例如,没有付出,就没有收获。只是短短的一句,NO pain,no gain。而不会加上if you don't 付出,there is no gain 之类的话。当然,我自己翻译的也不是很到位。
第四句不能说我们弄错了,你仔细看一下原句,如果说The growing interest of consumers in the safety and nutritional quality of the typical North American Diet is a Welcome development。这句话里,consumers 后面的 of从句跟的是the typical North American Diet ,请注意这里的最后一词是北美饮食而不是北美,并且这句OF 从句是用来修饰前面的食品安全和营养品质的。所以我们这样翻译也不能说弄错了,当然结合全文的意思这些消费者当然是属于北美了,所以参考答案才会说北美的消费者。
What if, for instance, instead of receiving primarily technical training and building their individal careers, university students and professors could focus their learning and research efforts on existing problems in their local commmunities and the world?