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自言自语 记录自己感觉有意思的英语东西

 楼主| 投河自尽的虾 发表于 14-1-11 09:14:04 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 投河自尽的虾 于 2014-1-11 09:23 编辑

I've been through a lot recently.
我可能有些忘乎所以了 但是要是你一直试着去理解我
I might get a bit carried away, but if you wouldn't stop getting at me...
我没有吗 我不是故意的 我...
Am I? I don't mean to, and I...
我知道你最近经历了一些事 你妈的事 我都知道
I know that you've been through a lot with your mum and all, I know.
但是 我也有事情想要跟你说
But, there are things that I needed to talk to you about.
About how I am stuck in this flat with a man that I am not in love with.
要是我不能跟你说 那你有什么意义 我们有什么意义
And if I can't talk to you, then what is the point of you? Of us?
What do you mean, "what's the point?"
I think we've outgrown each other.
不 是你不再适应我了
No, you have outgrown me.
You think I'm uncool and dreary.
你一点也不闷 艾玛
I don't think you're dreary. Em...
要是没缘分了 我们就要面对现实 然后道别了
I think if it's over, then we should just face facts and say goodbye.
It sounds like you're dumping me.
是啊 也许我就是
Yeah, maybe I am.
You're not who you used to be.
别这样 艾玛 我道歉行了吧 求你了
Come on, Em. Look, I apologize! Please.
对吧 就是嘛 来吧
Come on. That's it. There.
我爱你 迪特 很爱 只是我不能那样喜欢你了 对不起
I love you, Dexter. So much. I just don't like you anymore. I'm sorry

一个小哥推荐我看的这部电影,我看了之后很虐心,有种说不出话来的节奏,像是我把我最珍贵的戒指掉在了大海里一样。遗憾,后悔,可遇不可求,悔不当初,这些都无法充分的表达我当时的感受,好吧,我只能说我当时心情很复杂。不是每个故事都有一个好的结局,似乎剧中的男主角确实得到了一个Happy ending.
 楼主| 投河自尽的虾 发表于 14-1-12 17:05:19 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 投河自尽的虾 于 2014-1-12 17:12 编辑

    I am slowly sinking in a vast lake of quick sands. A bottomless pool. I wish I could crawl under a rock and sleep forever.
    No one understands me. No one in this house can accept my side of the story. I can feel god’s eyes looking down on me with pity. I can’t let anyone find out I’m not straight. It would be so humiliating. My friends would hate me. And my family, I’ve overheard them. They’ve said that they hate gays. And even gods hates gays. It really scares me when they talk that way. Because now they are talking about me, I don’t want choose sin. I don’t . I’m so mad and frustrated god. I seem to be at the end of the road. Why do you remain silent?
    有人曾经说,同性恋成为艺术家文学家等的概率要比异性恋大,因为他们心里的爱长期的遭到了压抑,他们无法对自己爱的人表达自己的情感,受的苦难也就越多,心思也就越细密,感触也会很多,因此相比较而言创作的艺术品都饱含着更深情感,更能触及人心,看完这部真是故事改编的电影之后,我表示很感动,很虐心,之后几天会有很多这部电影的台词,里面的很多话我都很喜欢,很简约但不简单。I‘m touched!
 楼主| 投河自尽的虾 发表于 14-1-13 11:11:02 | 只看该作者
Homosexuality is a sin.
Homosexuals are doomed to spend the eternity in hell.
If they wanted to change, they could be healed of their evil ways.
If they were turned away from temptation, they could be normal again.
If only they would try and try harder, if it doesn’t work.
These are all the things I said to my son bobby, when I found out he was gay.
When he told me he was homosexual, my world fell apart.
I did everything I could to cure him of his sickness.
8 months ago, my son jumped off a bridge and killed himself.
I deeply regret my lack of knowledge about gay and lesbian people.
I see that everything I was taught and told was bigotry and dehumanizing slender.
If I had investigated, beyond what I was told,
If I just, listened to my son, when he poured his heart out to me,
I would not be standing today here with you, filled with regret.
I believe that, god was pleased with bobby’s kind and loving spirit.
In god’s eyes, kindness and love are what it’s all about.
I didn’t know that each time, that I echoed eternal damnation for gay people, each time I referred to bobby, as sick and perverted and a danger to our children, his self-esteem, his sense of worth, were being destroyed.
And finally, his spirit broke beyond repair.
It was not god’s will that bobby climbed over the side of a freeway overpass and jumped directly into the path of an 18 wheel truck, which killed him instantly.
Bobby’s death was the direct result of his parents’ ignorance and fear of the word gay.
He wanted to be a writer.
His hopes and dreams should not be taken from him. But they were.
There are children like bobby, sitting in your congregations, unknown to you, they will be listening, as you echo amen, and that will soon silence their prayers, their prayers to god, for understanding and acceptance, and for your love.
But your hatred and fear, and ignorance of the word gay will silence those prayers.
So before you echo amen in your home and place of worship, think, think and remember, a child is listening.


苹果爱桔子 发表于 14-1-14 14:26:00 | 只看该作者
I really appreciate people who can persist in what they love and always have a good faith, and I should say you are one of them.

I hope you can fulfill your dreams, and meanwhile, keep the enthusiasm for English learning!!
 楼主| 投河自尽的虾 发表于 14-1-15 11:36:38 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 投河自尽的虾 于 2014-1-15 11:48 编辑

Not telling the truth,将秘密深埋心底
sometime I feel like I’m at the edge of a cliff, 有时候我感觉自己像是站在悬崖边
looking down at the crashing surf with nowhere to go but down. 看着下面波涛汹涌 无处可去 只能纵身跃下
I used to have these fun dreams when I was so free. 闲暇时 我常做古怪的梦
But now, as I fly, I’m afraid. 而现在 我感觉自己在飞翔 我很害怕
They are telephone lines and electrical wires. 电话线和电线
How painful it would be to run into one. I wonder if I’ll ever be free again. 把一个人挂在上面会有多痛 我是否能重获自由?

苹果爱桔子 发表于 14-1-15 18:00:18 | 只看该作者
投河自尽的虾 发表于 2014-1-15 11:36
Not telling the truth,将秘密深埋心底
sometime I feel like I’m at the edge of a cliff, 有时候我感觉 ...


 楼主| 投河自尽的虾 发表于 14-1-16 10:23:43 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 投河自尽的虾 于 2014-1-17 08:14 编辑

Death of a loved one is always tragic, but the death of a young person can be particularly painful, because that person had his whole life ahead of him. Bobby was only 20 years old, we never know who he could be have been, or what he could have accomplished. Bobby was a good young man but he was lost. By giving into temptation, he strayed, then disillusioned, he choose end his life. Now we know to condemn the sin, not the sinner. It was this sin that Bobby succumbed to. It led to his unhappiness, and it led him to take his own life. As goodness begets goodness, so does sin begets in.
 楼主| 投河自尽的虾 发表于 14-1-17 08:14:29 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 投河自尽的虾 于 2014-1-17 08:17 编辑

May 30th
Memorial Day Barbecue, had fun, mum was sweet and funny self, like the old mum, for a second it felt like the old days. She smiled at something I said, and I saw on her eyes that for a second she forgot what she really thinks of me. The anger never erupts, my timid nature would never allow a full fledged thunderstorm to occur. But it’s there, on the horizon. I can feel god’s eyes looking down on me with such pity. He can’t help me though. Because I’ve chosen sin over righteousness.

鲍比的日记 呵呵
 楼主| 投河自尽的虾 发表于 14-1-18 14:27:06 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 投河自尽的虾 于 2014-1-18 14:28 编辑

Dear god
Give us something we can live with, and pass on to others whose lives will never be the same, because of a loved one’s death. I did not decide on brown eyes for myself, and I now realize that Bobby didn’t decide to be gay. If you say in your word that it is evil and wicked to be born with no arms, and a child is born with no arms, what is that child to think?

 楼主| 投河自尽的虾 发表于 14-1-20 20:37:23 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 投河自尽的虾 于 2014-1-20 20:42 编辑

To all the Bobby and James out there, I say these words to you as I would with my own precious children. Please don’t give up hope on life or yourselves, you’re very special to me. I’m working very hard to make this world a better and safe place for you to live in, promise me you’ll keep trying, Bobby give up on love, I hope you won’t, you’re always in my gods.


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