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1. 作物根际生物学及其分子生态机制研究

2. 作物化感作用与分子生态学研究

3. 作物逆境生理与分子生态学研究

4. 作物高产生理与分子生态学研究

团队带头人:林文雄,男,1957年5月生,现任福建农林大学党委常委、副校长、教授、博士生导师。1982年本科毕业于福建农学院农学专业,1989年获福建农业大学作物栽培学与耕作学专业硕士学位,1995年获福建农林大学作物遗传与育种学专业博士学位。1993年和1997年分别以访问学者和博士后身份赴韩国庆北大学农学院开展研修工作,2007年作为高级访问学者赴美国UCLA开展合作研究。历任福建农业大学农学系副主任(主持)、科研处处长、生命科学学院院长等职务,2008年9月任福建农林大学党委常委、副校长。系“国家百千万人才工程”第一、二层次人选,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家,教育部高等学校优秀青年骨干教师,国家科学技术/发明奖评审专家,教育部植物生产类专业教学指导委员会委员、园艺(含茶学)类教学指导分委员会副主任委员,福建省科技创新领军人才,福建省作物生态与分子生理科技创新团队和生态学优秀教学团队带头人,福建省优秀教师,第五届福建省教学名师,福建农林大学生态学、作物栽培学与耕作学学科(术)带头人,生态学国家精品课程共享课主持人,生态文明公开课主持人;兼任亚洲化感作用学会理事、中国生态学会常务理事、中国生态学会农业生态专业委员会主任委员、化学生态专业委员会委员、中国作物学会栽培委员会水稻学组副组长(曾任)、中国植保学会化感作用委员会副主任委员(曾任)、Journalof Integrated Omics 亚洲区副主编、教育部科技论文在线“生态学”和“作物学”方向专家、《PLoSONE》学术编辑、《Journal of IntegrativeAgriculture》、《中国生态农业学报》编委、第4届《应用生态学报》编委、《生态学报》编委、《作物学报》编委、《生态学杂志》编委(曾任)、《中国农学通报》副主编、《福建农林大学学报》副主编、《福建林学院学报》编委、第2届全国农学名词审定委员会委员等。
1. Changxun Fang, Yingzhe Li, ChengxunLi, Biliang Li, Yongjie Ren, Haiping Zheng, Xiaomei Zeng, Lihua Shen&Wenxiong Lin. Identification and comparative analysis of microRNAs inbarnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli ) in response to rice allelopathy.Plant, Cell and Environment (2015) doi:10.1111/pce.12492
2.Yongpo Zhao, Linkun Wu, Leixia Chu, Yanqiu Yang, Zhenfang Li, Saadia Azeem,Zhixing Zhang, Changxun Fang & Wenxiong Lin.Interaction of Pseudostellariaheterophylla with Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. heterophylla mediated by its rootexudates in a consecutive monoculture system. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 2015, 5 : 8197| DOI: 10.1038/srep08197
3.Lin XM, KanLQ Hui L, Peng XX. Downregulation of multiple metabolic pathways is requiredfor Escherichia coli in response to chlortetracycline Stress. MolecularBioSystems, 2014, 10, 901-908.
4.Lin XM, Hui L, Wang C, Peng XX. Decrease of LamB and Odp1 complex is crucialfor antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli. Journal of Proteomics.2014, 98,244-253
5.ZhixingZhang, Hong Zhao, Jun Tang, Zhong Li, Zhou Li, Dongmei Chen, WenxiongLin(Corresponding Author). A Proteomic Study on Molecular Mechanism of PoorGrain-Filling of Rice (Oryza sativaL.) Inferior Spikelets. PLoS ONE,2014,9(2):e89140
6. Changxun Fang ,Tiecheng Xu ,Changliang Ye ,Likun Huang ,Qingshui Wang,Wenxiong Lin(Corresponding Author). Method for RNA extraction and cDNA libraryconstruction from microbes in crop rhizosphere soil. World JMicrobiolBiotechnol, 2014,30(2):783-9.
7. Ruiyu Lin and Chengci Chen.Tillage, Crop Rotation, and Nitrogen ManagementStrategies for Wheat in Central Montana.Agronomy Journal, 2014,106(2):1-11
8.Xinyu Zheng, Shan Chen, Qinglu Li, Ruiyu Lin, Wenxiong Lin. Determination ofPhenolic Acids in Root Exudates of Allelopathic Rice by Solid PhaseExtraction-Ion Chromatography with Conductivity Detection. Analytical Letters,2014,47:13, 2156-2164
9.Muhammad Azam Khan, Jun Chen, Qisong Li, Weiling Zhang, Linkun Wu, Zhenfang Li,Wenxiong lin. Effect of interspecific root interaction on soil nutrition,enzymatic activity and rhizosphere biology in maize/peanut intercroppingsystem. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 2014,51(2), 1-12;
10.Sheng Lin, Ting Chen, Xianjin Qin, Hongmiao Wu, Muhammad Azam Khan and WenxiongLin.identification of microrna families expressed in sugarcane leaves subjectedto drought stress and the targets thereof. Pak. J. Agri. Sci., 2014,51(4),925-934
11.Lin S, Huangpu JJ, Chen T, Wu LK, Zhang ZY, Lin WX. Effects of differentcropping patterns on the physiology and quality of Pseudostellariaeheterophylla. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology, 2014, 16(5):981-985
12.S.LIN, J.J. HUANGPU, T. CHEN, Z.Y. ZHANG and W.X. LIN (Corresponding Author). Allelopathicpotential and identification of allelochemicals inPseudostellariaeheterophyllarhizosphere soil in different crop rotations.Allelopathy Journal 2014,33 (2): 151-162
13. Lin WX(Corresponding Author). Wu LK, Lin S, Zhang AJ, Zhou MM, Lin R, WangHB, Chen J, Zhang ZX, Lin RY. Metaproteomic analysis of ratoon sugarcanerhizospheric soil. BMC Micro-biology, 2013, 13:135.doi:10.1186/1471-2180-13-135
14. Wu LK, Li ZF, Li J, Khan MA, Huang WM, Zhang ZY, Lin WX (CorrespondingAuthor). Assessment of shifts in microbial community structure and catabolicdiversity in response to Rehmanniaglutinosa monoculture. Applied Soil Ecology,2013, 67:1-9.
15. Zheng XY, Zhou XC, Ji XY, Lin RY, Lin WX (Corresponding Author).Simultaneous determination of ascorbic acid, dopamine and uric acid usingpoly(4-aminobutyric acid) modified glassy carbon electrode. Sensors andActuators B: Chemical, 2013, 178: 359–365
16. Fang CX, Zhuang YE, Xu TC, Li YZ, Li Y, Lin WX (Corresponding Author).Changes in rice allelopathy and rhizospheremicroflora by inhibiting ricephenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene expression. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2013,39(2), DOI: 10.1007/s10886-013-0249-4
17.Lin XM, Cook TJ, Zabetian CP, Leverenz JB, Peskind ER, Hu SC, Cain KC, Pan C,Edgar JS, Goodlett DR, Racette BA, Checkoway H, Montine TJ, Shi M, Zhang J.DJ-1 isoforms in whole blood as potential biomarkers of Parkinson disease.Scientific Reports.2012, 954, e1-10.
18.Lin XM, Wang C, Guo C, Tian Y, Li H, Peng XX. Differential regulation of OmpCand OmpF by AtpB in Escherichia coli exposed to nalidixic acid andchlortetracycline. Journal of Proteomics. 2012, 18, 5898-5910.
19. He HB, Wang HB, Fang CX, Lin ZH, Yu ZM, Lin WX(Corresponding Author).Separation of allelopathy from resource competition using rice/barnyardgrassmixed-cultures. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7: e37201. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037201
20. Li ZF, Yang YQ, Xie DF, Zhu LF, Zhang ZG, Lin WX(Corresponding Author).Identification of Autotoxic Compounds in Fibrous Roots of Rehmannia(RehmanniaglutinosaLibosch.). PLoS ONE, 2012, 7: e28806.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0028806
21. He HB, Wang HB, Fang CX, Wu HW, Guo XK, Liu CH, Lin ZH, Lin WX(Corresponding Author). Barnyard grass stress up regulates the biosynthesis ofphenolic compounds in allelopathic rice. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2012,169:1747-1753
22. Zhang ZX, Chen J, Lin SS, Li Z, Cheng RH, Fang CX, Chen HF, LinWX(Corresponding Author). Proteomic and phosphoproteomic determination of ABA's effects ongrain-filling of Oryza sativa L. inferior spikelets. Plant Science, 2012,185-186:259-273
23. Zheng XY, Lin RY, Zhou XC , Zhang LL, Lin WX(Corresponding Author).Electrochemical sensor of 4-aminobutyric acid based on molecularly imprintedelectropolymer. Analytical Methods, 2012, 4:482-487.
24.Zhang ZX, Chen J, Li Z, Chen HF, Fang CX, Huang JW, Lin WX(CorrespondingAuthor). Differential proteomic expressions between superior and inferiorspikelets of rice in response to varied nitrogen treatments. Australian Journalof Crop Science, 2012, 6:316-325
25. Wang HB, Zhang ZX, Li H, He HB, Fang CX, Zhang AJ, Li QS, Chen RS, Guo XK,Lin HF, Wu LK, Lin S, Chen T, Lin RY, Peng XX, Lin WX(Corresponding Author).Characterization of metaproteomics in crop rhizospheric soil. Journal ofProteome Research, 2011, 10:932-940
26. Wu LK, Wang HB, Zhang ZX, Lin RY, Zhang ZY, Lin WX(Corresponding Author).Comparative metaproteomic analysis on consecutively.Rehmanniaglutinosa-monoculturedrhizosphere soil. PLoS ONE, 2011, 6: e20611.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0020611
27. Huang BF, Lin WX(Corresponding Author), Cheung PC, Wu JZ. Differentialproteomic analysis of temperature-induced autolysis in mycelium of Pleurotustuber-regium. Current Microbiology, 2011, 62: 1160-1167
28. Li ZF, Zhang, ZG, Xie DF, Dai LQ, Zhu LF, Li J, Liu ZQ, Yang YQ, Wu LK,Huang MJ, Zhang ZY, Lin WX(Corresponding Author). Positive allelopathicstimulation and underlying molecular mechanism of achyranthe under continuousmonoculture. ActaPhysiologiaePlantarum, 2011, 33: 2339-2347
29. Fang CX, Wang QS, Yu Y, Li QM, Zhang HL, Wu XC, Chen T, LinWX(Corresponding Author). Suppression and overexpression of Lsi1 inducedifferential gene expression in rice under ultraviolet radiation. Plant GrowthRegulation, 2011, 65:1-10
30. Wu XC, Fang CX, Chen JY, Wang QS, Chen T, Lin WX (Corresponding Author),Huang ZL. A Proteomic analysis of leaf responses to enhanced ultraviolet-Bradiation in two rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars differing in UV sensitivity.Journal of Plant Biology, 2011,54 : 251-261
31. He HB, Wang HB, Lin ZH, Chen RS, Liu CH, Wu HW, Lin WX (CorrespondingAuthor). Herbicidal effects of mixture of oxygenic terpenoids on paddy weeds.Allelopathy Journal, 2011, 27:133-142
32. Lin RY, Wang HB, Guo XK, Ye CY, He HB, Zhou Y, Lin WX (CorrespondingAuthor). Impact of applied phenolic acids on the microbes, enzymes andavailable nutrients in paddy soils. Allelopathy Journal, 2011, 28:225-236
33. Yang YH, Chen DM, Ji Y, Wen HJ, Wang HB, Duan YQ, You CH, Guo XK, He HB,Lin WX(Corresponding Author). Effects of potassium application on functionaldiversities of microbes in rhizospheric soil of continuous cropped tobacco.Allelopathy Journal. 2011, 27 (2): 185-192
34.Lin XM, Yang JN, Peng XX, Li H. A novel negative regulation mechanism ofbacterial outer membrane proteins in response to antibiotic resistance.JProteome Res, 2010, 9, 5952– 5959
35. Fang CX, He HB, Wang QS, Qiu L, Wang HB, Zhuang YE, Xiong J, LinWX(Corresponding Author). Genomic analysis of allelopathic response to lownitrogen and barnyardgrass competition in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant GrowthRegulation, 2010, 61: 277–286
36. Wang HB, He HB, Yang GD, Ye CY, Niu BH, Lin WX (Corresponding Author).Effects of two species of inorganic arsenic on the nutrient physiology of riceseedlings. ActaPhysiologiaePlantarum, 2010, 32: 245–251
37. Wang HB, He HB, Ye CY, Lu JC, Chen RS, Liu CH, Guo XK, Lin WX(Corresponding Author). Molecular physiological mechanism of increased weedsuppression ability of allelopathic rice mediated by low phosphorus stress.Allelopathy Journal, 2010, 25: 239-248
38. He H B, Wang H B, Wu H W, Guo X K, Liu C H, Chen R S, Lin WX (CorrespondingAuthor). Effects of allelopathic rice on barnyard grass stress: I. Morphologicaland physiological responses. Allelopathy Journal, 2010, 26:185-196

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