Ethical leadership
Ethical leadership was measured using Brown et al’s (2005) ethical leadership scale (10 items). Using a 7-point Likert-type scale (1=trongly disagree, 7=trongly agree), respondents indicated the extent to which they agreed with statements about their leader such as “my supervisor. . .defines success not just be the results but also by the way they are obtained” and “disciplines employees who violate ethical standards”(a=0.94).
Power distance orientation.
assessed power distance orientation with an eight-item individual- level measure taken from Earley and Erez (1997).
PJC is a shared group-level perception describing the context in which the group operates. Thus, a unit-level reference was considered more appropriate than a self reference (Kozlowski & Klein, 2000). A referent-shift consensus composition approach (Chan, 1998) has been recommended as most appropriate for assessing PJC (Liao & Rupp, 2005). To accomplish this, we modified Moorman’s (1991) seven individual procedural justice items to reflect a group reference ( .89). Two sample items were “As a whole, the people in my work group feel that in this organization . . . consistent rules and procedures are used to make decisions about things that affect our group” and “We’re given the opportunity to appeal or challenge the decisions that have already been made.” The PJC score was the mean of group members’ responses on the seven procedural justice items.
Perceptions of organizational justice will be measured by Moorman (1991) and Niehoff and Moorman (1993) scales of procedural justice and distributive justice.
Task performance
Williams and Anderson (1991) in-role job performance seven-item supervisor rating scale was used to measure task performance. This scale assessed how well employees perform activities specified in job description. Supervisors will respond to each item on a seven-point scale ranging from 1 (does not apply at all to the person I am rating) to 7 (applies very well to the person I am rating). Williams and Anderson (1991) reported Cronbach’s a of .83 for this scale. High scores indicated high levels of task performance. A reliability estimate above .70 was found for the task performance measure in the current study.
对其进行变化,将the person化为the team。