本帖最后由 明矾waitac 于 14-10-18 21:56 编辑
我来晚啦~~希望被抽中修改 先蛇蛇老师,老师辛苦~~
Actually harmful information is enjoying a striking popularity on the Internet, information filtering,consequently,has become a routine activity in our everyday life. The picture above which subtly reflects several souces of harmful information shows that rubbish email is the main souce accounting for 73.68% ,and bad web site and malware account for less.
It is indisputable that those harmful information make us distractive.The question is that what should be blamed for this phenomenon?I argue that the leading cause is that some companies in order to get enormous benefits send spams which act as free ads to indiduals.Movever,it is also a reminder that our personal information,such as email adress has been exposed to the sun.
Therefore,it is high time to start the battle against the harmful information ,especially the rubbish email. Everyone of us should enlighten our awareness of Network privacy awareness avoiding information disclosure. And,from what has been discussed above, only by indiduals’ efforts can this situation be improved?The answer is “no”.Stringent laws and regulations should be made and sufficient measures for enforcement should be taken.