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Part I Vocabulary and Grammar (30%)
Section One
Choosefrom A, B, C or D the ONE that best completes the sentence, and mark yourchoice on the ANSWER SHEET (20 points, 1 point each).
1. And that’s not the case with theprogram _____ now.
A. As it stand
B. As it stands
C. so it stands
D. As standing
2. I wonder if you could _____ me adiscount of 8% on orders for 1000 units or above.
A. provide
B. effect
C. allow
D. make
3. _____ wewould like to close the business with you, we find your bid unacceptable.
A. As much
B. Much as
C. Like much
D. Much like
4. If the samples don’t meet Tom’srequirements, he would decline to _____ a large order.
A. place you
B. place
C. make
D. send you
5. Our end-usershere find your price too high and _____ line the prevailing market level.
A. in, for
B. at, through
C. out of, with
D. for, by
6. I am a _____ for the government. Every department is alwaysasking for more money in their budgets.
A. bean counter
B. general staff
C. formal clerk
D. prime minister
7. The discount of 9% agreed upon was granted only _____ nobalance was outstanding from previous accounts.
A. depends on
B. in condition that
C. on condition
D. on condition that
8. No discount will be offered _____ youplace an order over 10,000 dozen.
A. until
B. since
C. unless
D. except
9. As to terms of payment, we usually require a confirmed andirrevocable L/C _____ by draft at sight.
A. susceptible
B. available
C. revicable
D. desirable
10. If you fail to _____your account within ten days, we’ll _____ alegal action against you for the money due.
A. clean, make
B. open, do
C. conclude, try
D. clear, take
11. John said that he didn’t quite _____and asked me to repeat what I had said.
A. snatch up
B. summon up
C. catch on
D. watch out
12. A budget of five dollars a day istotally _____for a trip round Europe.
A. inadequate
B. incapable
C. incompatible
D. invalid
13. Satellite communications are so up-to-date that even when in the middle of _____ the Pacific, businessmen cancontact their offices as if they were next door.
A. gliding
B. cruising
C. piloting
D. patrolling
14.The court considers a financial _____ to be an appropriate way of punishing him.
A. option
B. duty
C. obligation
D. penalty
15.I think that I committed a _____ in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question.
A. blunder
B. revenge
C. reproach
D. scandal
16.All individuals are required to _____ to the laws made by their governments.
A. obey
B. conform
C. concede
D. observe
17. He will _____ resign in view of thecomplete failure of the research project.
A. doubtfully
B. adequately
C. presumably
D. reasonably
18. The goal is to make higher education available to everyonewho is willing and capable _____ his financialsituation.
A. with respect to
B. in accord with
C. regardless of
D. in terms of
19. An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women’sstatus in society will _____ through the current lawsystem in Japan.
A. permeate
B. probe
C. violate
D. grope
20.These areas rely on agriculture almost _____, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.
A. respectively
B. extraordinarily
C. incredibly
D. exclusively
Section Two Identify Stylistic Problems (10points, 1 point each)
Identifythe stylistic problem with each of the following sentences by choosing A, B, Cor D. Write your correct sentence on the ANSWER SHEET.
21. The ultimate aim is to find an acceptable solution. Such asto convince them to continue the contract andaccept the delivered equipment.
A. fragment
B. run on
C. correct
D. choppy
22. Rice called Afghanistanan “important test of the credibility of NATO” President Barack Obama made the same claim in late 2009 when he announced his decision.
A. fragment
B. run on
C. comma splice
D. correct
23. Add to this the information and Internet revolutions, andyou have a series of historical changes that have produced a singleglobal system, far more integrated and faster-moving than ever before.
A. fragment
B. run on
C. comma splice
D. correct
24. There are other cases. The cases are the lessons of thepast. They should have been obvious. Sadly they arenot learned.
A. comma splice
B. run on
C. choppy
D. correct
25. The consumer activists obviously range from selfish tounselfish, from dishonest to honest, from thoughtless to well-informed.
A. run on
B. choppy
C. correct
D. fragment
26. Humans derive about 20% of their protein from animal-basedproducts now, but this may need to drop to just 5% to feed theextra two billion people expected to be alive by2050, according to research by some of the world’s leading water scientists.
A. correct
B. run on
C. fragment
D. choppy
27. The International Monetary Fund is irrelevant to this crisisthe Group of Seven leading industrial countries lacks legitimacy in a world where China, Brazil and other are big players the Bank for international settlement has nooperational role.
A. comma splice
B. run on
C. fragment
D. correct
28. During the Roman Republic around 5o BC, toprotect the grain trade, heavy fines were imposed on anyone directly,deliberately, they insidiously stopped supply ships.
A. comma splice
B. correct
C. choppy
D. run on
29. Investors believe energy prices will rise. Food prices willalso continue to rise. Households have no doubt about this.Other prices and wages will automatically followsuit.
A. run on
B. choppy
C. correct
D. fragment
30. In view of the economic development of the country, for theestablishment of a commission to preventpractices having adverse effect on competition in the market, to protect the interest of consumers and to ensure freedom oftrade carried on by other participants in the markets.
A. comma splice
B. run on
C. fragment
D. correct
Part II Reading Comprehension (40%, 2 points each)
Readthe following passage and answer the questions by choosing A, B, C or D. Markyour answers on the ANSWER SHEET.
Passage 1
Microsoftand Apple in a tough new world
There is a smug maxim in Silicon Valley arid the places that imitate it:“To survive, you must destroy your company every x years” (where x variesaccording to how much the speaker wants to stress the pace of technologicalchange). Sometimes attributed to Intel’s former chief executive Andy Grove, itis a maxim more often repeated than observed. But it can be a lovely andstartling thing when a large, publicly traded company takes a big bet byreplacing its core product.
Microsoft’s new Windows 8 operating system, which went on salelast Friday, is the most dramatic gamble by a technology company since Intelabandoned the memory market to make semiconductors in the 1980s. Windows is acivilisational tool; there are more than 1bn Windows users around the world butwhen, after being given a new personal computer by their IT manager or buying anew device for themselves, those users boot up the new OS, they will recognisenothing.
Gone is the familiar “Start” button and user interface Microsofthas used since it launched Windows 95, 27 years ago. In its place, users willfind a screen of shifting colourful tiles. If they have set up a Microsoftaccount with Outlook, their email, calendar and contacts will appearautomatically; if their Microsoft account is linked to Facebook, the faces oftheir Facebook friends will begin blinking in a People tile and the photos theyhave posted will float into a Live tile. To its new users, Windows 8 will seemas personal — and as non-corporate — as their smartphone or tablet computers. That is the whole idea.
Windows 8 can be used with a conventional personal computer with amouse or touchpad, but doing so is confusing. Theoperating system works best with a touch screen, where users can swipe tilesand icons. To show off the new functionality, Microsoft is selling its firstcomputer, the Surface — a $499 touch screen tablet whose coveris a small keyboard, so that the device can also function as a small laptop.
Windows 8 and Surface are elegant and innovative, not qualitiesone associates with Microsoft’s products. They are mostly the work of StevenSinofsky, president of the company’s Windows division, who keeps a much-readblog at MSDN, the Microsoft developer network. There, defending the radicalchange in the design, he wrote: “The new Windows 8 user experience is no lessthan a bet on the future of computing, and stakes a claim to Windows’ role inthat future.”
Last week the crush at Microsoft’s Times Square store reminded some of the crowds at the launch of an Appleproduct —which must have been Microsoft’s hope. But Mr. Sinofsky’s bet also has the logic of desperation. A decade agothere were no competitors to Microsoft’s core business of developing andselling “platforms”, the software upon which other developers’ software mustrun and with which hardware must work. Today, the web is the platform for mostcomputing and Apple’s iOS (the operating system of the iPhone and iPad. and Google’s Android are the platforms for mobile devices. Thesharp edges between business and consumer computing have melted.Microsoft had no choice but to try something new.
It is instructive to compare the launch of Windows 8 and Surfacewith Apple’s most recent release, the iPad mini. There’s nothing wrong with themini: for Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, it must seem to fill an importantniche — the market for tablets that can be held comfortably in one hand,where Amazon’s Kindle and devices based on Android now dominate. But there’snothing innovative about Apple’s small tablet. It’s just more of the same. Onecannot imagine the late Steve Jobs, Apple’s departed CEO, taking any pride inthe thing.
It is an interesting historical moment for the two foundingcompanies of the personal computing revolution. Microsoft knows it is slowlydying but declines to accept its fate. Apple, flush with cash, does not yethave to admit that with the death of its tutelary genius, it has lost its way.But secretly, its executives, designers and developers must fear that somethingis badly wrong. Jobs always said that technology companies began to die whensalespeople and bean counters started making the decisions.
1. What does the writer mean by saying“it is a maxim more often repeated than observed”?
A. The maxim functions well in all cases.
B. The maxim does not function at all.
C. The maxim functions more at surface value.
D. The maxim does not work much in reality.
2. “those users boot up the new OS, theywill recognize nothing” is closest in meaning to _____.
A. Those who use Windows are generally not good at using computers
B. Apple’s OS is so different from Windows
C. Windows is so good that other operating systems can hardlysurvive
D. Windows has been enjoying a monopolistic position in operatingsystem market
3. According to the author, who isdominating the market for small tablet computers?
A. iPad
B. iPad mini
C. Kindle and Android tablets
D. Nobody. It is a highly competitive market.
4. Which of the following can supportthe claim that “Microsoft had no choice but to try something new” ?
A. Apple is threatening Microsoft’score business of selling “platforms”.
B. The differences between business and personal computing aredisappearing.
C. Apple and Google are dominating mobile OS market, Microsoft isa latecomer.
D. All of above.
5. Which of the following is NOT TRUEaccording to the passage?
A. Steve Jobs would be glad to see the launch of iPad mini.
B. Windows 8 and Surface do not inherit the usual Microsoft style.
C. Apple fears that something is going wrong with the Apple now.
D. The future pictures for Apple and Microsoft are gloomy.
Passage 2
This month Christian Paradis, Canada’s industry minister, saidin parliament: “We are pragmatic and welcome foreign investment”. He has afunny way of showing it.
Shortly before midnight on Friday, Mr.Paradis said he intended to block the $5.3bn takeoverof Progress Energy Resources, a Canadian gas producer, by Petronas, Malaysia’snational oil company. The decision was misguided,threatening a deal that is good for Progress shareholders and for Canada’sindustry. Worse than the ruling itself, though, was the arbitrary and opaqueprocess from which it emerged.
Since BHP Billiton’s $39bn takeover of Potash Corporation wasblocked two years ago, international investors have been reassured that theCanadian government would intervene in acquisitions only very rarely.
Over the weekend, Mr. Paradis has thrown that assumption intodoubt. The repercussions for a country that needs hundreds of billions ofdollars to develop its oil and gas reserves could be deeply damaging.
The 1985 Industry Canada Act gives ministers the power to block adeal if it is not a “net benefit” to Canada based on alaundry list of possible criteria including corporate governance, stateownership, the effect on employment, exports and R&D, and nationalsecurity.
It is a bad law, allowing the government excessive discretion, butprevious ministers have generally had the good sense not touse their powers. Mr. Paradis has broken with that precedent,and said that because of the confidentiality provisions of the act, he couldnot explain why he had done so.
Petronas has proved itself a responsible trading partner andinvestor, and the objections to it are difficult to understand. If Mr. Paradis is saying that investment from state-controlled companiesis now unwelcome, he is shutting Canadaoff from the rising powers in global energy, from China,Russia, and the Middle East.
His ruling next month on Cnooc ofChina’s $15bn bid for Calgary-based Nexen has taken on added significance. Thegovernment’s most urgent priority, though, is for prime minister Stephen Harperto deliver on his promise of setting out a clear framework for foreigntakeovers that will allow investors to predict what deals will be allowed, andshow ways to address concerns that might lead to an acquisition being blocked.
Until the policy is clarified, it will be understandable ifinvestors believe their money is no longer welcome in Canada.
6. By saying “He has a funny way ofshowing it”, the author means _____
A. Mr. Paradis is joking about the Canadian law
B. Mr. Paradis is serious about his words before the parliament
C. Mr. Paradis is playing a joke on others before the parliament
D. Mr. Paradis’s words before the parliament seems to become sortof a joke
7. Of the following statements, which isTRUE according to the passage?
A. Canada’s industry minister never intended to block the proposedtakeover deal.
B. Before this, Canadian Minister of Industry intervened inacquisitions only occasionally.
C. The minister’s decision was wise enough, but its process wasarbitrary and opaque.
D. The deal is good for the Progress company’s shareholders andfor Canada’sindustry.
8. Which of the following is NOT CORRECTabout the “1985 Industry Canada Act”?
A. It gives ministers the power to veto a deal on a variety ofconditions.
B. Previous ministers of industry generally did not use thispower.
C. Minister Paradis explained the reasons of blocking such a dealconvincingly.
D. All of above
9. What is the author’s attitude towardsthe blocking of the proposed takeover deal??
A. Neutral;
B. Negative
C. Positive
D. Sarcastic
10. Which of the following is NOT theadvice offered by the editorial to Canadian government?
A. Shut of Canadafrom other state-controlled foreign companies.
B. Approve Cnooc’s $15bn bid next month.
C. Clarify their policy of not welcoming foreign investment andreassure foreign investors.
D. All of above.
Passage 3
Choosethe best from the following sentences marked A to E to complete the articlebelow. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.
A bad time for Britain to say “auf Wiedersehen”
History records that the then prime minister Margaret Thatcherscoffed at British diplomats’ self-interestedrealism. Waving a map delineating past German expansionism, she embarked on adoomed effort to thwart unification. Francois Mitterrand was enlisted but theFrench president soon changed sides in the face of Helmut Kohl’s resolve. Britain found itself marginalised in Washington, where George H.W. Bush backed Mr. Kohl, and unwelcome in Bonn.
11. __________. This isnot to say they are good. The relationship between Angela Merkel and DavidCameron has turned from lukewarm to distinctly cool. Asked when the two leaderswill next meet, one German official remarks: “What’s the point?”
The eurozone crisis has bred a more assertive Germany —witness its willingness this week to scupper the proposed takeover ofBAE Systems by EADS. 12. __________
The rot set in last December when Mr.Cameron tried to veto deeper economic and political eurozone integration. Hispitch for special privileges and protections for the City of Londonwas viewed in Berlinas an attempt to unpick the essential fabric of the single market—the EU’s cherished “acquis”.
13. __________. What’sthe point of Ms Merkel striking deals in Downing Streetif they are cast aside when he feels a need to play to the eurosceptic gallery?
Germany recently signed up to a British initiative to freeze the EUbudget. Now it finds Mr. Cameron waving a unilateral veto.British ministers are also questioning some of the union’s fundamental pillars,including free movement of people.
14. __________. British disengagement from “core” Europe is inevitable. The government has already said itwill not join a new banking union. Mr. Cameron is now suggesting atwo-tier EU budget so that Westminstercan pay less.
Were Britainplanning to leave the union—and on its present trajectory it isheading in that direction, such complacency might just make sense. But Mr.Cameron insists that EU membership remains vital to the nation’s prosperity.Any serious business leader would agree.
Britain,albeit mostly by choice, is sliding fast into Europe’ssecond division. Whether a new relationship can be made to workwill depend on how many friends it has.
15. __________. The breakdown of the EADS-BAE deal was anotherreminder, if one were needed, that Britain cannot escape theconsequences of decisions taken on the continent. Mr. Cameronhas Chosen the wrong moment to bid auf Wiedersehen to a natural ally.
A. But the real argument with Britainis about Europe.
B. Relations between Britainand Germanyare not as bad now as they were then.
C. The answer at the moment is precious few.
D. Mr.Cameron’s indulgence of hardline Tory eurosceptics has east him as anunreliablepartner.
E. What does it matter if the Germans are cross?
Passage 4
Thefollowing passage has 6 paragraphs NUMBERED 1-6. Choose the correct heading foreach paragraph from the list below. Note there are more headings thanparagraphs, so you will not use them all. Write the correct number A-H on yourANSWER SHEET.
List of Headings
A. Theeffect of government’s intervene remains a doubt
B. Thegovernment took measures to interfere with the market
C. Thegovernment made policies out of the overall economic consideration
D. Thereason for the rise of the stockmarket
E. Howmeddling has helped investors
F. Government adopted ways depends ondifferent situations
G. China’sstockmarket saw red again
H. Stampduty plays an important role in share price
Example   Answer
Paragraph 1  G
16.Paragraph 2 _____
17.Paragraph 3 _____
18.Paragraph 4 _____
19.Paragraph 5 _____
20.Paragraph 6 _____
1. Useful indicator of the febrile state of China’s stockmarkets for much of last year was the crowd that often packed the Shenyin& Wanguo broker in Shanghai’sPeople’s Square watching an electronic bulletin board lit up by the flashes ofrapidly rising share prices. Appropriately in China, rising prices are signaledby the colour red, not black, and on April 24th the crowds were backagain, after an absence of many months, watching a screen that was gloriouslydrenched in the colour of the revolution.
2. The immediate cause of the rally was put down to a minorreduction in a tax on trading, or stamp duty, from 0.3% to 0.1%. But manybelieved the euphoria stemmed more from a belief that the authorities werefinally prepared to prop up share prices. Since the autumn, the benchmark Shanghai-A-shareindex had fallen by half before the tax was changed.
3. It is not the first time the government has meddled with stampduty, but after a relatively long period of official inactivity, it came as awelcome surprise. A rise in the tax last May was intended to temper the animalspirits that were turning brokers like Shenyin &Wanguo into heaving gambling dens. At that point, it worked only briefly, andover the summer the authorities introduced several other cooling measures, suchas limits on foreign investment and curbs on the introduction of new investmentfunds, before the market finally peaked.
4. Recently, these measures have been reversed. New mutual fundsare being approved, and the quota of shares that foreign investors are allowedto buy has risen to $30 billion from $10 billion. Meanwhile, the supply ofshares has been restricted. Large investors in recent public offerings havebeen told that when lock-ups end on selling the shares, blocks of shares mustbe privately sold rather than be dumped onto the market. Secondary offerings bycompanies have been delayed, as have the listings of foreign companies on the Shanghai bourse.
5. It is easy to see why the government may be tempted tointervene. Although the stockmarket’s drop has not been economicallydisastrous, it has undermined the country’s efforts to improve efficiencythrough privatisations. It has also affected the bitof wealth that many poor investors had.
6. Slowly, however, questions are emerging within China aboutwhether the government should be interfering with the markets at all. Caijing, a Beijing-based magazine, hasargued that intervention is antithetical to building an efficient market and,given the forces involved, will ultimately be ineffective. The comment, whichwas hardly radical, provoked a blizzard of news coverage and plenty of angryletters. On the other hand, for many of the unsophisticated and drably dressedpunters in Shenyin & Wanguo, a sense that the government still cares abouttheir lot could not have come too soon.
Part III Writing (30%)
Write areport of 300-350 words in English, comparing and analyzing the US unemploymentrate, GDP and output between June and Dec, 2011. Your writing will beassessed for language, format, structure, content and length. Write your reporton the ANSWER SHEET.

(GDPunit: billion US dollars, Unemployment Rate Unit: percent)
Part I Vocabulary and Grammar (30%)
1.B 目前的这个计划并非如此。as it stands now 是一个常用词组,表示目前现在的情况。当然此题还可以根据句子的语法结构分析出正确的答案,首先可以肯定的排除A项asit stand 肯定是错误的,这里单数第三人称不可能用动词原形,D项也不对,这里没有表示进行时的意思,C项 so 也不合适,因为这里 not…. as… 有比较的意思在里面。
2.C 对于一次1000套或者更多的订单,你能给我8%的优惠吗?discount有“打折,优惠”的意思,常用的搭配有make a discount of, offer sb. adiscount, allow sb. a discount. 注意这里a discount 前面有宾语me, 所以不能用makea discount of,只能用allow me a discount 或者offer me a discount.
3.B 虽然我们很想和您合作,但是贵方的报价超出了我们的承受范围。这里as 作“虽然”解,引导让步状语从句,此时必须将表语或状语或动词原形提到as 前面,即所谓的倒装,所以这里应将表示程度的副词much, 放在as前面,来引导让步状语从句。
4.B 如果样品不能满足汤姆的要求,他不会下大订单。place a order 是“订购;下单;发出订单”的意思。decline to 有“下降,拒绝”的意思,这里作“拒绝”解。
5.C 我们很遗憾的声明:我们的消费者认为你的价格太高了,而且和普遍的市场价比,高的过分。Out of line 表示超出了正常的范围。
6.A 我是政府的会计师,每个部门在各自的预算中总是希望能多要到一些钱。bean counter 有“会计师,善于计算的人”等意思,由后面的Every department is always asking for moremoney in their budgets 可知,他是和政府财政预算有关的,因此只有bean counter 合适。
7.D 此题考查由condition引导的条件状语从句,当后面是从句时一般都用on condition that, 当然depend on 也可表示条件,但depend on 后面只能接名词短语,而不能引导从句。比如depend on your attitude.
8.C 只有当你的订单超过了10000打,我们才会有折扣。这里用no…..unless… 引导条件状语从句,表示当….,且仅当….。
9.B 至于支付方式,我们通常要求保兑的,不可撤消的即期信用证支付。available表示“有效的,可得的;可利用的;空闲的”, susceptible 表示“易受影响的;易感动的;容许…的”,revicable 没有这样的单词,desirable表示“令人满意的;值得要的”。
10.D 如果你不能在十天之内清还你的账务,我们将采取法律手段来追回我们应得的财务。Clear the account,“清还账务”,take a action,“采取措施,来应对某事。”
11.C 约翰说他没有明白我说的话,所以要求我重说一遍。snatch up 表示“夺取,抓起”,summon up 表示“鼓起,唤起;振作”,watch out 是“小心,提防”的意思,catch on 表示“理解,明白,开始流行”。
12.A 在欧洲旅行,一天五美元是远远不够的。这里考查对这几个词的理解。inadequate 表示“不充足的,不适当的”,incapable表示“不能的;无能力的;不能胜任的”,invalid表示“无效的;有病的;残废的”,incompatible表示“不相容的;矛盾的;不能同时成立的”。
13.B 句意为:卫星通讯是如此先进,以至于即使在太平洋上航行,商人们也可以和他们办公室联系,就如同在隔壁一样。本题的关键是辨析四个动词:A)gliding(飞机等)滑翔,滑行;B)cruising航行,游弋,如:a liner cruising around the world(环球航行的轮船);C)piloting驾驶(飞机),为(船舶)引航,驾船;D)patrolling巡逻,巡查。只要清楚这四个动词的意义和区别,即使对这个句子的结构不甚理解,也能根据in the middle of the Pacific这一线索,选出正确的答案B。
14.D 法院认为罚款是惩罚他的一个比较好的方式。这里也是考查对几个词的辨析,option表示“选项;选择权;买卖的特权”,duty表示“责任;[税收]关税;职务”,obligation 是“义务;职责;债务”的意思,penalty 表示“罚款,罚金;处罚”。由后面的punishing可知,这里是对他的处罚,罚金。
15.A 我想去问她真是一个打错,因为她似乎对我的问题很反感。这里也是对几个词的辨析。blunder是“大错,愚蠢的错误”的意思,revenge 是“报复,复仇”的意思,reproach 是“责备,耻辱”的意思,scandal 是“丑闻;流言蜚语;诽谤;公愤”的意思,由后面的她不高兴可知,我不该问这个问题,即我犯了一个大错。
16.B 所有的人都必须遵守政府制定的法律。这里考查的是对几个动词的辨析。obey 表示“服从,听从;按照……行动”,是及物动词,后面直接跟宾语,不需要介词to,conform“符合;遵照;适应环境”,作不及物动词,后面需要介词to, concede 表示“承认;退让;给予,容许”,observe 表示 “观察;遵守;说;注意到;评论”。
17.C 由于这个研究项目的彻底失败,他大概会辞职。presumably “大概;推测起来;可假定”,doubtfully 表示“怀疑地;含糊地”,adequately 是“充分地;足够地;适当地”,reasonably 表示“合理地;相当地;适度地”。
18.C with respect to“关于,对于”,in accord with “与……一致”,regardless of“无论,不考虑,不管”,in terms of “依据,按照”。题目要表达的意思是这样的:我们的目标让每个想读书和有能力(这里是指认知的能力)读书的人都可以享受高等教育,不管其经济状况如何。Higher education 是高等教育,即大学教育。
19.A 上层社会对妇女的社会地位的态度发生了明显的变化,这种变化将对日本现行的法律体系产生影响。permeate意为“渗透,弥漫”;violate意为“侵犯,玷污”;probe意为“探索”,作不及物动词时可与介词into搭配;grope意为“摸索,探索”,可与介词for搭配。
20.D 那些几乎全部依靠农业的地区,矿产资源很稀少,而且工业发展水平较低。exclusively 表示“唯一的,专有的,排外的”,用在这里表示仅仅只依靠农业。
Section Two Identify Stylistic Problems (10 points, 1 point each)
21.A 这句话的意思是说“最终的目标是寻求一个可接受的方案,比如劝他们继续这个合同并且接受已交货的装备。”后面的such as 只是前面的一个分句,来进一步举例说明an acceptable solution 的,所以它不能独立地成为一个句子。若强制使它成为一个句子,就必然会缺少一定的称为,使它成为一个残缺句。
22.B A run-on sentence is a sentence in whichtwo or more independent clauses (that is, complete sentences) are joined withno punctuation or conjunction. run-on sentence流水句;溶合句;不间断句子;缺乏连接词或标点符号的长句。很明显这里Rice called Afghanistan an “important test ofthe credibility of NATO” 和PresidentBarrack Obama made the same claim in late 2009 when he announced his decision 之间缺少一定会的连接词和标点符号。
23.A 很明显farmore integrated and faster-moving than ever before 是缺少一定成分的,因为该句的整个主语是you, 这里既缺主语,又缺谓语。这里的修改方式可以是去掉前面的逗号,然后再加上which is, 使得far more integrated and faster-moving thanever before成为global system 的定语从句。
24.C choppy sentence 是指多个简单,不连贯的句子。它书写起来比较简单,但是表现出的思路是不连贯的。这里的四个非常简单的句子放在一起显得杂乱无章,读起来很不顺畅,这四个句子完全可以改写成一个句子,那就是The other lessons of the pastwhich have been obvious are not learned.
25.A 这里的第三个from前缺少一个并列连接词and,当有三项并列时,第一二个之间要用逗号,第二三之间要用逗号和and.
26.A 一些世界顶尖水资源科学家的研究表明,现在人类从动物类食品中汲取了大约20%的蛋白质,但是到2050年这一数据需要下降到5%,因为到那时我们还需要养活另外的大概20亿人口。这句话语意完整,没有什么明显的语法错误。
27.A 用逗号连接两个不带关联词或连接词的两个独立句子,英语中称之为“comma splice”,很明显这里的The International Monetary Fund is irrelevant to this crisis 和后面的几个句子之间是完全独立,而这里却硬将他们放在一起。
28.A they insidiously stopped supply ships 和前面heavy fines were imposed on anyone directly,deliberately 是两个独立的句子,这里不能直接用逗号把二者连接起来。
29.B 这里是四个简单的句子杂乱无章地排列在一起,这些句子可以用一些连词或从属结构改写成一个句意完整,结构清晰,简洁明了的长句。
30.C 这里的三个分句都是以介词开头,在这里都相当于状语成分,因此该句虽长,却没有主句,因此句子成分残缺。
Part II Reading Comprehension (40%, 2 points each)
1.C 这篇文章主要比较了电子产品的两大巨头,微软公司和苹果公司的新产品。这句话出现在文章第一段,这句话是说这个真理更多地被应验而不是被发现,也就是说这个真理所说的状况在现实中是经常发生的,因此B、D两项错误,而A项中functionswell in all cases 又太绝对,所以只能选C.
2.A 这句话出现在文章第二段末尾。整句话的意思是说尽管windows在全球范围内有超过十亿的用户,但当他们从电脑工程师那里拿到一台新的个人电脑或者为自己买了一台新电脑时,他们启动新的操作系统却发现自己什么都不懂。由此可见A项与此意义最接近。
3.C 这是一道细节题,信息主要集中在倒数第二段。由the market for tablets that can be heldcomfortably in one hand, where Amazon’s Kindle and devices based on Android nowdominate,可知现在小型平板的市场被Kindle 和Android 所掌控,这也是苹果公司发布ipad mini 的原因之一。
4.D 这一题的信息主要集中在第六段,由这一段我们知道十年在微软还是所向披靡,一枝独秀的,但现在像苹果公司这样一些新的企业已经威胁到了它的核心产品和核心竞争力。而在移动操作系统中,苹果和谷歌也是先行者,并且现在商用电脑和个人电脑的区别已越来越小,所有的这些都迫使微软积极地进行新的尝试。
5.A 这是一道细节题,由可以知道But there’s nothing innovative about Apple’s small tablet. It’s justmore of the same. One cannot imagine the late Steve Jobs, Apple’s departed CEO,taking any pride in the thing,可知ipadmini 并没有什么创新,因此乔布斯是不会对它的发布而感到满意的。
6.D 加拿大的这位能源部长虽然口头上说欢迎外国投资,但他扬言要block the $5.3bn takeover 却似乎与他的所说的不一致,而这也引起了人们的普遍担心。与它的行为一比较,就发现他在国会面前的讲话似乎成为了一个笑话。
7.D 这是一道细节题,由第二段中的The decision was misguided, threatening a deal that is good forProgress shareholders and for Canada’s industry 可知这笔交易既对Progress shareholders 有利,也有利于Canada’s industry。
8.C 这也是一道细节题,信息主要集中在第五、六段。由and said that because of the confidentialityprovisions of the act, he could not explain why he had done so,可知,他并没有解释这样做的原因,这也就引起了更大的怀疑和争议。
9.B 这一题考查的是作者对此事的情感态度,Mr. Paradis has thrown that assumption into doubt,he is shutting Canada off from the risingpowers in global energy, from China, Russia, and the Middle East,it will be understandable if investorsbelieve their money is no longer welcome in Canada等可以看出,作者是不支持这一政策的。
10.A 由Hisruling next month on Cnooc of China’s $15bn bid for Calgary-based Nexen hastaken on added significance,可知B项正确,由文章最后一句话可知C项也正确,而Shut of Canada from other state-controlled foreign companies 正是作者所担心和不愿发生的,所以A项不是他的建议。
11.B 这篇文章主要讲的是英国和欧盟,特别是德国之间的关系。文章第一段讲了历史上英国时任首相撒切尔夫人就非常地不好,第二段接着讲两国现在的关系也从微温走向了冷淡,由此可见两国现在的关系要比那时候好一点。再由第二段的第二句话This is not to say they are good,可以确定这里应填B项。
12.A 这一空的前面讲到德国阻碍了英国宇航系统公司BAE Systems 与欧洲宇航防务集团的合并,而下一段又讲到了英国在涉及欧盟问题时与德国的一些分歧,由此可见德国的这次干预只是小事一桩,而它与英国的真正矛盾是在欧盟问题上。因此这里应该选择A项,因为后面紧接着就谈的是两国在涉及欧洲问题上的矛盾。
13.D 由前一段的Nowit finds Mr. Cameron waving a unilateral veto可见这里依然是讲英国和卡梅伦的,而所给的五个句子中只有D 项是关于卡梅伦的,并且其意义与上下文正好一致。
14.E 由后面Mr. Cameron提出的建议建立一个双重的欧盟预算,可以推测出这里提出了一个新的问题。
15.C 这一空的前面作者提出了一个问题Whether a new relationship can be made to work will depend on how manyfriends it has. 很明显这里需要对how many 这一问题进行回答,在所给的五个句子中,有且只有C项是对howmany 这一问题的回答。
16.D 这一段主要讲的是股票上涨的原因,第一个直接原因是交易税和印花税的降低,第二个精神方面的原因是因为人们相信政府已经转备好来提振股市,所以股民们逐渐恢复了信心。由the immediate cause, 以及stemmed more from 等关键词可以看出这里主要讲的是股票上涨的原因。
17.B 这一段主要讲的是政府的一些其他干预措施,由It is not the first time, A rise in the taxlast May, the authorities introduced several other cooling measures 等可以看出the government took measures to interferewith the market。
18.F 由Recently,these measures have been reversed以及后面讲到的一些新措施可以看出,经济形势改变后,国家又立即出台了一些新的政策。由此可以看出政府是根据不同的经济形势来采取不同的应对措施,即F项所表达的含义。
19.C 这一段主要讲的是政府采取相关措施来干预股市的原因。政府之所以干预是因为它损害了国家通过私营化来提高效率的进程,也损害了许多投资者的财产和收益。由此可见,政府是基于整个宏观经济的考虑来制定相应的经济政策的。
20.A 这一段讲的是人们对于政府干预股票市场的争议和质疑,首先北京的一家财经杂志认为政府干预不利于创建一个构建高效的股票市场,另一方面也有人认为政府对股票市场的干预是对他们的关心。这也从侧面反映了政府干预的效应仍是一个未知数。所以A项符合。
Part III Writing (30%)
The Relationship Between the US UnemploymentRate and Output
This chart offers us an overallview of the US economy whichhas undergone dramatical ups and downs during the great crisis which originatedexactly from the United States.Before the crisis, the unemployment rate is just about 4%, and the outputreaches about 100 billion US dollars, which turns out tobe very promising and exciting.
However, thispromising situation changes quickly when a huge catastrophe sweeps the wholecontinent. From 2008, the output of the US decreases dramatically, on thecontrary, the unemployment rate climbs at an alarming rate. In 2009, the outputgets down to its lowest point while the unemployment rate reaches the highestrecord which turns out to be a totally disaster for both the America and theworld. Besides these obvious figures, we can also get the deeper notion thatthere is a reverse relationship between the output and the unemployment rate. Tobe more specific, the unemployment rate increases as the output decreases.
Thanks to the recoveryefforts spared by the USgovernment and US people, the economic situation has taken a turn for thebetter since the end of 2009. In 2011, the economy continues to improve sincethe output increases steadily and the unemployment rate enjoys a continuousdeclination. In the end of 2011, the output outstrips the one before thefinancial crisis, reaching at 102 billion US dollars. At the same time,the unemployment rate gets to its lowest point after the crisis, lingeringaround 8%. All these figures indicate that the US economy has regained itsvitality and growth momentum from this disastrous crisis which has beenrepeatedly compared to the Great Depression during the 1930s.
Although the output orthe GDP has exceeded the pre-crisis one, the unemployment rate still remainshigh. Also from this chart, we can easily figure that the recovery of theemployment is relatively slower than the recovery of the output, as aconsequent, the unemployment problem is still an urgent issue hanging over the US government.

the, D., C., A.
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