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seu 发表于 11-7-5 20:05:12 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

一.判断  (每题1分,共5分)
等。(   )
需求增加。(   )
手续并承担其中的费用,买方可以采用FCA贸易术语。(   )
权向受益人索要货款。(   )
(   )

二.单项选择 (每题1分,共5分)
1、垄断厂商面对两个相互独立、需求弹性不同的市场时,为获取最大利润,厂商应该实?br /> (   )。
A、同一价格 B、一级价格歧视 C、二级价格歧视  D、三级价格歧视
2、厂商对要素的需求取决于(  )。
A、要素的边际生产力 B、产品的价格 C、要素的平均产量  D、要素的供给量
3、一切险与水渍险各项保险责任的不同之处在于(    )的赔偿。
4、下列哪一项属于国际收支的长期性不平衡:(   )。
A、结构性不平衡  B、收入性不平衡 C、周期性不平衡  D、货币性不平衡
5、下列属于三级储备资产的有(    )。
A、活期存款 B、短期存款  C、黄鸫⒈?nbsp; D、普通提款权

1、对于生产函数Q=f(L,K)和成本方程C=w*L+r*K来说,在最优的生产要素组合点上应该有(       )。
2、按《UCP500》规定,除非另有约定,卖方不得提交(    )。
A、舱面提单             B、已装船提单           C、清洁提单
D、不清洁提单           E、指示提单
3、一项合同成立的有效条件包括(      )。
A、当事人必须具有签订合同的行为能力     B、合同必须有对价或约因
C、合同的内容必须合法                   D、合同必须符合法律规定的形式
4、在下列IMF贷款类型中,属于普通贷款的是(     )。
A、缓冲库存贷款                         B、中期贷款
C、信托基金贷款                         D、补充贷款
5、下列能在合同有效期任何一天交割的有(      )。
A、欧式期权                             B、美式期权
C、择期                                 D、远期合同





3、试析战略性外购(strategic outsourcing)的合理性。

1、The Taylor Rule:Could a Robot Replace Alan Greenspan?
       Macroeconomist John Taylor of Stanford University Calls for a
       New Monetary Rule That Would Institutionalize Appropriate Fed
       Policy Responses to Changes in Real Output and Inflation.
In our discussion of rules versus discretion, “rules” were associated with a
passive monetary policy--one in which the monetary rule required that the Fed
expand the money supplyai a fixed annual rate regardless of the state of the
economy.“Discretion”on the other hand, was associated with an active monetary
policy in which the Fed changed the interest rate in response to actual or
anticipated changes in the economy.
Economist John Taylor has put a new twist on the rule-versus-discretion debate
by suggesting a hybrid policy rule that dictates the precise active monetary
actions the Fed should take when changes in the economy occur.This so-called
Taylor rule combines traditional monetarism, with its emphasis on a monetary
rule, and the more mainstream view that active monetary policy is a useful tool
for taming inflation and limiting recession. Unlike the Friedman monetary rule,
the Taylor rule holds, for example, that monetary policy should respond to
changes in both real GDP and inflation, not simply inflation. The key adjustment
is the interest rate, not the money supply.
The Taylor rule has three parts:
● If real GDP rises 1 percent above potential GDP, the Fed should raise the
   Federal Funds rate(the interbank rate of overnight loans),relative to the
   current inflation rate, by .5 percent.
● If inflation rises by 1 percent above its target of 2 percent, then the Fed
   should raise the Federal funds rate by .5 percent relative to the inflation
● When the real GDP is equal to potential GDP and inflation is equal to its
   target rate of 2 percent, the Federal funds rate remain at about 4 percent,
   which would imply a real interest rate of 2 percent.
Taylor has nerther suggested nor implied that a robot, programmed with the
Taylor rule, should replace Alan Greenspan,chairman of the Federal Reserve
System.The Fed's discretion to override the rule(or “contingency plan for
policy”)would be retained,but the Fed would renove the “mystery”associated
with monetary policy and increase he Fed's accountability.Also,says Taylor, if
used consistently, the rule would enable market participants to predice Fed
behavior, and this would increase Fed credibility and reduce uncertainty.
Critics of the Taylor rule admit it is more in tune with countercyclical Fed
policy than with Friedman's simple monetary rule. But they bo reason to limit
the Fed's discretion in adjusting interest rates as it sees fit to achieve
stabilization and growth.Monetary policy may be more art than science. The
critics also point our that the Fed has done a remarkable job of promoting
price stability, full employment, and economic growth over the past decade.
In view of this succes, they ask,“Why saddle the Fed with a highly mechanical
monetary rule?”

2、Petition of the Candlemakers, 1845
       French Economist Fredric Bastiat(1801-1850) Devastated the
       Proponents of Prorectionism by Satircally Extending their
       Reasoning to Its Logical and Abusurd Conclusions.
Petitogogo,Candlesticks,Street Lamps,Snuffers,Extinguishers,and of the Prodecers of Oil Tallow,Rosin,Alcohol,and,
Generally,of Everything Connected with Lighting.

Gentlemen--You are on the right road.You rreject abstract theories,and have
little consideration for cheapness and plenty,You chief care is the interest of
producer.You desire to emancipate him from external conpetition, and reserve the
national market for national industry.
We are abour to offer you an admirable opportunity of applying your--what shall
we call it?No;nothing is more deceptive than theory;your doctrine?your system?
your principle?but you dislike doctrines,you abhor systems,and as principles,you
deny that there are any in social economy:we shall say,then,your practice,your
practice without theory and wothour principle.
We are suffering from the intolerable competition of a foreign ribal,palced,it
would seem,in a condition so far superior to ours for the prodection fo light,
that the absolutely inundates our national market with it at a price fabulously
reduced.The moment he shows himself,our trade leaves us--all consumer apply to
him;and a branch of native industry,having countless ramifications,is all at
once rendered completely stagnant.This no other than the Sun.
What we pray for is,that is mat please you to pass a law ordering the shuttling
up all of windows,skylights,dormer windows,outside and inside shutters,curtains,
blinds,bull's-eyes;in a word,of all openings,holes,chinks,clefts,and fissures,by
or thought which the light of the sun has been in ues to enter houses,to the
prejudice of the meritorious magogo we
have accommodated our country,--a country which,in gratitude,ought not to
abandon us now to a strife so unequal.
If more tallow is consumed,then there must be more oxen and sheep;and
consequently,we shall be hold the multiplication of artificial meadows,meat,wool,hides,and,above all,manure,which is the basis and foundation of all
agricultural wealth.
The same remark applies to navigation.Thousand of vessels will proceed to the whale fishery;and,in a short time,we shall possess a navy capable of maintaining
the honor of France,and gratifying the patriotic aspirations of your petitioners,the undersigned candlemankers and others.
Only have the goodness th relfect,Gentlemen,and you will be convinced that there
is perhaps,no Frenchman,from the wealth coalmaster to humblest vender of lucifer
matches,whose lot will be ameliorater by success of this our petition.

 楼主| seu 发表于 11-7-5 20:05:20 | 只看该作者

一、   填空(每空1.5分,共9分)
1、   商品的边际替代率是指,在(  )不变的前提下,每增加一单位的某种商品而需要减少的另一种商品的数量。
2、   哈罗德认为一个国家的经济增长率取决于(  )和(  )。
3、   正常关税一般是指(  )。
4、   一国持有国家储备的成本指(  )与利息之差。
5、   IMF会员国的投票权主要取决于他们的(  )。

二、   判断下列各题的叙述是否正确,正确的划勾,错误的划差。(每小题1.5分,共9分)
1、   垄断厂商在实现短期均衡时,可能会出现亏损,即经济利润为负。
2、   国民经济中只要有摩擦性事业或资源性事业存在,就不能说经济实现了充分就业。
3、   按照国际商会制定的《2000通则》中的D组贸易术语成交的合同均属于"到达合同"(Arrival Contract),在这类合同下,
4、   WTO《海关估价协议》规定了六种海关估价的办法,它们是进口商品的成交价格、相同商品的成交价格、类似商品的成交价格、
5、   2002年6月经中国人民银行批准,渣打银行成为首家获准向中国内地居民和企业提供外币服务的外资银行。
6、   择期是一种可以放弃合约履行的外汇业务。

三、   单项选择题(每题1.5分,共6分)
1、   在垄断厂商的长期均衡产量上可以有:
C、 P 等于最小的LAC
D、 以上情况都可能存在

2、   原产地规则是指:
A、   某一国家或地区为确定货物生产过程的最后生产地点而实施的普遍适用的法律、法规及行政决定。
B、   某一国家或地区为确定货物的"国籍"而实施的普遍适用的法律、法规及行政决定。
C、   某一国家或地区为确定货物的原材料产地而实施的普遍适用的法律、法规及行政决定。
D、   某一国家或地区为确定货物的技术来源地而实施的普遍适用的法律、法规及行政决定。

3、   下列有关独家代理的说法中,正确的是:
A、   委托人在代理区域内,还可指定其他的一般代理人
B、   委托人要维护代理人的独家专营权,否则要承担违约责任。
C、   委托人直接与代理区域内的客户订立合同时,代理人不能享受佣金。
D、   独家代理只能用于商品买卖中,一般代理可用于其他业务。

4、   当下列哪种情况出现时,货币贬值有利于改善贸易收支:
A、   DX+DI>I
B、   DX+DI<
C、   SX+SI>I
D、   SX+SI<I

四、   多项选择题(每题2.5分,共10分)
1、   下列哪些项目可计入GDP:
A、   政府转移支付
B、   购买一辆新的载重卡车
C、   购买一辆新的载重卡车模型玩具
D、   购买一块地产

2、   出口管制的商品主要包括:
A、   战略物资及其有关的先进技术资料,如武器,军事设备等
B、   对国内生产所需的原材料、半成品及国内市场供应不足的某些必需品
C、   密集使用本国丰裕生产要素的产品
D、   某些重要的文物、艺术品、黄金、白银等特殊品

3、   根据国际惯例,下列有关可转让信用证的说明中,正确的是:
A、   可转让信用证的受益人可以将信用证金额转让给一个或一个以上的人使用
B、   可转让信用证的转让以一次为限,因此只有第一和第二受益人没有第三受益人
C、   可转让信用证中必须注明可转让(Transferable)字样,否则不能转让
D、   可转让信用证的第二受益人因故不能履约时,也不能将信用证转回给第一受益人
4、   套汇的主要方式有:
A、   两角套汇
B、   三角套汇
C、   套利
D、   套期保值

五、   简单准确解释下列名词(每题4分,共16分)
1、   局部均衡和一般均衡
2、   机会成本
3、   技术性贸易壁垒
4、   根本性违约

六、   论述与分析题(第1题10分,第2、3题各15分,第4题10分,共50分)
1、   国际储备管理的原则和内容是什么?

2、   如何理解经济全球化条件下各国贸易政策的竞争与协调关系。

3、   假定某一化工厂生产的产品需求函数为:P=600-2Q,成本函数为CP=3Q^2-400Q+40000
(1)   求利润最大时的产量、价格和利润
(2)   若由于外部不经济(环境污染)使社会受到损失从而使社会成本函数为 CS=4.25Q^2-400Q+40000试求帕累托最优
(3)   简单说明外部不经济对资源配置效率的影响,政府应该相应采取什么措施解决外部不经济问题?

4、   某年9月中旬,A公司有一机器设备要出售,向国外某客户B公司发盘。发盘中介绍了设备情况,报了价格,并规定发盘
有效期为9月底之前。B公司研究了发盘条件 ,认为可以接受,但没有向发盘人表示接受的意向,而是派代理人直接到A公司所
七、   专业英语(英译中,第1题15分,第2题15分,第3题20分,共50分)

1.let's really clean up those numbers----now

Little noticed in the shock of WorldCom Inc.'s massive accounting fraud is that it came to light only
after a review initiated by the company's audit committee. Yes, believe it or not, the directors in the
boardroom actually asked their auditors to take another look at the numbers.
Lo and behold, that review let to the largest single restatement ever: a $3.8 billion reduction in previously
reported pretax income. Together with Xerox Corp's recent concession that it overstated operating earnings
by $1.4billion, these two corporate meaculpas alone nearly match the combined total hit of $5.8 billion from
all 463 restatements in 1998,1999, and 2000.
How much worse can it get? Plenty. It's not that we'll likely see numbers as breathtaking as those as WorldCom
or Xerox. But expect a tidal wave of restatements to come in what will surely amount to some sort of accounting
chatharsis. If ever there was a time for companies to come clean, it's now. Over the years, the quality of
financial reporting has varied widely. Some companies did the bare minimum to meet accounting standards. Others
were more cautious. To get beyond the current stock market malaise, companies need to flush out the excesses
so investors can regain their confidence in our financial system. It's better to take a hit now than risk
dragging this out over the next few years.

2.Happy birthday, Milton Friedman

Milton Friedman's professional career has been marked by controversy over his many policy proposals. Yet as he
approaches his 90th birthday, Friedman is increasingly recognized as the most influential economist in a 20th
century that witnessed towering contributions from John Maynard Keynes, Paul A. Samuelson, and others.
Friedman is best known for "monetarism", a view that stability in the growth of the money supply is crucial
to controlling inflation and recessions. Although the relation between the money supply and the economy has
often been highly variable, no less an authority than Fedral Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has indicated
that Friedman's emphasis on a stable monetary framework was instrumental in guiding central banks in Europe
and the U.S. toward low inflation during the pass two decades.
Before Friedman, economic conventional wisdom held that inflation reduces unemployment because prices rise
faster than labor costs. In the late 1960s, Friedman argued instead that there is no permanent reduction in
unemployment from continuing inflation because wages eventually catch up to prices as expectations about
inflation become more accurate. His analysis has been validated twice since then----by the high U.S. the '90
even though inflation was negligible.
Two decades before Chile introduces its revolutionary private individual account retirement system, Friedman's
classic 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom criticized the prevailing pay-as-you -go Social Security systems for
restricting the ability of individuals to choose how much and in what form to save for retirement, and for mixing
a welfare program for elderly poor with a compulsory program that applies to all the elderly. Has his advice been
followed twenty years ago, there would be no impending Social Security financing crisis in the U.S. and other
developed nations with aging population.

3. Are Force Majeure Clauses Exclusion Clauses?

In order to differentiate an exclusion or limitation clause from a force majeure clause we must first define
exactly what we mean by exclusion clauses and examine their effect on the contractual relations of the
parties. We might then usefully compare the operatiogogo to that of force majeure clauses.
A tripartite distinction betweegogo: " Protective conditions are three
distinct types: first, those which limit or reduce what would otherwise be the defendant's duty; second,
those which exclude the defendant's liability for breach of specified aspects of that duty, and third, those
which limit the extent to which the defendant is bound to indemnify the plaintiff in respect of the consequences
of breaches of that duty." The difference between the first two categories is said to be this: in the first case
there is no breach of contract since there is no obligation to perform in the circumstances which have
arisen, whilst in the second case there is a breach but the liability to pay damages in respect of it has
been removed.
Force majeure clauses, it seems, go to limit the extent of the obligation assumed by the promisor. They do not
operate so as to shield a promisor from liability for a breach of contract. A force majeure clause will ensure
that non-performance is no breach because no performance was due in the circumstances that have occurred.
 楼主| seu 发表于 11-7-5 20:05:32 | 只看该作者


1、( )当录像机的价格上升时,录像带的需求量会减少,这是因为录像机和录像带之间存在着替代性。
2、( )厂商增加一单位产量时所增加的可变成本等于边际成本。
3、( )在均衡的国民收入水平上,非计划存货投资和计划存货都必须等于零。
4、( )在开放经济中,一国只能通过实施货币政策而不是通过实施财政政策实现充分就业和国际收支平衡。
5、( )长期性商品倾销往往有赖于规模经济或政府出口补贴的支持。
6、( )国际贸易额是世界各国进口额与出口额的总和。
7、( )蒙代尔-弗莱明模型认为,在浮动汇率制、货币自由流动和货币自主权之间存在着三难选择。
8、( )金融服务附录规定,审慎监管措施受服务贸易总协定其他条款的限制。

三、单选 (每题1分,共7分)
A、成本降低了 B、生产要素的价格按相同比例下降了
C、成本减少了 D、生产要素的价格按不同比例下降了
A、产品增值 B、最终产品 C、原材料 D、中间产品
A、歧视性政府采购政策 B、进口押金制
C、进出口国家垄断 D、特许经营
A、构成了单证不符,银行不会接受 B、不够成单证不符,银行必须接受
C、除非信用证另有规定,银行可以接受 D、除非信用证另有规定,银行将不接受
A、功能中心 B、基金中心 C、名义中心 D、收放中心
A、经营机构少 B、币种与金额所受限制不同
C、能否放弃合约的自主权不同 D、期限不同

四、多项选择 (每题2分,共6分)
A、对外贸易总政策 B、产业政策
C、商业政策 D、进出口商品政策 E、国别地区政策
A、借款 B、份额 C、债券转让 D、利润收入 E、捐赠收入

五、名词解释 (每题3分,共15分)

六、简述 (每题6分,共18分)

七、论述 (每题10分,共20分)

八、案例分析 (第一题10分,第二题8分,共18分)
1、 出口商A与进口商B达成一笔机电产品的买卖合同,合同中规定由A商向B商提供两种型号的产品。其中,型号Ⅰ的产品400箱,型号Ⅱ的产品200箱,但不久A商接到国外来证,却发现信用证中将两种型号的数量弄颠倒了,变成了型号Ⅰ的产品200箱,型号Ⅱ的产品400箱。请问A商如果按合同执行和按信用证执行各会遇到什么问题?正确的做法应该是什么?

2、 假设某经济的消费函数为C=100+0.8Y(其中Y为个人可支配收入),投资I=100,政府购买支出G=200,政府转移支付TR=62.5(单位均为10亿美元),税率t=0.25。问:

1.The True, Peaceful Face of Islam

There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, and Islam is the world’s fastest-growing religion. If the evil carnage we witnessed on Sept. 11 were typical of the faith, and Islam truly inspired and justified such violence, its growth and the increasing presence of Muslims in both Europe and the U.S. would be a terrifying prospect. Fortunately, this is not the case.

The very word Islam, which means “surrender”, is related to the Arabic salam, or peace. When the Prophet Muhammad brought the inspired scripture known as Koran to the Arabs in the early 7th century A. D., a major part of his mission was devoted precisely to bringing an end to the kind of mass slaughter we witnessed in New York City and Washington. Pre-Islamic Arabia was caught up in a vicious cycle of warfare, in which tribe fought tribe in a pattern of vendetta and counter-vendetta. Muhammad himself survived several assassination attempts, and the early Muslin community narrowly escaped extermination by the powerful city of Mecca. The Prophet had to fight a deadly war in order to survive, but as soon as he felt his people were probably safe, he devoted his attention to building up a peaceful coalition of tribes and achieved victory by an ingenious and inspiring campaign of non-violence. When he died in 632, he had almost single-handedly brought peace to war-torn Arabia.

Because the Koran was revealed in the context of an all-out war, several passages deal with the conduct of armed struggle. Warfare was a desperate business on the Arabian Peninsula. A chieftain was not expected to spare survivors after a battle, and some of the Koran injunctions seem to share this spirit. Muslims are ordered by God to “slay [enemies] wherever you find them!”. Extremists such as Osama bin laden like to quote such verses but do so selectively. They do not include the exhortation to peace, which in almost every case follow these more ferocious passages:” Thus, if they let you be, and do not make war on you, and offer you peace, God does not allow you to harm them.

Islam is not addicted to war, and jihad is not one of its “pillars”, or essential practices. The primary meaning of the word jihad is not ”holy war” but “struggle”. It refers to the different effort that is needed to put God’s will into practice at every level-personal and social as well as political. A very important and much quoted tradition has Muhammad telling his companions as they go home after a battle. “We are returning from the lesser jihad [the battle] to the greater jihad,” the far more urgent and momentous task of extirpating wrongdoing from one’s own society and one’s own heart.

---Time, October 1st 2001.

2.Women at work

Throughout American history, the proportion of women who work to provide for themselves or their families has always very high, What has changed---and has changed dramatically---is how many women earn a wage. After the rise of industrial capitalism in the nineteenth century, men increasingly sold their labor on the market. Most American women, however, continued to work without pay inside the home or on the family farm. This has changed. Most Americans now regard the rigidly enforced isolation of women from the labor force as out of step with contemporary business and culture. For over a century, at any given time more than 80 percent of men have earned a wage or salary. One hundred years ago, only about 20 percent women earned a wage or salary. Today, over 70percent do. Historians will report that the entrance of large numbers of women into the labor force was the most profound shift in the demographic composition of U.S. workers in the twentieth century. Indeed, it could be argued soundly that it was the century’s preeminent sociocultural change as well. Wage-earning women in the industrial democracies today have greater earning power than women have ever had in the history of the West.
Many see the World War II ear, with its tight labor market and Rosie the Riveter” campaigns as the watershed period for women’s first beginning to work for wages in large numbers. Such exclusive attention to the temporary upsurge cause by the war, though, risks ignoring how there has been a trend toward increasing labor force participation throughout the development of the American market economy.

There can be little doubt that, on balance, a woman’s expectation to earn a wage has been liberating . The labor power of today’s women allows personal and professional choices to be made that were unavailable in the past. Some worry, however, that the economic agency that women have gained by entering the labor force is culturally hollow, At very least, the grand social transformation that many feminists hoped would follow after large number of hours outside the home still earn less on average than their male coworkers and are often excluded from positions of authority, yet continue to bear disproportionate responsibility for completing household chores.

---America by the Numbers

3.The Knowledge Economy

Economists continue to search for the foundations of economic growth. Traditional “production functions” focus on labor, capital, materials and energy; knowledge and technology are external influences on production. Now analytical approaches are being developed so that knowledge can be included more directly in production functions. Investments in knowledge can increase the productive capacity of the other factors of production as well as transform them into new products and processes. And since these knowledge investments are characterized by increasing (rather than decreasing) returns, they are the key to long-term economic growth.

The most visible sign of the knowledge-based economy is the emergence of the “information society”. Information technology has speeded up the codification of knowledge, transforming it into a market commodity: large chunks of knowledge can be codified and transmitted over computer and communications networks. The use of personal computers has more than doubled in the last decade. These computers can be linked nationally and internationally. Through computer networks, knowledge is more accessible to a wider group of people and cheaper to acquire.
Knowledge itself is becoming a more marketable product, and its spread is transforming other goods and services and creating new markets. The spiraling number of information services available on the Internet, raging from job searches to medical advice, is one example. The transformation of several disciplines—measurements, navigation, chemistry, music, surgery, telecommunications—by laser technology is another. Agogoible to the world economy swells, it is driving economic growth. The increase in knowledge accessibility and lower barriers to entry are also enhancing the role of the entrepreneur.

---The Knowledge Economy

4.Capacity to Be a Principal

Nor every person or entity may be a principal. To be a principal, one must have the capacity to execute a contract. Minors, incompetents, and other natural persons with limited contractual capacity may be restricted in their ability to be a principal or even prohibited entirely from becoming a principal. Adult persons of limited mental capacities or adults who are temporarily incapacitated (for example, while intoxicated) are not permitted to appoint agents freely. Under modern legal theory, minors have contractual capacity for necessities and thus may be principals and appoint agents for any item deemed to be necessary (food, shelter, and so on). This complicated by the fact that there is no uniform definition of what falls within the term “necessary”. Consequently, the practical result is that very few people are willing to contract with minors for anything, and even fewer people will deal with the agent of minor.
A corporation has contractual capacity and can be a principal. The corporation’s ability to appoint an agent is limited to the scope of activities authorized in its articles of incorporation. This caused some problems igogoed to draft the articles of incorporation to encompass only those activities contemplated by the incorporations (for example, to operate a railroad). However, since modern legal practice is to create a corporation with the ability to conduct any business the law allows, there are few limitations on a corporation’s capacity to act as a principal.

Partnerships can usually act as principals, although there are two legal theories to explain how. Where the law does not treat a partnership as a legal entity, the partnership itself is not technically capable of being a principal. In these jurisdictions, because the partnership lacks contractual capability, the individual partners are deemed to be the principal and the partnership’s agent is really the agent of the partners. In the jurisdictions where a partnership is a legal entity, this fiction need not be observed, and the partnership can act directly as a principal through its agents.

---McGill’s Legal Aspects of Life Insurance

5.Financial Derivatives

In the past two decades, we have witnessed the revolutionary period in the trading of financial derivatives or contingent claims in financial markets around world. A derivative security may be defined as a security whose value depends on the values of other more basic underlying variables, which may be the prices of traded securities, prices of commodities or stock indices. The two most common derivative securities are futures and options. A forward contract ( called a futures contract if traded on exchange ) is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a certain time in the future for a predetermined price while an option gives the holder the right ( but not the obligation ) to buy or sell an asset by a certain date for a predetermined price.

Options are classified either as a call option or a put option. A call ( or put ) is a contract which gives the holder the right to buy ( or sell ) a prescribed asset, known as the underlying asset, by a certain date ( expiration date ) for a predetermined price ( commonly called the exercise price or the strike price ). Since the holder is given the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell the asset, he will make the decision depending on whether the deal is favorable to him or not. The option is said to be exercised on the expiration date, then the option is called a European option, while the exercise is allowed at any time prior to the expiration date, then it is called an American option ( these term have nothing to do with their continental origins ). The simple call and put options with no special features are commonly called plain vanilla options. Also, we have options coined with names like Asian option, lookback option, barrier option etc.

The other party to the holder of the option in the contract is called the writer of the option. The holder and the writer are said to be in the long and short positions of the option contract, respectively. Unlike the holder, he writer does have an obligation with regard to the option contract, say, the writer must sell the asset if the holder chooses in his favor to buy the asset. This is zero-sum game. The holder gains from the loss of writer or vice versa.
 楼主| seu 发表于 11-7-5 20:05:41 | 只看该作者

1、( )当厂商以降低产品价格增加销量时,一定会带来销售额的增加。
2、( )公共产品与私人产品的区别在于:公共产品应由政府部门提供,而私人产品是
3、( )货币投机需求曲线向右下方倾斜是因为较低的利率增加了持有货币的机会成本

4、( )在其他条件不变的情况下,自发性净出口的增加可导致IS曲线向右移动。
5、( )依照总贸易体制,以国境为标准统计进口,凡进入国境的商品,不论其是否办
6、( )进口替代贸易发展模式是以进口产品取代国内生产的同类产品的贸易发展模式

7、( )世界有形商品贸易额是各国和地区有形商品贸易额只和。
8、( )理论上说,国际收支的不平衡指自主性交易的不平衡,但在统计上很难做到。

9、( )买方期权和买方期权是同一期权交易的两个方面。
10、( )扬基债券和武士债券分别是在美国和日本发行的两种欧洲债券。
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4、欧洲联盟对农畜产品征收差价税,按照( )的差额征收。
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5、下列关于分期装运(Shipment by Instalment)的说法中与国际惯例的规定相符的说
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3、Restrictive Business Practice
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