本帖最后由 明矾waitac 于 14-10-26 18:22 编辑
楼上的楼上的楼上们…你们就是群禽兽啊…T.T怎么都写那么快… 要不要给我们这群作文渣留点活路…信不信我分分钟死给你们看(/ω\)…
“To persevere or not to persevere,that's a question.”Just as the handicapped man in the cartoon who is climbing a mountain,with sweat pouring down his forehead,may be wondering,and it still has a long distance to the top of the mountain. The picture wants to remind us that perseverance is the key element to get success.Life is a long period,in which we will encounter too many frustrations,setbacks and obstacles.The only thing we can do at that time is to persist.No accomplishment can be achieved in a short time.When we want to give up,take one more step,then we wil find that success comes closer.Too often we underestimate the power of perseverance,but it is not,it is necessary to achieve success,whether for an individual or an organization. A good exemplification that echoes this spirit coming to my mind is Helen Keller,a deaf and mute American girl,who spent her whole life persisting in her dream.It is not surprising that she finally becomes a famous writer.She proves that the power of individual perseverance can be transformed into great accomplishment.In short,success comes to anyone who keeps working perseveringly.