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Part I Vocabulary (20%)
1. A child hears hismother tongue spoken from morning till night in its ______ form.
A. correct
B. accurate
C. genuine
D. perfect
2. The first fewmonths of the year I had dreaded the ringing of the telephone, because I knewit meant another ______ decision to be made.
A. critical
B. plentiful
C. decent
D. massive
3. In protest, blacksand ______ whites sat at the counters of these restaurants and refused to moveuntil they were served.
A. sensible
B. indifferent
C. influential
D. sympathetic
4. The brain drain ofexperts away from developing countries will greatly influence these countries’development of ______ industry.
A. complicated
B. sophisticated
C. primitive
D. collective
5. ______ in theirisland community, the various tribes used languages which became more and moresimilar to each other’s.
A. Managed
B. Shrunk
C. Assumed
D. Isolated
6. If full credit weregiven to this part, it could ______ a high grade for the student in hisphysical course.
A. belong to
B. be due to
C. be subject to
D. contribute to
7. The teacher wrote abrief comment in the ______ to show the student why it is wrong.
A. manual
B. margin
C. edge
D. verge
8. The structure ofthis animal’s brain gives no ______ that it is any more intelligent thanothers.
A. indication
B. index
C. hint
D. implication
9. While others sat athome studying papers on the subject, Jefferson got into a boat and made ______ observations.
A. of-the-spot
B. in-the-spot
C. on-the-spot
D. at-the-spot
10. Can you explainthis ______ of ten years in your job history which you have not accounted for?
A. interruption
B. gap
C. split
D. paring
11. Mrs. Thompson gaveus a ______ account of what had happened; that’s why we no longer believe inthe sincerity of her utterance.
A. curved
B. distorted
C. twisted
D. tangled
12. The headlights ofthe approaching car were so ______ that the cyclist had to stop riding.
A. gleaming
B. staring
C. glaring
D. dazzling
13. Some cultures havecustoms that ______ the clothing fashions of people in certain social classes.
A. modify
B. alter
C. regulate
D. revise
14. The ______ beauty ofthe mountain has made it a world-famous resort. Every year numerous touristsfrom home and abroad come to visit it.
A. perpetual
B. perplexed
C. preserved
D. perished
15. The kitchen wassmall and ______ so that the disabled woman could reach everything withoutdifficulty.
A. complex
B. complete
C. compact
D. composite
16. With the ______ ofaluminum, shiny metals such as tin or copper turns into black powders whenground fine.
A. reception
B. deception
C. exception
D. perception
17. Californians andNew Englanders speak the same language and ______ by the same federal laws.
A. conform
B. abide
C. sustain
D. comply
18. Ideas ______ fromone’s own experience are sometimes more valuable than those from books.
A. derived
B. deprived
C. retreated
D. restored
19. If you want to______ a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible about the manners andcustoms of your host country.
A. secure
B. insure
C. assure
D. ensure
20. For 50 years theywere able to produce and sell their goods more cheaply than other countries andthis gave them a ______ advantage in world trade.
A. considerable
B. concrete
C. considerate
D. conventional
21. Because of themassive oil spillage in the gulf, both the plant and animal lives in the areaare in ______.
A. destiny
B. amenity
C. jeopardy
D. tragedy
22. They ignored him,despite his repeated ______ that he was not on the scene of murder thatevening.
A. assumptions
B. suppositions
C. affirmations
D. confirmations
23. The lease is______ in saying that the rent must be paid in dollars by the 20thof every month.
A. explicit
B. implicit
C. conspicuous
D. distinctive
24. He was in extremestate of distress and depression when he knew that he had ______ lung cancer.
A. extracted
B. contracted
C. abstracted
D. attracted
25. The relationshipbetween technology and development is complicated. At times the negativefeatures of technology seem to ______ the positive ones.
A. withdraw
B. discharge
C. maximize
D. outweigh
26. Do you know thefact that broad beans contain ______ that must be destroyed by cooking them athigh temperature before eating them?
A. flake
B. aroma
C. ether
D. toxin
27. The doctorinformed his patient that the drug was very ______ and can have unpleasantside-effects.
A. potent
B. efficient
C. intricate
D. fragile
28. The poisonproduced by the spider’s skin is so ______ that it will paralyze a bird or amonkey immediately.
A. lethal
B. liable
C. tedious
D. profound
29. Over-cultivationand a long period of soil erosion has reduced the ______ of much of thecounty’s farmland.
A. sufficiency
B. fertility
C. prosperity
D. mobility
30. Owing to an______ lack of lower-income housing, the municipal government is embarrassed bythe impressing housing issue.
A. alien
B. obscure
C. acute
D. elaborate
31. Away from theirprofession, scientists are inherently no more honest or ethical than otherpeople. But in their profession they work in an arena that puts a high ______ onhonesty.
A. conviction
B. inference
C. caution
D. premium
32. She criticized mywriting but in a way that was very ______ I learned a lot from her.
A. autonomous
B. constructive
C. fundamental
D. elementary
33. You know yourselfbetter than anyone else; do not undertake that project unless you can ______ it.
A. complement
B. compliment
C. implement
D. supplement
34. The twopharmaceutical companies collaborated in developing new drugs to ______ thepain of patients in the terminal stages of cancer.
A. alleviate
B. confront
C. insatiate
D. terminate
35. Anesthetics aresubstances ______ to deaden pain or produce a condition in which some or all ofthe senses, especially touch, stop functioning or are reduced.
A. diverted
B. enforced
C. exercised
D. administered
36. Some people wantto make as much money as they can because they believe that money can bringthem fame and ______.
A. directory
B. morality
C. prestige
D. monopoly
37. Shebought a house near the sea last year so she could take a ______ along the beachwhenever she wanted to.
A. stroll
B. stride
C. stretch
D. strand
38. The color andsmell of water in these rivers ______ itself how serious the pollution is butmany people are still ignoring the fact.
A. illustrates
B. demonstrates
C. manifests
D. exemplifies
39. When she learnedthat she broke the world record, she felt an irresistible ______ to cry at thewinner’s stand.
A. courtesy
B. routine
C. bravery
D. impulse
40. To some people,the greatest pleasure of life is to spend their time at home watching TV and______ their pets.
A. stroking
B. desiring
C. modeling
D. flattering
Part II Reading Comprehension (30%)
Passage 1
 How many things can you see in the nightsky? A lot! On a clear night you might see the Moon, some planets, andthousands of sparkling stars.
 You can see even more with a telescope.You might see stars where before you only saw dark space. You might see thatmany stars look larger than others. You might see that some stars that lookwhite are really red or blue. With bigger and bigger telescopes you can seemore and more objects in the sky. And you can see those objects in more andmore detail.
 But scientists believe there are somethings in the sky that we will never see. We won’t see them with the biggesttelescope in the world, on the clearest night of the year. That’s becausethey’re invisible. They’re the mysterious dead stars called black holes.
 You might find it hard to imagine that stars die. After all, our Sun isa star. Year after year we see it up in the sky, burning brightly, giving usheat and light. The Sun certainly doesn’t seem to be getting old or weak. But starsdo burn out and die after billions of years.
 As a star’s gases burn, they give offlight and heat. But when the gas runs out, the star stops burning and begins todie.
 As the star cools, the outer layers ofthe star pull in toward the center. The star squashes into a smaller andsmaller ball. If the star was very small, the star ends up as a cold, dark ballcalled a black dwarf. If the star was very big, it keeps squashing inward untilit’s packed together tighter than anything in the universe.
  Imagine if the Earth werecrushed until it was the size of a tiny marble. That’s how tightly this deadstar, a black hole, is packed. What pulls the star in toward its center withsuch power? It’s the same force that pulls you down when you jump—the forcecalled gravity. A black hole is so tightly packed that its gravity sucks ineverything—even light. The light from a black hole can never come back to youreyes. That’s why you see nothing but blackness.
 So the next time you stare up at thenight sky, remember: there’s more in the sky than meets the eye! Scattered inthe silent darkness are black holes—the great mystery of space.
41. According to thearticle, what causes a star to die?
A. As its gases run out, it coolsdown.
B. It collides with other stars.
C. It can only live for about amillion years.
D. As it gets hotter and hotter,it explodes.
42. Which of thefollowing statements is NOT a fact?
A. Black holes are dead stars.
B. Black holes have gravity.
C. Black holes are invisible.
D. There is nothing as mysteriousas a black hole.
43. What happens AFTERa star dies?
A. It becomes invisible.
B. It falls to Earth.
C. It burns up all of its gases.
D. It becomes brighter and easierto see.
44. Why can’t you seelight when you look at a black hole?
A. Because most black holes are sofar away.
B. Because the gravity of a blackhole is so strong that it sucks the light inward.
C. Because as the star’s gasesburn, it stops giving off heat and light.
D. Because as a star cools, itsouter layers pull in toward its center.
45. What is the mainidea of the article?
A. The future of our Sun billionsof years from now.
B. The difference between our Sunand a dead star.
C. The mystery of black holes inthe universe.
D. The sparkling and dying starsin the sky.
Passage 2
  By far the most commondifficulty in study is simple failure to get down to regular concentrated work.This difficulty is much greater for those who do not work to a plan and have noregular routine of study. Many students muddle along, doing a bit of thissubject or that, as the mood takes them, or letting their set work pile upuntil the last possible moment.
  Few students work to a settimetable. They say that if they did construct a timetable for themselves theywould not keep to it, or would have to alter it constantly, since they cannever predict from one day to the next what their activities will be.
  There are many who stay awayfrom the self-regimentation of a weekly timetable, and dislike being tied downto a definite program of work. Many able students claim that they work incycles. When they become interested in a topic they work on it intensively forthree or four days at a time. On other days they avoid work completely. It hasto be confessed that we do not fully understand the complexities of themotivation to work. Most people over 25 years of age have become conditioned toa work routine, and the majority of really productive workers set aside regularhours for the more important aspects of their work. The “tough-minded” schoolof workers is usually very contemptuous of the idea that good work can only bedone spontaneously, under the influence of inspiration.
  Those who believe that theyneed only work and study as the fit takes them have a mistaken beliefeither in their own talent or in the value of “freedom”. Freedom from restraintand discipline leads to unhappiness rather than to “self-expression” or“personality development”. Our society insists on regular habits, timekeepingand punctuality, and whether we like it or not, if we mean to make our way insociety we have to comply with its demands.
46. The mostwidespread problem in applying oneself to study is that of ______.
A. the failure to keep to aroutine of methodical and intensive work
B. changing from one subject toanother
C. unwillingness to follow asystematic plan
D. applying oneself to a subjectonly when one feels inclined
47. According to thepassage, there are many students who ______.
A. do not like being commanded tostudy according to a weekly timetable
B. are too timid to accustomthemselves to a weekly timetable
C. refuse to exert themselves thewhole week as if under military discipline
D. shrink from the self-disciplinerequired for working to a weekly plan
48. Those workers withstrict views on work ______.
A. are very critical of the belief that goodwork can be a natural product of instinct
B. reject the idea that good work is secondnature to man
C. do not regard as serious the opinion thatgood work can be done at any time regardless of inspiration
D. despise the idea that work can be donewell only when free from external pressure and prompted by internal stimulus
49. In Paragraph 4 “asthe fit takes them” means ______.
A. when they have the energy
B. when they are in the mood
C. when they find conditionssuitable
D. when they feel fit
50. A suitable titlefor this passage might be ______.
A. Attitudes to Study
B. Study Plans
C. Study and Self-discipline
D. The Difficulties of Studying
Passage 3
  Every year thousands ofpeople are arrested and taken to court for shop-lifting. In Britain alone,about HK $3,000,000’sworth of goods are stolen from shops every week. As a result of this“shrinkage” as the shops call it, the honest public has to pay higher prices.
  Shop-lifters can be dividedinto three main categories: the professionals, the deliberate amateurs, and thepeople who just can’t help themselves. The professionals do not pose much of aproblem for the store detectives, who, assisted by closed circuit televisionand various other technological devices, can usually cope with them. Theprofessionals tend to go for high value goods in parts of the shops wheresecurity measures are tightest. And, in any case, they account for only a smallpercentage of the total losses due to shop-lifting.
  The same applies to thedeliberate amateur who is, so to speak, a professional in training. Most ofthem get caught sooner or later, and they are dealt with severely by thecourts.
  The real problem is theperson who gives way to a sudden temptation and is in all other respects anhonest and law-abiding citizen. Contrary to what one would expect, this kind ofshop-lifter is rarely poor. He does not steal because he needs the goods andcannot afford to pay for them. He steals because he simply cannot stop himself.And there are countless others who, because of age, sickness or plainabsent-mindedness, simply forget to pay for what they take from the shops.
  In order to prevent thegrowth in shop-lifting offences, some stores, in fact, are doing their best toseparate the thieves from the confused by prohibiting customers from takingbags into the store. However, what is most worrying about the whole problem isthat it is yet another instance of the innocent majority being penalized andinconvenienced because of the actions of a small minority. It is the aircrafthijack situation in another form. Because of the possibility of one passengerin a million boarding an aircraft with a weapon, the other 999,999 passengersmuch subject themselves to searches and delays. Unless the situation in theshops improves, in ten years’ time we may all have to subject ourselves to abody-search every time we go into a store to buy a tin of beans!
51. Why does thehonest public have to pay higher prices when they go to the shops?
A. There is a “shrinkage” inmarket values.
B. Many goods are not available.
C. Goods in many shops lackvariety.
D. There are many cases ofshop-lifting.
52. The third group ofpeople steal things because they ______.
A. are mentally ill
B. are quite absent-minded
C. can not resist the temptation
D. can not afford to pay for thegoods
53. According to thepassage, law-abiding citizens ______.
A. can possibly steal thingsbecause of their poverty
B. can possibly take away goodswithout paying
C. have never stolen goods fromthe supermarkets
D. are difficult to be caught whenthey steal things
54. Which of thefollowing is NOT true about the main types of shop-lilting?
A. A big percentage of the totallosses are caused by the professional.
B. The deliberate amateurs will bepunished severely if they get caught.
C. People would expect that thosewho can’t help themselves from stealing are poor.
D. The professionals don’t cause alot of trouble to the store detectives.
55. The aircrafthijack situation is used in order to show that ______.
A. “the professionals do not posemuch of a problem for the stores”
B. some people “simply forget topay for what they take from the shops”
C. “the honest public has to payhigher prices”
D. the third type of shop-liftersare dangerous people
Passage 4
  There are three generalmethods people use to explain and understand their world: beliefs,pseudoscience, and science.
  What are beliefs? Well,simply put, beliefs are what you believe to be true. In this first method ofinterpreting man and the world, certain people proved the information about howthe world works. Their teachings are beyond question. Their followers acceptthese beliefs because they want to accept them, not because of scientificevidence. Some examples are religions, such as Christianity. Christians believein one God, who created the universe and all that is in it. They believe thatthis God is active in history, guiding and teaching His people. Like manyreligions, Christianity provides a number of specific moral rules andprinciples that make up an important part of its teachings. Superstitions, suchas Fung Shui, are also commonexamples of beliefs.
  Pseudoscience, also calledfake science, is any body of knowledge, methodology, belief, or practice thatclaims to be scientific or is made to appear scientific, but is actually not.In pseudoscience, people accept opinions as facts, or choose to believe certainfacts while intentionally ignoring others, resulting in a false understanding ofthings and events. Beliefs in magic, monsters, and ghosts fall into thiscategory. Both Chinese Qigong andIndian Yoga are very good physical exercises that can help their practitionerskeep fit, but when some people try to persuade others to believe that either Qigong or Yoga have some magical power,they are turning Qigong or Yoga intopseudoscience. Many people follow pseudoscience because belief in magic ormysterious powers is entertaining. Astrology has millions of followersall around the world, not because it helps them deal with the world in anybetter way, only because it is just fun.
  Of the three methods, onlyscience provides a rational way of understanding the world. It does not providea moral system as religion does, and it may not always be as entertaining aspseudoscience sometimes is, but it is the only method that requires constanttesting of facts, beliefs and ideas, resulting in changing theories as we getnew information. Science teaches us to draw conclusions based on evidence, andit also teaches us that some evidence is stronger than other evidence, and howto judge the evidence. Through our study of science, we learn to acceptuncertainty, to question facts and theories, and to search constantly fortruth.
  Most of us use all threemethods in different proportions to view our world. Some scientists believe intheories without supporting evidence. And the scientific method is often usedfor unscientific purposes. But science is the only method that is constantlychanging. It does not depend on the teaching of one man. Each scientist buildson the work of others and his findings, in turn, are used by others to increaseour knowledge of the world.
56. Which of thefollowing would be a good title of the passage?
A. Science and Pseudoscience
B. Religion trod Science
C. Science, Pseudoscience andReligion
D. Different Ways of Viewing theWorld
57. Which of the followingis true?
A. No beliefs are supported byscientific evidence.
B. Pseudoscience always leads to afalse understanding of things or events.
C. Science never questions facts.
D. Scientists accept nothing withoutscientific evidence.
58. Which of thefollowing is NOT true about science?
A. Science accepts uncertainty.
B. Science does not push people tofollow any specific set of moral rules.
C. Science teaches us to weigh differentevidence.
D. Science urges us not to accept anybeliefs or ideas.
59. Which of thefollowing is TRUE about Pseudoscience?
A. Qigong is pseudoscience.
B. Pseudoscience provides nosupporting evidence.
C. Pseudoscience can be entertaining.
D. Pseudoscience has nothing to dowith beliefs.
60. The word “astrology”(paragraph 3) most probably refers to ______.
A. study of the position of starsin the belief that they influence human affairs
B. a set of methods used in doingthings efficiently in our life
C. central data processing unit ofa computer popularly used today
D. scientific study of the earth’scrust, rocks, etc, and of the history of its development
Passage 5
  When most people think aboutchanging their body shape, they usually focus on just losing weight. Books andmagazines about dieting are among the most popular in the world. Dieting is animportant part of staying fit and healthy, but losing weight by means ofdieting takes time; losing weight too fast can cause great health problems.Dieting means change one’s eating habits to a healthier pattern, but many womenmistake the concept of dieting and think that the less one eats, the better. Asa result, they lose health as well as weight.
  Aerobic exercise is amoderate intensity workout that, over a certain period of time, will improvethe body’s use of oxygen. Nowadays, aerobic exercise has become a very trendyworkout among youths. Not only is performing aerobic exercise interesting, butit is also very beneficial for health. There are different types of aerobicslike jogging, swimming, kickboxing, fitness walking, inline skating, bicycling,etc. Aerobics strengthens the heart and lungs. It is also especially popularwith women.
  But neither of these twomethod, dieting and aerobics, can help shape the body. To do this, you need tobuild muscle. So, if a firmer and shapelier body is your goal, 60 percent ofyour exercise routine should involve strengthening moves, and only 30 percentshould be aerobic exercises.
  For a proper body-shapingroutine, you should plan three strength-training sessions a week with weights.Use weights which are as heavy as possible while still allowing you to do 8 to12 reps of each exercise. Do one to three exercises for each muscle groups—forexample, chest and biceps, or back, shoulders and triceps.
  You should combine this withfast-paced aerobics activities, like swimming, cycling, walking, running, orin-line skating. Plan three to four workouts a week, 15 to 20 minutes each,increasing the pace each week.
  As you build muscle, you mayfind that you gain weight in spite of all of your calorie-burning exercise.Don’t worry. It’s probably muscle, which is denser than fat. And muscle is alsoa calorie-burning tissue. With more muscle, you can burn more calories, evenwhen you are not exercising.
  When you are trying to buildmuscle, you need two to three servings of protein a day, but the main part ofyour diet should be carbohydrates. And in order to get the energy you need fora high-intensity workout, you should eat something, especially carbohydrates,an hour or so before your workout.
  While weight training willfirm and shape your body, it has other benefits too. It improves bone and musclestrength and burns calories, leading to improved health and a higher quality oflife.
61. Which of thefollowing is NOT true about dieting?
A. Dieting is about changing one’seating habits.
B. Dieting does not necessarilymean eating less.
C. Dieting does not necessarilymean losing weight.
D. Losing weight is bound to causegreat health problems.
62. “Workouts” includeall the following except ______.
A. bicycling
B. dieting
C. weight training
D. aerobic exercise
63. Which of thefollowing is NOT one of the suggestions given in the passage?
A. Exercise should be done foreach major group of muscles.
B. When you do weight-training,the weights you use should be as heavy as possible.
C. Go on a proper diet formuscle-building.
D. Muscle-building exercise shouldbe combined with aerobic activities.
64. Which of thefollowing is NOT true?
A. Muscle-building exerciseresults in weight-gaining, but that is not a problem to worry about.
B. Muscle helps one keep fit.
C. Improved muscle strength canlead to a higher quality of life.
D. Weight-training helps shape upyour body.
65. What’s theultimate purpose of strength-training with weights?
A. To increase the pace of youraerobic exercise.
B. To burn more calories and loseweight.
C. To build muscle and lose weight.
D. To shape your body and makeyour life more enjoyable.
Passage 6
  In New Orleans, Moon Walk—a pathway along a stretch of the Mississippi—now providesthe public access that had previously been denied. It’s a charming place, whereone night recently a band played on the walk as tourists and residents of theadjacent Vieux Carre (the Old Quarter or French Quarter) strolled past. A fewfeet west, the paddlewheeler Natchez soundedits whistle, signaling its imminent departure.
  Now the city plans to extendpublic access to the area adjoining Moon Walk in an ambitious design that will,the city hopes, be a part of its development for the next world’s fair. Thismore ambitious concept for the waterfront will be likely to stir considerabledebate as competing projects vie for theopportunities for profit. The development will therefore require substantialparticipation, cooperation and scrutiny by citizens to make sure that whileprivate profitability is maintained, the public’s needs are satisfied, too.
The joint efforts of environmentalists,business-people, civic leaders and politicians have transformed abandoned portlandscapes in cities throughout America into exciting commercial andrecreational centers. Examples are the Cannery in San Francisco, the Riverfront Walk in San Antonio,Faneuil Hall Market in Boston and Harborplace inBaltimore.
  It’s easy to understand whythe port areas were neglected. While many cities were growing up along rivers,lakes and natural harbors, depending on water-borne commerce, waterfrontsthrived. After World War Ⅱ,however, technological changes in transportation—improved planes and airports,the interstate highway system, larger tracks for freight trains andcontainerized shipping—made many old port facilities obsolete. Waterfront areasbecame peripheral to the life of the city. Piers were abandoned, and thewaterfronts lay idle in many older cities, paralleling the more general urbandecay.
  With the 1970’s came a period of reflection on thiscondition and a resurgence of urban pride. Urban renewal stopped being alicense for large-scale demolition; politicians and planners took a hard lookat their available resources and began to experiment with new developmenttechniques. Waterfronts became one focus of the large urban, revitalizationeffort.
66. The overallimpression of Moon Walk conveyed in the first paragraph is that it is ______.
A. crowded
B. noisy
C. large
D. pleasant
67. As used in thepassage, the word “vie” (Para.2, Line 3) most nearly means ______.
A. ask
B. compete
C. prepare
D. provide
68. The author impliesthat successful renewal of a waterfront area requires that ______.
A. both public and privateinterests be considered
B. designs like that of Moon Walkbe used
C. technological changes in transportationbe made
D. historical monuments bepreserved
69. Between World War Ⅱ and the 1970’s, waterfronts became ______.
A. centers for water-bornecommerce
B. commercial and recreationalcenters
C. sites of urban decay
D. the focus of revitalization efforts
70. The primarypurpose of this passage is to describe ______.
A. the renewal of waterfront areas
B. Moon Walk in New Orleans
C. the causes of urban decay
D. business expansion of urbanareas
Part III Cloze (25%)
Section A (10%)
  Big cities today areconfronted with very serious problems. Transport is a  71 difficulty: some planners believe in  72 transport system; others believe inmaking it possible for citizens to move  73 in private cars. There areseveral ways of  74 a public transport system.Sometimes it is built under the ground, sometimes it is on the  75 and sometimes it is even above groundlevel,  76 in parts of New York and Tokyo,for example. In most cases, of course, it is a  77 of some or all of these elements.
  The  78 of the city centers has also been aproblem in the last 30 years. The hearts of many cities have become poorer andpoorer,  79 more and more crime and violence,  80 the people who can afford to have movedout to the  81 , This is the opposite of thesituation 100 years ago,  82 wealthy people lived in the center, andthe poor lived  83 the outskirts of the city.
  Ecological problems also  84 , as factories and cars pollute theair, trees are cut down to make  85 for urban clearways, and crowdedconditions cause garbage to  86 in the streets.
  In order to solve theseproblems, some planners believe we should limit the size of our cities, perhapsby restricting population, or perhaps by offering  87 jobs in the provinces. Others believethat cities cannot be limited in size and that the problems must be solved in a 88 of ways—by creating green areas, building 89 houses for everybody, stopping factorypollution,  90 motor transport, and so on.
71. A. minor B.major  C.little D.small
72. A. mass  B.mess  C.massy  D.messy
73. A. outside  B.through  C.across  D.about
74. A. setting up  B.making up  C.taking up D.building up
75. A. field  C.surface D.soil
76. A. like  C.same  D.similar
77. A. cooperation B.imitation C.separation D.combination
78. A. decrease B.decline C.reduction D.release
79. A. or  B.being  C.with D.against
80. A. while B.though C.because D.even
81. A. suburbs  B.downtowns  C.countrysides D.rurals
82. A. where B.what  C.when  D.why
83. A. on
84. A. arise  B.rise C.arouse D.raise
85. A. place  B.path C.road D.way
86. A. compose B.present C.accumulate  D.dispose
87. A. potential B.attractive C.competitive
88. A. various  B.variable  C.variety D.varying
89. A. decent B.fundamental C.delicate D.eternal
90. A. developing B.forbidding  C.reforming D.eliminating
Section B (15 %)
  democracy overcome modern  place   anticipate
  imagination  online  regular   perform  access
  different offer  make  big   revolutionize
  flexibility traditional   possess   motivate   difficult

  Learning shouldn’t belimited to a campus or a classroom anymore. If you have two children and a job,you’re just not going to  1 it to a college classroom three nights aweek. And then there’s the issue of cost. If you don’t have the money to go toa  2 college, does that mean that youshouldn’t receive an education? Of course not. You should have a shot at thegood life, just like anybody else.
  The Internet has brought  3 to education. A bachelor’s degree or amaster’s degree is now available to anybody, anywhere, regardless of a person’sposition in life. Thanks to the Internet, education is accessible withoutregard to  4 , You can work toward a bachelor’sdegree while serving your country on a submarine. And it’s accessible withoutregard to time: You can take courses after your shift ends, even if that’s at 2am.
  What’s the  5 obstacle to online learning? It isn’ttechnology. Companies are spending billions of dollars globally to build anonline-learning infrastructure that includes undersea cables. And competitionamong providers is driving price down. The real bottleneck is cultural. Whatneeds to be  6 is resistance to the idea of onlinelearning.
  The accreditation of Jones International University in March 1999was a shot heard around the world. Nobody  7 that a totally online university could becomeaccredited, That event has put real pressure on traditional institutions tomove into the Third Wave.
  Innovative instructors atinstitutions worldwide are discovering the potential of the  8 environment to deliver instruction of thehighest quality to people who would otherwise have limited  9 to higher education. This is an excitingand challenging time in education.
Simply defined, online education refers tocourses  10 via the Internet. The minimum requirementfor students to participate in an online course is access to a computer, theInternet, and  11 to succeed in a nontraditional classroom.Online learning systems have  12 the way people can take classes. Unliketraditional courses in which the students and instructor meet face-to-face onceor several times a week, most of the learning activities and communication inan online course are asynchronous, meaning that class members participate inand complete their assignments at  13 times throughout the day and week. This arrangementcan make it possible for you to do your class work when it’s most convenientfor you. However, with this increased freedom and  14 comes responsibility. Without thestructure of  15 class meeting, it will be up to you topace yourself and keep up with assignments.
Part IV Writing (25%)
It is found that many studentstoday simply “cut and paste” information from the Internet when they do theirassignments. What can be done to stop this? Please write an essay of about 300words on this issue. You should also give your essay a proper title on thebasis of your suggestion(s). Write the essay on the Answer Sheet (2) only.
Part I Vocabulary (20%)
1.C 句意:儿童从早到晚都在听人们说着正宗地道的母语。genuine真正的,地道的。correct正确的。accurate准确的,精确的。perfect完美的,理想的。
2.A 句意:那年的前几个月我一直害怕电话铃声的响起,因为我知道那意味着又一个重大的决定要出台了。critical至关重要的,生死攸关的。plentiful大量的,丰富的。decent得体的,相当好的。massive笨重的,大规模的。
3.D 句意:黑人和同情黑人的白人坐在那些餐馆的柜台前以示抗议,餐馆不提供服务他们就不走。sympathetic有同情心的,支持的。sensible理智的,明智的。indifferent漠不关心的,中立的。influential有权势的,有影响的。
4.B 句意:发展中国家的专家型人才外流将会极大地影响他们尖端工业的发展。sophisticated industry尖端工业。complicated复杂的,难懂的。primitive原始的,简单的。collective集体的,共同的。
5.D 句意:孤立在他们的海岛社区里,不同部落之间使用的语言演变的越来越相似。isolate使孤立,使分离。manage处理,支配,指导。shrink退缩,萎缩。assume假定,设想,承担。
6.D 句意:如果给这部分满分会有助于这个学生在他的物理课中得高分。contribute to是…的部分原因,促成,有助于。belong to是…的组成部分,与…有关。be due to由于,因为。be subject to服从(以…为条件,须经,易受)。
7.B 句意:老师在页边空白处写了个简短的注释来告诉学生为什么那儿错了。margin书页边的空白,栏外,页边。manual手册,袖珍本,指南。edge边沿,棱,边线。verge边缘,界线。
8.A 句意:这种动物的大脑结构并未显示出它们比其他动物更聪明。indication指示,表示,迹象。index索引,指数。hint线索,暗示。implication暗指,暗示。
9.C 句意:当别人坐在家中研究关于这个话题的资料时,杰斐逊乘船去现场亲自观察。on-the-spot现场的。
10.B 句意:在你的工作经历中有一个十年的空白你没有说明原因,对此你能解释一下吗?gap(空间、时间的)中断,间歇,间断。interruption打断,中断,干扰。split裂口,不和,破裂。paring削皮,削下的皮。
11.B 句意:汤普森太太没有把事情的真相告诉我们;这就是为什么我们再也不相信她说的话了。distorted被歪曲的,经篡改的,假的。curved弯曲的,曲线形的。twisted歪曲的,邪恶的,变态的。tangled纠缠的,紊乱的,复杂的。
12.D 句意:迎面驶来的车的前灯如此刺眼以至于骑自行车的人不得不停下来。dazzling(强光或闪光等)耀(眼)的,刺(目)的。glaring闪耀的,炫目的,瞪视的。gleaming闪烁的,隐约地出现的。staring目不转睛的,显眼的。
13.C 句意:有些文化有规定某些特定阶级的人们的服饰的习俗。regulate使规律化,调节,调整。modify修改,改造,缓和。alter改动,复原。revise校订,修改,温习。
14.A 句意:四季不断的美景使这座山成为一个世界闻名的旅游胜地。每年都有无数的国内外游客来此游玩。perpetual永恒的,四季花开的,连绵不断的。perplexed困惑的,混杂的。preserved得到保存的,受维护的,禁猎的。perished致伤的,疲惫不堪。
15.C 句意:厨房小且东西都归置在一起,因此这个残疾的女人可以毫不费力地够到任何东西。compact紧凑的,拥挤的。complex复杂的,合成的。complete完整的,完美的。composite集成的,复合的,拼凑成的。
16.C 句意:除铝外,锡和铜等有光泽的金属被磨细后会变成黑色的粉末。exception (同类中)例外的人(或事物),排除在外。reception欢迎会,接待。deception欺骗,幻觉。perception感性认识,了解,看法。
17.B 句意:加利福尼亚州人和新英格兰人讲同一种语言,遵守同样的联邦法。abide by遵守(法律、规则、协议、决定等)。conform遵照,符合(常与to或with连用)。sustain支撑,蒙受,证实。comply应允,同意(常与with连用)。
18.A 句意:从自身经验得出的理念有时比从书中得来的更有价值一些。derive获得,导出,推究出(常与from连用)。deprive免去…的职责,剥夺。retreat躲避,后退。restore恢复,重建,归还。
19.D 句意:如果你想确保有一个愉快的旅行,对东道国的风俗习惯了解的越多越好。ensure担保,确保。secure把…弄稳妥,使确实,促成。assure向…保证,使信服。
20.A 句意:50年来,他们一直能以比其他国家更低的价格生产和销售他们的产品,这使他们在世界贸易中占有相当大的优势。considerable相当大的,重要的。concrete具体的,实际的,坚固的。considerate考虑周到的,体谅的。conventional传统的,遵守公认准则的。
21.C 句意:海湾地区严重的石油泄漏事故使该地区的动植物处于危险之中。jeopardy危险。injeopardy处于危险中。destiny命运。amenity舒适,愉快,方便。tragedy悲剧,惨案。
22.C 句意:尽管他一再声称当晚他不在谋杀现场,他们就是不理他。affirmation宣称,断言。assumption假定,设想,自负。supposition假想,冒充,想法。confirmation证据,证实,证明。
23.A 句意:租约上明确地写着租金必须得在每月的20号之前用美元付清。explicit明晰的,明确的,不含糊的。implicit含蓄的,隐含的,绝对的。conspicuous显而易见的,显著的。distinctive特殊的,特有的,有差异的。
24.B 句意:当知道自己得了肺癌时,他处在极度忧虑和抑郁的状态中。contract沾染,感染(疾病等),使收缩。extract抽出,引用,榨出。abstract提取,提炼,摘录。attract引起…的注意,吸引。
25.D 句意:科技和发展的关系很复杂。有时候科技的消极作用要超过其积极作用。outweigh在价值(或重要性、影响等)方面超过。withdraw缩回,撤回,使退出。discharge卸货,免…的职。maximize使增加(或扩大)到最大限度,充分利用。
26.D 句意:你知道吗,蚕豆中有一种毒素,只有在食用之前高温蒸煮处理才能将其消除。toxin毒素,毒质。flake小薄片;火花。aroma浓香,香气。ether乙醚,醚。
27.A 句意:医生告知病人这种药药性很强且会有令人厌恶的副作用。potent (药、酒等)有效力的,有效验的,烈性的。efficient有效的,有能力的,能干的。intricate错综复杂的,精心制作的。fragile易碎的,无价值的。
28.A 句意:这种蜘蛛的表皮产生的毒素相当厉害,能使鸟或猴子立即麻痹。lethal危害极大的,致命的。liable对…应负(法律)责任的,易于…的。tedious冗长乏味的,沉闷的,令人厌烦的。profound深奥的;完全的;谦恭的。
29.B 句意:过度耕作和长时期的土壤侵蚀已经降低了这个国家很多耕地的产量。fertility肥沃,多产。sufficiency充分,足够,自满。prosperity繁荣,幸福,成功。mobility移动性,流动性。
30.C 句意:由于廉价房严重短缺,市政府很为逼人的供房问题发愁。acute尖锐的,严重的,危急的。alien外国的,完全不同的。obscure不清楚的,偏僻的,灰暗的。elaborate精心设计的,精致的,详尽的。
31.D 句意:抛开职业而论,科学家在天性上不比其他任何人更诚实或更道德。但在他们的职业中,他们工作在一个极度重视诚信的竞技场上。premium非常珍贵;重视;奖金。conviction说服,确信,证明有罪。inference推论,推理,推断。caution小心,慎重,警示。
32.B 句意:她对我的作品进行了建设性的评论——我从她那儿学到了很多东西。constructive建设性的,积极的。autonomous自主的,自治的。fundamental基本的,最重要的,根本的。elementary基本成分的,根本的。
33.C 句意:你比任何人都要了解自己;除非你能完成它,否则不要接这项工程。implement完成,执行,使生效。complement补充,补全。compliment恭维,赞美。supplement补充…的不足,补编。
34.A 句意:这两家制药厂合作研制一种能缓解癌症晚期病人的痛苦的新药。alleviate减轻,使…缓和。confront对抗,面对。insatiate永不满足的,贪得无厌的。terminate终止,停止。
35.D 句意:麻醉剂是服用后能消除疼痛或使某些或所有的感觉,特别是触觉丧失或减弱功能的物质。administer服(药),用(药等),治疗,照料。divert转移,使得到消遣,滥用。enforce厉行,强迫,执行。exercise练习,运动,运用。
36.C 句意:许多人想赚尽可能多的钱因为他们认为钱可以给他们带来盛名和威望。prestige威望,声望。directory目录,工商名录,指南。morality道德,美德。monopoly垄断,专利。
37.A 句意:去年她在海边买了一套房子,这样她就可以随时沿海滩散步了。take a stroll散步,转悠。stride大步走,阔步行进,跨越。stretch延续,方向。strand线,绳,缕。
38.C 句意:这些河水的颜色和气味都显示了其污染的严重性,但很多人仍旧熟视无睹。manifest oneself使显现,使暴露。illustrate举例说明,作图解。demonstrate(用实例、标本、实验等)说明,证实。exemplify作为(或是)…的例证,举例说明。
39.D impulse冲动,突然的欲望。courtesy谦恭,殷勤,优待。routine日常事务,例行公事。bravery勇敢,炫耀。
40.A 句意:对某些人来说,人生最大的乐趣就在于呆在家里看电视或玩弄宠物。stroke抚摸,爱抚。desire期望,渴望,恳求。model做…模型,当模特展示服装。flatter向…谄媚,讨好。
Part II Reading Comprehension (30%)
Passage 1
41.A 第五段提到Asa star’s gases burn, they give off light and heat. But when the gas runs out,the star stops burning and begins to die.当一个星体上的气体燃烧时它们放出光和热量。但是当气体耗尽时,星体停止燃烧并开始死亡。所以选项A正确。第四段最后一句提到But stars do burn out and die after billions of years.因此选项C错误。选项B、D在文中没有提及。
42.D 第三段最后一句提到They’re the mysterious dead stars called black holes.最后一段最后一句提到... black holes—the great mystery of space,但这并不能说明黑洞是宇宙中最神秘的物体。所以D项陈述错误。第七段提到That’s how tightly this dead star, a black hole, is packed.即黑洞就是死亡了的星体。选项A陈述正确。该段还提到A black hole is so tightly packed that its gravity...That’s why you seenothing but blackness.即黑洞有重力作用且不能被人看到。所以B、C项陈述正确。
43.A 第三段提到That’sbecause they’re invisible. They’re the mysterious dead stars called blackholes.即黑洞是人所看不到的。C项是星体死亡的原因而不是死亡后所发生的事情。B项说法错误。
44.B 第七段提到Ablack hole is so tightly packed that its gravity sucks in everything—evenlight. The light from a black hole can never come back to your eyes. That’s whyyou see nothing but blackness.黑洞的物质结构排列如此紧密以至于它的重力能吸引任何东西,甚至是光。反射到黑洞上的光再也不可能返回到你的眼睛中了,这就是为什么除了漆黑一片你什么都看不到的原因。
45.C 文章开始时提到太阳、星星等是为了引出本文的主题——死亡了的星体,也就是黑洞。文章主要陈述了星体死亡的原因,死亡后的变化及其特征。
Passage 2
46.A 第一段第一句提到By far themost common difficulty in study is simple failure to get down to regularconcentrated work.原文中的common difficulty就是题干中的widespread problem。原文中的failure toget down to regular concentrated work与选项A“没有做到有条不紊地按计划完成繁重的学习工作”是同一意思。因此答案选A项。后三个选项的意思都是某些学生没有按计划完成学习任务,正是得过且过的学习态度的具体表现。而不是最普遍的根本问题。因此应该排除。
47.D 第三段提到There aremany who shy away from the self–discipline of a weekly timetable…选项D中的shrink from(退避,在…前面畏缩)意同shy away from(回避,退缩,羞于)。因此D选项是正确答案。其余三个选项的意思在文章中都未被提到过,应该排除。
48.D 第三段提到...andthe tough-minded school of workers usually look down upon the idea that goodwork can only be done spontaneously, under the influence of inspiration.意为:意志坚强的人通常都藐视这种观点:优秀的业绩只是在灵感的驱动下自发而得的。原文中的tough-minded意指题干中的strict views;spontaneously意指D选项中的freefrom external influence;inspiration意指D选项中的internalstimulus;under the influence of对应D选项中的promoted。换言之,D选项的内容就是原文意思的另一种表述。所以D选项是正确答案。
49.B 本段中asthe fit takes them与freedom相对应。freedom即行动自由,做什么事由自己决定,意思与B项接近。in the mood有心情,愿意。
50.C 本文主要讲自我约束对学习的重要性。作者列举了很多人对学习的态度,特别是那些否定学习需要自律的人的态度,作者的目的是要反驳他们,以此来强调自我约束的重要性。study plans是自我约束的一种表现方法。the difficulties of studying是缺乏自律造成的。
Passage 3
51.D 第一段,作者谈到每年商店因遭扒窃会损失HK$150 million,正是这些扒窃行为导致诚实的市民需要支付高价,选项D正确。
52.C 根据第二段可知,扒窃可分为三类:the professionals,the deliberate amateurs, and the people who cannot help themselves。第四段,作者详细介绍了第三类扒窃者,指出:他们的问题在于givesaway to a sudden temptation,he steals because he simply cannot stop himself“他们无法拒绝突然的诱惑,不能自抑而进行扒窃行为”,选项C正确。
53.B 第四段,作者指出那些“屈服于突然产生的诱惑而实施扒窃的人”is inall other respects an honest and law-abiding citizen“在其他任何方面都是诚实守法的公民”,他们要么是因为年老,要么因为健忘而simplyforget to pay。由此可判断,守法的公民也可能不付钱就拿走商品。
54. A 根据文中第二段professionals account foronly a small percentage of the total losses“只在扒窃损失中占了很小一部分”可判断选项A不正确。选项B对应第三段“they are dealt with severelyby the courts”;选项C对应第四段Contrary to what one wouldexpect, this kind of shop-lifter is rarely poor;选项D对应第二段professionalsdo not pose much of a problem。
55.C 最后一段,作者用了类比的手法:in aircraft hijacksituation,绝大部分乘客要承受极少数犯罪分子的行为带来的不便,而本文叙述的扒窃行为也使广大诚实消费者的利益遭到损害,两者具有共同点,因此列举劫机事件是为了证实the honest public has to pay higher prices。
Passage 4
56.D 文章第一段提出人们解释和理解世界的方法大体有三种:beliefs, pseudoscience, and science,即信念,伪科学和科学。接下来分三段分别分析解释了这三种方法,最后作了简单的总结。所以选项D可看作是文章的最佳标题。religion只是beliefs的一种,用来代替beliefs不够全面。选项A与选项B概括也不够全面。
57.B 第三段提到Inpseudoscience, people accept opinions as facts, or choose to believe certainfacts while intentionally ignoring others, resulting in a false understandingof things and events.在伪科学中,人们把观点当作事实来接受,或是有选择性地相信某些事实而故意忽视其他的,这就导致了对事情或事件的错误理解。所以选项B陈述正确。第四段最后一句提到在对科学的学习过程中我们学会了question facts and theories,因此C项错误。选项A、D说法过于绝对,不恰当。
58.D 第四段提到科学是the only method that requires constant testing of facts, beliefs andideas,科学是惟一要求不断地检验事实、信念和理论的方法,但这不代表科学要求我们不要接受任何的信念或理论。其余三个选项可分别在第四段找到相关的陈述。
59.C 第三段提到Manypeople follow pseudoscience because belief in magic or mysterious powers isentertaining.许多人相信伪科学是因为对于魔力和神秘的力量的信仰是很有趣的。由此可知C选项陈述正确,且D项陈述错误。中国气功(Qigong)本身是一种很好的健身运动,但如果说气功具有什么神奇的力量的话就把气功变成伪科学了。所以A项陈述错误。伪科学也是需要证据来claims to be scientific or is made to appear scientific的,只不过其证据或推理可能是错误的。
60.A 本段提到Astrologyhas millions of followers all around the world, not because it helps them dealwith the world in any better way, only because it is just fun. Astrology在世界上有数百万的追随者,这并不是因为它能用更好的方法帮助人们在世界上生存,而仅仅是因为它很有意思。选项B、C、D陈述的事物都是对现实和人们有帮助的,与该陈述不符,所以排除。astrology占星术,占星学。
Passage 5
61.D 第一段提到losingweight too fast can cause great health problems.节食减肥太急会造成严重的健康问题,但这不代表节食减肥就一定会造成严重的健康问题,所以D项说法错误。本段对节食的定义是:Dieting means change one’s eating habits to a healthier pattern,节食就是将人的饮食习惯改变的更加健康合理。因此节食不一定就意味着吃地少或是会减掉体重。B、C两项陈述正确。
62.B 第二段第一句提到Aerobic exercise is a moderate intensity workout...有氧运动是一种强度中等的workout,本段最后提到bicycling是有氧运动的一种,因此bicycling也是一种workout。weighttraining(举重练习)跟有氧运动和骑自行车同属于健身运动,四个选项中只有B项“节食”另类,所以答案选B项。workout健身,运动,锻炼。
63.A 第四段最后一句提到Do one to three exercises for each muscle groups,这与选项A中的陈述eachmajor group不相符。本段还提到在做strength-training的时候,Use weights which are as heavy as possible,因此B项陈述正确。第七段提到要塑造肌肉需要的特殊饮食,C项正确。第五段首句提到You should combine this with fast-paced aerobics activities,其中this指上一段提到的肌肉锻炼。所以D项陈述正确。
64.B 第六段首句提到As you build muscle, you may find that you gain weight in spite of allof your calorie-burning exercise. Don’t worry.这与A项陈述相符。由文章最后一句话可知C项说法正确。第四段首句提到For a proper body-shaping routine, you should plan threestrength-training sessions a week with weights.由此可知举重练习有助于塑身。因此D项陈述正确。B项在文中未提及。
65.D 用举重的方法做力量练习的最终目的体现在文章的最后一段中:While weight training will firm and shapeyour body...leading to improved health and a higher quality of life.
Passage 6
66.D 第一段在介绍Moon Walk时提到It’s a charming place,...a bandplayed on the walk as tourists and residents...strolled past. ...thepaddlewheeler Natchez sounded itswhistle,...那里是个迷人的地方,乐队在游客和居民散步经过的地方表演,不远处轮船响着代表将要远航的汽笛声。由此可看出Moon Walk给人的整体印象是令人愉快的。
67.B vie for为…竞争,争夺。compete for为…竞争。
68.A 第二段最后一句话提到The make sure that while private profitability ismaintained, the public’s needs are satisfied, too.这项规划要确保在维护个人利益的同时也要满足公共的利益。这就暗含了对码头区的改建要考虑到公共和个人双方的利益。因此选项A正确。
69.C 第四段提到二战后,随着交通运输科技的发展,改进的飞机与机场、州际高速公路、更大型的货车和火车货运以及集装箱运输等使许多传统码头设施废置不用,码头对城市人民的生活已不再重要,他们在许多老城市中闲置着,与普遍的城市衰败遥相呼应。下一段提到直到20世纪70年代后才开始有人对码头区的这种境况开始深思并着手复兴计划。
70.A 本文由新奥尔良的Moon Walk引出码头区改造的话题,然后介绍了复兴码头区需要各界合作,周密规划。接着讲述了码头区衰败的原因以及人们重新开始重视这片区域并实施改造计划。C、D两项在文中没有提及。
Part III Cloze (25%)
Section A (10%)
71.B 由常识和本文的整体描述可知交通运输是当今大城市面临的诸多严重问题中的主要困难。
72.A mass transport公共交通运输;与下一句的private cars相对应。
73.D move about走来走去,活动。
74.A set up提供,制定,建立。make up制造;起草;化妆。take up着手;拿起;占去。build up逐步建设;增强;阻塞。
75.C on the surface(在地面上)与under the ground相对应。
76.B 由forexample可知本句提到纽约和东京是在举例子,所以用as。
77.D combination结合,联合。cooperation合作,协作。imitation模仿,效仿。separation分离,缺口。
78.B decline衰退,衰落。decrease指数量上的减少,力量或者强度的减弱。reduction指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低。release解除(痛苦等),消除(紧张情绪等)。
79.C with表伴随。
80.A 市中心越来越贫穷,犯罪率上升和暴力现象增多与有钱人离开市中心是相伴发生的动作。二者不存在因果或递进关系。while和…同时。
81.A 本段描述的是逆城市化现象。逆城市化现象就是有钱人住在郊区,穷人住在市中心。这从本段最后一句中也可以看出来。最后一句中的center与hearts相对应,theoutskirts of the city与空格处的词相对应,outskirt市郊,郊区。
82.C when引导定语从句。
83.A 与outskirt相搭配的介词是on。
84.A 句意:生态问题随之发生,工厂和汽车废气污染空气,树木被砍伐以修建高速公路,拥挤的情况导致垃圾在街道上堆积。arise作不及物动词可表示“(事物、局面等)形成,发生,出现。”rise表“(事件)发生,(数量,程度)增加。”arouse醒来,发奋,激动。raise上升,升高,升起。
85.D make way for为···腾出地方,为···让路。
86.C accumulate积累,聚积,堆成堆。compose创作,构图,构成。present举向,面向,举枪瞄准。dispose处理事务,处置。
87.B 句意:控制人口数量或在首都以外的地方提供有吸引力的工作岗位会有助于控制大城市的规模。provinces首都以外的地方。attractive有吸引力的,有魅力的。potential可能的,潜在的。competitive好竞争的,竞争性的。secure稳固的,可靠的,无忧虑的。
88.C a variety of种种,若干不同的,固定搭配。variety多样性,种类。various多种多样的。variable多变的,变化无常的。varying不同的。
89.A 句意:其他人认为不可以控制城市的大小,这些问题可以通过多种不同的方法解决——建造绿化带,为每个人建造适用的房子,消除工厂污染,淘汰机动车运输等等。decent适用的,相当好的。fundamental根本性的,最初的,最重要的。delicate精致的,纤巧的。eternal永久的,永恒的。
90.D eliminate淘汰,除去。forbid不许,禁止。reform改良,改革。
Section B (15 %)
1.make make it 做到,获得成功,办成。
2.traditional 本文主要介绍e-Education网络教育,与e-Education这一新事物相比,现存的大学都属于traditional一类。
3.democracy 因特网为教育带来了民主,即因特网为每个人带来了平等享受教育的权利。 下一句提到你可以在在潜水艇上为国家服役的同时攻读学士学位。也就是说,有了网络,教育可以不受空间的限制。
5. biggest 本段提到Thereal bottleneck is cultural.真正的瓶颈在于文化,而不是科技(It isn’t technology.)即本段在寻找在线学习最大的障碍。
6.overcome 需要克服的是人们对在线学习这种新思想的抵制。
7.(had) anticipated 1999年3月对Jones International University的资格认证对全世界都是一个震惊。“a shot”暗示了没有人预料到一个纯粹的网络大学会得到资格认证。 本文主题是新事物在线教育,在线教育即是在在线环境下授课。
9.access have access to可以到达,可以使用,有接触(或进入、使用)的机会(或权利)。
10.offered 在线教育的一个简单定义是通过网络提供的课程。
11.motivation 对参加在线课程的学生的最低要求是能有电脑和网络资源以及能在非传统教室中成功学习的动力。
12.revolutionized 本段提到不像传统教育中的教师与学生定期面对面地授课,大部分在线课程的教学活动或交流是师生不同步的。即在线学习系统革新了人们上课的方式。
13.different asynchronous不同时的,时间不同的。
14.flexibility 在线课程的教与学不同步的特点使得学员能够在自己最方便的时候上课以及做功课,这就具有极大的自由性和灵活性。
15.regular 由上文的分析以及对12题和14题的解析可知在线教育没有定期的课堂授课。
Part IV Writing (25%)
Learn to Turn Copying toSelf-learning
Nowadays, “cut and paste”information from the Internet is a habitual practice used by the students whenthey do their assignments. This “convenient” method saves the students a lot oftime at the cost of wasting the teachers’ efforts of designing the assignmentsand learning nothing or little from the assignments. So measures must be takento stop this trend.
To solve the problem, firstly the principalof such behavior—the students, should be educated. They need to know that theirprimary task is to learn but not to muddle through teachers and assignments.They should realize the very truth of muddling through is fooling theythemselves but not anybody else. A further consequence might be the developingof a habit of muddling with any work or responsibility they should take in thefuture. Next, the teachers should assign works according to the students’interests. Many students copy information from the Internet just because theyhave no interest at all in the assignments and have nothing to say or reflectupon. If the assignment is after students’ heart, they would do the most workfor it and hence learn the most. Then come the rules. In my opinion, theteacher and school should intensify the punishment for copying information fromthe Internet as a shortcut of dealing with assignments. Once such behavior iscaught, the student would not be ready to accept the result. When they feel thepain of “a single slip can cause a lasting sorrow” they would look before leapthe next time.
No denying the Internet is aconvenient source of information and it’s much more efficient to getinformation on line than referring to books. However, the point is how we useit. Cut and paste is absolutely not the way. If we collect information, sort itout and then reorganize it, we are turning copying to self-learning andimproving ourselves.

The, A., D., C.
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