13.There is no gender difference in the use of intonation and lexical choices.
14.Such types of utterances like question-answer, greeting-greeting, apology- minimization are adjacency pairs.
15.The meaning which the speaker doesn’t assert but assumes the hearer can identify from the sentence refers to the presupposed meaning.
1.Discuss the relationship between thought and language.
2.Draw a tree diagram for each of the following to show its syntactic structure.
A. the man with the hat           B. The child found the puppy.
3.Give some examples to illustrate the error analysis.
4.How does the following exchange of conversation illustrate the Politeness Principle?
A: How do you like my painting?
B: I don’t have an eye for beauty, I’m afraid.
5.What is the distinction between sentence meaning and utterance meaning?
6.Give examples to illustrate several different methods for addition of new words.
 楼主| 普天乐 发表于 07-10-16 23:47:13 | 只看该作者

1.All the following languages belong to the Indo-European family except ________.
A). English
B) Chinese
C) German
D) French
2.From linguistics is formal in the sense that ________.
A) it studies languages that existed a long time ago.
B) it studies social formalities in language learning.
C) it is a branch of science.
D) it studies language chiefly by looking at its formal structure.
3. The word “faction” is an example of ________ in word formation.
A) acronym
B) blending
C) functional shift
D) back formation
4.The sentence “Hopefully, it will not rain tomorrow.” was criticized in _______.
A) formal
B) functional
C) descriptive
D) prescriptive
5. Greetings such as “How are you” and “Good morning” are ________ in function.
A) phatic
B) informative
C) expressive
D) vocative
6._______ has become one of the main features of the interlanguage.
A) Fossilization
B) Utilization
C) Assimilation
D) Deletion
7.Generally speaking, _______ is not the theories concerning how language is learned.
A) behaviorist view of language acquisition
B) innatist view of language acquisition
C) interactionist view of language acquisition
D) psychological view of language acquisition
8.When the notion of ______ was taken into consideration, semantics spilled over into pragmatics.
A) text
B) context
C) texture
D) intertextuality
9.The term ________ refers to a sociolinguistic situation similar to bilingualism.
A) diglossia
B) langue
C) parole
D) multiculturalism
10.“Received Pronunciation” (RP) exemplifies _______.
A) sociolect
B) regional dialect
C) ethnic dialect
D) idiolect
1.allophone:                        2.polysemy:   
3.cultural diffusion:            4.speech community:
5.integrative motivation:    6.speech act theory:
7.context:                              8.surface structure:
9.presequence:                  10.motherese:
1.Language itself is not sexist, just as it is not obscene; but it can connote sexist attitudes.
2.Irony could be a means to solve the conflict between CP and PP.
3.The principal features of audiolinguilism are an emphasis on structures in language which can be learned as regular patterns of verbal behavior and the belief that the learning is a process of habit formation.
4.The direct method proposes that the teacher should be silent as much as possible and should encourage the learners to produce as much as possible.
5.Meaning shift refers to a semantic change in which the meaning of a word changes in time.
6.In most cases the illocutionary force of “It’s noisy outside!” is a warning.
7. Performatives were the statements that either state or describe, and were thus verifiable.
8.The function words of a language are sometimes called open class words.
9.Cognitive linguistics is a new branch of linguistics within the framework of second generation cognitive science.
10.Displacement means that language can be used to refer to contexts removed fro the immediate situations of the speaker.
11.The famous type of question “Have you stopped beating your wife?” is disallowed in court, because accepting the validity of the question means accepting its presupposition.
12.Idiolect is a personal dialect of an individual speaker that combines elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variants.
13.The basic principle of the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) is using one letter from American English to represent one speech sound.
14.Whorf’s theory is a typical example of linguistic determinism.
15 Approbation maxim is one maxim of the politeness principle.
1.There are two groups of words below. Analyze the relationships between them.
(a) sofa, chair, bed, furniture, table
(b) happy/ sad; buy/ sell; awake/ asleep
2.Draw two possible tree diagrams for the following sentence to show its syntactic structure.
The boy saw the man with the telescope.
3.Specify the two approaches to sociolinguistic studies.
4 What are the differences between phonetics and phonology?
5.Give a brief introduction to predication analysis.
Language is not an abstract construction of the learned, pr of the dictionary-makers, but is something arising out of the work, needs, ties, joys, affections, tastes, of long generations of humanity, and has its bases broad and low, close to the ground.      
                                                                                                                       ----Walt Whiteman
Do you share your opinions with Walt Whiteman or not? What’s your understanding of language?
 楼主| 普天乐 发表于 07-10-16 23:47:24 | 只看该作者

1. Which of the following does not belong to the branches of phonetics?
  A) acoustic phonetics           B) auditory phonetics
  C) articulatory phonetics        D) learning phonetics
2. The word “partner reduction” is an example of _______ in word formation or use?
  A) acronym     B) blending    C) euphemism    D) back formation
3. ______ is the study of how language works in social interaction.
  A) Sociolinguistics         B) Psycholinguistics  
  C) Cognitive linguistics    D) Neurolinguistics
4. The relationship between “tulip/ flower” is _______.
  A) relational opposites   B) complementary   
  C) gradable opposites     D) hyponymy
5. ______ is the study of the linguistic meaning of words and sentences.
  A) Semantics    B) Pragmatics   C) Syntax     D) Morphology
6. ______ is one of the main features of interlanguage.
  A) Fossilization   B) Utilization   C) Assimilation  D) Deletion
7. Compared with “nurture” position, “nature” position advocates that human beings are innately equipped with _______ in the process of second language acquisition.
  A) comprehensible input     B) language acquisition device   
  C) competence               D) language transfer
8. When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same place in the strings, the two sound combinations form ________.
  A) minimal set         B) minimal pairs  
  C) phonemic contrast   D) complementary distribution.
9. The relationship between a speech sound and the meaning it represents is ________.
  A) natural   B) arbitrary   C) familiar     D) non-arbitrary
10. “Received Pronunciation” (RP) exemplifies ________.
  A) sociolect  B) regional dialect  C) ethnic dialect   D) idiolect
1.synchronic study and diachronic study :
2.linguistic imperialism and cultural imperialism :
3.instrumental motivation and integrative motivation :
4.phonetics and phonology :
5.linguistic determinism and linguistic relativity:
1). Standard dialect is a particular variety of a language which any member of a speech community can possibly use regardless of his/ her social and geographical backgrounds, his/ her gender and age.
2). Closed class words are the content words of a language.
3). Speakers of all languages are capable of producing and comprehending an infinite set of sentence.
4). Contexturalism attempts to define the meaning of a language form as the “situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the speaker”.
5). Odgen & Rechard’s semantic triangle exemplified contextualism.
6). Language is culturally transmitted.
7). Interlanguage is second language.
8). X bar theory emphasizes the head-centered characteristic of phrase structure rules.
9). When the notion of texture was taken into consideration, semantics spilled over into pragmatics.
10). Prescriptive grammar refers to grammarian’s attempt to legislate what speakers’ grammatical rules should be, rather than what they are.
1.Draw a tree diagram for the following sentence to show its syntactic structure.       He believes that she loves that cat.
2.Summarize the individual differences in second language acquisition.
Specify the six sense relations between sentences.
 楼主| 普天乐 发表于 07-10-16 23:47:32 | 只看该作者

1.Which of the following statements about language is NOT true?
A) Language is a system.          B) Language is symbol
C) Animals also have language.    D) Language is arbitrary.
2.The word “partner reduction” is an example of _______ in word formation or use.
A) acronym    B) blending    C) euphemism   D) back formation
3.All words contain a _______.
A) root     B) bound morpheme    C) prefix         D) suffix
4.When we say that we can change the second word in the sentence “He is waiting outside” with another word or phrase, we are talking about ________ inside the sentence.
A) syntactic relations    B) paradigmatic relations   
C) linear relations       D) government
5.Chomsky holds that the major task of linguists is to _______.
A) tell people how to speak appropriately.   
B) study real “ facts” in daily settings.
C) look for “the universal grammar”.        
D) tell people what is right in language use.
6._______ is a phrase which can only be understood as a unit, not as a summation of the meaning of each constituent word.
A) Collocation   B) Idiom   C) Semantic component  D) synonym
7.“We can do things with words”---- this is the main idea of ______.
A) the Speech Act Theory        B) the Cooperative Principle
C) the Politeness Principle     D) semantics
8.Which of the following words is a derivational one ________?
A) black board     B) teaches     C) consideration     D) books
9.The function of the sentence “A nice day, isn’t it?” is _________.
A) informative      B) phatic     C) directive     D) performative
10.________ is not a suprasegmental feature.
A) Aspiration       B) Intonation     C) Stress     D) Tone
1.formality:                    2.constatives:
3.illocutionary act:            4.phoneme:
5.resultative motivation:       6.cognitive strategies:
7.critical Period Hypothesis:   8.positive transfer:
9.comprehensible input:         10.priming effect:
1.Simplification of grammar occurs, so does elaboration or complication.
2.Five general types of speech acts share the same illocutionary point, but differ in strength.
3.Speakers of all languages are capable of producing and comprehending an infinite set of sentences.
4.Phonology is concerned with the abstract set if sounds in a language which allows us to distinguish meaning in the actual physical sounds we say and hear.
5.The analyst collects samples of the language as it is used, not according to some views of how it should be used. This is called the prescriptive approach.
6.The term “learning”, when used of language, refers to the gradual development of ability in a language by using it naturally in communicative situation. The term “acquisition”, however, applied to a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of vocabulary and grammar of a language.
7.Broad transcription is normally used by the phoneticians in their study of speech sounds.
8.Sense means what a linguistic form refers to in the real physical world.
9.The notion of context is essential to the semantic study of language.
10.Language is both arbitrary and non-arbitrary.
1.Specify the cognitive factors in child language development.
2.Draw the tree diagram for the following sentence to show its syntactic structure.    The boy who was sleeping was dreaming.
3.Specify the five types of synonyms.
4.What are the possible causes of language change?
Language is not an abstract construction of the learned, pr of the dictionary-makers, but is something arising out of the work, needs, ties, joys, affections, tastes, of long generations of humanity, and has its bases broad and low, close to the ground.
                                                    Walt Whiteman
Do you share your opinions with Walt Whiteman or not? What’s your understanding of language?
 楼主| 普天乐 发表于 07-10-16 23:47:42 | 只看该作者

______is not the variable of register theory.
A) field of discourse     B) tenor of discourse   
C) mode of discourse      D) style of discourse
______ is not the rule of phonology.
A) sequential rules    B) assimilation rule   
C) deletion rule       D) fossilization
______ is the analysis of interlanguage and target language.
A)error analysis      B)constractive analysis
C) informal analysis   D) predication analysis
______ proposed competence and performance.
里面还有一题是选speech community的,题干是这个词的名词解释。
1. allophone:
2. Subcategorization:
3. Cognitive strategies:
4. Bilingualism:
5. Critical Period Hypothesis:
6. Privacy and taboos:
比如说:Mistake is unintentionally deriant from the target language and not self-corrigible by the learner, which suggests failure in competence.答案是:F
1 画出树形图:The president thinks that he will win.
2 阐述Krashen 的Input Hypothesis,并做简要评价。
3 分析reference, sense 之间的联系和区别。
请你根据这一段材料,写一篇议论文,字数在 1000左右,字迹端正
 楼主| 普天乐 发表于 07-10-16 23:47:51 | 只看该作者

1 ________ is the characteristic of interlanguage.
  A) fossilization           B) assimilation   
  C) transcription           D) aspiration
2 Big and small are _______.
  A) gradable antonyms       B) complementary antonyms     
  C) relational opposite     D) dialectal synonyms
3 ________ is not suprasegmental feature.
  A) intonation   B) tone     C) stress     D) aspiration
4 Vibration of the vocal cords will produce _________.
  A) aspiration   B) nasalization  C) voicing  D) voiceless
5 _______ emphases the importance of \"standard\" rules.
  A) prescriptive   B) descriptive  C) synchronic   D) diachronic
6 _______ is the minimal pairs.
  A) put and tup   B) cool and curl  C) bit and bike  D) peak and peek
7 The bound morpheme in \"tables\" is _________.
  A) free morpheme           B) derivational morpheme      
  C) inflectional morpheme   D) stem
8 The difference between vowels and consonants lies in _______.
  A) the nasality of the pronunciation   B) aspiration of the sounds.   
  C) intonation of the sounds.      D) the obstruction of the airstream.
9 Words \"kid, child, offspring\" belong to _______.
  A) stylistic synonyms      B) emotive synonyms      
  C) collocational synonyms  D) complete synonyms
10 The sentence \"The horse race past the barn fell\" is _______.
  A) simple sentence          B) complex sentence   
  C) ambiguous sentence       D) garden path sentence
二、定义50% (每个定义限词20个单词)
1 free morpheme                 2 performatives              
3 declarations                  4 linguistic repertiore           
5 caretaker talk                6 negative transfer         
7 intrinsic motivation          8 metacognitive strategies      
9 bottom-up processing          10 entailment
1 Holiday originally means a holy day, but nowadays it means a day off word. It is called meaning narrowing.
2 Diglossia is similar to bilingualism.
3 languages are both arbitrary and non-arbitrary.
4 Speakers of all languages are capable of producing and comprehending an infinite set of sentence.
5 Five general types of speech acts share the same illocutionary point, but differ in strength.
6 Sense means what a linguistic form refers to in the real physical world.
7 Conceptualists hold that there is no direct link between a word form and the referent. They link between the mediation of the concept of the mind.
8 The analyst collects samples of the language as it is used, not according to some views of how it should be used. This is called the prescriptive approach.
9 The term “learning”, when used of language, refers to the gradual development of ability in a language by using it naturally in communicative situation. The term “acquisition”, however, applied to a conscious process of accumulating knowledge of vocabulary and grammar of a language.
10 Affect strategies are dealing with the ways learners interact or communicate with other speakers, native or nonnative.
四、问答题60% (每个问题限词100)
1 write the tree diagram to show its syntactic structure.
  The woman who married him thinks that the president will win.
2 Write the meaning of the following words and point out the word formation.
  blog, autocide, FAQ, ableism, enthuse.
3 Talk about \"performance analysis \" and its pedagogical implications.
4 Give the reasoning precess of the dialogue below as well as its conversational implicature.
   A:Will Sally be at the meeting?
   B: Her car broke down.
   ====> Sally will not be at the meeting.
五、写评论20% (限字数100)
We think so because other people all think so ; or because after all , we do think so ; or because we were told so , and think we must think so ; or because we once thougut so , and we still think so ; or because , having thought so ,we think we will think so.
                                                                                                                  -----Henry Sedgwick
我爱英音 发表于 08-2-9 16:52:03 | 只看该作者


numenchrist 发表于 08-3-15 17:03:11 | 只看该作者
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