Believe Yourself
As the picture shows, a football-player is going to shot, when he thinks, ”The gate is too small while the gate-keeper is too strong. How can I kick a goal?” ...
MY GOD! 我的作文被你改得面目全非,但是精彩了很多耶!改后的作文得19分没问题了.你太牛了!非常感谢!
Believe Yourself
As the picture shows, a football-player is going to shot, when he thinks, ”The gate is too small while the gate-keeper is too strong. How can I kick a goal?” ...
原帖由 wangzong1986 于 2007-12-22 21:29 发表
such as the player and the gate-keeper above我觉得这样比较好呀such as the player and the gate-keeper mentioned above.个人看法呀 呵呵