本帖最后由 考研1号编辑部 于 2013-11-6 16:05 编辑
北逗七星 发表于 2013-11-2 21:39 ![]()
As is dipicted in the drawing above,an unfold letter which comes from a son to his father reads o ...
写作原文 As is dipicted(depicted)in the drawing above, an unfold(改为unfolded,unfold是动词) letter which comes from a son to his father reads only one word, money. The envelope under the letter implys(implies)that the son is a colledge(college)boy. (第一段点评:文章开篇描述图画内容,虽然用字较少,但包含图画所有信息,简明扼要且语言流畅。)
The drawing vividly shows us avery common social phenomenon, the "NEETgroup"(前面说的是现象,而后面却是“群体”,逻辑不通。改为 that the NEET group is becoming increasingly larger than before nowadays 或者that there emerge a group of people called NEET with the development of the society更为合理). With a require of the high academic background(注意冠词的使用以及词语的词性,改为With the requirement of high academic background), more and more graduates from colledge (colleges)are facing a severe job hunting problem ,as a result, they lost(时态前后不一致,改为lose) their job or don't even have a chance to take one, and then they turn back to their parents, who's (前面主语parents为复数,为了保持主谓一致改为who are)getting old and, more or less, can't make enough money to afford all necessary expense of the family, to ask for money. (最后一句太长,可组织为:With the requirement of high academic background and abilities, an ever-increasing group of college students are facing a“grave” employment situation, which leads to them being disappointed and frustrated in hunting jobs. As a result, quite a few graduates are prone to seek help from their helpless parents who are unable to make enough money to afford all the necessities of the family as time goes by.) (第二段点评:本段从分析现象原因的角度入手,来展开文章内容。不足之处在于,作者只提及一个客观原因——就业形势难,缺少其他角度(比如学生自身以及家长的心理)的论述,因此文章的内容不够充实。)
As a colledge (college) student, I think it's (代词使用有误,改为we are) old enough to make money or at least spear (spare) no effort to do something we can to help reducing(help后面加do或者to do,改为reduce)a burden of the family, meanwhile, parents should try their best not giving(try to do为“尽力做……”,try doing为“尝试”,前面用了try their best,可知作者想表达“尽力”之意,因此改为give) money to their kids all the time. Onlyin this way can they learn how to grow up and take responsibilities.(第一句太长,且刚开始指代学生用“we”,指代家长用“their”,后来又指代学生为“they”,代词前后指代不一致。可表述为:As a college student, I think we are old as well as capable enough to earn money, thus we should spare no effort to share the burden of family expenses. Meanwhile, parents should try their best to let go of their children who may surprise them with independence in the end. Only in these ways , can we college students truly grow up and take responsibilities.) (第三段点评:作者在文章的最后一段列出了建议和措施。需要注意的是,在文章的第二段,作者提出造成现象的原因是客观的就业形势,但是在第三段列举建议时却是从学生和家长的角度进行分析,前后的逻辑不严谨。按照“发现问题——分析原因——根据原因有针对地进行解决”这一思路,文章在最后提出建议时应该根据原因有的放矢地提出解决方法。) 总体点评 作者的行文思路以及谋篇能力都没有什么问题。需注意: 1. 文章只有161个字,虽然达到了考研英语一的要求(160—200),但是较悬,文章的字数控制在180—210之间较好。 2. 作者喜欢写长句(“一逗到底”),但句子不是越长越好,而应该长短错落有致。 3. 文章有语法错误:词语词性使用错误,动词单三形式的特殊变化有误,时态前后不一致,主谓不一致,代词前后指代不一致以及其他细节语法错误。 4. 文章有好几处单词拼写错误。 5. 文章一些地方逻辑不是很严谨。 因此,作者应该注意文章前后内容的逻辑,复习与巩固相关的语法知识,加强单词记忆且着重关注词语的词性,并注意断句。此外,写作时应该细心,写完后多加检查,避免不必要的失误。只要有付出就一定会有收获,加油,祝你考研成功! 参考分数(满分20分):10 考研1号编辑部 2013年 11月6日